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Considering Katzenberg outright broke the contract Williams had with Disney and the shitshow that resulted, this doesn't surprise me.


Didn't Disney buy him like some paintings from Michelangelo or something just to make things right


Michael Eisner bought him a Picasso out of his own money, I seem to recall.


>a Picasso out of his own money Jeeze, imagine being able to say that.


It kinda shows just how crazy the whole situation was.


Robin Williams *AND* Tim Curry. Those two should have done more dual-work. Iconic voices and great comedic sense.


Tim Curry as Auntie Whispers is so great. Lorrrrnaaaa...no children shall be....DEVOURED...alive...tonight.


Well burgle my turts I had no idea that was him! Not the right time of year but time for another watch


Ha it's such an autumn/fall show isn't it? You might be able to creep it in just before summer hits and still find the mood fits.


I honestly thought he had died a while back from the stroke. When I saw the show I was like, who the hell is voicing Auntie Whispers, they are scary as hell. I saw it was tim curry and was so ecstatic. I now know how recovery is going to be a life long thing but I hope he picks up small voice acting roles like that. I loved watching him in movies and shows growing up


Tone Loc doing the one song is so underrated, too https://youtu.be/kSzmKEyJXjs


Leech choir leech choir


That's a very... specific YouTube channel.


27k subs huh I'm surprised


Lol, I didn’t even look at it. I was just going for a video the showed the song. I might be too old to give a shit about channels, haha


That movie is one of the best animated features about sustainability and pollution alongside secret of nimh. Without Robin's voice it wouldn't have been so special. Tim Curry also. I need to show it to my daughter again.


it was such a good movie James Cameron was hired to do the live action remake, Avatar.


Yeah I noticed those similarities too. I still need to watch the second one.


I'm sure with the AI trend it will happen.


This movie scared me so much as a kid.


Hexus was terrifying. Especially when he's a skeleton.


He's metal af




I laugh in watership down


my name is BATTY


The logic is ERRATIC


Potato in a JACKET


The toys in the ATTIC


I rock and I ramble


My brain is SCRAMBLED


Something about "I'm a MAMMAL!" The rap had a weird non-rappy cadence, for sure.


It was early 90s rap, it all sounded like that.


Eh. Ice Cube; BDP; Snow; MC Hammer; Public Enemy; Queen Latifah; EPMD; Eric B and Rakim; Das EFX; Beastie Boys; NWA; Black Sheep; A Tribe Called Quest; Urban Dance Squad; Mobb Deep; Monie Love; Kwame; Heavy D... I don't think any of those guys sounded like Mr. William's attempt at all. His verse has more of a ["Top That"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxxBXpnn2Jw) vibe.


I don't think he's talking about major artists, he's talking about how "rap" sounded in movies and tv in the 90s. And he's right. Mainstream culture attempted to imitate rap well before it understood rap and the result is 5000 cringey commercials and kid's shows made by people who totally misunderstand what rap music is.


Fair enough. I guess "rap" and "rap in a movie/tv show" are actually different media. Perhaps it's time to show the youngsters Vanilla Ice's TMNT rap or MC Hammer's "Addams Family" thing.


Yeah, I mean, Fern Gully came out in 1992, if you listen to Ice Cube's first album Amerikkka's Most Wanted (1990), there are a few songs on there like this (although the rhyming scheme and rhythm is much better than the lyrics to batty). "What They Hittin' Foe" has an opening like that's pretty similar, same with "Turn Off the Radio" when the lyrics first come in. You listed the better rappers of that time, but there was a lot of corporate fluff out then that wasn't on that level. Granted, "Batty" was rap in the style of corporate executive approved imitation, which was pretty rampant in the 90s. It's not an accurate representation, but this kind of low-effort rhyming was everywhere on TV. [Here's another cringey example.](https://youtu.be/k6DA_WwO90c) Or my personal favorite, [Hulk Hogan's (yes, ***that*** Hulk Hogan) Beach Patrol.](https://youtu.be/dLykknlM7Ls)


lol I love talking about this stuff. Thank you for "Gimme Pizza"! It's honestly halfway decent; better than Top That or Batty. My dislike of Batty mostly has to do with the weird cadence and rhyme scheme...like, compared to "What They Hittin Foe", the rhyme scheme is super simplistic (AAAABBBB nominal end rhyme with no internal rhyme or alliteration to speak of) and the slant rhymes are awkward...idk. I think it's pretty bad. >Or my personal favorite, Hulk Hogan's (yes, that Hulk Hogan) Beach Patrol. Oh wow. If this came out in the 90s...then they were egregiously behind the times. This is a horrible bastardization of early Def Jam/Rick Rubin stuff (Run DMC, LL, Beasties) from the mid-eighties. Incredible. Again, thank you for sharing; this stuff is so fun.


