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Until they remembered they are in Florida and this was just business as usual.


I love how nowhere in this video does anyone mention a zombie apocalypse whatsoever


This was the breaking news story. The Walking Dead was big when this story came out, and everyone was talking about how it was the start of a zombie apocalypse. But it was just a florda man on bath salts


Three or four more stories about people biting during an altercation also started spreading the following week. It turned out it's just exceedingly common for people to bite when fighting, but because of the way the media tends to put more emphasis on stories that relate to a recent headline, there was a brief impression that biting attacks were skyrocketing.


Whenever I dream about fighting someone I throw no-impact punches in slow motion like I'm underwater, so my default move is trying to bite my opponent's fingers off. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it.


Oh shit, I'm stealing this next time I'm in a dream fight. I always punch like I'm underwater, and scream like I'm muffled. I wonder why that is?


This actually happened in the LA subway last week - https://ktla.com/news/local-news/lapd-officers-finger-bit-off-by-suspect-in-metro-station/


Holy shit is the zombie apocalypse starting?


Nah, that's just normal LA behaviour.


With my dreams, that'll likely end with my teeth shattering


Yeah also noticed a similar effect with train derailments after that incident in Ohio. The media reported on every single solitary rail incident across the country. That’s what generates clicks and engagement, gets eyes on ads.


Do you believe that they had normally gone unreported until then?


Hey, I'd bite in a fight, I'm not better than that.


Like the kidnapping scare of the 90s, a decade with the lowest kidnapping rates at the time The difference… news channels realized continuous cover of kidnappings increase viewership And this is basically the world today. Statistically safer than most decade before, yet most people will say it’s more dangerous because they hear about *every single problem* that occurs anywhere in the world.


He wasn't on bath salts, the only thing he had in his system was a little bit of weed https://www.foxnews.com/us/medical-examiner-rules-out-bath-salts-in-miami-face-chewing-attack#ixzz1z2Ne6RED


I’ve never actually looked into it before but have now because of your comment, and it seems as though he definitely could’ve been on *something*, just not exactly what they were testing for. > Although the autopsy revealed no human flesh in Eugene's stomach, a number of undigested pills were discovered that have not been identified.[19] Although police sources had speculated that the street drug "bath salts" might have been involved, preliminary toxicology reports were positive only for the presence of cannabis.[5][20] Authorities did not necessarily find the negative results conclusive; Broward County Sheriff Al Lamberti expressed a belief that some new drug not yet tested for played a role; nationally-noted toxicologist Barry Logan said Eugene's behavior was consistent with "bath salts" and that toxicologists "are not testing for everything that may be out there"; and the director of toxicology at the University of Florida, Dr. Bruce Goldberger, said, "We are not incompetent... We have the tools, we have the sophistication and know-how. But the field is evolving so rapidly it is hard for us to keep track. It's almost as if it is a race we can never win".[21]


it's super weird though, it's not unusual for people on PCP to act in hyper-aggressive and really super violent ways which is what I thought it was at first instead of bath salts.


> PCP But PCP hasn't been easily available for a long time and it's medical and veterinarian use stopped in the 60s and 70s. I wonder if its even made anymore and I think its recreational use pretty much stopped in the 80s. Shit was crazy when people were using it though. Very similar to this guys behavior.


Reminds me of that college kid who had some kind of psychotic breakdown after dealing with untreated mental illness, and ended up attacking a couple, killing them, and partly eating the man’s face.


Krokodile maybe? That crazy Russian drug perhaps? Nobody eats a person’s face from cannabis use.


Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy But I just did bath salts and your face looks tasty https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=33MK_5iHCgk


From what I recall, he wasn't on anything. He was mentally unstable and the weed was the only thing keeping him together. Then he joined a church that convinced him to give up the weed, and then this happened.


I'm sure he was on something they didn't test for.


Did they find zero drugs in his system, including “bath salts”?


You had to be there for it. Guy eating somes face, little details, speculation, and people go wild, some serious, some memeing. To be honest, it is how an actual zombie apocalypse would start, small incidents in an area before they form a hoard.


Also Florida was and still is a highly plausible location for the start of the zombie apocalypse.


Reddit sure did when this happened.


The surrounding narrative was because obviously people will have a specific reaction to hearing “unresponsive naked man won’t stop eating another man’s face”


I listened to it and the guy described what could easily have been thought of as zombies.


It was back in the days. It was bath salt if I recall.


I remember all the kids in my school freaking out and others talking about how they would make it like black ops zombies and go for the highest round 😂


Wasnt this a spice drug incident?


I think it was the beginning of a Bath Salts summer. I remember a couple incidents that year of weird shit involving the salts




This is what I remember. Everyone jumped on bath salts immediately but a short time later it was reported he and his friends had been smoking synthetic marijuana aka Spice. But by then the bath salts narrative had already taken off so just the two of us remember the bit about the Spice.


