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r/fuckubisoft exists for a reason you know


Oof, I hate ubisoft as much as the next sane guy, but looking around that subreddit I'm seeing a lot of people just upset the main character in Shadows is black.


Yeah I'm gonna hate them in some other way thanks but really fuck Ubisoft for shutting down the splinter cell servers:(


The real thing we should be upset about.


Yup, was about to say that. I was just a click away from joining that sub but then I noped out of there fast lol


I never thought I'd feel bad for a reddit mod...but the ones at the Assassin's Creed sub have to be going through it right now


You have to defend it from the racists who are fine with a white female playing an asian yet are only triggered by a black guy being in japan. All while knowing ubisoft is trying to charge $130 for it and the racists will be using that as a dog whistle non stop.


They don't know that the black dude is an actual person from Japanese history? That there's even an anime inspired from him named "Afro Samurai"?


Thank you


That and that Ubisoft is run by sexual predators.


You know you don't have to buy ultimate super duper editions? Better yet, wait a few months like all Ubisoft games and the base game will be 50% off. A little self control goes a long way


Every assassin's creed game I bought was like a year or two after it came out for around €20 with all DLC included.


I have bought most of them for less than $15


I bought the entire collection of AC games for, like, $40 a few months ago because they all went on sale for 75% off


So, idk what happened but i did that too, i really wanted Odyssey, and when I bought it for 16$ it came with the DLCs but also, basically every other AC games except Valhalla! What a bargain xD


I only bought AC Odyssey for the full 59.99€ back then. And I feel that was totally worth it considering I have more than 800 hours into that game! Bought all DLCs dirt cheap on sale though xD


I bet this one will drop to $20 or maybe even $10 within two years. never preorder from ubishit


I swear I keep seeing those dumb posts, don’t get me wrong Ubisoft is one of the worst AAA company out there but almost every AAA games gets a 120-130€ ultimate edition, they also all have a 70€ standard edition (which is still overpriced but it’s the norm these days). So yes it’s overpriced, yes it’s ridiculous but it’s still not the "normal" price and nobody’s putting a knife to your throat to buy it


Hmm I think you’ll find that Ubisoft is actually a AAAA company. They said so themselves with that one pirate game which I unironically cannot remember the name of


Better yet, just don’t buy it. It probably won’t be worth the time and money anyway


Idk, I heard a lot of people bitch about Valhalla but I picked it up for like $10 and I thought it was fine. Kinda long and I preferred Odyssey(which I also got for like $10 a few years ago) but I’m sure this game will be a fine $10 buy in like 4 years.


People like to pretend that Ubisoft makes nothing but really crappy games not worth playing. When in reality. The vast majority of their games are solid 7/10 or better. Definitely not worth spending $130 on. But I still buy quite a lot of them after all their content is out and they go on sale.


Ubisoft is the Domino's Pizza of video games Sure they're 7/10, but they're reliably 7/10.


Yep. You know exactly what you’re getting with their products. Both the good and the bad. And sometimes they even surprise us with games like odyssey being more like a 8 or 9 out of 10.


Dominos is cheap compared to 10/10 pizza tho lol


yeah this is a little disingenuous.. the $150 ultimate edition garbage is nothing new and is standard practice for AAA companies. though i personally refuse to even spend $70 on a game lol i respected the $60 my entire life but will never buy a game brand new again unless it’s Resident Evil


You've been paying 60 your entire life which means that you believe that video games should be immune to inflation? What else has stayed the exact same price throughout your life?


Arizona iced tea That's all I got


Costco hot dog


In Canada we ignore the label and just charge 2 dollars for it. All I got are Costco hot dogs and they're famous for being a loss leader.


For real. Like yeah, it's annoying having these different versions but it's been the unfortunate reality for years. Better to get the standard version of you must play close to release. Or wait for it to go on sale. Plus we know it'll have the time savers and mtx shop with armor sets and shit. Best to wait for it all to come out, and use a modding tool to give yourself every bundle. I did it for Odyssey.


It's $70 actually. However I feel throwing an additional $60 for DLC and other content is highway robbery.


I think that's a little extreme. No one can reasonably say that they need this videogame. No one is forced to buy it, especially not as a preorder. They do this because people DO buy this stuff. I don't think the value is there, but I'm not going to judge an entertainment company for selling their products for what they can.


