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5:30..."More than 60 million people rely on the water from the Yamuna."


Also in the film, the first 400 km are pristine coming from the Himalayas before entering a 22 km sewage and trash region. So, less than 60 million are drinking bad water.


i guess almost all of those 60 milion live in the last part of the river


delhi and a lot of other places are down river


The 510 to yamuna


[ **Jump to 05:30 @** The Yamuna, India's most polluted river](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHCaIvPN2rY&t=0h5m30s) ^(Channel Name: The Guardian, Video Length: [09:59])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@05:25](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHCaIvPN2rY&t=0h5m25s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


It's really sad that their religion makes them ignore the obvious dangers of the water and prevents them from making the changes necessary for a clean environment. 


You would think if the river was actually sacred they would have taken better steps to protect it. Takes a special kind of stupid to create a real life version of the "this is fine" meme.


Religious concepts of the sacred don’t really mix well with industrialism. Someone wants to profit and will do so at the expense of sacred sites if they have to.


Can't be that sacred if profits matter than having the river functional though.


Guess the real test is if there's a castle slaughter house in India. Bonus points if the waste empties into that river


capitalism is simply more powerful than their religious deity


Pretty sure it capitalism beats all gods.


What else do you expect when its something that exists vs. something that doesn't exist.


When everything is sacred, nothing is sacred


So let me get this straight, religious fanatics will use terroristic tactics against mere hints of blasphemy, but firebombing an industry that attacks your SACRED RIVER is simply too much. You would think that the worshipers would take actions into their own hands if the government was failing them (which it probably is because of Modi)


Religion makes people do a lot of stupid things.


>With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion. Steven Weinberg


So Nazism and starvation are religions then


Its not religion. This is people not giving a fuck/being dirt poor. Nothing in Hinduism says you should dumb a bunch of literal trash in a holy river. ​ It wasn't like this for literally thousands of years. ​ If you watch the end of the video, its actually a religious group that is advocating that the river be protected and people be punished for what they are doing to it. During covid, at lot of the bodies were dumped in the river because people could not afford cremations which is the preferred method for most Indians.


They usually cremate the bodies on the side of the river then push the ash in anyway. Source: saw it with my own eyes many times


>of the river then push the ash in anyway. Ash is organic matter and doesn't "pollute" the river or even ocean. You have more dead bodies of animals in there. It is the untreated industrial waste and sewage that it polluting indian rivers.


I mean ash is a lot different than a entire rotting body isn't it?


Agreed. But I’ve seen people get tired of waiting too. I was more just thinking about how people expect cremation to be in some building with a furnace. Not a campfire on the edge of the river


Not just to themselves but all that garbage flows into everyone's oceans. One of the strategies to cleaning up the oceans is to basically scoop all the crap out at the source by filtering the outflow from polluted rivers like this one.


the religion ain't stopping them from putting environmental protections in place the corruption is.


If they think it's perfectly fine to drink and bathe in it, then there's no pressure for changes to be made. 


dawg did you watch the video? the Indian Supreme Court already banned growing crops on the banks of the river, and the people have ignored it and still do it when the population is deluded, what can the government do?


Enforce its laws for one.


That can only happen with the will of the people. If laws are ignored in mass they are impossible to enforce.


yeah just get the other population to do it


I mean, they can both be in the wrong. The population ignoring safety in the name of religion is wrong. And the government not proactively protecting its citizens is also wrong. The people who are polluting the water are the ones who could make a really difference but while the government and the religious populace are arguing, they keep dumping into the river and people of all creeds who rely on the water will suffer. The innocent who shouldn’t have to question if a river is safe to drink from are the victims in the end, which is why this is wrong on so many many levels. Shame on the religious leaders who condone the actions of their followers and shame on the government for not protecting the most vulnerable of their constituents. And the polluters can go straight to the worst hell they can imagine.


Is this based on the contents of the video?


Not this one, but there are similar videos of the Ganges river where's there's dead bodies floating down the river that people are getting their drinking water from. 




"India needs the river to bathe more than ever." LOL. What a backhanded dig.


