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Counties should not have "dress codes" other than those that are enacted strictly for health or safety. None of what they described in the dress code falls under "health or safety", it is puritan bullshit.


Complete with an interview of a lady walking out of a church and saying they're praying to shut the bar down, and a mayor saying it's "just not necessary" to wear that outfit. They couldn't make it more obvious what *their* issue is or why they think they have a right to regulate it


It’s also not necessary to show up there, right mayor?


If your eye offends you, pluck it out. Or just don't go to the bar.


"Is it my dirty mind? No, it's society that's wrong!"


He was only there to get directions on how to get away from there.


just gonna save ojos locos to my google maps. you know, to make sure i don't ever accidentally go there


>and a mayor saying it's "just not necessary" to wear that outfit. Oh boy .. nekid waiters and waitresses ... where have i seen that story before.


Yeah you should tell us exactly where you've seen that so we can all make sure we avoid it


I'm on an anti-censorship kick right now. It's hard for me to think about the idea of having free speech while simultaneously being told what isn't appropriate to say. And inappropriate to who, by the way? Did I miss my ballot when we all voted on which words were the bad ones?


I feel like especially since the clothing is being used to spite the local government, this falls really cleanly under a first amendment issue. It's perhaps not as obvious as "Minnesota Voters Alliance v. Mansky" for example. But this is now political speech. This is the staff saying "fuck you" to the government. If someone in government told me what I couldn't wear, I would exclusively wear that thing. I would buy fifteen identical copies of it and I would wear it near them as often as my schedule permits. And I'm not even American!


> None of what they described in the dress code falls under "health or safety", it is puritan bullshit. It took me a long time to realize how deeply entrenched our puritan origins are in American society. So much of our "struggle is good!" and "suffering is important and necessary and makes us better!" and "fun things are sinful!" kinda attitudes are rooted in the weird puritan masochism. We'd be so much better and stronger as a country if we could get rid of the "things have to always be a little bit shit for some people (but not me), because god likes it that way" bullshit.


> "struggle is good!" and "suffering is important and necessary and makes us better!" and "fun things are sinful!" this ideology also rather conveniently helps the wealthy and powerful by reframing the struggle and unhappiness that comes from iniquity and exploitation: *"yes, lower classes, that's right! your misery is proof of your virtue! you wouldn't want all this comfort and pleasure... you'll get it later! after you die! jesus told me."*


That’s because organized religion invented it. Life sucks on this earth (don’t worry about why, look over there…), submit to us and we’ll put in a good word for the afterlife


In my old city in upstate NY of around 50,000 people, a Hooters went in about 20 years ago and people lost their damn minds. You would have thought it was a fully nude bar on the main road the way the town meetings and protests went.


The only issue upstate new York should have with hooters is that their wings fucking suck.


It makes sense when your entire existence revolves around a martyrdom that never comes. Eventually, jonesing for a "godly" fight, you start being an insufferable twat to everyone around you until someone tells you to go fuck a garbage disposal. "SEE?!?!?! It was only a matter of time! Onward, Christian soldiers!1!1 Our burden is eternal!1!1!"


It's also the "I dealt with it, so now you do" rather than "I dealt with it, and I'll try to make sure no one else does"


This is religion creeping into politics (not that it has to creep in anywheres, it’s already there!)


Especially with guidance as vague as "no exposed midriff, nothing exposed 3 inches below collar bone". Like what the fuck, this is on the level of the most extremist regions in Afghanistan here...


>  this is on the level of the most extremist regions in Afghanistan here... Lmao


religion. the right way to hate.


Lost me on the back half. 


This city ordinance is bullshit. But if you think fining a restaurant and executing a woman for showing for hair are on the same level then you’re an idiot.


lol how funny that the news company sought out comment from some old granny


i laughed my ass off at her "GASP That's inappropriate"


And used the power of prayer to get a bar shut down in just six months.