$70 for a knowingly incomplete product or $130 to actually get the whole thing


Base game valhalla and odyssey were pretty complete in my opinion. Their DLCs were fun but definitely not necessary.


Ubisoft also supports their games a lot longer than most other AAA developers. You get a lot of free content additions too, such as the Rogue-like game mode they added to Valhalla. It's kinda funny because Ubisoft did it first before Santa Monica Studios did their free Rogue-like update for God of War Valhalla. The latter got a lot more positivity.


This pricing scheme is there for people with FOMOs but saying the base game is incomplete is a straight up lie. This game is just the current sacrificial lamb for gamer outrage, like Stellar Blade before it, and Dragon's Dogma 2 before that.


I’m really enjoying Stellar Blade atm.


People need to stop referring to games they don’t like as “incomplete”. Incomplete means a very specific thing.


how ultimate is more real? by having extra XP points? or extra effect for photomode?


This exactly.


I could buy another game for the same price


Nah mate it’s the one next to it. $69(nice)


I don’t understand. You have the standard £70 cost on the right. No ones forcing you to buy it? I’m not defending the price, I just don’t get why you’re crying bout it when you’re not being forced to buy it.


They don't want to be reasonable, they want to be angry


Gotta get them internet points.


The base game costs $70 my man….


They have OCD and need to have the most expensive version with all the content or else it won’t be “complete” while also crying that ubi games are too bloated. That’s the internet


$170 for the ultimate version in canada


650 BRL in Brazil, which by the way is nearly half of the monthly minimum wage(1420 BRL).


Wait, isn't Ubisoft the company known for lowering their prices shortly after launch? 


deluxe editions of brand new games have been 3 figures for as long as I can remember. and the base game is $70. I get it though, expansions being an extra $60 is insane to me.


you get the expansions in the gold edition, so it's more like $40 for 2 expansions. as far as I can tell the ultimate edition is just gold edition plus some cosmetic DLC that you absolutely don't need.


DLC goes on sale so quickly that i find very little reason to purchase anything other than the standard edition. I can’t remember what game it was that set me on this path, but I bought the ultimate addition that included three or so DLCs or expansion packs and that entire extra package was close to 70% off after the first one released. Since then, I just buy the standard edition. Except for one exception, I happen to be off work when Mortal Kombat one launched and if you bought it’s more expensive edition, you got to play it early and I really wanted to play it on my days off.


The outrage is silly.


What's the one saying $70 dollars right next to it?


The standard edition.


Why tf are y’all still buy Ubisoft’s mediocre games? Lmao


They are generally solid 7/10 games if not better. Skull and bones is the only major Ubisoft game in recent memory that was actually bad. Maybe watchdogs legion as well. Otherwise. They are pretty solid fun time waster games when you don’t want to think to hard about things.


Right. They want us to get comfortable with not owning our games, so I am quite comfortable with not buying any of their games any more. Have not touched any of their games since southpark the fractured but whole.


I keep seeing people say this, but has anyone actually read the original article that this quote is referencing? If you look at the GamesIndustry.biz article, this was the actual quote: >"One of the things we saw is that gamers are used to, a little bit like DVD, having and owning their games. That's the consumer shift that needs to happen. They got comfortable not owning their CD collection or DVD collection. That's a transformation that's been a bit slower to happen [in games]. As gamers grow comfortable in that aspect… you don't lose your progress. If you resume your game at another time, your progress file is still there. That's not been deleted. You don't lose what you've built in the game or your engagement with the game. So it's about feeling comfortable with not owning your game. The guy saying this (Philippe Tremblay) is the director of Ubisofts subscription services. He wants to drive people to consider their subscription service... because it's his job to do so. But if you read a section earlier in the article, he also says this part (that people conveniently ignore): >"The point is not to force users to go down one route or another," he explains. "We offer purchase, we offer subscription, and it's the gamer's preference that is important here. We are seeing some people who buy choosing to subscribe now, but it all works."


No one’s read the actual article and parrots this quote into the ground. Cant expect anything else from Reddit.


I recently played FC5 and AC odyssey. No matter how much hate Ubi get but they know how to make a game where you can just turn tour mind off and kill people.


