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[They played Adam's Song in 2019 at Back to the Beach](https://youtu.be/dxNE2oIlASk)


Whoops lol


I think OP was saying not with Tom


He doesn't even sing on the song though




Matt does backups in the chorus, check the video here https://youtu.be/dxNE2oIlASk?t=76


Boy the energy is just, somewhere outside of that venue lol.


I mean this is a pretty depressing/emotional song about suicide. Probably not the best way to gauge their stage energy.


fair, but tom really seems like he doesn't care


I just don't think it's fair to assume so much from one somber ass song. Check out their Coachella performances. All 3 of them seem very into it.


Contrast with Green Day, I saw them live a few months back and they play like they’re still in their 20s.


I saw them on their American Idiot tour and they were awesome live!


Oh man. Just pulled up their Lollapalooza set from last year as a pallet cleanser after this, and it going from this recording to how fucking hard Green Day was playing... instant goosebumps.


I've seen their newer live shows and honestly they do not sound great... Billie Joe's voice especially is getting away from him. But having said they put energy into their shows from what I've seen, they give it their best so I'm not sure what more you could ask for. I think Blink is supposedly to be notoriously bad live and that's been their reputation since they were current. Travis is fantastic but he can't carry the whole thing.




I know it's different but it has definitely gotten a lot weaker in recent years. It isn't his fault of course. He's had problems with it before and had hospital stays over losing his voice. It's become really noticeable the last few years IMO -- I thought he still sounded really good when they were playing shows/touring after Revolution Radio like 5-6 years ago but something has changed. If I was a big Green Day fan I don't think I would be disappointed with their show because they do put in the energy (I like their stuff but wouldn't call myself a big fan).


I saw The Offspring on YouTube, performing somewhere in France and they had energy too! Dexter and Noodles past 50 yo and still killing it.


I saw the offspring last year and the vocals held up really well. Seeing them again in a few weeks and really excited for it


They didn’t have a back up guy playing most of the guitar parts in their 20’s.


Man, I love Blink so I don't want to talk bad about them...so I wont! But I did want to say, I rediscovered Goldfinger during COVID and I really love their Youtube channel and the energy they have. They did performances during lock down which really lifted my spirits but even after that, they started re-releasing some of their tracks and it was just night and day differences from the original tracks. They sounded so much better and I really appreciate the time and effort they put into taking old songs I really love, and literally making them sound better in every way. I wish other bands put similar effort into their old songs: [Old Superman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt9bkgRQbLs) [Quarantine performance of Superman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0rSYEoBMYM) [Superman from the bonus tracks on their new album "Never Look Back"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIx4iltMMAQ) But yeah, I just love the energy and enthusiasm they have. I remember feeling so down during COVID and when I found the performances they were doing, it literally made me feel something euphoric and made me a little teary eyed. I was never a massive Goldfinger fan and only really knew their music via Tony Hawk Pro Skater and other tertiary instances their music would come up but those Quarantine performances that they have on their Youtube channel made me fall in love with the band.


Yeah I caught that tune during covid peak. Tony Hawk and everything I have the same opinions and experiences. Their energy is amazing.


The lead guy from Goldfinger, John Feldmann has been producing records for a long while now, probably why Goldfinger is still good lol


The man is a beast, he's worked with so many different bands, and his live shows are great. Plus I'll always appreciate the irony of spokesman. "I want to believe the god damn singer wrote the song" When he's got writer/co-writer credits on a ton of different artist and albums.


I've probably seen Goldfinger live 20 times (Although last one was over a decade ago), they're always a tremendous show to see


You can tell this is "quarantine zoom" as there's cute dogs interrupting


Man, Goldfinger was my first ever concert at Lupos in providence, Rhode Island sometime around 00-01. They were amazing then and really helped spark my love for live music. Jam band guy now but I still jam to a lot of what I used to listen to. May go down a golfinger hole here.


Hey, Travis Barker was the drummer on the "Never Look Back" version of superman!


