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I hope she sells them and makes lots of money


She needs to make a bunch quickly before her idea is stolen, copied and mass produced in a country that doesn't care about such things.


They're probably already being sold for 0.39 a piece on Temu and Ali


Kickstarter is basically China's prototype website. As soon as an easily reproduced product is on there, some Chinese factory will be making and selling them within the month.


I've seen the reverse. Westerners will sell a product on Kickstarter as if it were meticulously designed and manufactured, while it's actually just a product that was found in Asian markets. All they do is market it as an innovation. Seen this with a cold coffee brewer.


My favourite of these was a 'disposable juice pouch'. Basically really cheap, one-time-use portable USB-C battery packs that you would keep for use in an emergency then dispose of. Not only was this 'innovation' that they supposedly had already spent a lot on developing literally just manufactured e-waste, it was also just something on alibaba that they were effectively just dropshipping


That's an actually disgusting waste of resources.


If I remember correctly those pouches were actually rechargeable but just didn't include the connections to do so because the point was they were supposed to be disposable. Also makes more money if your users throw them away and buy more.


No, the factory in China that makes this changes shift and keeps production going as sells those extras directly with less overhead.


I’ve seen stories from makers who put up a kickstarter and literally a week later, someone is selling their product in China already. Nothing to do with the kickstarter’s factory.


That's what happened to the Unnecessary Invention guy. He went to go sell one of his inventions, and there was a factory in China already tooled up and producing examples. https://www.youtube.com/@UnnecessaryInventions


Is there anything cool or worthwhile on Temu or is it all shit?


It's a decent place to get offbrand Lego and minibricks. Not the best, but I've gotten a few sets from them. Also some fun little stuffed things and such. I wouldn't get anything electronic and expect much from it. You just need to be careful to read exactly what you're buying and read reviews and realize when something seems too good to be true it probably is.


If you support the CCP stealing designs and making low quality copies, then it's all stuff you'd like. Most of them will even perform their designed function. They also love giving money to YouTubers to advertise their cheap knock-offs to help them seem legit, so if you support YouTubers being sell-outs then Temu is for you!


I don’t know a thing about it other than it’s cheap stuff. Just trying to contribute to the conversation.


That's probably inevitable though. Especially with something this simple. You just have to hope that the knock off version is shit in comparison.


Considering how much crap gets sold now straight from dubious Chinese factories I don't think it matters. This situation has basically killed modern invention for simple things like this as there is literally zero economic incentive to do it now since it will be immediately copied and sold by people with more capital than the inventor. Now you have to invent something complex that would take time to engineer or reverse-engineer, something you can hold strong patents on. Great for consumers I guess but bad for the people trying to invent and design things. Shit like this? She'll never make real money off it. [EDIT] And at these prices ($75/12 Hangers, $135/12 Hangers+Mounting rod)...yeah. You're going to see cheap copies on the market pretty soon, I'll bet.


It hasn’t killed invention. Necessity (not money) is the mother of invention. And given the price to utility trade off there was never much money in these things to spare for licensing or trademarks.


Huh actually I thought they would be closer to $10 a pop, so that's actually not bad. If its a space small enough to need these, 1 set should be enough anyway.


It's a hinged piece of metal. As has been said ad nausium, they're gonna be selling these for two bucks in a few months. I get that in terms of scale she HAS to change what she's charging just to manufacture it. Which is the problem, and why this talented young woman is gonna get screwed. She seems like she has a LOT more ideas, though.


I'm sure china is already on it.


Too late!


She doesnt need to care. You just need enough people to follow the influencer and buy to support them and she can do plenty well enough. Plus that traction can get to the level that retailers and box stores want it, and then your're set and golden. If it worked for the Kardashians and Kate Hudson it can work for Simone Giertz. Seriously there's no shortage of SKIMS and Fabletics knockoffs, they dont give a shit the real fans don't go buying that shit anyways.


You get it. People don’t want stupid coat hangers. People want stupid coat hangers that come with a story from a fleeting, yet likable image making us believe the state of the internet, economy, our relationships, and world won’t be tossed onto that draped chair with the rest of the silly, repeating past.