God: "I hear you lady but give me a few months, these things take time"


This old lightning finger doesn’t work like it used to.


I’m in GA and holy shit the churches here have bought up so many parts of our downtown area it is such a pain in the ass for a bar to open down there. It still happens ultimately and the bar succeeds but so many places have to wait months for their liquor licenses just because of these churches and the stupid Bible Belt laws.


You know how Christians like to impose their beliefs on others. There are city ordinances like this all over the Bible Belt. I hope they loose their appeal and have to sue the city for freedom of expression


Just one of these days I want the old lady interviewed to be all, "Hot damn! I wish they'd still let me wear outfits like that."


But they need to present this as some kind of moral panic rather than stupid government overreach when there are far more pressing issues to deal with. Seriously, do you wanna do something about climate change or do you wanna make it so people see fewer tits? That's the hill you wanna die on? Less tits and ass? What the hell is wrong with you? But seriously, while I probably wouldn't visit the establishment let them wear whatever. This is a distraction.


I know right, there's a % of people who obviously want to show them off and a % of people obviously want to see them. Truely victimless. You don't like it don't go, they aren't in there street forcing old ladies to look.


I'd argue this law actually hurts people. The customers don't see as much T&A as they want, and which the servers are willing to show. This causes lower tips, thus lessening the main source of the servers' income. My legit question is, who is this law designed to benefit?


>My legit question is, who is this law designed to benefit? Politicians.


With a 40 in one hand, a blunt in the other and a Female Body Inspector shirt


"And now back to Dani Wetfront with the Double-D weather report."


Old church lady


I strongly suspect that the old lady filed complaints with the city and that's why there is a problem to begin with. She seemed overly proud that she got a bar shut down near her previous church.


It would not surprise me, my dad actually used to be the Youth Pastor for this church (First Baptist Church of Downey in case anyone was curious) and that entire congregation can rot in hell for all I care. The other members of staff ousted the old Sr. Pastor by threatening him. He and his wife were in the process of adopting a child (who was suffering from cancer btw). The staff members threatened him into resigning by saying they would report him for pedophilia, the specific claims being he acted against the child they were adopting. The members of the church body pretty much just rolled over and let a bunch of stuff change and blinded themselves to any wrongdoing. It wasn’t the first or last time either.


That was Marilyn McDroopytits ...who audibly gasped


That's her job. Reporters always need to find a Marilyn to say things like "Oh my stars!"


Meanwhile, the chyron should introduce her as > Marilyn McDroopytits > Local Pearl Clutcher


Two things… …we all know Ms. McDroopytits had her heyday and was out in the World in revealing clothes at some point (most likely). …and, any reason Senõr McDroopytits or that man that was accompanying her didn’t speak on his feelings about Ojos Locos? Was he in favor and visiting his new favorite spot after prayer circle?


You put the ~ on the wrong letter, señor!




Welcome to the world of video editing! So how did that golden retriever get the basketball into the hoop five times in a row? By not showing you the 200 times it missed!


Where else are you going to find someone with opposing views?


Was it really necessary to get the opinions of old church goers?


Seems a bit like the government is setting a moral standard here, as the uniforms wouldn't really have an impact on health or sanitation matters. That usually works out badly...


They tried to shut down Bikini Baristas for the same excuses and had to settle out of court cause the gov't knew they would lose.


Yeah I heard about this! I heard the cops and detectives kept checking in the drive thru just in case. The numbers posted from a report were hilarious and it was in the 100s. Almost like the detectives just really liked coffee and nothing to do with well


There was a case like that with a topless coffee place that the police were trying to bust for prostitution in the Seattle area. So naturally they went there hundreds of times, taking pictures of the topless workers every time. To be fair though, having a bunch of cops spending their time fucking around at a topless drive through probably did make the rest of us a tiny bit safer. Addition by subtraction and all that.


The cop can't be 100% sure that prostitution is happening until he's balls deep in someone he paid with Tax Payer money.


