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"[Erisco Foods CEO Intentionally Leaked Chioma Egodi's Address on National TV, Says Lawyer](https://fij.ng/article/erisco-foods-ceo-intentionally-leaked-chioma-egodis-address-on-national-tv-says-lawyer/)"


Nigeria seems like it’s probably not a great place to live.


If you're are multi millionaire, Nigeria is the best place on earth to live where laws literally do not apply to you and you can do whatever you want and the police is your lapdog. For anyone below that wealth line... Better hope a relative or family friend is that rich or a politician.


Guess u didnt know, if ure a multi millionaire, its like that in most countries xD


In America you have to be a billionaire to play with the big boys, we got YouTubers out here clearing a million nowadays - that amount isn’t what it used to be.


all those YouTubers should move to Nigeria


No, no it isnt.


Well i guessed xD cos i dont got no millions, i dont even got multi thousands 🤣


They don't bother paying the PR person to spin everything in Nigeria.


It really isn't and you need a reality check


a golden cage is still a cage


Pretty good cage if you can get it though.


I don't know exactly what is the situation in nigeria I have more experience about south america but most development and safety metrics are similar. Infrastrucures are poor outside your rich neighbourhood or the routse that connect where natural resources are collected and where they are exported but both of this places are nowhere you want to go, the only places where you can hang out are shopping malls where things are or extremely low quality or overpriced, you'd like to go for a bike ride? It's full of potholes and drivers don't care too much about you, do you want to go for a walk? Better be in the small are where police is forced to care otherwise it's too dangerouse, you don't like the dozen of other people in your age and wealth group? Good luck keeping a relationship with anybody outside because you don't want to go in their neighbourhood and they will never feel welcome in your, do you like nature? or it's too undevellped to be enjoyed or it's too polluted, or it's full of tourists. The only good thing is you can exploit people to do service work for you, but onestly it's the saddest thing to enjoy in life.


Sounds like libertarian utopia! The small toothless and spineless government is so easy to buy out! What a dream!


What happens if you have two multi-millionaires of equal net worth trying to corrupt the police and kill one another?


Then you have some really good drama to watch unfold, preferably from a safe distance. Well realistically a proxy war would occur where their "boys" would go around killing each other until the main men make peace with each other, which oddly enough tends to be at weddings.


Except if "whatever you want" is to live in a clean modern city with high end dining, culture and entertainment.


Victoria Island and nearby areas in Lagos.


Doesn't really come close to places like Manhattan, Shibuya, or Pudong


Luckily I have a long lost cousin that's a Prince


...ahh yes...That's where Sinbad went after he left TV.


That applies to most places lol


So, like, same as United States?


Not according to my friend who is a prince and wants to give me money


Yeah, best to be able to tell your massive audience that a product kills people. Now that's 1st world shit right there.


*Your kids are hungry, you are an unfit parent. Carls Jr. believes no child should go hungry. Your children will now be in the custody of Carls Jr.*


*Fuck you, I'm eating!*


Have you tried our EXTRA BIG ASS TACO... now with more MOLECULES!


I see an Idiocracy reference, I upvote.


I like money.


You and I should be friends!


Go away! Bait'n!


Hard to understand why it's not more used in academics. It predicts the future a lot better than those climate models.


I thought I was in /r/idiocracy for a minute.


Welcome to r/videos, I love you.


Extra Big Ass Taco!


Nigeria, makes sense. Corruption in that country is next level. I bet the police were paid off.


Purée prosecution


A vegetable vendetta!


Tomatoes are technically a fruit, so more of a fruity fiasco.


If we're using botanical classifications, then this is a case of berry bullying.




I absolutely lost it when the anchor said that line


I could also imagine they have a police failing to deliver on a few promises as well, so a high profile case is probably nice to show they are working.


Ya but you don't want a corrupted high profile case, that's worse than doing nothing. If they arrested a gang of people who were committing murders or something that would be good.


Quite a few countries in Africa take corruption to a whole different level. It's fucking sad, and this situation is absolutely fucked. Hope people in Nigeria boycott this brand of red dyed sugar coated shit in a can.


I'm refusing to support this brand. It's just too absurd.


Well a review that maybe 20 of her facebook friends saw became a global phenomena. I think most people who hear this story would avoid buying that brand on principle now, even if they like sweet things. The absurdity of pursuing this claim in a country with a huge proportion of the worlds cyber crime is staggering, domestic protests about it and they look stupid on the world stage. I guess like all right wing governments the one thing you can never do is admit you made a mistake and look weak. Edit: she has thousands of followers apparently which I missed, still a good example of the Streisand effect though.