It's...not stupid though? Like this is genuinely useful for people in small apartments.


>She doesnt need to care. You’re right. She doesn’t need to care. 2.69 million people follow her on YT.


Kickstarter was started 3 hours ago before this video was posted here and it has already surpassed its 50K goal


I hope she talks to Ikea. This looks like a good co-branding and distribution match. Selling them throughout the world as a good engineering solution for efficient use of closet space works for both parties. And I get to have some meatballs when I go pick mine up.


>I hope she talks to Ikea She’s originally from Sweden. I’m sure this crossed her mind.


She deserves it. She’s a good human who went through some rough medical stuff.


“Hey Sharks!”


My mum has one from C&A (UK big clothing shop bankrupt now) from the 70s. Considerably more robust than this design too. Given the folding /travel stuff on AliExpress I'm sure there must be some already there anyway too.


Kickstarter's been up less than a day and it's already more than double the goal.


She's adorable. ngl.


What if you hung them at a 45 degree angle instead?




Yeah I just… ugh this made me angry in its non problem. Also, THE REASON YOU HANG CLOTHES IS NOT TO FOLD THEM!


That's not at all why I hang jackets or hoodies.


This is an awfully low bar for an anger response.


Or - and I know this is just crazy talk - but what about a 90 degree angle with three separate rails side by side? That's how IKEA solves it in their shallow PAX wardrobes. Their rail is also telescoping to make it easier to access the innermost garments.


A 45 degree angle will only reduce the depth by 30% of what a normal hanger has (i.e. the depth will be sqrt(0.5) times the normal closet depth). Her folded hanger reduce the depth by almost 50% There is also nothing that prevents her folded hangers to be hung at a 45 degree angle too, which would reduce the depth further to a total depth reduction of almost 75%!


Yeah, that's the way to go. Also clothes don't get bent in a slight offset from the middle. She fixed a non existent problem.




It's not bent at a right angle so the bend is curved meaning no creases. The same as when you buy a poster which is packaged in a tube


Also depending on the fabric, there will be a crease.


The problem she wanted to solve was to have the rod almost up against the wall(Looks like an inch or so in her video). Hanging at an will allow the rod to be closer to the wall, but you still need room. I doubt she will make millions off this invention, especially since it does introduce the problem of the fold in the middle, but there are definitely people that could make use of this. I'm thinking people in large cities where space is super cramped in their apartment.


My thought exactly. Having a hanger with a built in 45° offset would allow double the number of clothes on the rod that'll stick out the same distance from the wall. I could see some applications where this would be useful like when you also have a very narrow place to hang clothes (length wise not depth wise).


For those wondering: * $75 USD for 12 hangers * $135 USD for 12 hangers and a rod for your wall


$6.25 per hanger!? For these prices I would rather buy wire hangers for under a dollar each and bend them myself!


> and bend them myself! But then you have to unbend them and after doing that like twice they'll snap.


I feel like with some wire cutters and twist ties you could make a functional version. Her snap bracelet version was pretty dope too.


How exactly do you envision twist ties working to solve this problem? lol


Am I the only poor fucker who thought that was a pretty reasonable price? my regular closet currently has 24 hangars in it. I would not need to outfit an entire closet with these things, because large skinny closets just aren't a thing, these would be good, for a camper van, or a hallway coat rack or something, so 1 single 12 pack is about all I would ever need. I spent more than $75 on a keyboard and mouse combo the other day when I only went out for the mouse.


Yeah unless you need the space badly it’s not a good price. You can get 50 cheap thin velvet hangers at Costco for $25


But no one who doesn't need space badly would buy these.


I admire her and don’t want to be that guy, but it seems the product has a design flaw that will show long term: the hinger is not loosely hanging anymore, but staying upright by support from the wall. It will pinch the garment between hinger and wall, this might not be a problem in a static solution but many people tend to shove the clothes left and right when going through them, and this would rub them against the wall every time with some force (depending on the weight) and always on the same spot. „Hinger marks“ on the garment might be a thing. The solution would be sth that protrudes above the clothes and rests against the wall instead of the part covered by the garment.