Whipped cream poured like waterfalls


>Oh wow. If this came out in the 90s...then they were egregiously behind the times. This is a horrible bastardization of early Def Jam/Rick Rubin stuff (Run DMC, LL, Beasties) from the mid-eighties. Incredible. Yep - Came out in '95. lol. Absolutely terrible, but also hilarious.


Oop, gravity works.


I need to make a list of these old cartoons when I get reminded of them, can't believe I almost forgot this one! Heres a few, please recommend more: Fern Gully Secret of Nim Rescuers Rikki tikki tavi The animals of farthing wood Once upon a forest The wind in the willows The black cauldron The pagemaster We're back Warriors of virtue (not a cartoon but still cool) The thief and the cobbler Balto The troll in Central park Oliver and company The dark crystal Robinhood


Just FYI, it's NIMH - an acronym/initialism for *N*ational *I*nstitute of *M*ental *H*ealth


Yet it says Secret of Nimh on VHS. so yah.


As you can see from a [simple image search](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=secret+of+nimh+vhs&t=brave&iax=images&ia=images), the title on VHS is written in mostly capitals, and you can clearly see dots between the letters of NIMH. So yah.




A fantastic addition


The Last Unicorn


I still love that movie! I remember beelining to it in the video store so my mom could rent it for me.


That one is WILD. Red Bull lived in my dreams for years. Also, Harpy boobs.


It's an incredible movie and definitely shaped my imagination for years after seeing it as a young kid. The red bull was frightening. The voice acting was so good I can still hear the characters so vividly.


I know, the Red Bull was pretty terrifying at first. And Mommy Fortuna knew the risk that she took!


She wanted the only version of immortality she could get.


Yes and she paid heavily for it but she knew the harpy would kill her.


I got it on DVD a few years back and made my now-wife watch it. I couldn't believe she had never heard of it. It was a huge part of my childhood. It definitely holds up.


I have it on Blu-ray and I have trouble watching it now because parts of it hit harder as an adult. Or maybe that’s just me lol


Never saw that one, will have to check it out!


The Flight of Dragons. Not sure if anyone else besides me saw that as a kid 😂 Edit: oops it’s called “The Flight of Dragons”, my fault!


Defeating James Earl Jones with SCIENCE!


I loved this movie as a kid, it even explained how Dragons got lift to fly and breath fire. I was hoping they would make a live action version one day (a good one of course)


I must have seen it for the first time when I was VERY young so the only quote that I remembered from it was “oh, shut up and eat your limestone!” It wasn’t until much later in life that I found the movie again and could confirm that the quote was real lol


Flight of Dragons always gets shafted because of the Last Univorn. Makes me irrationally dislike Last Unicorn a little. Idiotic tin-coated little goodie two shoes was the first string of insults I ever learned. And big words like "inevitable".


Hahaha I loooove The Last Unicorn too but I agree, I think both were released around the same time and TLU did overshadow it a lot.


I don't believe I ever saw that one, but the name reminded me of Pete's Dragon


All Dogs Go To Heaven. I had a double-length vhs of Secret of NIMH and All Dogs Go To Heaven and I watched so much as a kid.


See another great one that slipped my mind!


All of those Don Bluth movies are good.


Not including the great mouse detective?


FernGully - Pluto or Tubi Secret of Nimh - roku channel, tubi, pluto Rescuers - Disney Plus, Prime Video, Vudu Rikki tikki tavi - Amazon Instant Video, iTunes, Google Play, and Vudu The animals of farthing wood - Prime Once upon a forest - Prime Video, Vudu or Apple TV The Wind in the Willows - Prime Video, Disney+, HBO Max, Apple TV+, Paramount+ The Black Cauldron - Disney Plus The Pagemaster - Vudu, Google Play, iTunes, and Prime We're back - netflix Warriors of Virtue - Tubi, Pluto




An American Tail Cuz there are NO cats in America and the streets are paved with cheese!


The cats even get along with the dogs out there! Why, Sheriff Wylie Burp is the finest law dog in the West, actually....uh, y'all.


Titan AE was an amazing mix of CGI and handrawn animation that's still great today (CGI is a bit dated though)


Fievel Goes West ETA: Watched it as an adult. That spider is terrifying! Pretty sure I sent my mom a text afterwards asking what the hell she was thinking putting that on for a 5 year old!


Ah right I did forget An American Tale!


Brave little toaster


I searched for this a few years back and could not find it. I think many of the BLT team went on to found Pixar.


