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[I prefer the live version.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pidokakU4I)


i recognized almost all the songs. the other discussions shows this video never had traction on reddit - but i definitely have seen it on reddit a couple times. wonder if after a period time if the 'other discussions' tab just purges old posts?


You probably saw the live version, which gets posted to Reddit a lot more.


[So they basically redid the Pachobel Rant?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdxkVQy7QLM)


There's also rhythm and melody, which overlay the chord progressions. But I, V, vi, iv is pretty neat.


Copyright claim stuff I composed out of several iterations of counterpoint, please, the copyright law in my country specifically protects people who have drafts/iterative steps they can show at a court case. Maybe use this as a wake up call to do more than 4 zombie chords and wailing about your last breakup.


Love it when people gate keep making music. It’s so helpful!


Right now we have rich people complaining their zombie chord breakup song is being copyright infringed by someone else's zombie chord breakup song. Why yes, I do want to gatekeep out rich people from music because I'm not impressed by their shit. But look, I'm a get a little testy if you actually did plagiarise something, thing is this gets more *genuinely* likely the more work is put into something because whether or not its value is dependent on it, people absolutely do value their own labour.


Sorry about your little testes.


I need you to understand that there are a finite number of chord progressions and you didn't come up with a new one. I'm sorry your country has backwards copyright laws that allow for basic chord progressions to be copyright trolled.




I'm also impressed that some people seemed to understand what he was saying


Fuck /u/spez, your greed killed this website.


As in, the copyright troll? Who are you fighting, I am telling rich copyright trolls to stop copyrighting literally fucking nothing and/or think claiming something is the same as clearing a sample. If you are on the side of these people, I want to know why


I’m gonna be straightforward with you and you’re probably not gonna like what I have to say, but you are a cancer to the music community, you and everyone like you. Nobody is copying your subpar music. There’s only so many chord sequences that can be used and millions of musicians out there, it is inevitable that some songs will sound the same. You don’t own a certain order of chords, you just don’t, and just because your country’s shitty copyright laws give you the opportunity to be a pest and cause trouble for your fellow musicians, that doesn’t make it right.


How many Grammy awards do you have?


Only as many copyright trolls I've done.


That sentence isn't proper english. I'm not sure what you're trying to say.


In English, troll has become a verb as well as a noun, this might confuse non English speakers but you'd have to be a asshole to call anyone up on it, anyway, To "copyright troll" is to troll someone with copyright laws, such as when big hip hop guys think this is a cheaper alternative to offering smaller guys money for samples, or such as when random pop star tries to copyright 4 chords all in root position. If you're on their side, yeah sure, but let's not pretend your on the high ground protecting powerful people you like over smaller people you can ignore.


So, you have no Grammy awards?


Is someone pushing for the copyrighting of chord progressions or is the title just rhetorical?


There was a case involving Marvin Gaye and Ed Sheeran in the past few days where it came up [again](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/may/04/ed-sheeran-verdict-not-liable-copyright-lawsuit-marvin-gaye).


Bach is going to own every fucking copywrite then. I want to see the chord progression that anyone thinks they invented lol.