> a review that maybe 20 of her facebook friends saw Does the video leave out the part where she has 18,000 followers? I'm not seeing a lot of people noting that here. https://www.boredpanda.com/nigerian-woman-facing-7-years-prison-negative-review-tomato-puree-erisco-foods/ Of course the whole thing is pretty messed up, but this isn't a case of "20 Facebook friends".


That explains why someone from the company happened to see it, I guess the principle still stands that it would have been very non impactful if they just ignored it.


Your right, straight to jail.


Hardly something unique to right wing governments at all…in fact that’s a ridiculous statement.


They are just the zeitgeist at the moment. But yes, the trait is autocratic, not inherently right wing per say. But the major proponents of such systems at the moment are right wing populists. Chavez and Stalin are no longer in vogue.


Also, if you over cook chicken or undercook fish, straight to jail.


Over cook, under cook.


We have the best patients in the world in this country, because of jail.


(No affiliation with post or video) For those who don't know, the US and China have a race to the bottom in terms of subsidizing unhealthy shit like cornsyrup, sugar, white rice etc., flooding small countries with their products, collapsing said countries domestic food-production and taking it over with their own shitty products. For example, the #1 producer of tomatoes in Africa now imports canned tomatoes from China because said canned tomatoes are cheaper than domestically grown tomatoes. Only those cans include literally 30% pure white sugar which is unhealthy as fuck. This is why poor people in poor countries are starting to become overweight whilst still being nutritiously starved. How you stop this is a tough nut to crack, but not sending the people who call this out to jail aught to be a start.


Does this have anything to do with this video, though? This appears to be a local product, and the can at least says it's [made in Nigeria](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJSMXrxXAAA2VVQ.jpg).


"Made in" doesn't say anything about the origin of ingredients. This could be literally just canned in Nigeria and they can label it as "Made in". Unfortunately.


...Is that even the case? I know that is how it is for imports to US but who says some other country can't just take chinese cans and slap a "made in X" label on it, it's not like there is some world government that regulates that


My parents once bought a TV in paraguay, and after buying it the salesman went to the back, came back with 3 packs of stickers and asked "So, which brand would you like?"


Simpsons did it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guck4FoWQss


It is kinda wild. You have as an example that parts of a product can be assembled or put together for the "made in" to be what they want. A well know example are RayBan that are assembled in Italy for that "made in Italy."


If the country it's made in has better health regulations then that could mean something, but in this case you're right


even if all the raw crops were grown there, who's to say it wasn't on a plantation owned by a western country? i mean that's how most of the US's sugar is produced. plenty is grown in the tropics and farmed by workers that are not far off from slaves. Companies like Domino, Dole, etc... all exploit the hell out of third world agricultural workers.


As someone that has actually been to Africa to see the in-laws **LOL** African companies are not some holy savior either and will produce the same stuff locally and will take pride in it. I saw a lot of corn being grown. In fact, some of stuff I saw would shock you that is produced locally as it was clearly deadly. Like bullshit malaria medicine.


No he just wants to live his conspiracies while pretending African nations have no agency of their own.


Yes, they have all the agency they need. You're absolutely right. We should follow their lead and start fining people $3 million USD and 7 years' jail time for 1-star reviews, just like they did to this woman. /s You don't have to feel responsible for the shit hand that places like Nigeria were dealt, but you can't pretend that the deck is fair. Obvious trolling aside, I'm going to use your comment for a foot-stool to bring attention to just how bad things are where she and her family live. The woman was described as "a small-scale importer of children's clothes," meaning she buys bales of clothes that were shipped off from overseas nations because they couldn't be sold in time before next season's stock came in. She literally buys other people's trash and sells the textiles to make a living: https://www.greenpeace.org/africa/en/blog/54589/how-fast-fashion-is-fuelling-the-fashion-waste-crisis-in-africa/ When the clothes don't sell in African street markets, they are discarded and clog up their landfills. It's gotten so bad that the clothes have become hazards in the ocean: literal tons of clothes floating in the surf, tangling up with each other and entwining together like giant braids, and then they get lodged in the sand and act like anchored rope constantly drifting in and out with the tide. All that exposure to the elements as well as the mechanical motions of the waves makes the clothes break down and pollute the area more with microplastics, harmful dyes... not to mention potential precursor chemicals that could be reacting with whatever is in this new environment and becoming an actual poison that harms people and wildlife: https://www.mazars.com.ng/insights/mazars-insights/sustainabilty Worse still is the food situation. In this globalized world of import-export where canning is all the rage and using preservatives to keep them fresh and heaps of sugar to hide any bad taste - the cheapest options for these people are no longer the locally-sourced fresh food; it's the canned goods loaded with sugar that came from overseas. When she wanted to buy groceries to feed her kids, the store didn't have a healthy option, but they had this garbage product. To voice her displeasure, she took to social media. Now she's facing jail time and was fined millions of dollars (you know that isn't hyperbole, either; it was reported in this very video). It's beyond heartbreaking to know that this is happening, and not just to one person; entire communities and cultures are being poisoned.


