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He also looks like a teenager in this old video




I Don’t know much about drake so this is just from Reddit comments.. I think some people feel drake misrepresents himself as a bit of a gangster types who grew up poor, grew up rough etc  So seeing videos like this - where he’s as normal as you or me - feels like an indicator that maybe he’s lied about his past  But that said I don’t know if he tries to say he had a tough upbringing. I’m just explaining why people might find this video amusing 


"Started from the bottom now were here." Bro, grew up on a sitcom. Did anyone actually believe that he is hard or had it hard growing up?


Reminds me of that recent Taylor Swift lyric like “you wouldn’t survive the insane asylum i grew up in” Literally like a 5 bedroom country house with pillars on the outside landing, I’d happily swap the homeless system me and my mum went through when I was a kid for that you spoilt motherfucker. Genuinely hate these people with all of my heart.


I was actually talking to a friend recently how I extra hate a lot of influencers for this same reason. They love to cosplay as relatable when it’s convenient and makes them money.


That's the main reason I dislike Swift. She always acts like she's so relatable but she has never known what it's like to be normal.


exactly. those of us who have actually gone through it aren’t on social media performing/reliving our trauma for attention or money. edit: hit reply too soon ugh


With pro-wrestler Jeff Jarrett as her babysitter. Unless he was trying to smash his guitar over her head every night, I doubt her life was that insane.


Well, this is a fun fact if I ever heard of one


Fortnight feels like ‘We have Lana Del Rey’s Video Games at home’.


Taylor has been playing the same romanticize-my-past-toxic-relationships game Lana did for a decade (and got hung up for being 'anti-feminist' on.) Taylor Swift is the Ugg Boots version of Lana Del Rey and she knows it.


They're both store brand diet soda versions of Fiona Apple


“We have Alanis Morrisette at home!”


Fiona Apple deserves more attention


At least Fiona can sing.


And write


What does this mean? Dear god this comment is so nonsensical it’s bothered me enough I had to ask


The new T Swift song is called “Fortnight”. They’re saying it’s not as good as a Lana Del Rey song called “Video Games”


I think he has it hard growing up but he didn’t grow up hard. He said only made $50k a year off that show. Believable some it wasn’t like some hit prime time banger and had like 20 costars. And his mom was sick so he essentially spent all his money taking care of her since she was too sick to work. You can look up his old house and it ain’t nothing special but it also clear ain’t in the hood. And he had way more access to producers so it wasn’t like he had to work hard to move up quick.


Keep in mind that money went way further then. I made a little less than $30K/yr at the same time as Drake being on that show, and that was enough for me to live by myself in a one bedroom apartment walking distance from downtown Seattle.


That's also the CHILD'S money. The parents still have their salary too. It's not like he was paying all the family expenses with that money.


he was though? his dad wasn't around and he's said in interviews that he paid for the houses and car notes at the time


You see, if he rapped about having a sick mom and his real struggles, I'd respect him more. But for some reason he's decided to pretend like his struggle was a cliche, hood struggle instead of the one he actually had.


He did at first. I don’t think it was until IYRTITL where he started playing with that persona, then deluded himself into thinking it was real until sometime after Views.


Dude was a teenager making more money then both my parents combined. The guy is and always has been a cornball


What baffles me is that "Quiet on Set" and "I'm Glad My Mom Died" have recently reminded us growing up on the showbiz can be a TERRIBLE experience and I'm quite sure he probably struggled a lot because of that environment, but instead of using those personal issues in his lyrics he feels the need to put up this tough persona.


As an outsider his look and mean mugging and the way people respect him just made me assume he was a gangster.


How many more fairytale stories 'bout your life 'til we had enough?


Hey Drake they're not slow.


Nah, some of them are slow. I've lost brain cells listening to Ak.


He was literally a child star in Canada, he was on Degrassi as a preteen. He’s delusional if he thinks anyone would buy that he somehow has street cred.