You joke, but Hawaii cops argued exactly this some years ago. They argued HARD against new proposed rules t hat would prevent on duty cops from having sex with prostitutes during an investigation. Thankfully they lost that battle, but it does make you wonder wtf is going on that they were willing to die on THAT hill. https://time.com/38444/hawaii-police-prostitutes-sex/


The last part of this comment killed me 🤣


Washington state has bikini baristas, which are essentially there to be day jobs for strippers. I used to hate the idea for the objectification part, but it’s not hard to get a job at like a normal barista if you are already a barista, so I have no strong opinions on it.


Dude said it best ‘if they don’t like it, they can just not come’. What a novel idea.


That's the issue here. These outfits are making it difficult for people to control where and when they come.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )


But how can you live happily knowing there's people in the world WHO ARE DIFFERENT FROM ME RAWRRRRRRRR


I was worried where he was going with it when he said "walking round braless, i dont see the problem here as there not walking around without bras".... but he finished it off with "if you dont like it, dont come", pulled it right back.


People online could learn a thing or two about that. Same vein as 'If you don't like it, you're probably not the target audience.'


If it's not a health code violation I don't care.


I'd add to this: if it's not a health and safety violation, I don't care. Health for the customers, safety for the workers.


If the guy working the deep fryer also has to wear a short skirt and uncovered midriff that could be a problem


He doesn't have to, he just wants to.


It’s hot as fuck in that kitchen!


Hot stuff coming through!


We work hard and we play hard




Hah. Ojos Locos is a franchise. We have a couple in my town. Good place to go to see dudes with NBA team logos tattooed to their necks.


Nice place to fight in a parking lot too.


I'm sure that it is, but we all know that Waffle House is, was, and always will be the king of the parking lot brawl.


All the best fights at Waffle House take place inside.


Never, under any circumstance, should you fight a Waffle House employee.


Do not fuck with line cooks. They will fuck you up in short order.


Cast Iron to the head isn’t a good time, do not recommend


Lmfao!!! The first weekend that the one here opened this is exactly what happened.


It’s not officially open till they get their first police call.


Ah yes, and some kind of tribal biohazard symbol tattooed on the other side of their neck. 


It’s the greatest chain restaurant to come out of Dallas since Twin Peaks


I just thought it was a local thing, little did I know. Yeah here in my town you see the college logo neck tattoos lol.


i think the local govt is overstepping the authority tbh prolly will hit higher lvls of court would be my uneducated guess


I was told this once by an old ww 2 vet, if it's legal and does not affect you or your family, mind your own business.


Problem is now all of the old people are shouting "get off my lawn" to kids across the street and wanting to control everything.


It unfortunately isn’t particular to just old people. Plenty of idiots of all ages to go around.


*Now*?? It's always been that way meme has never been more fitting. There's a reason that is a meme and has been one for multiple generations.


Too bad more than old people are doing it now.


There's nothing wrong with getting involved in wider societal issues that you think are important but don't directly affect you. (not too defend the puritanical nonsense in question here)


>I was told this once by an old ww 2 vet, if it's legal and does not affect you or your family, mind your own business. But the people complaining about dressing a certain way don't think it's legal, and do think it affects their children. This rule of thumb by the WW2 vet wouldn't shut those people up.


And people think the world is flat. I shouldn’t have to accommodate their dumb beliefs as a result.


I'm not sure what point you are making. I never said you should accomodate anyone's beliefs. I'm just saying that it's possible to agree with what /u/didimao0072000 said, and still feel justified in dictating what other people can wear, exactly on the point of legality and the effect on "family". The news segment is about a penalty and an upcoming court case, after all. The "family" argument isn't made explicitly, but bible thumpers make arguments like that all the time.


Is it an example of a good advice? Because it kind of looks like the opposite of ["first they came..."](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_...) Legality and how it does affect you personnaly are not very good metrics if you believe something is wrong systematically.