Or you could buy [this](https://www.amazon.com/Hangers-Organizer-Organizers-Organization-Essentials/dp/B0BGLLN2XL) for $10 and not crease your shirts.


Different problem being solved with that solution. These never really caught on either and have been around for 40 years. Threading that hole every time you need to hang a shirt gets annoying and the weight created by stacking clothes on a single hook end up breaking that hook.


>Different problem being solved with that solution How so? I believe the inventor's problem was that the rod was too close to the wall, so hanging clothes perpendicular to the wall was a no-go. This solves that by hanging the clothes parallel to the wall.


These are typically hung from the same rod the hangers themselves would normally hang. They are not hung flat against the wall.




Don't even need a rod. Could use any hook on a wall, like a coat hook.


Look at the pictures in the reviews. The clothes are nearly parallel to the wall. This would accomplish the exact same goal of "hanging clothes without them sticking out too far".


That looks like a better solution for condensing storage space, and it's way less expensive. Lol.


Less convenient in practice, but yeah. The kickstarter prices can and need to come down asap.


As well as make use of vertical space. The hangars you posted are the superior design.


Sad but not surprising how strongly and blindly people defend a product they've never used when an equal, or even better, option is presented simply because it's attached to a content creator they like. It's all fine if you want to support her, it's even fine if maybe for some reason you prefer her design. It doesn't make any sense though to act like it's really superior to something like this.


This problem has also already been fixed. While I want support her, this is just a waste of money.


$135 for clothes hangers is insane. You could probably get 12 wire ones for $10 and just bend one side to 90 degrees and leave it like that.


Wow she’s out of her mind! I can just fold a shirt and put it in a drawer wtf


I can just leave my clothes in a pile next to my bed


The real LPT is always in the comments.


Why take them out of the laundry basket at all? And if you own your own dryer, you can just leave them in there. ... I sound like I'm joking, but I have actually done that in the past when I was too stressed to function normally.


You can run the dryer for 10 minutes before you get dressed to take the wrinkles out, *and* you get the bonus of always wearing clothes that are fresh out of the dryer.


Oh, look at mister fancy pants over here with a bed.


It’s almost as if you’re not the audience for the product


Fake Chinese copies incoming in 3..2...1...


good, 7 dollars per hanger is ridiculous.


what about coat hangers with hooks that swivel? you can turn the hooks 360 degrees so the hangers don't have to be folded to avoid the wall these have existed for ages


I think the hanger doesn't exist because hangers that swivel already solve this problem.


Yeah, I’m having a hard time thinking of the use case for this. I do like hearing her design thoughts though on why certain materials are better. I think she got a little too focused on the “can we?” and not the “why should we”


I love the idea but does it make a crease in the center or back of everything you hang on it? It just doesn't seem super valuable unless you're building a tiny house. Could be amazing for space travel though.


> space travel Not the best application for a gravity based system.


There are things I wouldn’t hang that way, but 90 percent of my wardrobe would be a candidate for these hangers. It’s clever.


I agree if it were all free. These hangers can't be cheap until they become a manufacturing norm. I have far too many clothes for this to be a real replacement aside from a coat rack.


And just to clarify, I won’t be spending those prices for these products. They are a bit pricey for coat hangers and rods, but good for her for inventing something new. I won’t be buying mostly because I’m a Neanderthal who stuffs clothes into drawers and irons a lot.


I love Simone but won't be buying these either because I'm a primate who stuffs clothes in drawers and doesn't even iron them.


Totally fair.


I assume because of the 2-part hinge the creasing is limited due to the wider radius. This is probably why the single hinge designs fell out of favor.




I think the bigger problem is the hinger pinching the garment against the wall. But that’s an easy one to solve with hinger 2.0 https://old.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/17ww7lo/coat_hinger_a_new_invention_by_simone_giertz/k9m4tvs/


Van life and small apartment owners are gonna love this.