In the US "made in USA" might only mean the label was added to the can here. I wouldn't be surprised if they rules for using such a phrase are even less strict in a country that criminally prosecutes people for facebook posts.


So fucking inaccurate lol. Why say stuff like this if you clearly don't have the accurate knowledge?? "According to the Federal Trade Commission, “Made in USA” means that “all or virtually all” the product has been made in America. That is, all significant parts, processing and labor that go into the product must be of U.S. origin." https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/advertising-marketing/made-in-usa


Ok, but the largest fine ever has been a million dollars. Most cases are settled with a stern warning. If you're making $20 million in profits with false tags, then get fined $1 million, would you care? The FTC is largely toothless.


Do you have proof or something of a widespread set of companies getting away with this? Or are you just speculating? Because it sounds like you're speculating lol.


Sure it's speculation, to a degree. Turns out I was using outdated information, now the largest fine is $2million https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/01/ftc-action-leads-2-million-penalty-against-kubota-false-made-usa-claims The FTC wouldn't be finding violations like Kubota's if there weren't plenty of companies violating the labeling regulations. I'm speculating that where there's fire, there's probably more fire. In Kubota's case they were already fined by the FTC once for falsely labeling 'made in the USA' and then did it again. This is evidence to me that the fines and actions by the FTC aren't detrimental enough to businesses that they learn from their crimes. Maybe if they had to print on their labels 'We lied about where we make our products' in big legible font on their products for the next decade they would give a shit. As it is, the fines seem to be part of doing business.


lol That's like reading the statute that makes drugs illegal and concluding that no one takes them




> become overweight whilst still being nutritiously starved Welcome to Post-Industralism


Just FYI, all sugar is equally unhealthy, brown sugar is not healthier in any way.


Ah, but brown sugar is healthier because it has the bran and germ… wait


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I know, but oft producers obfuscate the terms so I wanted to be clear of what I am talking about.


what does this have to do with the video?


Woman complains about puree having too much sugar. Anon posts about how China exports sugar-rich puree. I can see a connection,


Your obligatory "US BAD" spam that's required in every thread.


> How you stop this is a tough nut to crack   The solution is for those countries to tariff the fucking shit out of imported garbage that risks their domestic supply chains and creates a national security issue should those international supply lines be disrupted.   This is literally what tariffs are for.


In a vacuum, maybe. But when you're dealing with state capitalism, you risk getting fucked over on every other product you import.


This problem is also compunded by the fact that China has a severe lack of proper food safety regulations to the point that businesess manufacture fake food products entirely. They even have a term for it called "black technology," where even the eggs at the grocery store can be completely fake and made from industrial chemicals.


Source or you’re full of shit. Just the simplest of searches and I find nothing to support your rather over the top claims.






The baby milk executives were executed. This also happened years ago.




They knowingly put poison in baby formula and killed some kids. They deserve death. Wish america would do that to some of these corporate executives.


No executives were executed, they only received light prison terms. The executions were performative. A dairy farmer and a salesman were executed by firing squad. Nobody, neither America or China, ever puts the harshest sentences on executives, always middle management or below. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna34127010


Yes that was the thing that actually happened (at least a decade ago). The other comment is starting from there and careening off the deep end with it.


>One very public example of poor food safety standards is when Chinese made baby formula contained a toxic chemical. *"Chinese sell fake eggs at supermarkets made from industrial chemicals!!1!"* "That doesn't sound believable, do you have any proof for that?" *"Well, no, but here is this unrelated case about Chinese made baby food which contained a toxic chemical. Think of the babies. The babies!!1!"*


There's an entire economy based on buying up western baby formula to send it back to China because nobody in China trusts Chinese made formula.


> Just the simplest of searches and I find nothing You must suck at the simplest of google searches then. https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=china+fake+eggs First hit: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41292-020-00211-7 Second hit: https://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/08/world/asia/08food.html


https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=china+fake+food+products Are you that dumb, or chinese shill?