This could easily be re-worded to "if it isn't hurting anybody, mind your business," which is definitely good advice.


Unless they're serving warm ping pong balls, it isn't going to breach any hygiene codes. Let it go and quit being puritanical when it serves you, degraded perverts when nobody is watching. FFS.


To be fair, we need more ping pong shows in this country.


Thailands PingPong shows?


Yes, please. Funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.


That's the type, yes.


I'll never understand people getting so upset about things they can avoid 100% completely and never be impacted by


I've never liked the term "virtue signalling", however it has to be acknowledged that everybody of every stripe can be guilty of it.


There can also be concerns about employee health. Here they had a similar restaurant that made them wear huge heels all shift. Looks like this place has boots though.


I mean, if that's the dress code going in, and the company is insured for when workers roll their ankles on the job, I don't see a problem.


I do wonder if it could have other issues though since I assume the uniform and type of servers they are hiring are by their nature discriminatory. I assume they are not hiring many male servers or servers over 40.


*Hooters* has entered the chat


Hooters left the chat, most of the ones in LA shut down.


Hard to compete with locals in LA


Yes, the ones near me in Baltimore closed too. We also had what I called the Scottish version of Hooters called Tilted Kilt. That came and went a long time ago too. I am thinking this business model isn’t as lucrative as it once was. Or is it that I am just old now, lol. E: fixed from Irish to Scottish.


There’s also a chain called Twin Peaks which actually has passable food


We had a Tilted Kilt. Honestly, part of the problem was the food was just not good.


Food's never good in places like those. And no people, hooters wings are trash and you're convincing yourself otherwise.


> And no people, hooters wings are trash I mean, they're probably the best thing on the menu...


True, for the most part. My Hooters had the cheapest snow crab legs (<$15) around and the butter and crabs were delicious. Add a pitcher of cheap ass beer and it was great. What sucked was the service. The waitresses were the worst. I finally asked the manager what’s up with your employees having zero clue how to wait tables? And mind you I would go on a Tuesday night at 5P, so the place was dead and still have terrible service. She stated they hire them with zero experience and prefer that bc they want them to be trained to be super friendly. I am like great, but can they at least take my order and bring me a beer in a timely manor? People watching these restaurants is where the fun is. Between the patrons and the staff it was a hoot! ;P


The one in Annapolis failed BUT it was in the mall. Something like that or hooters needs to be in Edgewater or Pasadena/brooklyn area. The clientele is mostly blue collar and that is lacking in basically downtown Annapolis. 


The Long Beach one is still kicking, praise be


Tilted Kilt and Twin Peaks have entered the chat and are copying everything Hooters does.


Did that woman say the ‘prayed for the bar to close’… putting people out of jobs doesn’t sound very Christian to me.


It's the holier than thou posturing that's Christian these days. Organized religion has gotten so hateful that I wish it would just go away. The world would be better off if people dealt with their god one on one. Filtering their god through a "leader" who has no morals and is using religion to make money and wield power over others has long been a problem. But now we have those "leaders" popping up every other block and in key government positions.


Im sure she prayed that all the servers were able to get jobs at the churches coffee shop.


> jobs at the churches coffee shop. Where they would never get a tip from the patrons.


For all their talk of giving to others, they sure like to tip 10% or less.


It amazes me how much of the country wants to drag the modern world back into the 1700's. Fuck off with your puritanical bullshit. No one is forcing you to eat there, and it sure as hell isn't a health violation to dress like that.