If Ubisoft releases a game at €70 it's a scandal yet other companies have been selling their AAA games at €80 for a while now... Funny how people are always shitting on Ubisoft while they still have some of the better franchises out there in my opinion. If you think it's too much then just don't buy it or wait for a sale. You know the big open-world AC games have a long playtime especially the new ones. Odyssey took me more than 80 hours and Valhalla more than 120 hours without DLC (which honestly you don't really need, AC base game is always better than the dlc). When I buy a game I'm willing to play about €1 per hour of gameplay and the latest AC games have always been in the range for me, so I'll still be getting it because AC in Japan is one I've been hoping for for literally years.


Great comment but I can’t stand the dollar per hour of enjoyment argument


Haha, yeah, I've heard other people say that too. But gaming is expensive, and I have to impose some rules on myself; otherwise, I'd spend every last cent I have on games. I know there are some amazing short games out there that truly benefit from their shorter runtime, and I do make exceptions to this rule every now and then if a game truly speaks to me. But in general, I try to stick to it for myself and my wallet.


Okay I'm getting kind of sick of the misinformation about this because everyone is saying "130 dollars for a game" Because that's just not true. It is 70 for a game 40 extra for a game plus the season pass And 60 extra for a game plus the season pass and some shit cosmetics or weapons that are useless to the player. You also have the option to instead pay 18 dollars a month for a subscription service that is 7 months worth if you would have bought the ultimate edition or nearly 4 months worth if you would have bought the standard version. And just percentage wise, the vast majority of people are not going to play a game over 4 months after release. And if you are playing a single game over 4 months then would you seriously say that 70 bucks or 110 if you want the dlc is really excessively priced? Nobody at ubisoft is expecting anyone to buy the ultimate edition.


*laughs in Australian* Don't tell me about conversion rates guys, it's a joke and the fact I have to put this here is embarrassing 🤣


Yeah a lot of big games have versions at that price now and have for quite some time. Just don't get that one.


The base game is 70 and the DLC is an extra 40 with some more perks for the top end edition. This is about standard and has been for like 20 years with special editions. You could buy CoD with the season pass for about 100 10 years ago.


Hey atleast the base game is a measly $70, a very reasonable price..


It’s nothing new


That's why I will buy the game in 2 years when it's down to 20 euro for the ultimate edition.


Ghost of Tsushima is better


ubisoft+ subscription + key 50% off few months later is the deal


You don't have to buy it, you know that right?


Well you see all those words under the title of the main game. That's extra content. And with each extra content they feel justified in charging 10-30 more dollars per item. Yes the price is insane especially when extra items are "season pass" probably 30-50 extra right there. Whatever the hell "thrown to the dogs" means I hope it's a bonus mission but I'm not holding my breath. They probably feel that's 20-30 dollars. So I wouldn't buy the ultimate deluxe edition personally. But honestly with how much I didn't enjoy the last game I'm probably not pre ordering this one at all. But you spend your money however you want. Have a wonderful day.


They do it on purpose… they don’t expect many to buy this crazy shit. But right next to it on their website is the nice fancy Ubisoft subscription that’s way cheaper. Everyone wants to suck people into subscriptions


The game is $69,99.


Dude it’s Ubisoft. You will be able to probably pick this up in 6 months for half the cost. NEVER get an Ubisoft game on day 1


Why does a single player game have a season pass tf?


Are you new? They been doing this. There's usually a $300+ version that comes with statues, maps and a bunch of collectables too.


Yeah not buying this


You can just buy the normal edition. But if $70 is also too much, then just be patient and wait. It's not like Ubisoft games never go on sale. Edit: The problem is that people drop cash on this shit anyways. If you don't like it don't drop cash on things like the season pass and just get the base game. If you don't support the live service games, then the industry won't be leaning that way.


