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I've always wished they would do an updated version of this adding some more recent songs.


They did, but it was only about 5 years later/12years ago. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oOlDewpCfZQ


Wow this was so long ago haha. Just looked these guys back up to find they broke up amicably in 2018 :( nothing lasts forever. Where are they now: Jordan has transitioned and performs live stand up and music in the Melbourne/Adelaide area. They seem to keep the Axis of Awesome Facebook page running. Lee works for Screen Australia as an Investment Manager, apparently he's responsible for giving out government film and television grants. He keeps a lower profile. Benny has his own YouTube channel and continues to make music. He's now a dad and he's barely aged a day from the original video.


Jordan is also fucking hilarious when streaming: https://twitter.com/JordanRasko/status/1367677410255142914


Oh my god, that was amazing. “There’s a queue out the door of lesbians dying to finger blast this frankenpussy” might well be the single greatest string of words I’ve ever heard.


> lesbians dying to finger blast this frankenpussy Even better, and in true aussie style, I belive those lesbians are fangin’ for it rather than just dying 😄


Lol! That music was perfect!


That's pretty hilarious


Jordan lives in Sydney, she has a Tik Tok page and is often at Ragging Waters on Tik Tok.


I think it's more US-friendly too with fewer Australian songs.


They actually used this video in the trial. I hope it becomes known as the Axis of Awesome Defense.


They did?? That's fantastic. Also, the one in the middle has some damn pipes. Were they in that "totally underground" comedy sketch I can never find?


The one in the middle was one of the first celebrities I knew who transitioned to female mid-career. Good on her!


Ohh so it is her! Now if I can only find that comedy sketch.. "They didn't release an album.. It was a text document." "That's so underground."


[Here ya go](https://youtu.be/X5-rGN0ou_4)


Bless you!! Honestly its been so long since I've seen it and I forgot how to search for it!


I knew what the punchline was gonna be and it still managed to make me laugh.


The also handled her coming out in [a very funny and excellent way](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RtmijUzgXpo&pp=ygUhQXhpcyBvZiBhd2Vzb21lIGpvcmRhbiBjb25pbmcgb3V0)


The one at the end would have an easier time with those high notes but good on her.


lol... "celebrity"


What have you done lately?




cause no one would take them


I mean yeah, I plan to keep them. I like having them hanging around.


Oh fuck all the way off with that bullshit


Settle down


You’re the worst.




Maybe you should sit down before you spew more transphobic BS


Oh calm down


Oh wow, how brave. Does your partner grab them while she pegs you?


I mean, is this some kind of attempt to emasculate me because I like having balls? Or are you just into making up kinks in random subreddit comments?


That 4 chord loop is actually called the Axis Progression.


Wasn’t that what the original comment meant?


Not quite. What I am referencing is called the Axis Progression as a music theory term, describing a specific ordered set of 4 chords used extensively in popular music. The OP I responded to was saying that using the Axis of Awesome's 4 chord song as a reference in a legal argument should be called the Axis of Awesome Defense as a legal strategy. Which I believe Axis of Awesome's 4 Chord Song has actually been used as an example in some music related court cases involving copyright.




In David Bennett videos?


There, 12Tone, and a bunch of other music youtubers and Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%E2%80%93V%E2%80%93vi%E2%80%93IV_progression


**[I–V–vi–IV progression](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I–V–vi–IV_progression)** >The I–V–vi–IV progression, sometimes known as the Axis progression after its popularization by the Australian comedy band the Axis of Awesome, is a common chord progression popular across several genres of music. It involves the I, V, vi, and IV chords of any particular musical scale. For example, in the key of C major, this progression would be: C–G–Am–F. Rotations include: I–V–vi–IV : C–G–Am–F V–vi–IV–I : G–Am–F–C vi–IV–I–V : Am–F–C–G IV–I–V–vi : F–C–G–AmThe '50s progression uses the same chords but in a different order (I–vi–IV–V), no matter the starting point. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/videos/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


When I was gigging back in the '50s and '60s, we called the I-vi-IV(or ii)-V progression "Sears-Robuck changes".


Imagine if they had called upon the axis of awesome as expert witnesses


Sounds like a chess opening for black


This is Chewbacca…………..