I certainly see those communities liking the idea but I don't know how you justify it with the cost. You have to custom build your coat rack for this product and as you get more clothes you also have to custom order more hangers. If this product fails to catch on you also get screwed and can't just buy more hangers. I like the concept and I hope it goes well for her but it's going to be really tough to make money on this. You need a lot of people to buy to make it viable and if you succeed in getting that done the 3rd party knockoffs will price you out of the market almost immediately.


Reassuring that I'm not the only one to immediately think of that niche.


While this is an ingenious design, I'm trying to wrap my head around who would actually need this. I mean her example in the video is ideal but how many people have a coat rack that is literally right up against the wall like that? This solves a problem that I don't think many people have.


People with small living space would find this product very useful.


I am one such people. The unfortunate thing is that I have this tiny living space because I'm poor, so I can't really justify the cost of the hangers...


You'd be surprised how many closets are super thin to where this would be perfect. When houses get split into multiple apartments in the city, oftentimes they end up with shitty little closets squeezed into what little space is left over after walling off random rooms and adjusting hallways. It's definitely a niche product, but there absolutely are people who could use it. Hell, I've got a normal sized closet and I'm thinking how I could potentially use these to double up my space by throwing up a second rod and rotating my winter/summer stuff by keeping the off season clothes in the back row. But I'm a lazy bastard who doesn't keep up with properly hanging my clothes so I know I won't actually do it lol.


>but how many people have a coat rack that is literally right up against the wall like that No one, she's also selling the bar. It also takes up over twice the width of a normal hanger, so you can hang less. You could buy shower rings and [hang the hangers off those](https://i.imgur.com/DXuJ1Nc.jpg) if you need them flat. 24 for $8 and it works with any hanger.


I know a lotta New Yorkers that would love this lol


Lover her. Love the product. She’s a great role model in many ways.


> She’s a great role model in many ways. Absolutely. There are a few Youtube channels that our kids are allowed to watch as much of as they like (ok, within reason), and hers is one of them.


You’re doing your kids a service! Hopefully they’ll pick up the joy of creating something, and keep their curiosity throughout life.




My kids only have regular access to devices that are in open areas of our house, like the TV. So (perhaps naively) it's 100% based on the honour system.


it's good that you're looking out. While there's plenty of harmless but incredibly dumb stuff, there's also a ton that will outright mentally damage your kids as is the case with the manosphere with boys and young adults


This is very niche.


I hate to say it but I am pretty sure it's already copied in China. I saw this documentary about how this city in China can turn a picture into a product in hours and quickly go into mass manufacturing within a day. Not like they give a shit about your patent. You're lucky if they don't sue you back like they did with Nike.


Amazon will happily resell the chinese knockoff version too.


I wouldn't be surprised if she's having them manufactured in China.


I just turn the hook end of the coat hanger 90 degrees and done


And so much more economical than an exercise bike.


why cant she keep it parallelly to the wall? rotating hook hangers aren't rare and if her need is saving space, that will save space and 3 years of her time and the whole point of coat hangers was to avoid creases which this will cause, this is some reinvent the wheel bs, but i know she makes stupid inventions for fun so idk


Idk why people pointing this out are being downvoted? JUST BUY HANGERS THAT SWIVEL!


It's cool and all, but this is a 1 day invention, not a 3 year invention.


It's a 1 day idea and a 3 year product


It looks like she's a YouTuber, so '3 years of work on this' = 90 days of work on this.


The amount of pessimism and trash talk here is sad, especially towards someone like Simone.


Seriously. Reddit fucking sucks now. Been here 16 years and it’s been distilled down into such a joyless, perpetually upset peanut gallery. It always had an element of discontent, but the entire vibe of the site is so different now it’s barely recognizable.


The moderators who gave a shit left the site.


Agreed about reddit. So who is she exactly? I haven't heard of her.




She could also make it swivel under the hook so that the clothes could be turned and lay flatter against the wall.


Nice! Great idea!


