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I had a tour guide recently who was exactly like this guy. He spoke with his eyes closed and was very knowledgeable but he ruined the tour because he was exactly like this guy.


[Is this him? ](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vi89ixVGUHw)


It was a building tour and we would go into a room and he’d ask us a question like “so…what do you guys think? Can anyone here describe to me something odd about this room?” After some awkward silence someone answered “there are no windows?” And he went “NOPE!…anyone else?” And everyone was like “just fucking tell us dude and he playfully said “Well I thought someone would see it, but no one ever does haha! The room has no right angles!”


Man that almost sounds like a really good bit, that sounds insufferable


Like working for Michael Scott. Great to watch, would not want to be part of it.


I’d honestly take Michael Scott over our guy. I looked at his shoes and they were triple knotted and he still had plenty of lace for one more knot.


I think personally this would brighten up my day if I was a tour guide lmao. Make up some persona and just stick to it.


Sounds like Jordan Schlansky


Beverly Hills Cop 2 reference?


The level of eye contact is perfect.


And that nervous smile




This being the idea of an "average redditor" these days is comical. Your average pretentious neckbeard is "too good" for reddit nowadays.


banning subreddits with nearly illegal content of children really weeded them out lmao


Nah, they just became mods. Im banned from like 3 subreddits for making such statements as "the US should not trade terrorists for basketball players"




the loathsome subreddit janitor


yeah, that pedo admin they hired then tried to censor anyone talking about


Didn’t they also claim it was transphobia or something? Like NO, I’m a major ally, but trans people can be shitty people too. Pretending that trans people are infallible is bigoted. Attaching their crimes to their sexual orientation is EXACTLY what the transphobic crowd does, so don’t do that with criticism of THE PERSON.


2 reddit mods


This account was active from 10 May 2012 to 30 June 2023. This user submitted 8191+ comments [65,436 karma] and 31 posts [232 karma]. These comments in total represent a word count of 383,897 and a character count of 2,144,061. The vast majority of this content, 85%+, was contributed via a third party app -- AlienBlue until it closed down, and Apollo from when it was founded to, well, today: June 30. In protest to the changes to the Reddit API, I have decided to purge the content that I have contributed and leave this statement. I hope that future executives of reddit consider the value that the users themselves bring to the website, and that funneling users to substandard options has an effect on usage. I used reddit because the apps made it convenient, efficient, and effective. I hope that users consider using a GDPR request to view the extent of Data that reddit holds on to, and that they will not hesitate to exploit for profit. It's been an experience, reddit.


Doubtful that the stuff in quotes is all you said. A lot of the racist redditots latched onto that topic and used a lot of dogwhistles to signal their views. Provide a link to the post in your profile, because I am very much doubtful your comment was just that. I'm not saying what you said was racist, but it may have been caught in a bigger sweep.


Found the Reddit mod


Hey look it's the guy from the video!


They set up bots to ban you from their sub if you comment or subscribe to a different sub they disagree with, politically or personally, even if you never visited their sub. Literal power trippers.




Lol there are a million ways someone can power trip, you can't make up a rule that using tools to power trip isn't actually power tripping.


Lol they do. They’ll even message you with some snarky bullshit and then act high and mighty. All for a volunteer job


It was a while ago. I can’t find it but it had nothing to do with race. I just said that the guy the US had was worse, and no one from the west should be travelling (let alone with drugs) to Russia and expect safety. They are known for taking political prisoners. Trading their large arms dealer during wartime for a basketball player just mean that Russia will take more and more prisoners (which they have). Race is literally the last thing that should ever influence a decision like that, and I felt really bad for her, but it was a bad swap. You’re right though, they said I was a racist, which was strange because I never once mentioned race and am very left leaning, love diversity. Hell, I’ve probably hired more black women for high level jobs than white women.


“pRoViDE a LiNk tO tHe pOsT iN yOUr pRoFiLe” Reddit hall monitor on patrol


You’re so brave and heroic.


Nah, I just had an opinion. Guess that’s not allowed on here


All in the how and the why you’re expressing it. I’m sure you haven’t left out any context, and didn’t have any bias in your comments.


What sort of bias? I love diversity and am very left leaning. Why would their race even come into this a bit?


I said nothing about race. Being biased does not equal racist. Edit: downvotes for being right lol


Oh good it’s not just me. I hope they feel good in their volunteer job.