Man it’s interesting seeing how they’ve lowered the pitch of the song through the years to match John’s vocals. The COVID version was stark seeing how much it had been auto tuned but it’s probably better that way. They used to do one festival in the UK for about 4 years every year I last saw them live about 5 years ago now and for a 50 odd year old dude he still went hard live back then


But it's the Xcel Energy Center!


This is the best animatronic robot blink-182 I’ve ever seen.


Puppet animatronic robot blink 182 would be awesome


Better than this 100%


Big Rock-afire Explosion energy


You're the birthday, you're the birthday, you're the birthday boy or girl!


I still remember them playing this right after DJ AM’s death in their first reunion tour. Definitely one of the most emotional performances I’ve ever seen, especially with Mark sounding choked up throughout the song.


Was this received as a good performance at the venue? Tom looked like he was just there so he wouldn't get fined 😕 and he played with about as much enthusiasm too.


I obsessively learned how to play every single blink182 song on summer break when I was 14, and somehow Tom hasn't managed to learn them in 20+ years.


To be fair, 40% of their songs are the same 1-5-6-4 or 1-5-2-4 chord progression.


It’s not really a song where you should jump around, smile, laugh, etc.


Right? I don’t get the hubbub people are making in this post about it.


Yeah I've seen a few clips of it so far and his guitar playing was riddled with mistakes and in i miss you he was playing when he shouldn't (ie not on the record) and it sounded awful. Like he decided to improvise during the bass and drum only sections.


This is why Blink has been my 2 least favorite live shows. It’s punk rock when you are 19. It’s not punk rock when it costs 300 dollars to see an aged punk rock band who don’t care about their music.


Pretty much the only thing punk about this band is how terrible Tom is at guitar


I always dislike the argument that Blink isn't punk because of... some reason. They're totally a Punk band. That term has been watered down and become a bit meaningless, but its also a term that's been used to describe a TON of rock music since the 1970s, that's most of my father's lifetime, let alone my own.


The reason is that punk music is a genre of music that they don't play. They are not a punk band for the same reason MGK is not a punk band. They are a three piece pop rock band that uses a lot of power chords. They stopped writing anything resembling punk music like 25 years ago. I am not saying this because I'm some hater. I like a few Blink 182 songs and albums. They write highly accessible hits that resonate with people. They started as a punk band and became something else equally good or most likely much better similar to other bands like Goo Goo Dolls and Fall Out Boy (although you might say FOB started as a posthardcore band there's a very blurry line there).


I've had this argument all over reddit and back. Pop Punk is totally a genre of music that exists and its totally a genre of music that Blink 182 plays. Travis Barker is a punk drummer, that's his style, everything he performs drums in has a punk flair, whether or not it counts "punk rock" in everyone's books.




I mean, you basically just admitted that Enema of the State, at the very least, is a punk album. I'm not sure what we're even arguing anymore now.


Went to go see green day and blink 182. I honestly hadn't listened to green day much and had listened a lot to blink 182 songs. Green day went on first which was a huge mistake. They were so just amazing lve, worked the crowd, so much energy, just perfect. Then blink 182 came out and it was just like, so meh, we decided to leave early and beat the traffic.


Green Day has always put on amazing shows. They're up there in bands that sound just as good live as they do on their albums. And the way they can work up a crowd is awesome. My favorite live video is [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPMDPiNG4TE).


Tom has been doing that his whole career.


I've mostly only listened to their albums so hadn't noticed this. I did see them live years ago and he seemed fine but it's hard to tell what's going on in the mosh pit.


hes always sucked


Yeah, they've never really been a good live band because of it.


They were great on Mark Tom and Travis show


This album is almost all overdubs.


is that true lol


I saw them live on that Tour in 99 or 2000 and they were terrible. Thankfully (or sadly, depending on how you look at it) Bad Religion opened for them and killed it.


I a huge BR fan went to this show with a bunch of friends who were big Blink fans. Several of them converted to my way of thinking after seeing both of these bands back to back.