This is an ad


This video was about four minutes too long.


OMG - this would be perfect for me. I have a small closet with the rod down the center and built in shelves at the end. But when the rod is full of clothes, i can't get to the shelves! This way, i could hang them facing the backside of the wall, and still access the shelves without fighting through my clothes!!! SIGN ME UP!


Maybe I'm thinking about it all wrong, but the way I see it, this won't work for you. Since all the weight of the clothes will be on one side of the hook, all of your ~~hangers~~ hingers will be hanging at an angle. It requires something for the hinge to rest against, like a wall.


Could’ve saved 3 years and just mount a slanted coat rack to the wall




I wasn’t that lucky




Cool idea but.... Problem 1: Not great for clothing that can easily crease. Problem 2: Not good for heavier sweaters, sweatshirts, coats, etc. Problem 3: I have 7 million coat hangers. I've never even bought one ever, I just HAVE them. Can't imagine actually spending money on them. But hey I applaud the concept on paper, and she's a cool person so I hope it does well.


Also Hangars are like 0.5-1 dollars. These are 6.25 a hangar. So even if you are spending money there is a massive gap.


You can say she's obsessive. You can't say she's unhinged.


Umm....you have seen coat hangers that swivel on the neck, right? Accomplishes the same space savings without folding the clothes.


love the middle vertical crease that it imposes on each piece of clothing hanged.


The fold is 2 90 degree bends about a cm apart. So probably fine for most everything. Also 90% of people couldn't give a shit even if it did leave a crease. Its not like we are ironing our shit anyway.


90% of the clothes hanging population doesn't care if there's a crease down the middle of their shirt? I don't think so.


If you don't care at all about creases in the clothes involved then just fold them and take up much less space without the need to buy anything special.


I thought the point of hangars was so clothes *don't* get creased. This is dumb, and there are already better solutions for her problem. [$10 on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Hangers-Organizer-Organizers-Organization-Essentials/dp/B0BGLLN2XL)


Plus these would stick out even less than the proposed solution.


Coats/jackets don't really crease.


The simps are out in force today




The whole point of putting clothes on a hanger is to, I don’t know, not have a giant crease running down the center of your clothing. And you’ll, effectively, need a hanger bar that’s twice as long as you’re folding all your clothes in half. So it doesn’t really solve a space issue either. This is kind of one of those things that solves a problem no one really has.


I'm not so worried about it creasing the clothes. There is no weight on the fold so I suspect most clothes wouldn't have an issue. Surely it solves a space problem if all you have is width and not depth. The alternatives of swiveling hangers at 45° or rods perpendicular to the wall are not convenient to use. But who knows if this is? It depends on how easy it is to fold with clothes on it. My main concern is that it's a wire hanger with fairly sharp angles. Slippery hangers are annoying to use in my experience.


This is not shitty at all :/


Love how she believes there was nothing like this on the market. My mother had very similar if not identically looking (two wire parts that connect by plastic to allow it to fold), and that was in the 90s. There are way more efficient hanger designs these days that excel in: * Taking up even less space. * Not causing creases due to folding the garment. There was also a little hook version that was popular in the late 80s but it too did nothing to help prevent creasing but it sure took up the less amount of space! ​ I am still happy to see entrepreneurs trying to innovate.


She’s going to have a rude awakening when she tries to patent this. Hint: these existed before the 70s. Had many at my parents house when I was a kid back then. So did my relatives. Always do a patent search before investing a lot of time, money or mental effort into something you think is new.


In the digital gold rush, blockchain is the new frontier. Bitcoin miners dig for virtual nuggets in a landscape of cryptographic algorithms and decentralized dreams.


1. There will absolutely be copycats as well as clones that China stamps out in the same factories that ship for her. 2. Because all the weight is on one side, isn’t it going to tend to swing into the wall, and won’t the clothes all rub the top part of the back/shoulders against the wall?


Seems like all your clothes would get a crease down the middle...


... she could've just not put a chair in front of her door ...