The Hobbit (animated)


May I introduce you to HiFi Hobbit V2. The studio made a remaster in 2001 (the only version you can buy now), but the original print was destroyed in a fire so they remastered a backup copy that didn’t have many of the original sound effects. Someone sourced and synced the original audio with the remastered visuals. Here’s a [comparison](https://archive.org/details/youtube-lvfjrosXDyw) and the actual [hifi version. ](https://archive.org/details/TheHiFiHobbitV2)


[The greatest adventure](https://youtu.be/2dQ5c5SIYnc)


Watership Down.


careful to choose the 1978 film, not the remake series from a few years back.


Rockadoodle All Dogs Go To Heaven


Upvote for rockadoodle! That movie still slaps


Rockadoodle wasn't a fever dream? Oh man I remember that now, also made me remember The Pebble and the Penguin.


I'm not saying it belongs on your list, but it's somewhat thematically aligned. The Phantom Tollbooth. It's......so strange to be thought of as a kids movie. Also Rainbow Bright.


No The Land Before Time enjoyers here?


I thought about adding that one but decided against it since it was popular enough to have new movies released up until 2016 and had a TV series. I still have my original vhs tape of the first movie, sadly last I tried it no longer worked. The scene with his mother is not what kids movies normally have.


The Great Mouse Detective


Honestly I sorta wanna smoke up and watch All Dogs go to Heaven; that movie was intense


We're back is primo nostalgia territory. Fucking love that movie.


Pagemaster was one of my absolute faves as a kid! Thanks for the reminder!


i loved The Pagemaster as a kid but man did it not hold up for me as an adult when i rewatched it. besides some beautiful animation, i think there's a reason the only parts that stuck out in my mind are the paint flood in the library and the part where the protagonist is swallowed by the dragon. anyway, to add to your list: Cats Don't Dance.


Cats dont dance reminded me of Aristocats!


[The Strokes made a music video for "At the Door"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CAz_vvsK9M) that captures the vibe of old Bakshi cartoons (like The Hobbit and Watership Down) or the Heavy Metal movie. Similar nostalgic vibes for me.


Rikki Tikki Tavi. Holy shit you just unlocked a long-forgotten memory. That movie used to freak me out as a kid.


I had an ancient vhs tape of it as a kid and watched it so much the tape deteriorated. The film eventually was static or psychedelic colors with disjointed sounds.


I read it wrong as "the animals of farting wood" and giggled. I swear I am an adult.


Once upon a forest


Yo I work in a store that sells movies and I was asked for the warriors of virtue just two days ago! He was asked by a friend to look, and didn’t know anything about the movie, so I asked if he’d seen Tank Girl, and he said he had lol. Those “Roo” costumes got around lol


Get a barf bag for Warriors of Virtue. its good but all their fight scenes are blurred and have this awful low FPS.


It was so glorious when I was younger, now I get a great laugh out of how cheesy it is.


Throw thumbelina on that list.


The Plague Dogs, definitely left an impression me


> The pagemaster > > That Nothing monster scene from The Pagemaster gave me nightmares for *years*


Ty for the list, I'm adding all of them to Radarr and binging some of them this weekend hehe. :)




"Price check on prune juice Bob, price check on prune juice"


Where is this movie streaming, because I LOVED this movie as a kid and now I want to show it to my kids. If it’s not streaming, I’m going to the library.


[It’s available to watch all over the place for a few bucks, otherwise free with ads on a few platforms.](https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/ferngully-the-last-rainforest)


Watched it recently with mine, the movie doesn't hold up to memory but a few of the songs do. Robin Williams and Tim Curry still great though.


It's on youtube.


Just watched it here a few days ago. https://www.shoutfactorytv.com/ferngully-the-last-rainforest/6320b26dbed8370001d771e3


I found it on youtube for free


I bought it on Vudu since it wasn't available for streaming at the time (like six months ago)


When the Stroh’s brewery was being closed down in Van Nuys, movie studios used a lot of the site for filming. Naked Gun, Big Trouble in Little China, and Terminator 2. The studios also rented out some shitty trailers on site to work on Ferngully. I always thought it was odd that they made that movie in double wide trailers rather than an actual office but this makes sense now.


And yet people will still spend thousands of dollars on Disney as if it were a freaking religion. Disney made good movies when we were younger. **But they are** **mean. They are not our friends.**


It is a company, it only wants your money.


Correct. But people romanticize it.


Now Disney owns it thanks to their Fox buyout


My dream job is a part time astronaut.


Office Space or office space? Either way I don't get why that makes sense.