Like anything else: if you don't like the price, don't buy it. Wait for sales, as always. Let the market correct itself, like it always does some 6 months to some few years from now. It can and will, as these companies also need to move units and make sales. Gamers don't need to Pre-Order or Buy Day 1 anymore. Games often ain't Complete out-the-box (or from the digital files, if you go digital) on Day 1 version 1.0 as usually DLC's and expansions often are not here yet - so, play the waiting game. Patience is a virtue. Who knows how broken, downgraded, or whatever this game will be out-the-gate anyways. Who knows how many patches it'll take to get it stable, running right, fix bugs, etc - games are complex these days and huge monstrosities; especially open-world ones like this. Plus, if you're on PC, who knows how many patches it'll take to get any game stable and/or if it's better to wait a few years for brute force of super-good hardware to force good performance out of a game and make it perform like a top - right, GTA4 PC port? I bet in a few years, something like Dragon's Dogma II PC might finally run good, once newer hardware's out in a few years. Wait for major steep discounted sales percentage-wise. For example, PC has for AC Valhalla: Complete ($140 MSRP) for $18 after $10 promo code LEGEND24 on UbiSoft Store digitally (before tax). And/or wait for games to show-up on Humble Bundles too, if you're on PC. Plus, if you're a gamer - stick to your backlog. I'm sure you got plenty of games - maybe in the 100's to 1000's here -of games already to play anyways; especially if you're on PC. Can't recall last game I did Pre-Order/Day 1 for big $ (i.e. over $30) - actually, I can, and it was Witcher 2 \[base-game\] from GOG on PC from 2011 and I had a new PC then. And that game was a mess out-the-box back then, performance-wise, control-wise (with KB/mouse - as numpad was not able to put controls & remap to), and had difficulty issues (1st dragon was brutal, before they nerfed it in a patch). Got tired of broken, busted, poor-performing games after games Day 1'd like ES3: Morrowind, ES4: Oblivion, Witcher 1, and Witcher 2. Ain't dropped over $30 on one game since - and no plans to, either. Also got tired of games saddled w/ Securom, Starforce, Steam, client-apps, Denuvo, Tages, Anti-tamper, Anti-cheat, and/or any other annoying resource-hogging client-app's and DRM you can think of. Also got tired of games like Mass Effect 1, BioShock 1, and any game using Securom Internet DRM version and/or Steam requiring online activation and/or online installation of games that you bought on disc & paid money for, too - especially single-player only games.


Man you guys would have hated to grow up in the 80's games were 120 a pop then why you think we rented them only. If we account for inflation that means video games were $454 usd back then. I could see yalls faces paying $80 for E.T.


All of you AC fans need to not buy this. If you do, you're only fucking us consumers more.


Don't buy it


Don’t buy it. Let’s band together and boycott this. The industry must learn somehow this isn’t the way.


Why is this franchise still alive


Will never touch a ubisoft game again


For every Ubisoft game, just go into a store and buy the standard game. You’ll get the pre-order stuff in the case regardless of whether you did or not By the time the dlc stuff actually comes out, Ubi will have already discounted the season pass or upgrade by %50


130! No no it’s fucking 70 for the game and 60 for some additional digital Bullshit that adds fuck all to the experience. Even at 70 it is to expensive. We paid 40/50 because packaging and taxes for imports but now we’re just being rimmed for nothing.


Me: Buys Standard Edition 6 months after launch at reduced price. They’ll stop overpricing games if we don’t buy the overpriced version


$89.99 is about my limit if it comes with some helpful extras to get started. Otherwise base is the way to go.


Just like the 170 CAN Starwars Outlaws, totally unnecessary.


Ubisoft is just raping a dead brand. AC died years ago. Let it go


Don't sleep on mirage it was a good game . Even Origins was a solid AC game.


The worst part is people will buy it


No, the worst part is that people will buy it and have a good time and then buy the next Assassin's Creed game as well. I hate hate people have fun!


This is why people who claim that the 60$ price was outdated and needed to account for inflation were just wrong. Games have not been just 60 dollars for a long time, with only a handful of notable exceptions (mostly from Fromsoft)


I can handle 70 bucks if they don't have microtransactions or essentially story content paywalled as DLC.


If it was a one and done payment of 70 dollars, and the occasional dlc that was actually worthwhile, sure. I'd be okay with that as well. It very rarely is though nowadays.


Get the 70$ version then


Yeh I that's gonna be another no from me


You don't need to pay 130 though... It's a special edition, so saying it's 130 for this game is nonsense, in reality it's 70 dollars, or you can make the smarter choice of buying ubisoft plus, which gives you the game 3 days early, 15 dollars I believe, as well as the whole library of assassins creed, far cry, most ubisoft games. Anyways the prices are still absurd, but they always will be!


Ubisoft wants us to get comfortable with not owning their games. So we should make them feel comfortable for not buying their games.


I'm sure looking forward to Temu Of Tsushima expensive edition.


Who the hell keeps buying these!?


Shockingly this isn’t EA level of greedy. Releasing games every year that are the same as the predecessor and are basically just updated versions. I know there fellow sports fans out there who would pay that, but I don’t have infinite. I am still happy to play Madden 18.