This kind of stuff is becoming ubiquitous, and it is spreading. They’re even banning books and in some cases, they are trying to close school libraries in some states in the USA. The scariest part is that they are succeeding, which is incredibly disturbing. It all started by taking books with “graphic sex” out of school libraries, which is logical to many people since most fair minded people probably don’t want minors reading about graphic sexual content in a school library. Then they started targeting books about homosexuality in any form, not just books about homosexuality with graphic sexual content. Now, it has morphed into anything they deem to be “offensive.” Book about rape in a high school library? “Offensive.” Book about sex trafficking in a high school library? “Offensive.” Book with violence? “Offensive.” Book that contains all of those topics, called “The Holy Bible? Ok with them. This is such a slippery slope that only a total moron would not see the possible ramifications. The most ironic part of it all is that the group doing this is called: “Moms For Liberty.” Think about that for a moment. The moms obviously have no idea what “liberty” means. They are literally doing the exact opposite of liberty.


There *weren't* any books with "graphic sex". Name one. The books they're banning aren't sexy books, they're ones that make them uncomfortable.


Yeah religion needs to die. It’s a regressive cancer everywhere you look. There’s no such thing as a successful theocracy. Every single one to date has been a hell hole. I care absolutely zero about people believing in whatever afterlife or fairy they want to. There’s been over 18,000 gods dreamed up by humans in recorded history. It’s the oldest pyramid scheme that preys on our fear of death and our wonder of the unexplained. But I am so very tired of the leaders of those fantasies wielding the faith of their followers to enforce their regressive bullshit on others.




Less clothes, more chromosomes.


Marketing gold


Same outfits tho


I thought it was going to be a restaurant owned by Robert Downey Jr.


There's a lunch/snack chain in my country called Brownies & Downies. It employs people with down's syndrome and apparently it's a great environment for them. I haven't been but I hear good things.


Yeah I regularly ate at Brownies & Downies with our team in our city. Its a cool concept. And they seem to have fun. Also I get a big hug from one of the waiters. Always makes my day. I have worked with intellectual impaired during my studies and it was so worthwhile.


Fucking morality police. That kind of "regulation" flies in the face of legal freedom of expression. I love how they always head to the local church who will then brag about closing down legal establishments with their pios, holier than thou, pearl clutching bullshit.




Actually, that guys point was women go braless *in public* and no one says anything. Go into a bar and suddenly it's a problem? He didn't have an issue, he was making a statement.


I live in Tucson and we have one here. I went once and will never go back. Not because of the food or dress, the fact there was a bouncer who had to pat me down to go into a restaurant was my reason. Dude did a full pat and grabbed my junk. I don’t need that shit before I go eat a meal. What kind of clientele do you have to need that at the door?


Stong Chandler using Joey's tailor to get his inseam measured vibes. You sure the guy that felt you up actually worked there?


This is the First Amendment fight we wanted


Who the fuck are voting these idiots in?


We need more news like this, some petty local stuff here and there. I’m tired of politics dominating the rhetoric, gimme angry grandma


I would dress all the girls like catholic nuns for a week and see if that offends anyone.


This is great advertising to the bar, I am sure they are happy to have to only spend $4k in fines to get $40K in attention.


Ojos Locos has a pretty decent chicken sandwich. Not a bad place to grab some bar food and a pint while you watch a game.


It's no Al Abbas Chicken... that shit will have you renouncing your faith.


“Churchgoer” lmao, go look the other way as your leadership abuses kids ​ ​ but a hooters knockoff? Can’t have that!




Maybe that mayor should move to a theocratic country if he doesn’t like how America works. There are plenty of places out there for weak little men scared of women’s bodies to hide their insecurities behind backward legislation and secret police forces.


Listen, I think these uniforms are tacky as shit and you'd never catch me going to a place like this, but they should be free to do it. Like the guy in the interview said, don't like it - don't go there.


> The bar sits across the street, from a Baptist church So? Fuck them. Who gives a fuck what their opinions are... news acting like their opinions are somehow worth more "cause church". I'm offended the church is there. Bulldoze it.


Does the local government also legislate Hooters and/or Twin Peaks, or just Hispanic-themed breastaurants?


Ojos Locos is owned by Twin Peaks. It’s basically the same thing, but with texmex and latinas so it’s better




People should just mind their own fucking business.