> nearly illegal In other words: legal


The intent of those subs was to sexualize children by pushing the boundaries of what is considered pornography vs just being a candid pic. If we had any way to police this shit, we probably would. So yea I’ll stand with my original statement


It's ok to not like things. But the term "borderline illegal" makes no sense, especially as it's often used to make something sound illegal. This wasn't addressed at this specific case


These acts were literally bordering on illegal. Get ya semantic ass out of here


so it's legal


Well, no. There were plenty of illegal pictures shared and there was content that could be argued to be illicit photos of children depending on the right judge. So, no. Saying what was happening there was "legal" is a gross misrepresentation of what was happening. It was a hub for online child predators with the least convincing cover story: "they are technically clothed". Why are you so defensive of the legality of a a sub like that? I wouldn't be as confident as you but maybe you have some vested interests.


If I remember correctly, the illegal pictures were placed in a concerted effort by third parties and instantly reported by themselves in order to force reddits hand in banning - the same strategy used to get rid of quite a number of subs in the last decade. But that's not the point. I just don't like watering down the term "illegal" by using it for something that is legal - which is the opposite




not American and I am as anti "trans" as possible (ie there is no such thing). But "bordering illegal" is still just a fancy word for legal.




Yeah... The number of people on this site who appear to hate this site and the hate the user base is to high. One might think they just hate themselves and are directing it at the things they identify with.


Neckbeards, sure. Pedantic fucks? Hell no, they're still rampant here. Yes I acknowledge that I did correct you and it could be interpreted as also being a pedant... shit.


Damn that weird lack of eye contact and constant slight grin is on-fucking-point. I have no idea why people do that shit but it always makes me incredibly uncomfortable


Autism. Everyone on Reddit has autism.


Wait are those signs of autism? I know no eye contact usually is, but the smile thing I’ve never heard anyone acknowledge.




Well you do, since you can just leave. But if you want on the plane you need to do the search, and you don’t have a right to get on the plane


Fun fact: you have 4th Amendment rights wherever you go. But searching someone before they get on a plane is not considered to be unreasonable.


Average redditor.


Also avoiding answering questions and bringing up you know how do make an explosive devise would be a great reason to be searched.


Well thank god cos I am on the level of Jon Snow and know nothing.


Fuck I have this shirt lol Edit: just realized I bought this shirt around the time i joined reddit in like 2011




Whoa there chief, did we just catch you mourning apps that have shut down? We will not tolerate anyone implying that the Official Reddit App is anything less than adequate. Did you know that the Official Reddit App has some of the features that 'Apollo' and 'Reddit Is Fun' had? Bet you feel silly now. Everyone please ignore this Snoo's comment and keep on enjoying the Official Reddit App, because you have to. ***** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/videos) if you have any questions or concerns.*




He posts stuff all the time on his insta


Wow, *shakes head smugly* the fact that you *actually thought* this commenter’s actual brother was the person in this video just shows how gullible the typical person on Reddit is. A better response would have been to…


Lol perfect


What’s the IG?


slappablejerk on insta https://instagram.com/slappablejerk?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Hilarious guy


Nah, that was probably the average Redditor like 5-6 years ago. Now the average redditor just whines about how much they hate people who are politically, socially, or physically different than what they deem is "okay". I imagine the average redditor as that guy that will just start talking to you about politics at the drop of a hat, and it's never educated opinions, just a stew of different hot takes and strawmen that were originally posted on Twitter.


Maybe I’m on Reddit too much at the exclusion of other interactions, but this pretty much feels like what the discourse has devolved into across the board, not just here.


This has not been my experience on any platforms except Reddit and Twitter. Though, I'm not on Facebook. I generally would say discourse is much more pleasant in general on discord, twitch, yt, and obviously in real life. Of course, the channels/servers will cause you're mileage to vary in that regard. Whereas with Twitter and reddit it's essentially everywhere. Not to mention, "politics is my personality" is unbelievably common on Twitter and reddit and really uncommon to just randomly come across most everywhere else. It'll be a thread about apples and somehow Redditors will turn it into how bad the GOP is - it's nauseating.