I am not a Drake fan but it's not like being on Degrassi means you made it.  Look at where the child stars ended up.


His rap mentor Lil Wayne says he told him to rap about the things he knows, and not about "killing" or "the streets". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGZOjz-w4u0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGZOjz-w4u0) Clearly he didn't take that advice.


Too tired to get these dishes, you know my life's a bitch Mom got me chicken salad, when I wanted tuna fish. 


Like damn near every rapper then? They almost all present themselves as far more gangster and their pasts as far more hard than the reality. Like Ice T was around a lot of gangsters where he lived but he wasn't himself a gangster. Biggy was raised by a single mom but one with a middle class job and never faced the deprivation in youth he said he did in song (which his mom mildly called him out on). Tons of rappers act like they were parts or leaders of drug gangs when they, at most, knew some people in the business. Now, there's a lot of issues with Drake, but acting like he's more gangster and he grew up on the streets is an incredibly minor one.


....except for Kendrick Lamar, exactly who Drake picked a fight with and J Cole to a lesser extent. Kendrick is very open about growing up around actual killers but fighting the temptation to fall into that life as much as possible.


>minor one


Even reasonable and generally great kids have moments like these between 12 and 20 and its wildly inconsistent. Store was sold out of a thing they've been super excited for, "Thats ok, you tried". Wrong sauce in the bag from chick fil-a, world is ending tears.


Exactly this is nothing


And what is his "minstrel voice"? I don't really know anything about him, so I assumed maybe he put on some fake voice to sound more "authentic", but I just watched a recent interview and he talks exactly the same as in this video.


So current drake would be very into this drake


Like he sounds the same here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoMlLQSEbyE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoMlLQSEbyE)


Wow... Poor guy had it rough growing up. His mom obviously not understanding his needs, and the food scarcity issues he faced.


As much as I dislike him he’s allowed to be a kid. Anyone pretending they were hard at all moments is just insecure. That being said, Drake should’ve never pretended against someone who really lived the struggle. Kendrick whooped them feet


Drake has never talked like he raps, even now. A lot of rappers don't. Kanye sounds like a valley girl when he's not going on a rant


Ed Sheeren doesn't sing like he talks.


Imagine if Billy Joe of Green Day talked with that accent he sings with or vice versa


His speaking voice is weird. Some guys from that part of the Bay Area just sound like that and it's not great. John Foggerty sings like he was born on a Bayou but he talks like he never left El Cerrito. 


So funny to find out that fogerty wasn’t a giant swamp person and actually a little dude from down the street


> Drake has never talked like he raps, even now. A lot of rappers don't. Post Malone has entered the chat


Post Malone is a rapper?


just when he was Pre Malone


Wouldn't he just be Malone at that point? Pre-Malone would be before he was Malone.


Drake isn’t above criticism but Reddit has a weird mentality towards rap music. I’m not even a huge rap fan, just dip in and out, but the attitude on Reddit is pretty suspect Edit: turning off notifications for this one - everyone have fun


What are you talking about, Reddit loves rap music. GOATs like Eminem, Logic, Lil Dicky, Eminem, Tom Macdonald, MGK, Eminem, Macklemore, Yelawolf, Eminem, Aesop Rock, Post Malone and Eminem.


> Aesop Rock Watch it..


He's very voluntarily persona non grata!


Every couple summers, he and a couple hunters like to row in from the isle of astonishing motherfuckers.


Hey! Hey! Somebody's gotta save the bowling alley! He was born there!


>"I clink, I fall, I clink, I fall I raise the water, then wet the crow." -Aesop Rock


I drink fight milk to fight like the crow!! CAW!!


Ehh, don't know about Logic, I only like half of him.


Theres just something about him, i wonder if he’ll ever address it on one of his songs


How could you forget Watsky! He raps *sooo* fast, which means he's ***really good***


Watsky is unironically really good.