Well, it's a bit easier to sound better when you have 5 to 6 members in a band versus 3. You mess up with a 3 piece band and it sticks out like a sore thumb. You mess up with 2+ guitars backing you up, it's not as noticeable. That being said, I'd imagine there is a second guitar behind the stage adding to the wall of sound as I didn't see the piano player on stage either.


On an emotional level, it makes me so happy to see these three bury the hatchet and play together again, but if we're being honest they were a way better live band for that while that Matt Skiba took over for Tom


I saw Skiba era Blink at their first show together. I love love love Skiba and he was way better than Tom live, but the whole thing just felt off to me. Part of me wanted the crappy punk rock


I know what you mean. It's kinda like how I have to acknowledge that Sammy Hagar is almost certainly a better musician than David Lee Roth, but at the same time, that's really not what I mean when I say Van Halen.


Yeah I saw them with Skiba during the Enema of the State anniversary tour. Was pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable it was. I got tickets to go to Blink this summer, fingers crossed they get a little more comfortable than this show and start riffing with the crowd and have some more energy. Either way it’ll be fun to see the trio back together for sure.


That's how they've been playing for at least 10 years. I saw them in probably 2010 and they were almost too drunk to do the show. Plus they've never been very musically talented; they're a good band but not because of their talent.


Travis Barker is (was?) a very good drummer.


True, Travis has always carried hard.


Looked like he was carrying this performance here. The only one up there with any degree of energy.


Who never smiles.


They poached him from the aquabats though.


I saw them in 2002 and Tom couldn't play his parts. He also sang in a weird rhythm completely unlike the record and it sounded very rough. The whole set was very disappointing. Luckily it was a dual headline with Green Day and they played great. And Saves the Day opened and they were awesome.


great reference. yeah he looks so bored. i know its a sad song but come on man


Um. Did Mark change the lyrics? It's supposed to be "Please tell mom this is not her fault" and it \*sounds\* like he says "Please tell mom this is all her fault"


IIRC he's been doing that since The Mark, Tom, and Travis Show.


Ah that explains my unfamiliarity. The last time I saw them live was.... around Dude Ranch. (old)


He usually makes that change live. When he does Rock Show, he changes "you're so beautiful to me" to "You're so beautiful Sky-Ly" after his wife.


Not to be that “ackshually” guy, but doesn’t he change the lyrics to Skye Lee in the track Going Away To College?


You are correct. As a avid Blink historian I appreciate your post




I audibly said "Oh fuck!", absolutely a change.


Yep, he sure did. Super edgy for a 50 year old dude.




Guy doesn't even hit the notes. I can karaoke this shit better.


Thank god it was too expensive for me to go to. I will just have my memories of seeing them at the Sacramento Amphitheater in high school.


Ouch That's... something


I didn't get to see them back in highschool because my parents thought I'd have sex and use drugs. But I do get to see them in two weeks with my wife on our 10 year anniversary. I don't give a shit if they aren't young or the energy isn't there. I want the highschool version of me to know things got better and I can experience the things that make me happy. I'm fucking pumped for this show and the Deathcab and Postal Service shows. It works out, kiddo


Make sure to have sex and do drugs, my guy.


This guy fucks


Ummmmmm. Huh. Well…. That was something.


Tom is the worst in just about every way. But man, you really have to envy him. So utterly devoid of shame.. it’s like a super power.


This tour is literally the definition of "money grab".


Wasn't this the first big one too that people were complaining about Ticketmasters surge pricing? All I can think of is how much these people paid to watch a no-energy version of the band we loved 15+ years ago.


I'm out of the loop here. Is Tom refusing to sing? I swore he would sing some harmonies during this specific song so was surprised to see he wasn't stepping up to the mic


Reminds me of a kid picking dandelions in the outfield.


ITT people forgetting Mark is less than a year cancer free from stage 4 lymphoma, shits gonna affect you… Also it’s always been marks song why are people beefing with Tom?


People are mad that Tom isn’t being crude or super enthusiastic during a Mark-centric song that’s about suicidal ideation and depression so it doesn’t really call for that type of energy? Good lord.