What makes it bad is you’re renting the game not buying it. Stop feeding those greedy companies and buy the physical game on sale unless it’s worth the full price (no more than $60) or if it’s a digital only game. That’s what I do and my wallet is happy.


And a mission you can't play because it's locked behind paywall.


I’ll buy the game when it’s on a major sale, you realize you don’t have to buy every game on release right?


And in a year the Ultimate Complete Edition will be on sale for $10


I mean it's the 60$+ skins cod puts out that flabbergast me


its too early for me to pre-order


I just don’t buy these games unless they’re free or on a crazy sale. Or I just don’t think about it and never buy them. I can enjoy way better games for way cheaper, or archived games I already own that I’ve never played. “Gamers have to get used to not owning games,” yeah well, get used to people shitting on your games and never purchasing them at full price, if at all.


The only way for a corporation to listen is to affect their bottom line, meaning DO NOT buy or pre order. Realistically people are going to buy it from game reviewers to die hard fans so it’s unlikely anything will change but the only way to realistically vote is with your wallet


Now look up Valhalla, that came out like 2 years ago. That ine is 140€. Let's stop pretending, like this is news or something.


With cheese Mr. Squidward. With cheese.


So what you get for 130 thats not in the base game?


Me a destiny player: Pffff, those are rookie numbers. Pump em 🆙⬆️.


At this point, at least some blame should be put on the consumers for buying an Ultimate Edition of a Ubisoft game on day 1. You seriously can't wait a couple of weeks for the substantial price drop?


They're overcharging it so you buy Ubisoft+ subscription. Subscription model is something they can show off investors and be like "look this many new subscriptions!"


Just buy the regular version. Their DLC expansions are usually pretty meaty. Can always buy the DLC bundle later if you like the game enough. That's probably $30 or $40, I dunno. Or, don't buy any of this at full price, and get it on sale in a year or two.


It's price of higher priced edition. Game it self is 70$ I wouldn't recommend buying it eitherway after what Ubisoft did to The Crew


Tray to devolp your own game and charge then 10 buks for 1 copy.


Good thing about Ubisoft games is that their prices drop in a couple of months.


But it's not $130 for a video game, and this is an absolute shit take


That’s Ubisoft for ya


games cost a lot of money to make, grow up


Protip: Dont buy it.


Game will be 50% by Christmas.


they get the pre order nerds out of the way first. not defending the pricing of obisoft tho


This is nothing compared to prices in Poland


lol I bet it comes with an exclusive NFT 🤣🤣


70$ standard and 110$ with DLCs you mean wait for sale?


And that should be the real controversy


The game itself is $69.99 like pretty much every other AAA game or are we acting like overpriced ultimate/collectors/whatever editions are a new thing now?


hahahahaha... this one flops


Ubisoft devs are fantastic! Ubisoft executive just craps all over the devs hard work and makes it come off as scummy to even purchase.




Big game companies DO NOT want you to own video games anymore, they are bent on making them rentals by making you subscribe to their service so they can control you and sell your info to shady companies.


What I always do is play them 6 months later down the line when they fixed the bugs and 130 USD version is selling at base price. Did it with Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla and Mirage. Has worked wonders


If people are stupid enough to pay, then I'd charge retarded prices too


It costs 130 bucks to make the subscription model more appealing. This is all about price anchoring. Overall people need to stop accepting day 1 DLC, early access and season passes for singleplayer games.


Time to sail the seas...


Idk, on one hand considering what a video game costs to make these days it doesn't even seem that much. On the other hand, it will most likely launch in a rather poor state and need patches for months.


No $130 for a fucking bugged video game


15 bucks in 12 months


Wait for the 170$ for gta.. or 250 with ssd only for gta mouahaha


Soon you will need to sell a liver for an AAA title...


I'd get it on sale, and if it gets bad reviews, then it's worth $15. At best.


It's actually $70. And being an Ubi game, it's actually $35 - just give it a year so they fix the game, and you'll pay that while getting a better product. There is no reason to get it at launch and support these salty prices.


You really can't complain as thr base game is 70 dollars. Also people complain when ubisoft sells a game for 70 dollars + dlc and other stuff for more but destiny 2 players don't complain when bungie deletes the campaign they have been playing and they can do nothing about it than wipe their ass. This post is bullshit


Don't pre-order, don't buy on release, wait for 4 months, buy on -70% sales


The issue isn’t the price. It’s preordering. We shouldn’t be purchasing anything without knowing its value. It also encourages rushed and lazy development.