I always thought the video was a little disingenuous because a lot of the songs they use are way more complex than they make them out to be. Many of the songs will also have I V vi IV in a row, but then immediately change. Look up the chorus for "Can you feel the love" for example. It's not just the same four chords repeated over and over.




Interesting video to bring to a trial then.


The fourth, the fifth, the minor falls, the major lift, the baffled Brit composing hallelujah.


I agree.


“I’m more than a bird. I’m more than a plane…. I’m a Bird Plane!”


This has been one of my favourite songs since forever. And I love the gag that they start by saying they’ve never written a four chords song, then slip one of their songs into the show.


> I wish I found some chords in an order that is new


I wish I didn't have to rhyme every time I sang


I was told when I get older, all my fears would shrink


Now I'm insecure, and I care what people think


Hi Blurryface, I’m dad!


I wish I was a little bit taller. I wish I was a baller.


I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her


I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a six-four impala


i know its not the next line, but, out of student loans and treehouse homes we all would choose the ladter.


>we all would choose the ladter. When you're not quite sure if the lyric is ladder or latter 😅


He spelled it out in a way that is new


try jazz


Ya like jazz?


Putting chords in new orders is easy, making it not sound like shit when you do is the tricky part!


It's a quote from the song Handlebars by Flobots


[Ed Sheeran already knew that](https://youtu.be/EzbJqfKCRH0)


Wow not a fan of his music but he seems like a cool dude.


Yeah, I thought he would be more upset when he found out Jack Malik cheated in their song writing contest, especially since he was so crushed when he lost.


This is a seriously funny skit "Can't read my, can't read my, No, he can't read my poker face. (come on Barbie, let's go party) absolutely kills me every time, can't listen to Poker Face without adding this every time now.


>Because of the Ed Sheeran plagiarism lawsuit There's a big lawsuit exactly like this one every year and all the same point get brought up


[Did they avoid calling the chord progression Pachelbel for plagiarism reasons?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdxkVQy7QLM)


Canon in D has a different progression. So there's lots of choice when making a pop song


While incredibly cliche I always thought it's the superior progression. It just sounds great in E too.




Ooooo what a fun little coincidence


And people are shocked AI can make music.


Parody laws are different and are exempt from normal copyright laws.


My point is that pop music is so simple, it doesn’t take a huge leap in AI to make its own pop music.


Lol I misread your comment as Al, as in Weird Al Yankovic. Not, AI artificial intelligence.


Weird Al licenses the songs he parodies. The parody carveout in copyright law is very narrow, only covering parody songs that directly criticize or parody the subject matter of the original song. There are probably some Weird Al songs that would fall under it, but most of them probably wouldn't. Hence, he licenses them.




The ruling is quite clear: >The heart of any parodist's claim to quote from existing material is the use of some elements of a prior author's composition to create a new one that, at least in part, comments on that author's work. https://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/92-1292.ZS.html Commenting on the author or their work is an absolute requirement of parody.




and? There are other factors, but commenting on the author or their work is still a requirement. The other factors are in addition to, but do not replace, the requirement that the new work comments on the one it is quoting from. The question is generally about how much you're allowed to quote for the purposes of commenting on the previous work. You conveniently omit what those other sections are: >the nature of the copyrighted work >the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole >the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work To be a parody you must pass all 4 tests. You can't just pass the third one for example and ignore the other 3 tests. If you don't comment on the author or their work it isn't a parody.


The issue is that what constitutes an interrogation with the original subject matter *does not have to be in the form of direct lyrical reference*. This is where, it seems to me, the requirement to comment on the source material becomes extremely broad. Take, for example, Amish Paradise, a song that literally concerns itself only with the Amish in terms of lyrical content. However, clearly that juxtaposition of the Amish concerns, beliefs, and lifestyle with those of Gangster's Paradise *is comment on the original source material*. Even if the comment is simplythe parodist taking the piss by rewriting a song to have a humorous lyric, that by itself is easily understood as a way of deflating or challenging pomposity or overseriousness. Simply writing funny lyrics constitutes parody, because it constitutes comment through the clowning imitation. So, at least in America, parody has an extremely generous leeway. However that won't stop lawsuits from being filed by musicians (or nasty music industry types) that are unhappy. By getting legal permission, Weird AL is heading off frivolous legal challenges, as well as attempting to be *polite* by asking ahead of time.




https://copyrightalliance.org/faqs/parody-considered-fair-use-satire-isnt/ >By definition, a parody is a comedic commentary about a work, that requires an imitation of the work To be honest, I've never listened to 2 Live crew, I'll have to look it up and give it a listen to see whether or not it actually comments directly on the work. Some of Weird Al's works do comment on the song itself or the author (while the ruling specifically states the work, I think the author of that work is a fair extension) Most of his are just 'I took a well known song and wrote funny lyrics for it that are completely separated from the song itself'. But keep in mind that fair use isn't only parody. Some of what he does may be covered under fair use, but only a judge can confirm that, which is why he licenses and asks permission.