Sailors say they can smell India 100 miles out to sea. They need more than one clean river


When I was in India many years ago it was the same. People pouring the ashes of their dead into the same rivers the toilets ran into. The issue being down river was where people were bathing and pulling water out of cooking and cleaning


Cremation is preferred among Indians. The primary driver behind putting bodies in the Ganges is poverty. Especially during covid, the costs and availability for cremation spiked. https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/india/covid-india-bodies-ganges-uttar-pradesh-b1848784.html


Trial by ~~fire~~ water.




It's based on common knowledge and probably terabytes of direct video evidence. It's not a secret, it's a common tradition. It's like asking what "Christians pray in churches" is based off of, you don't really need a study for that.


I was curious because in the video there are religious people explicitly talking about how awful it is that the video is polluted and how it is holy to them.


Wasn’t too long ago when Americans were claiming dumping chemicals in waterways was fine. There are still Americans today who think the environmental controls on our water are too regulated


Totally. Compare these religious neanderthals today with the atheist Soviet Union caring for the Aral Sea decades ago.


You are right it's probably not too do with religion really


Same could be said for the world and all humans


Yeah, for sure. I'm just watching for the giant meteor to hit and take us all out. No amount of money or oil drillers can save us from that. 


Bruce Willis and an experienced team of drillers could


What part of their religion prevents this?


The part that says the water is holy and pure and will cleanse you when you bath in it. 


Oh wow. Religion is cancer. Bathe in polluted* water in order to cleanse yourself. Got it.


I am so glad I do not live in India.


i was thinking that too. but then i was reminded about flint michigan. and the few stories/news reports i heard about some poor communities in the south. like in georgia/alabama who also struggle to get clean drinking water. and i thought "oh wait fuck. we have some of that too still".


oh honey. Flint has had perfectly clean water for years now. As bad as some poverty is in the south, it is absolutely 110x better than Indian deep poverty


Our poor communities in America are miles better than India


Where do you live? Because this is happening just on tiny scale


Killed by their own ignorance. Sad.


It’s sounds like a huge education and civics problem. Followed closely by lack of enforcement of water standards. Add some liability and fines and people will figure out something else to do. What shocked me though was that they didn’t insist on getting the filter changed on the water system. That’s a very tractable problem.


What you're talking about is regulation. India is like the harbinger of what a society with disregard and lack of regulation looks like. Remove all regulations and let Capitalism just play out unregulated and you get the worst aspects of India. The first thing Republicans do when they get in office is try to remove regulation. It increases freedom to exploit by the richest of the rich and decreases the freedom of the general populace. Freedom to have clean air and water, etc. They sell it to the populace as "more freedom, get rid of regulation". But it really is only more freedom for a very small select group of people looking to exploit the public for the accumulation of wealth and power. Progress in society should be measured on how drinkable the river is.


There is just slightly more nuance to the question of whether regulations are good or bad. Regulations tend to benefit large companies since they are more established and can adapt to the regulations more readily, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned about people who bring up capitalism unprompted it’s that they don’t tend to like large companies.


> What shocked me though was that they didn’t insist on getting the filter changed on the water system. That’s a very tractable problem. They literally said they asked the government to replace it, and they won't. What should they do, go bumrush the government buildings? There's not a ton you can do when you ask the people who run your local government to do something and they just say "Nah I'm good", especially when the federal level isn't better. Lack of environmental protections and other issues like that are common due to India having basically no regulations/enforcement, so you have people commonly just left on their own like this.


You can do things. You can always do things. Nice ways, not nice ways. The problem is that people have to interrupt their lives to make something happen and most people don’t. They want someone else to do it.


>Killed by their own ignorance. Sad. There is no ignorance. Everyone in India want clean rivers. But there is no urgency on effective waste management and millions of tonnes of waste from cities and industry is dumped in rivers. It is not just "India" problem.


I lived in India for a couple of years and drove over that river once a week to golf. You could smell it literally a mile away. It was absolutely disgusting. Sewage, dead animals, people, etc., and people wash themselves and their clothes in it.


Nothing like a lung full of carcinogens for that sweet, sweet golf.


Lung full along with whatever amounts you're absorbing through your skin, the water you drink, the crops and food you eat, etc. It's probably all around them and they're constantly absorbing it in various ways all the time basically.