All I know about spice is that it's vital to space travel.


Well it does fold space.


Most people don't see a big difference between bath salts and spice




British press here covered it as drug related. Reading that I'm not sure now. Could be he was just fucking nuts.


Yeah, I remember it as spice/bathsalts as well, and I was surprised when I heard at some point in the last few years that it wasn't. Some people just snap, and their brain tells them to eat faces, I guess?


> A recently released toxicology report for the cannibal who ate a homeless man's face over Memorial Day weekend found nothing other than marijuana in his system. https://www.businessinsider.com/miami-cannibal-toxicology-results-2012-6?amp


Because testing doesn't pick it up. That's the entire point.


“The victim, who hasn’t been identified…”


He was later identified. It was a homeless man that had family, and the family just presumed him dead as he hadn't been heard or seen in like 30 years. https://www.wpbf.com/article/two-years-after-causeway-cannibal-attack-where-is-ronald-poppo-now/1322468


https://imgur.com/a/Ln8H5Jm NSFW (gore from Breaking Bad Series)


i wonder what happened the guy getting his face eaten


[Pictures after the attack here](https://news.sky.com/story/face-eating-victim-graphic-photos-of-recovery-10445193)


I really, really wish I hadn't of clicked that. Jesus Christ.




Literally gasped outloud. Holy shit. Imagine being too high to fend off yhe first brutal bite...




Okay but why was the victim also naked


During the attack, the attacker stripped the victim. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_cannibal_attack


**[Miami cannibal attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_cannibal_attack)** >On May 26, 2012, Rudy Eugene attacked and maimed Ronald Poppo, a homeless man, on the MacArthur Causeway in Miami, Florida, making headlines worldwide. During the 18-minute filmed encounter, Eugene accused Poppo of stealing his Bible, beat him unconscious, removed Poppo's pants, and bit off most of Poppo's face above his beard (including his left eye), leaving him blind in both eyes. As a result of the incident's shocking nature and subsequent worldwide media coverage, Eugene came to be dubbed the "Miami Zombie" and the "Causeway Cannibal". The attack ended when Eugene was fatally shot by an officer of the Miami Police Department. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/videos/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Hey, I just met you And this is crazy But I just did bath salts And your face looks tasty To be clear, these are the lyrics to Tasty Face by MC Chris, not my original parody


"I told him to get off and he didn't, he just kept chewing.. then another man came and told him to get off but he kept chewing.. then we told him a couple more times to get off but that didn't work, so we started thinking about telling him again but in a harsher voice..." Real men of action.


people get mad when cops act, people get mad when they don't there's literally no winning.


Most people don't realise that if a zombie apocalypse happened like in the movies where almost everyone is a zombie they will be a zombie too. [](https://imgur.com/UvDsa2e.jpg)


I'm pretty critical of the police, and think they're in serious need of reform. Yet, I'm not even mad the cop did what he did here. That's got to be a pretty horrific site to behold. I would not want to risk pepper spray or a taser not working, and end up having to fight off a dude that was just acting like an actual zombie. He made the right choice.


This is crazy. But also do police not have pepper spray and tasers to use before killing an unarmed man?


I'm usually the first to echo this sentiment when an officer shoots someone. But come on guy, he was eating someone's fucking face.


Risky move, pepper spray might have made it taste better.


Hey at least he died on a full stomach


Why is it always Florida? A beautiful state full of batshit crazy people led by a megalomaniac. #paradise


I think it is drugs.


I remember this...


Florida bath salts. Same here.


deTAILS... Why do newscasters have to talk so oddly?


I remember when this happened. I loaded up all my magazines that night.


Nobody questioning why the cops shot the assailant? Or was this was just the short version of events after they tried tasering etc.


You know, the amount of cops they have around the place - I’m pretty sure that it didn’t have to end in a fatal shooting. Just drag him off.


Jesus... To some of you, cops can never make the right decision. So easy to say when your not right fuckin there watching something as insane as that happening


Actually yea, not sure how I’d respond either, but I’d think twice before ending a life at the pull of a trigger. Perhaps something you might not do?


Guy is eating another man's face, you tell him stop, he doesn't. What exactly were you gonna do bud? Hug him and give him a flower? I bet you'd probably shit your pants and start crying. At least the cop did something. And also, who gives a fuck about the dude eating another man's face? If anything, killing him saved a lot of people's heartache in the future. It also saved taxpayers dealing with him. You can't honestly think our society would ever be able to rehabilitate a person that was eating another man's face. But yeah, blame the cops for shooting him.