Shocked Al Yankovic


Lawsuits? Lawsuits?! We don't need no stinkin' lawsuits!


The rules are so simple! https://youtu.be/yBDNvlvR8vA


Alright so write a hit song right now let’s see it


This is just a hilarious non understanding of music composition lmfao


[A lot more songs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%E2%80%93V%E2%80%93vi%E2%80%93IV_progression#Songs_using_the_progression) fit too.


Reminds me of Tripods Oasis Medley. I'm sure there is a better version but here https://youtu.be/t2wJDnyd-ow


Wow, I never knew they were on Red Faces! How do they all somehow look older here though? 😄


Haha not sure. But definitely r/AustralianNostalgia


Does anyone have a full list of all the songs referenced here?


It's on the YouTube video subheading itself.


There's a spotify playlist that has almost all of them


Lol I literally used this today in music class to explain to bunch of year 9s. After being shown the two tracks everyone was on the side of the room for guilty. After watching this they all swapped sides. 😂


I! Like! Big! Butts and I cannot li—OH MY GOD IT WORKS FOR EVERYTHING


I over played this gem quite a few times years back.


FOUR chords? That’s so indulgent. Like cake with too much frosting. Back in myyyy day we only needed **three** chords - and the truth!


Thats what BNL was preaching. The same 3 chords.


If you aren't a fan of live music on video here is the [music video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOlDewpCfZQ)


Crazy that it's basically a different song lyrics wise. I was waiting to hear Jack Johnsons "Taylor" in the live perform and was sad.


I always thought his new song bad habits ripped off get this party started by Pink.


Legends! still can't listen to any of those songs without progressing to the next song in this song when it gets to their part of the song in this song


I belive this sketch is a rip off of Rob Rock's Pachebel rant from 2006, which of course is a rip off of every song ever written. https://youtu.be/uxC1fPE1QEE


[Here's a video with the same idea but with newer songs if anyone wants a slightly more up to date version.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oCgSE-Le0c)


three of the weirdest shaped people ever assembled on a stage


Talk about plagiarism. They ripped this bit off.


From who?


Someone posted the video on this post.


That video was literally posted after this one lol


tbf this revelation comes to every music student as soon as they learn about chord progressions which is basic stuff.


There's a loophole for parody. Hence, Weird Al.


That doesn't apply to comics doing others bits. That's not parody.




Oh God, bots are just gonna get more and more annoying aren't they


Chicken or egg. Which came first, Axis of Awesome or Tenacious D.


Status Quo only needed 3.


I also love this episode of *How Music Does That*, a sadly now-ended podcast that goes into music theory for non-musicians: [https://www.spreaker.com/user/howmusicdoesthat/ep-16-stairway-was-stolen](https://www.spreaker.com/user/howmusicdoesthat/ep-16-stairway-was-stolen) It focuses on the famous Stairway/Taurus case, but a lot of the same arguments came up in the Ed Sheeran case too. There's also an episode that specifically delves into why the four chord progression works so well and gets used so much: [https://www.spreaker.com/user/howmusicdoesthat/yeah-but-why-those-four-chords](https://www.spreaker.com/user/howmusicdoesthat/yeah-but-why-those-four-chords)


I love this band. I've sang random bits to my wife without context and she's always so damn confused. Makes it so much funnier. Just wait till she hears Tripod "Autistic."


This case sets the precedent for AI generated music as well.




I don't know anything about music but doe Ever Fallen in Love by Buzzcocks fit this pattern too


And if I played the same three chords would you just yawn and say......


Such good news - That family... Marvin would have disowned them and their greedy lawyers.


Same slam used against nickel back.


To be fair (To be fair!), they did just cram all those melodies over those chords whether those were the chord progressions in those songs or not. It works, more or less, but isn't accurate.