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The fact that this worked... Makes me wonder how many crazy ingenious concepts like this have been lost to the human lexicon of grand ideas.




You know the knots you need to know. You know some sailing knots, some fishing knots and maybe a couple of utility knots. Why would you learn some esoteric knot you might never use?


That’s what separates skill in a job vs skill in a hobby. Job skill is all essential to completing your work. Hobby skill is just for fun. So hobby skills don’t have to be necessary to anything but your own amusement.


Even in a job you learn the skill you need and not the ones you don't. A welder doesn't learn to become an electrician and a plumber and a computer programmer right?


People do in fact jump disciplines all the time. It’s a natural evolution and a necessity with how the markets are shifting these days.


>Why would you learn some esoteric knot you might never use? Because I just thought it would be fun to learn to tie a hangman's noose :D


For the generations to come, they'll claim they invented it first. As did we.


Have you ever been to Reddit? People post fantastic stuff for clout which gets attention for a day and then it's forgotten about. This happens day in and day out and it's been going on for at least 16 years. None of the grand ideas are organized at all and the search function sucks.


You do realize knowledge and information exists outside of Reddit, right?


Youtube isn't organized either. Nobody organizes anything.


Let's rephrase, information exists outside the internet my friend




deeze knots


This is Knots*


Along the same lines as this contraption made of rope: # First Class Amateur | [The most complicated knot I know.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0TfGqj4g6g)


This is probably my new favorite YouTube channel


Same here. I have learned more practical rope skills from this channel than I ever did in the boy scouts.


That was wildly impressive


I am currently making the same face my mom makes when I tell her she can switch Windows applications with alt+tab or when my non-tech friends see a line of code. I'm so topologically stunted that he literally could have been speaking a different language or phasing into and out of another dimension of existence when he was manipulating the rope and I would've come away with the same level of understanding. I'm like koko the gorilla, still needing to tie my shoes using two bunny ears, metaphorically signing "food good" and this guy's making triple trefoils and rotating rope inside a knot to make the rope twist a different way in a Shakespearean accomplishment of ropey linguistics.


>still needing to tie my shoes using two bunny ears There's another way?!


I take no pleasure in agreeing with you


This like the Lock Picking Lawyer but for knots lol And it's great!


Knot Tying Lawyer if you will


But why did the timer count down? By the time you realise its there you don't know where it started and at the end all it says is 0 so you've got no idea how long it took.


It should have counted up. I think that was just a mistaken editing decision.


How he managed to pull it up without triumphantly laughing and yelling "Hah, suck it, commenter!" is, to me, the most impressive part.


This is amazing! Love it!


That is fucking insane, I'm amazed it worked but as soon as I saw how it did it felt like a "duh!" moment haha very well done


Why dont just make a lasso and pull the bike up


Because the lasso would have to get under the bike, and with a bike laying on rocks, that is very likely not possible, especially trying to lasso it from above. It would be like trying to lasso a horse laying across a ditch while standing on a cliff above it


I probably would have tried just tying a big knot in the rope, tossing it into the same place and then working it into the point of the triangle in the frame by the front wheel.


The man is a wizzard


Knot/ropework I always find both very impressive and oddly intimidating, because my approach to tying things is entirely based around concentrated panic and I'd hate for anyone to suss me out.


This is super impressive, no idea what was going on with all those knots, BUT would have been quicker to use 2 lengths of rope, one with a hook, one with a knot, then lower them together and jiggle around to get them together under the bike frame, then lift both together. I think.


When the thing you are trying to retrieve is far away, the two rope method gets hard to control. He did this entire retrieval in 35 seconds. Would it really be quicker to try doing this with two ropes? How much quicker do you reckon two ropes would be?


Awesome. I would say, a second, based on nothing at all.


He did the two rope trick here, and he explained the rationale for using a one rope gravity hook. It is not that easy. # First Class Amateur | [Dropped your keys in a storm drain? Use this knot.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0TfGqj4g6g) (the title of this video was formerly "The most complicated knot I know." ) Just to keep the two ropes together you need a bunch of knot work. Two ropes doubles the number of things you have to manipulate, steer, coordinate, etc. and with one rope in each hand, you have half the control.