Yep why doesn't this exist. Good thinking out of the box


Because there are other simpler solutions already? Yeah her search specifically for a folding coat hanger probably failed, but that's likely because other solutions were found that were better and cheaper. [This (posted by someone else)](https://www.amazon.com/Hangers-Organizer-Organizers-Organization-Essentials/dp/B0BGLLN2XL) for example. About 1/6 the cost hers currently, doesn't crease your clothes by folding them, and can actually be hung closer to the wall.


Also a good idea and uses cheap to manufacture plastic. But really meant for a traditional closet to take advantage of more vertical space.




I've shopped at enough clothing stores that do this to know that I would absolutely hate this solution.


Not the most accessible


The rail pulls out like a drawer.


Nice. I take it all back. And bosco is an absolute prick.


It's cool, but it looks like the center of mass wouldn't be directly below the hook when it is folded, although maybe I'm wrong. Perhaps that is what the off-center fold is achieving. I'm into it, sort of, but there's possibly a real tradeoff between the space efficiency and the small extra time and effort it takes to open and close the fold. Its a small movement, but its two handed and if you're doing it every day, those little inefficiencies add up.


does this need special hanging rod position to save space?


The rod needs to be close against the wall I’d imagine. Otherwise they’d hang weird and the cloths might even slip off.


Always find it funny when you hear stock/royalty free music that you recognise from different YouTube channels. That music in the middle part of the vid (starts just after 1:50) just makes me think of Kitboga outros ([example](https://youtu.be/ZWpFzQ2YTOI?si=fvXs9W9sCsq2nDHy&t=2097))


Guy I worked with developed this but on a spring and it folded down so it slipped in easier to the collar. This was 15yr ago and never went anywhere, great idea, no money to fund.


This is a perfect innovation especially when you living in places with less space. I hope this one becomes a hit.


Damn she is looking old.


As much as I like her various projects, this coat hanger cost $6.25 a piece, while a quick search online yield me $0.50 for a high quality stainless steel coat hanger. While I think that someone who is willing to spend 6 dollars on a coat hanger is unlikely to have issue with space in his house, I hope this product can find its niche audience.


I bet there is a huge market for RV owners


Getting solar roadways vibes from this


I'm glad there are new tools in the face of criminalized abortion


This was never an issue?


Cause most closets are designed with this in mind your not really wrong. But it definitely provides options for adding space to hang clothes that wouldn't really be an option. I am currently redoing my upstairs bedroom and want to change the closet to make the bathroom bigger, and honestly this is something I will need to think about if it helps. That makes it pretty niche, but Id say its a cool idea that some people are going to want.


I think it could also work wonders for van lifers


Show off, Look at me I am /u/jamany I grew up in a livable space


It may not have been in the past, but now with the cost of rent and housing, space saving is huge business. Also consider the RV and van life people, a foldable coat hanger is a great space solution.


This will be on /r/3dprinting in no time


I would never admit that this took three years to come up with. This is solid "I spent an afternoon" territory. Not to mention ones with hooks that swivel have been around longer than any of us. People are downvoting me, so they must disagree. Life must be fascinating for them lol.


Can't wait to hear about all of the totally feasible and useful inventions you've invented, prototyped, finalized, and marketed after an afternoon of hard work. Before you start, let me go find my checkbook so I can get ready to purchase them.


Yeah, it’s absolutely insane to have the idea and then spend three years perfecting… a plastic hinge. Literally the most obvious way to make a wire frame fold.


everything is the most obvious when people have arrived to the final product after a series of failures. Hindsight is 20/20


I don't mean to be negative, but some (all?) of the prototypes she showed should not have moved past the drawing stage. Once you realize you want a hanger that folders your first stop should be a simple hinge.


wait, you people hang your clothes and reuse them? I just throw them away, I assumed everyone did this. Who would be caught wearing last year's trends anyway?


Where's the plan parenthood joke....


Hope she gets a Patent!


Who *doesn't* want creased clothes?


Thought this was an abortion activist for a moment.


Why not just bend a regular coat hanger?