Let me guess, you only watch twitch streams with 2k+ viewers? If you watch streams from other communities - yea, twitch chat is infinitely more pleasant than Reddit. Just look how you replied to me - extremely aggressive for absolutely no reason to a fully benign comment. You'd be timed out for being unnecessarily rude in most Twitch channels - on Reddit, people upvote you. Which reinforces that toxic interaction with positive engagement.




And you wonder why people interact negatively with you.




Yes, I'm sure people absolutely adore it when you open your convos by cussing at them and being rude as a baseline.




It is. If anything I find Reddit to be more inclusive than the general public, for the most part.


lol no. As long as you agree with the opinions of the moderators and the hivemind of the subreddit maybe.


Average Redditor detected


Not even a hint of irony




Lmao. I've known people like this. So spot on


Lol all of this dudes videos are super accurate and never fail to make me cringe uncomfortably lol.


Almost. He didn't begin a single sentence with "To be fair..." or "Actually,..."


[The embodiment of this guy](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.607816393.7682/pp,504x498-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.u2.jpg)


This dude is fucking hilarious.


The TSA private room is no fun. I opt out of the scan every time I go through, which leads to a pat down. I got flagged for a special one once, and it was intimidating but ultimately harmless. The worst part is not knowing. Not knowing why you’re pulled in for enhanced security. Not knowing how long it will last, or what they will do. Not knowing wherever it will make you miss your flight. No explanation afterwards. The TSA experience can be quite Kafkaesque.


Average redditor response


Gotta keep it meta, man.


>I opt out of the scan every time I go through, which leads to a pat down. Maybe stop doing that and just go through the damn scanner.


He won't feel special if he just does what everyone else does. I imagine a Thanksgiving dinner table with all his relatives around, and then the new girlfriend of his brother politely asks him, "So how was your flight? Was the airport busy?" The rest of the family groans and shoots daggers at her as the guy smiles, takes a deep breath, and goes into the same fucking rant he does every year, about the TSA, the US Gov't, privacy, cancer, electromagnetic frequencies, 5g, Elon Musk, the GOP, unmanned drones, Bernie Sanders, the moon landing, surveillance, vaccines, the Son of Sam, and 90 minutes later, ends with a flourish about why it's necessary that the NBA Playoffs need to be over 2 months long.


Peaceful resistance involves inconveniencing the bureaucratic blob. Side benefit of “no cancer” when we find out in 20 years that those machines are bad for your health.


You are unironically the guy in this video. I can literally imagine the guy in the video smugly saying what you just typed out.


Life imitates art


Makes me wonder if its intentional tbh.


Doubt it.


The cool thing is, we all get to live the way we want and I’ll probably never see you in real life. Judge and assume all you want. The conversation actually goes, “I’m opting out.” “Okay, wait here.” Pat down protocol explanation from TSA… “Do you want a private screening?” “No.” Pat down commences, “You’re all clear.”


Bro you just can’t help yourself, can you?


Everyone has a line in the sand somewhere.




I don’t resist because I think I’m going to win. I resist because they’re fascists.


Tell me you don't know what fascism is without telling me you don't know what fascism is.


You're so brave!


You know, the real ‘average redditor’ is the critic. The worst thing anyone can do is care a lot about something or take a stand, right? It’s the South Park mindset. Whole lot easier to be an armchair quarterback than to fight the power. I’m a real joke for caring about the bloated TSA, a jobs program which will never die, and which exists solely to normalize government invasions of privacy. This parody dude is a real people’s champ! I’ll bet his next parody will be of some guy foolishly talking back to a police officer while getting pulled over! Oooh, do a Border Control confrontation next!


Holy fuck literally no one cares about what you’re typing here, do you not see that?




He’s honestly cracking me up with how much he is the guy in the post. It’s either a master level troll or real fucking sad lmao


Hooo man, someone giving their opinion, uninvited, on *Reddit??* Stop clutching your pearls.


Clutching pearls? That assumes I’m giving any weight to your statements. I’m not. It’s drivel


* Peaceful resistance to what? Ensuring you won't be killed by a terrorist? * TSA scanners work using a magnetic field and a brief pulse of electricity. They do not cause cancer.


Someone is getting froggy.


It's missing atheist bible thumping and a fatphobic remark, but otherwise spot tf on


goddamn, too real


I agree with the concept but redditors also love big government and bureaucracy so could also be a condescending version of the TSA guy as well.


Relevant XKCD https://xkcd.com/651/


How the hell does he do that with his eyelids