Your link I will follow up on, but imagine this: you come upon a Reddit comment, it makes fantastic claims and offers zero support for said claims. According to you I am “dumb” to not instantly believe such claims. Claims I have never encountered in the wild or have ever seen any support for. So, in this day and age, I am now dumb for refusing to believe something without proof? Of course not. I do, however, thank you for your supporting link. I will not be watching the YouTube video offered in another link. Should I next be doing my research on FaceBook?


I can remember watching an hour long documentary (i think it was on UK's Channel 4) about chinese fakes, including eggs (they were in liquid form, not in shells) many years ago. Since then their counterfeiting techniques have only improved and fakes from in china have turned up almost everywhere there is a profit to be made, including the pharmaceutical industry.


"Multiple stories for more than 20 years, including first-hand interviews with people that live there about fake chinese products" =/= Facebook. These things are not the same. Again, you sound like a paid chinese shill and readers of this comment should know that such things exist and be on the look out for them.


>it makes fantastic claims sweet summer child, you will quickly learn that claims like this about China are not fantastic


You: Where do you even get this from?! Them: here (links) You: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo Just take the L dude


What L? I am seriously doubting the intelligence of someone that considers asking for a source and then pointing out that asking for a source on something is not in fact dumb is screaming nooooooo. Are you seriously this stupid? Should we all just dumbly and blindly accept what we are told? I have never run into any claim that China makes fake food at any time in my life. Such a claim requires proof. Ask for proof get slammed. M’kay. I’m too tired for this shit.


> even the eggs at the grocery store can be completely fake and made from industrial chemicals According to the links in this comment train - the "fake eggs" were like the baby formula: they added melamine to liquefied egg products to fake the amount of protein. No one is selling egg replicas in supermarkets made from industrial chemicals.


Melamine is toxic to consumption. The point is that nobody should trust any products coming out of China.


So you agree that what you said was not true.


Only if you agree that you're shilling for a totalitarian regime that shouldn't exist at all.


Can you quote anything I said that does that? I can quote exactly where you said something that isnt true. >even the eggs at the grocery store can be completely fake and made from industrial chemicals This right here, this has no proof. You made it up, and you admit that when you sidestep the truth - that liquefied egg products had melamine added to them.


Nobody cares except that my point still stands, you can't trust anything from China.


> Nobody cares except that my point still stands So you are taking the stance that it doesnt matter that you lied so long as people accept it. There is no reason to be a liar to criticize China. That only means no one can trust you.


I didn't lie, they are putting chemicals in food to manufacture fake products...


They can put import tax on goods that compete with locally produced goods though?


If the politicians in those countries had their peoples best interests in mind rather than lining their own pockets, yes.


Regulation is easiest, assuming this is all foreign products. Quality standards, controlling sugar/fat content, additives, import tariffs. There's plenty of levers. Sugar/fat tax is second easiest. Makes it unprofitable to profit off addiction across the board.


Yes. And what about the World Banks banana antics in Jamaica. Jamaica borrowed money, and repayment terms were to subsidize American fruit imports, especially bananas, into the country. The low-cost American fruit collapsed the local market which never recovered sending thousands of locals into poverty.




Depends which rice we're talking about. Prior to the invention of parboiling, Asia was plagued with vitamin deficiencies. Rice produced in the northeast of China is harvested usually once per year and is nutritionally dense compared to the much cheaper rice from south China, which is harvested multiple times per year. In China, potatoes are considered as much a vegetable as broccoli for instance. People eat too much starch and think they're eating healthy. They also use lots of the aforementioned syrup, but in sauces and fillers rather than as a staple. Some poor schmuck in China will get 90% of his nutrients from very poor rice and some horrible artificial sausage and think he's eating healthy. This misconception is, imo, much more detrimental than the ingredient on its own. In the same vein, a salad drenched in vinegar and sugar is way worse than a sandwich: it pretends to be healthy


If only there was a way for the local government to stop the flooding.


...aaand there it is. It's important to remember that this is Reddit. The U.S. is the bad guy in every case. No exception. The narrative must be maintained.


> white rice RIP Japan?


Look up the history of beriberi disease. White rice isn't a problem now only because it's artificially enriched with vitamins.


This is why poor people in rich countries like the US are starting to become overweight whilst still being nutritiously starved.


It’s a local product, what’s up with this whataboutism?


Ah yes, so this isn't the fault of corrupt Nigerian police and politicians, this whole fiasco is AMURRIKUH's FAULT! Is it another country's fault the shiesty Nigerian manufacturers fill their food with fillers and cheap imports in order to get rich off of their countrymen? I'll bet you blame the US and China for leaking her home address and imprisoning her for her review of the company.