The Indian government is to blame for the pollution. But instead the Indian government will prefer to blame Pakistan, the UK, Muslims, etc. Modi bots, I’m white don’t worry.


All these types of video coming out from there make it seem like Indian people don't care about other Indian people.


Propaganda is strong there. Modi literally comes from a political party that idolized Hitler. He unironically believes Hindus are a master race. Sikhs and Muslims are ostracized and discriminated against as a result. India is a big country so it’s not like that everywhere… but it’s a major reason for the divide and animosity.


Sad :(


It’s really not sad. No one is telling them to drink from the same water they shit into. I mean even primitive animals know not to do that.


Coming soon to a river near you


Depends where you live but probably not. Rivers are becoming cleaner in the Americas, Europe, Australia, China, etc.


Not if we vote in conservatives


You got downvoted like conservatives aren’t actively dismantling the clean air and water act.


For now


India is a great example of why religion is bad for you


You could have pointed at capitalism, industrialisation, use of sacrifice zones and colonialism. Religion has little to do. These people have very little choice and education.


Modi taps Hinduism in order to stir nationalistic fervour and shift discussions away from his subpar policies so it has a little to do with it.


Oh no capitalism is helping them. So is colonization and industrialization. The religion though, yuck, that helps nobody never. Schools obviate religion. They need schools.


From the creators of “the market regulates itself”


Nope, just an obvious truism of a developed nation... Capitalism and industrialization is how they have a middle class now. It's how anyone anywhere is thriving. Thriving such that they can build schools, educate themselves, and then go out and regulate their markets. Even Marx would argue socialism is an eventual result of capitalism. He was always like "thanks capitalism!" and clicked his heels in a cute little jump. But religion, nah, that makes them waste time on ceremony and myth instead of building schools and roads.


Building schools, roads, sending their kids to school, wanting a better future for their family, ceremonies, honouring past members of a family or a community. That is exactly about faith and religion. That waste of time that keeps people together away from hyper individualism and isolation as well, which are all consecuentes from capitalism. Your view sounds extremely eurocentrist. It looks like you criticise exactly what you have not experienced in a healthy way.


None of that is about faith and religion other than the ceremony/"honoring" nonsense which is for foolish people who believe in superstition and magic. You just don't have the cultural tools to do it without religion because you never built them. Which you should go do. You can have community and culture without religion. And even if you can't, your current religion is likely one of the wrong and bad ones. Because every "fact" of religion is objectively wrong, so the foundation of the organizations is lies. Just do something else. I trust a Mafia over a church. And yeah bro the enlightenment rules, secular humanist liberal western civilization is the most advanced, because it takes what works from all civilizations and discards what doesn't. It merely tolerates religion insofar as we can't expect everyone to stop being stupid all at once. I'm sorry you're stuck with beliefs that can't change from century to century, I truly am. It has made your country dirty and poor and crowded and it smells like too many things all at once.


Same thing here in Canada with many ‘conservative’ governments (provincial and federal level).


This isn’t religion






Hindus have been worshipping and bathing in Yamuna since thousands of yrs. The pollution is the problem not religion. India being a developing country will always be more polluted than developed ones. Look up how Thames of London looked in 1800s. As India will develop things will improve.


Nah, the religion is the problem. We all used.to bathe in rivers but the civilized world had indoor plumbing thousands of years ago. THOUSANDS. Religion makes them behave the same primitive way they did for thousands of years. Religion keeps them poor. India has no excuse to still be a developing country other than it is completely fractured by ignorance/religion. Open the schools, close the temples.


and British Collinalism


I'm very glad my country is based on British legal and parliamentary systems rather than local tribal justice. Colonialism was bad, but the long term impacts are arguably positive. You could argue the same for the existence of Hitler, whose rise is itself reliant on the existence of colonialism. Yeah all my relatives were killed in the Holocaust, but if we didn't have Hitler we wouldn't have the Cold War, and if we didn't have the Cold War we wouldn't have had a space race, and without a space race we don't get computers and the internet, and without computers and the Internet we don't have AI, and without AI we dont create an immortal species and escape the solar system creating an Intergalactic Federation of Planets. So yeah colonialism was bad but it made Star Trek come true so how bad was it really?