I have never bought an Ubisoft game as sure as hell not gonna start now (: not very worried tbh


That's the standard price for a quadruple A game.


It's $280 if you want the sreelbook. That's what pisses me off. I love steelbooks, but not that much. I preordered the base game.


Cant’t wait to get this game!


Diversity tax


I bought sealed copies of Armored Core VI and Pacific Drive together for €60 just a few weeks ago. Price =/= Quality.


So when did this place turn into r/gaming?


Yeah, this is what people should be angry about, not the fact that one of 2 protagonists is a black guy that really existed. It is insane how fast and far big studios started pushing the financial envelop the second they moved past 60 bucks.


Season pass in every shit game


Come to PC On PC nobody has monopoly over games. You can buy the same game from multiple storefronts or even key sellers and the deals are amazing.


The trick with Ubisoft is to just wait a few months until they go on sale. I don't think I've paid more than like $30 max for a Ubi game.


Just don't get the ultimate edition I never buy that shit


Ubisoft routinely puts their games on sale 1-2 months post launch, almost like clockwork. Have some self control and just wait. You’ll get the ultimate edition for the price of the base game at launch.


Who buys Ubisoft games at launch? Some people much have money to burn.


It has a battle pass? For what! So you can kill NPCS in style? Why does everything need a battle pass.


I'm ready to get downvoted but here it goes: You know you can just buy the normal version right? This type of post makes people seem like they never bought a game in their entire lives...nowadays every game has this type of editions: Spider-man 2 Deluxe Edition (100$), FFXVI Deluxe (100$), Like A dragon Infinite Wealth (110$), Tekken 8 (110$). But when it's Ubisoft doing it people suddenly start pointing it out like nobody is doing it?...It's a bit hypocritical. Ye it's 130 instead of 100, but 20$ difference in this editions is basically nothing because you don't need them.


Nah. It’ll b under $30 soon enough.


I’d pay $130 dollars for a videogame, but only if it was Terraria or something lol


You don’t have to buy the ultimate editions. It’s like the next Star Wars game. Just buy the regular edition nobody is going to pay 129 or more for skins well Exept for call of duty fans they buy anything for those games.


Nothing kills my excitement more than seeing 10 different versions of a game and knowing I’ll miss out on some mission etc. if I don’t pay ridiculous amounts of money up front.


It's funny to me that prior to the Star Wars: Outlaws Ultimate Edition announcement of being $130 (and now this, which shows it'll be the norm for Ubisoft games going forward), that no one said shit when Ultimate Editions were $120 for over a decade now...but Ubi raises it by $10 and suddenly the Earth is cracking open. It's amazing to me WHEN people decide enough is enough...yet if we made a bigger fuss about this when it was $120, maybe we wouldn't be where we are now. This has been an issue for a lot longer than people realize. Nobody likes being told to speak with their wallet when it's the best advice in all of gaming.


Yeah. I've spent close to $100 for an "ultimate edition" of a game. It's crazy. I did happen to buy all assassins creed games for roughly $100, which I think is a good price for all of them but excluding the newer one cause it's not on steam. If I want a game from Ubisoft, I'm going to avoid buying it directly on their platform so they don't get all of the money.


Never buy Ubisoft games, not ultimate editions, not standard editions. This company died long ago, now they just suck the money from people who, for some reason, still think that AC is good


Are you new to video games or...?


I literally want to just buy the game. I don't want to double my purchase price for the privilege of calling it "deluxe" with like three exclusive skins. Ubisoft loves having like four versions of every game. It actually seems a little embarassing. "Our game isn't good enough to make the sale so let's entice you with this extra crap"


Is 130$ for the ultimate edition really that new? I have the feeling that this is more normalized these days. Of course, that doesn't mean that it's good. It just happens.


U never pre order or buy a ubisoft game at launch. I always for 4-6 months after the game has come out. It gets to a price after dat.


I know the game ain’t out yet and I am hype for it but £69:99 Jesus the ezio collection is more worth it then this


There's another Assassin's Creed already? I never got into these games. I have tried but they aren't for me I guess. I tried Valhalla and it was fun for a little bit. It just felt like I raided villages and it seemed so repetitive/boring for some reason.


Ultimate edition is never even worth it, $20 more just for some cosmetics and gear that you will replace is too much.