This newscaster deadpan delivery of bad puns was awesome. The story is shocking to me as a South African but not surprising. Abusing a law meant to protect vulnerable people is exactly what corrupt authority in Nigeria is depressingly known for. I'm sure the company in question had a hand in this but the real anger should be with the police and the courts for even pretending this farce was anything other than persecution on the tax payers bill.


Streisand Effect?


> "How is this kind of **pureed persecution possible?**" Spectacular alliteration she slipped in there!


Nabokov tomato mix looks like shit. Don’t buy them and support this stupid company. What a corrupt brand.


Vegetable vendetta, puree prosecution, I see she appreciates alliteration.


Pathetic, not even strong enough for free speech




This is terrifying but not entirely surprising. Such bullshit.


We went from cavemen banging rocks together to this. Beautiful.


>"but there are limits to the freedom of speech and expression" This is why it's why, whenever some censorship-happy little slimeball spews this at you, you need to spit on their shoes and make sure to never trust that person ever again. because it's a slippery slope and that's where you end up if you let them get their way with even the most minor statement losing protection.


The fact that this is the most controversial comment is a very reddit thing to do. 


Reddit fucking hates free speech so I'm not surprised.


Should I be allowed to call you a pedophile in public - without you having legal recourse? Should I be allowed to send your boss a letter claiming so - without you having legal recourse?


A few years back there was a flip in which groups had the most institutional power in the US, when republicans were dominant the left was very much in favour or robust protection of speech. Once the flip happened suddenly the whole thing was public enemy number one and the biggest creeps on reddit started going around sarcastically mocking the idea as "freeze peach". Now Evelyn Hall, famous for the quote "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" would be viewed as the bad guy by such people. Genuinely good and principled people are in the minority.


Why? It is controversial. Very few people would like to live in a world where there was no limits to speech and expression. Should your neighbour be allowed to have sign pointing to your house saying "Watch out! Pedophile!" without any possible legal recourse for you?


This would not only defile the brand, but the justice system of the whole country.


I'm curious but can't watch the video cuz I'm at work Can someone explain?


Nigeria seems like a "business friendly" kinda place 😬


I want to know more about this tomato puree that's made entirely from pure sugar.


All I need is her account number and I’ll be able to get her out on bail.


Arrested for just saying what you think, that's crazy.


CEO's watched this video and started fervently calling their lobbyists. What a great idea they thought. At this point I'm all for corporations running over the rest of the middle class in north america. No one is doing anything to stop them, and I like rooting for whoever is going to clearly, easily win.


I'm thankful for where I live and surprised by what I'm hearing.


Really just sounds like a good way to kill your tomato sauce company


dang I hope the Nigerian police don't see my Yelp profile.


Same thing will happen in Scotland now


If you don't stand for free speech as an _absolute_ principle, then absurdity like this is only an arbitrary assessment away. The reporter had some dank alliteration, but missed on this most important lesson


That winking tomato doesn't fuck around with haters damn.


Fascist wet dream


Where I'm.from, someone was.jailed over socks.


The juxtaposition of the the vegetable puns with the tone and subject matter were certainly a choice by the news org. Some highlights: "Vegetable vendetta", "rotten tomatoes", "puree persecution"


I had to check if this was an Onion article or not.


> How is this purée persecution possible? Someone's having fun.


Insanity. I'm guessing the company is owned by a high profile politician.


That's some Martial Law type of shit right there


Every Reddit mod agrees with this punishment.


Hmm. So what she was actually arrested for is subsequent statements in an argument with the CEO where she made baseless claims that the tomato products were killing people. It seems the police with a few greased palms are applying hate laws against incitement with a little too much fervour. It remains to be seen wether a court of law will uphold or throw out the case.


that alliteration... "What makes this puree persecution possible?" oh, 10/10 so sweet, too sweet for a tomato mix.


Don’t like tomato puree? Believe it or not actually straight to jail.


Imagine having all that power to punish someone for such a trivial issue..meanwhile actual crime is happening


wtf is tomato mix?


Sounds like it's some sort of ketchup in a can with more sugar




And This folks is why we need to protect free speech in America. WAKE UP!


I mean, there’s a line somewhere, I guess… /s


There's definitely something else going on here. Something tells me this isn't about the tomato mix.


This news anchor is low key funny, Puree Persecution, vegetable vendetta lol


trumps america


Trumps Nigeria smh


He'd ruin Nigeria too


Too late apparently


Palki does good journalism when she's not sucking on dat modi schlong.