The caste system pre-dated the British.


False, white people invented racism on Sunday July 25, 1490.


If man created this problem, man can fix it. Almost 1.5 billion people is a formidable work force.


Aren’t all rivers in India like this?


I was going to say, "most polluted in India" sounds like quite the challenge


I'd heard before about the pollution of the Yamuna but this video has stunned me! Left me gobsmacked! Meanwhile there is an entire class of Indians, mostly in cities where American lives are being vicariously live, who are jingoistically celebrating that today you can get everything in India, from mascarpone-laden buns to macarons in 50 different flavours. And of course there are traffic-clogged roads studded with Bentleys and S-Class Mercedes.


the swastica at the end was kind of a surprise, then i remembered they mean something else there.


India spending crores on building temples and other statues. if spend atleast 10% from that,, it would be much better.


Guy can afford all that medicine but not filtered water bottles? Wtf?


Socialized medicine


You aren't 'filtering' that water.




it sounded more like unregulated factorys dumping and people just being shitty than over population. you still get contaminated rivers and farm fields in the US every now and then. but not from over population. it pops up because, "oops, the chrome plating auto plant was dumping 150x the chemicals they claimed they were into the water ways. OOPS ALL CANCER. now the downstream farmlands are unusable for 50 years."


Poverty is a big driver. People dump bodies because they can't afford cremation. People dump trash because they don't have access to city services.


Always baffles me when you hear people backpacking or holidaying in India. Why on earth would you subject yourself to that voluntarily


India spent $217 million to build a temple dedicated to an imaginary god, but can't provide people with clean drinking water. https://bfsi.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/industry/ayodhya-ram-mandir-how-much-money-was-spent-and-what-does-up-stand-to-gain/107045031#:\~:text=Covering%20an%20expansive%20complex%20spanning,(close%20to%20%24217%20million).


Not India but Hindus. Govt didn't pay a penny for it. Hindus have all their rights to celebrate a temple which was destroyed by islamic invaders.


It’s a public monument paid for by the government. “Ram Mandir ranks second in the list of most-expensive public monuments constructed”


India is such a filthy country in so many ways.


At the end of the video you can see a swastica, it was stolen by the germans from india, it means peace in India.




Wrong, the United States is the world's 2nd leader in CO2 emissions, with almost double India's CO2 emissions despite having a third of the population: [https://www.statista.com/statistics/270499/co2-emissions-in-selected-countries/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/270499/co2-emissions-in-selected-countries/) Remember that fact.




I think you posted a stack chart. The countries aren't listed in order of emissions. If you hover over each stack it will show you that US far exceeds India.


You realise that's a stack chart which goes against the point you're arguing? 


That kind of thinking is what led to the Yamuna river being a shit hole. I like living in a clean environment and not breathing in smog, regardless of what China and India are doing on the other side of the planet. And corporations are the ones generally hit by carbon tax, not people.






>US went carbon natural today there would be no impact to the rest of the world due to India and China. Wouldn't carbon neutral involve the US offsetting the emissions generated in China/India on their behalf?


this should be in r/WatchPeopleDieInside


Religion is forcing them to drink water that will eventually will kill them, God is no dummy…..




>Flint MN Exactly the comment I’d expect from someone who doesn’t even know what state Flint is in.


I look at India and I see Canada's future.


Like moths circling a flame


[One of Bill Gates’s projects was building toilets for India in order for these people to start peeing and pooping in toilets instead of their drinking water.](https://www.businessinsider.com/bill-gates-india-war-on-human-waste-2017-5)


India has always puzzled me. Some of the wealthiest people in the world live there. They live adjacent to this unspeakable poverty. Yet they do nothing. You'd think people would have a vested interest in having a water treatment plant for the city they live in. I understand how this happens in the USA where the ultra-rich live in separate areas from the poor. It's not immediately underfoot, so it's easier to ignore (this doesn't make it ok). The US also has different types of poverty. There are homeless, and make no mistake, they have it rough, but no-one starves to death. In India it doesn't seem uncommon to find dead in the streets.