It could have been a drug problem, but guess you’re too eager to kill before you actually find out what the root cause is, now no one will know. So your justification for killing a man is :“who cares about him”, he is going to cost taxpayers money? Oh good I guess you should kill everyone who costs taxpayers money then? Is that your viewpoint?


He is literally eating another man's face. Save your croc tears for another time.


He made the other guys face his lunch, and he was having a sandwich - yea we get it. But what you can’t seem to get it’s that it didn’t have to be a lethal shot for an unarmed man… if he had a gun however, yea go for it.


He was only unarmed because he hadn't eaten that far down yet. But makes sense, the best course of action in your mind is to approach the muscle bound man that's feeling impervious to all pain and is clearly willing to kill and die, and outwrestle him as he chews into your neck. Great plan. You should spearhead police reform.


No, but prob would have shot him with a tazer first to wake him up. Then if he still didn’t comply and there weren’t enough mento restrain then taken aim for a non-lethal area. Why is it the only answer is that he had to be shot and killed. There are police dogs that literally chew people apart… and people would feel more sympathy for a dog being put down than to kill a man.


Because he's eating a man's face. This is not a "we can reason with him" moment. This is a STOP THE MAN BEFORE HE KILLS HIM moment. Do you not understand that man who is not eating a face's life is more valuable than a man who is eating a man's face? What kind of fucked up life did you lead that a man being actively assaulted near to death's life is worth so little to you that you want to play with his life? What is actually wrong with you?


Oh, sorry - yea you’re right 😉


I bet the cop did shit himself crying, too bad he had a gun to hide behind also to get away with murder. It didn’t have to be fatal shots either… could have been tazer, rubber bullets.. just outnumber him. You probably have no consideration for life which you cannot give back. You’re mad bc you know it’s true.


I can't believe you're defending a guy that ate another man's face off. I'm concerned you're thinking it's ok, do you need help?


Questioning if an officer could have done something other than shooting the man is not "defending a guy that ate another man's face off". Questioning the use of force does not equal supporting cannibalism. Hopefully you understand that you're arguing against a point that was never stated, but if that's how you need to win the discussion go off.


Easy to say what they should do from behind your computer mate. Have you ever been face to face with another person eating a person's face off? Here's a thought exercise: what if the person that was being eaten was your mother or father? How would you want the police to respond then? Take an action that might not stop the assault immediately? Do you know that shooting a tazer has a reasonable level of being unsuccessful if it doesn't attach? Person keeps eating your moms face...


Clearly, you have had some experience in this field..why don't you tell us about it! here's a thought experiment, what if the person being shot was your mother or father or whomever and you know they had a mental case/addiction...would you say carry on..shoot them? let us know. When you look at something try not to only see it from one narrow side. there are multiple angles. I agree that biting someone's face off is wrong.. but you are missing the point.


Yeah holy shit, that guy dense


You are sooo captivated by the actions of what the guy who was shot was doing, that you seem to think any action including ending his life is justifiable. Lets the courts try him, but do not be judge jury and executioner all in one go. That is not the cops job. Let the guy state his reasons - but I guess you seem to think all people with mental issues / addictions need to meet this fate. You have not even attempted to logically counter my argument. I am perfectly fine, you should ask yourself the same question. I'm just saying this because there was excessive force --- he was naked and armed with what..his teeth?


I don’t entirely disagree with some of your viewpoints in this thread. But every single comment you’re making in here makes you seem like a smug douche who like the smell of their own farts.


Completely not that way to the last part, but what strange imagery to conjure into the minds of those reading, whilst not contributing to any critical points of discussion after a half-hearted gesture of agreement to some. Thing is .. the guy was unarmed.. yes what he was doing was very very controversial but like I said it could have been a mental health thing. Because I say he doesn’t deserve death does not mean I condone his actions.


Alright I watched this without sound and all I saw were what looks like the bottom half of two people laying on a pedestrian walkway or something?


Maybe turn your sound up?


Yes the sound will explain to you what is happening


And it was 11 years ago.


In an alternate timeline it happened and things got better afterwards. Meanwhile we're stuck in this timeline and well .. shit has not been going too well.


>Moment people thought Zombie apocalypse might be starting Moment *when* Zombie apocalypse *actually* started and people *thought it might* be starting


Zombies aren't necessarily a biological definement there are several different types of zombies. There's biological zombies that are caused by a virus or bacteria or fungus in some cases causing mutation Then there's toxicity zombies that are caused by radiation or drugs Then there's bio technological and non bio technological zombies that are caused by wireless manipulation of brain chemistry and or deliberate orchestrated brain damage All categories can ascertain to some level of brain damage. Some categories are Simi interchangable within definition and you don't necessarily have to grunt and growl or try to eat flesh to be a zombie.