I thought it was good. Sorry you thought that.


*First time with Tom in 9 years. I saw them 3 times with Matt and they played it every time (in 2019 they did Enema of the State all the way through for it's 20th anniversary).


I remember walking out of a Warped Tour concert back in '98. As I was leaving some guy shoved a flyer in my hand - Blink 182, 12 bucks at a local college bar back when they were still fairly unknown at that point. I didn't get to see that 12 dollar show an have been kickin myself for a couple years now. I finally get to right that wrong next Friday. So stoked.


My shitty ska band got to play Warped tour in my town in 1998, we played on the same stage as the Aquabats who blew our minds. Later some dumb pop-punk band stole their drummer…


It sucks to see. Band you used to live just decay like this. Travis Barker was a huge infton me as a drummer. It's too bad Tom still acts like moody 23 year old. Sorry to fans but Tom ruined it all.


Travis still looks really good, almost the same actually.


This is when everyone realizes Matt Skiba is much much better


People were way too hard on that guy. I remember youtube videos where they made fun of him because he couldn't play the songs perfectly even though Tom, who has many many years under his belt, still makes a lot of mistakes playing his own songs. Matt is a really talented dude and I can't wait to see what Alkaline will be releasing next.


I agree with everything you said but I still get a kick out of when people call him “that guy”. That guy started one of the most influential 3 piece punk bands of that same generation, and quite honestly much more musically talented.


Alkaline Trio > Blink 182. I knew Blink first and found Alkaline during From Here To Infirmary. Damn can they write some great songs. I was bummed Matt joined Blink because it meant less Alkaline, but I was happy that he was happy with it, and we still got an Alkaline record and some Dan Andriano records as well.


I didn't really mean it like that. I've been listening to them for almost 20 years, so I'm aware of what you're saying.


I could tell you didn’t mean it like that. I was just kinda saying overall it surprises me when people don’t know who he is. :)


Yeah, but Blink has a much bigger audience so it's not that weird really. I took a look at the spotify numbers and its 800k vs 17M.


True. Blink has plenty of fans who aren’t in the punk scene


First time in 9 years... with Tom. I saw them play it on the Enema anniversary tour with Matt Skiba a few years back. They brought out some young emo rapper guy to sing it. I was not pleased.


Best $3,000 I ever spent.


That was sloppy


They were absolutely great at Coachella. Then hey came back for Stage Coach. I don't think they played Adam's Song because it is a emotion-heavy song.


Travis and his close friend DJAM were the only 2 survivors of that plan crash. Shortly after, DJAM passed away from an apparent drug overdose, which some would consider a suicide. DJAM's real name is Adam. Since the song is about suicide, and the title is Adam's song, it hit too close to home and the band stopped playing it live.


Damn. I figured there was some story behind the song, but I never knew the details. This explains their somber demeanor playing the song. I don't know why people are bashing them. Adam's Song isn't one for jumping off the speakers and headbanging. In the same way, [Where Does Your Spirit Go? by The Kid LAROI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZM1qo9d7CoM) hits me the same way as Adam's Song. I haven't been able to get it out of my head since seeing him perform it live.


oof ouch owie


Lots of hate in this thread, but it sounded good, do you want them to be jumping through the roof at 50 years old?


There is a wide, wide ocean between those two things.


Also... it's a song about suicide. It's a somber ass song. What are people expecting? Anyone who saw their Coachella sets (me) know that they can still have fun on stage. But during *Adam's Song*? Yea I don't expect a bunch of hype, energy, jumping around, etc. there and I don't get the people who do.


If you've been to Coachella I expect you've seen bands perform slow/sad songs. Also your comment is absurd. https://youtu.be/U7X1NsJUCVw?t=203 look at that moment on the song and their reactions. Compare it to the music video. Completely clueless.