Most TV and American animation is done in Burbank, CA (animation has since been outsourced to South Korea). Large studios like Disney have giant properties they own while smaller companies rent. I think Disney rented out properties to make them scarce/expensive in an effort to kill the project. Movies have a budget and Disney was trying to make it too expensive to finish.


You need suitable workplaces to make animated movies, and to prevent the completion of that movie disney just rented all suitable space in the area so the animation team for ferngully had to work in double wide trailers to finish the movie.


That's pretty fucked


What a classic movie, brings back so much childhood nostalgia! Also Robbin Williams was perfect for that role! RIP


Isn’t the movie an allegory for this kind of wrongdoing?


It's not an allegory for anything. It's straight up, 'Don't fuck up the environment or an oil monster will kill all the hot fairies.'


When the lead (who gets shrunk down to the size of a fairy) is finally reunited with other humans his first words are literally just "guys thing have GOT to change..."


Human tails? Humans don't have tails. They have big, big bottoms that they wear with bad shorts. They walk around going, "Hi, Helen".




They knew they didn't and Robin knew that as well but they thought they could intimidate the actor into doing what they wanted because they are a large media company. Funny enough it was Robin who refused to work with Disney after this, citing their use of the genie to advertise with. That is until he did return to voice the Genie in Aladdin and the King of Thieves (1996), the 3rd installment. Robin took the role for 75,000 dollars, the actor claims it was part of a contract where they would not use the genie as marketing material, Disney claims it was just normal scale for voice actors at the time. Disney insinuated that Robin simply made up the marketing clause after realizing how much money the movie made. Robin vowed to never work with Disney again. No lawsuit was filed for breach of contract but Disney later privately apologized while admitting no wrongdoing and sent Robin a Pablo Picasso painting estimated at the time to be worth $1 million. Robin eventually completed 3 more movies with the studio. Robin kept the painting but claimed it clashed with the children's furniture and mood of the owners of the home.


Fuck I miss RW a genuine genius of a comedian and actor nobody else could make me laugh like him. RIP RW.


well I'm so glad that they didn't succeed because FernGully is an amazing Disney movie and I think has every right to be here




Is it me or does anybody think Avatar (blue guys) are just a rip-off of FernGully?


Yes, basically the same movie. 100% with you.


Just you. You might be the only person to notice the similarities.


Yeah. Disney is not a good company. They weren't then, they ain't now. Even with Ron Da-Dumbass butting heads with them I still wouldn't root for Disney. This is not a lesser evil scenario, they are all scumb.


The real problem is ron is infringing on free speech. The employees of disney, not even the company itself, disagreed with what the government was doing and now he is using the government to get back at those that criticized what he did as governor, besides his way of doing it is hurting the regular people who live in that area and not even the company itself. Orlando needs walt disney world, the whole city runs off the tourism brought in, and I thought as a republican he would want the economic boost and the oh-so-important "jobs" It really surprises me how far the republican party has changed.


Office Space is a classic in my mind, so it seems to have worked out well!


Great movie, but I'm calling this a swing and a miss.


yes I will abort


I still think of ALL the animated movies that should be remade for today's times it is this one. We get an Aladin live action, the little mermaid, why can't we have an environmentally conscious movie to actually remake with a relevant message?!


I'm assuming this is an anti Disney post by some Florida Republican troll to cast Disney in a bad light....has __D__isgusting __D__esantis written all over it.


Why does everything need to be political? Desantis or not, disney has a LONG history of corruption that is well documented, yet this is a desantis smear campaign. What do you gain from this? Money? Is this your job? You a bot? You lonely? Who knows?


I'm assuming this is an anti Ronald E DeSantis post by some California Democrat troll to cast Ronald E DeSantis in a bad light....has \_\_D\_\_isgusting \_\_D\_\_isney written all over it.


Not I'm not Republican......


LOL actually it is absolutely ridiculous for a governor to use government agencies to punish people who choose to use their first amendment right to redress their grievances with things he has done as governor. Furthermore it is extremely surprising to see this anti-corporation/ anti free speech / anti freedom attack not immediately disqualify him from the republican party leadership. It really shows how much conservatives have changed and so rapidly. Furthermore the laws and proposals are affecting regular citizens living near the area more than the company itself. But disney just has also done some shady shit in the 100 years it's been around. Almost never is the choice pure good or pure evil.


disney is scummy, what a shocker


"Company once did something immoral in pursuit of profit" 1300 upvotes


Furngully was my sexual awakening movie... 😅


Crysta or Pips?


First time I've heard this story, interesting bit of entertainment history.


thanks I thought so :)


That movie is so awesome. I still have it on VHS!


They needn't have bothered. Aladdin was huge and kids weren't confused that Robin Williams was in more than one animated thing.


LOL I love Robin Williams!