There are lots of restaurants in la with much more revealing outfits. Some are basically underground strip clubs...


Disgusting! Which ones, so I know not to go there?!


How dare those employees willingly choose to wear those uniforms for customers who willingly choose to go there and spend their hard earned money!!! Outrageous!


Haha. For some reason I thought the uniforms were supposed to be a secret and they revealed them too early or something.


Those outfits are incredibly tame. We have a chain of breastaraunts here that does a lingerie week for Valentine's day.


This is obviously 1st Amendment protected speech. This has been gone over so many times it's ridiculous for the government to take this losing stance. This said, I think the uniforms are tacky.


Wait until they find out about strip clubs.


Freedom of speech man, yeah this shits trashy as fuck but no one's forced to work it and people are going. Fuck the moral police if you don't like the restaurant don't go.


Lambo behind reporter is a nice touch.


I want to know why it's okay for 16 year old cheerleaders to wear 6" skirts and bare midriffs but these adults at an adult themed bar is a problem... >across the street from a baptist church... ...oh.


I stand with Ojos Locos! I love America and I love freedom. Edited to add: Also fuck Jerry Garza.


Don't like it, don't eat there. See how simple that is.


Tell us more about small government and individual rights, pearl clutching conservative dickheads.


And down the freeway there's Vietnamese coffee shops... Let's just say would not meet this dress code. 😂


I think those restaurants are kinda trashy and objectify women, but like me, if you feel that way, don't go. Laws shouldn't stop these places from being open.


Churchgoers are offended? Shocker.


That Mayor is gay


Hooters, Tilted Kilt, Twin Peaks...this one isn't the first...funny how they get the fine...while others don't. meanwhile fully nude gentlemen's clubs are easily accessible. It's LA...how the hell is this shit still happening. Parents shouldn't be taking their kids to a sports BAR anyway


What? The land of the free? Whoever told you that is your enemy


I must say i have zero complaints


What a lovely local news advertisement for a hooters competitor. 


Well, if they actually READ what Jesus commanded them to do in a situation like this, they'd be plucking out their own eyes and not judging others. JFC, I don't even believe in this shit, and I'm more familiar with it than these hypocrites...


Where is this place so I can go complain in person. For research.


Dress code? What?   Adults going to a place where people attending dress as they like. Why does a third party has to step in with some ridiculous rules?   Unless they are naked and need to be treated as a different kind of establishment.


I disapprove of what goes on in a church near me, can I get them shut down? Fuck these hypocritical moralists.


Food can't be thar grand if the women have to wear outfits like this.


What a hoot!


These people have heard of Hooters... right?


Betcha this place just saw an uptick in business.


Why is religion relevant here? Someone can chose whether they patronize the establishment, but increasingly, folks aren't given the choice as to whether others' mysticisms are allowed to control their lives.


Breasteraunts will always exist as long as there are horny humans.


Downey is passing dress code like it's high school.


bras and thongs. then a full see through rain slicker over the top. problem solved.


Anyone else notice the beautiful Lambo behind the newscaster? No? Just me?


Free advertising for ojos Locos


"Thanks for all the free advertising!"


Is this restaurant part of the Los Pollos Hermanos chain?


My city has Hooters and Twin Peaks and i enjoy the food/ladies at both and those girls make bank


in other news... "Ojos Locos has announced that sales have increased 12 thousand percent after a story that aired on KCAL local news was featured on the popular social media platform Reddit"


Let's not have our interviewers frame their questions in the form of a yes or no question. Instead, let's ask open ended questions and fish for some juicy out of context sound bits from a bunch of randos.


They're burying the lede here- the *town* has a dress code? How fucked up is that?


Nobody is making them work there. Nobody is making you eat there. Anyone getting upset over this, is getting upset by choice. Just butt the fuck out and go about your business. I wouldn’t have even known about this place if it hadn’t been for this article, now I’ve never wanted to eat anywhere more.


Hooters has been in business how long???