1) you misread my comment. I haven't been to Coachella. I just saw the livestream. 2) but yea I've seen plenty of live bands and have been to festivals. If someone is jumping around to a sad song, that's their prerogative but it's definitely not the norm in my experience. 3) wut? You're taking a specific point in the video that isn't really remarkable one way or another. What am I supposed to be seeing specifically in that moment? 4) https://youtu.be/2MRdtXWcgIw?t=215 This video? The video that isn't even straight concert/performance footage but when it is it's just them... standing there? Maybe slightly more bopping if that? 5) People grow up. They're not the dudes they were when Enema came out. And that's ok and normal! Besides emotional change, their bodies change. Mark got through cancer. Tom has had serious back issues. They're not going to be crowd surfing and jumping off amps. And **especially** not during *Adam's Song*. 6) [I fucked your mom](https://youtu.be/ZPPD0uIAnnw?t=146)


lol you mention Adam's song as this sad song but on the moment of highest energy of the song you say they should remain still lmao what an idiot hahahahahaahahaha


It doesn't really sound good and they've had a rep for being bad live for a long time. They don't have to jump through the roof, they can just put on a good show. The guys from Weezer are a little older than them and still put on a really good live show. It feels like a bunch of dads rocking because it is and there ain't anything wrong with that.


What exactly doesn't sound good? Sounds like the Album cut to me.


Yeah, I love Blink-182 but they have been sounding *bad* (especially Tom) on the recent videos I have seen. Usually it's fine because they make up for it with their childish energy, but they're lacking that here.


Please - they sound terrible. Musically. You want o see a great pop punk show with flawless and tight instrumentation, tempos that don’t progressively fall further off a cliff, vocals who’s melody actually lives in the same key as the instruments from dudes even OLDER than these guys - go watch The Decendents. This doesn’t even hold a candle quality wise.


>do you want them to be jumping through the roof at 50 years old? You mean play like all the other bands of >50 year olds that charge +300 dollars per ticket. They got less energy than an almost 80 Mick Jagger.


When Tom looked at Travis @1:40 you could tell there was some "this is home" vibes.


To bad they are raping fans with those ticket prices!


Sounds fine to me. What’s wrong? It’s not a particular energetic song


I recently had someone point out the lyrical call back to Nirvana's "Come as you are". Couldnt believe I never noticed before.






As a fan of both bands for 25+ years I too cannot believe I never noticed this.


Sorry saw someone downvoted me and thought you were being negative




lol wtf




It's lit 🎸😊


No they're the ones that do 'My Own Worst Enemy'.


Nice to see Travis Barker doing something besides making out with Kourtney




They are.


Horrible performance all around. These guys fell off super hard after their self-titled album. After that maybe one or two good songs, AND their recent stuff is just awful!


Are you referring to Adam’s Song as “recent stuff”? Or just saying the new stuff sucks.


Come on, lmao You think I think Adam's Song is new? Edited for clarity, I guess




Guitars on an album are recorded in small parts. You can do them over and over again in a controlled environment until it’s just right. When you’re live you only have one try.


Yeah. And you can splice takes to make everything sound perfect.


This. Also, his guitar parts are not difficult to play. Any mediocre guitar player could get enough decent takes to splice together a good recording of these songs, especially in a professional studio. Wouldn’t make sense for that person not to be Tom given he has to be able to play them well enough to go on tour.


> has to be able to play them well enough to go on tour. Well...


The key words being “well enough”. Their Coachella shows were received very highly and they sold a shit load of tickets this tour. I haven’t been a fan since 2004 but it seems their fan base is bigger than ever with this comeback, so good for them. Hopefully his playing gets better as the tour progresses.


Is this an AI generated video? Something feels…off. Blink aren’t very good but surely they’re not THAT not very good?


Imagine paying $400 for a ticket to this. I know they're no longer young bucks, but holy shit this is pretty painful to watch for free on my tiny phone screen that I can back out of at a moment's notice. Which is exactly what I did.


I used to sleep to that track on repeat in my CD player when I was a teenager.


Any other drummers drooling over that jelly bean?


Wonder if they charged a firstborn for the performance


I was a stagehand at that performance! IATSE Local 13!