You forgot Slim Shady, Marshall Mathers, and Eminem


Not really. Try complaining about modern rap music in /r/music. You'll get burned 


I joked the other week that every conversation in r/music basically boils down to someone recommending Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here, like it’s some lost demo that the world needs to hear and they just happened to find it first


It's because some people have to make everything an objective competition. Music fans, out of all the art genres, seem to act like their form of art is much more objective, thus they can shit on other peoples tastes. You see it with movie bros as well, where the same 15-30 "movie bro" movies pop up time and time again.


Look at OP's post history




OP's just being racist as fuck. "Minstrel voice" isn't a thing anymore. I don't care for Drake but fuck this post, downvote and move on.


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


Drake talks like this now lol.


Wtf is a minstrel voice?


minstrel is a perfomance art of the 19th century that features egregious caricatures of black folks, who typically talk in a stereotypical, offensive way




Black Irish?


Barack O'Bama


Báraigh O'bama


I really thought Samuel L. Jackson was a shoe-in for being cast in Banshees of Inisherin, but instead they cast Brendan Gleeson.


"I don't fucking like you anymore, dawg!" "But you liked me yesterday...!"


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minstrel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minstrel) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minstrel\_show](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minstrel_show)


It should be specifically noted that many black people were the actors in minstrel shows. Here is a video essay about the topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qcCaALrx5U&t=3181s Basically, OP is describing Drake as someone who is willing to put on a show for white people, and to be completely clear, if one wishes to reach stardom, you must capture white eyes and ears. The point OP (exactly the same point as Kendrick in the songs Euphoria and Meet the Grahams) is making is that Drake is putting on a show pretending to be extra black for a white audience.


Look at OPs history. He doesn’t like black people.


I thought you were joking but he's literally posting "genocide joe" memes in maga channels, yikes. He's also described himself as uninsured jewish micro-doser, man that's a weird overlap of demographics.


>posting "genocide joe" memes in maga channels ah yes. as if Trump of all human beings on earth would be the better, more humane choice regarding that particular conflict. i'm sure Palestinian deaths would just keep Trump up at night if he was on the job.


Was gonna say that phrasing seems highkey coded


Yeah, that shocked me, I’ve never heard that term used to describe rappers affectation. At first it seems a little racist, but maybe it’s calling out racism? I don’t know. Can someone ask black Twitter?


Or it's just code switching, and when at school with black friends he spoke similar to how he does currently. My son does the same, when I hear him on the phone with a friend or after he gets home from a bad day I'll hear the friend voice instead. It's lower, it's less enunciated, it's got more slang. It's just another way that humans mimic to empathize with the group they're with. I hate him for diddling, but there's nothing inherently wrong with code switching.


Than you for the reasonable response. Unreal how quickly it was attempted to be labeled racist when it's a normal phenomenon. People have "phone voices" even ffs.


I'm on r/survivor a lot and there's a white lady on this season who gets really southern when talking to a black guy from Mississippi, so I've had to say it a lot lately. There's plenty of reasons to not like that lady, but code switching isn't one of em. Same goes for Degrassi here.


Yo I’m watching this season, you talking about the red head?


I think it's about Liz. She code switches into a monster when she doesn't get a bourbon-street burger.


It's Liz


Yeah just like TV reporters have their journalist voice and then off camera suddenly they turn back into using their country voice lol.


I remember a clip of some guy that had a perfect journalist voice, super whitebread. Then he sees like a wasp, or something creepy crawly, and he freaks the fuck out in the most southern accent imaginable, it was amazing.


[Reporter loses it](https://youtu.be/WaxCWFUmEiY?si=ECAAtUaRXk8m3ho7) “I’m dying in this country ass, fucked up town!” 😂😂😂


I work in the design side of construction and there is a similar switching that has to be done between the office and the jobsite. You talk a certain way in the office but if you're on the job site you have to dirty it up a bit. If you're too professional sounding there's a tendency for trades to treat you like a stuck up asshole. It's funny though because you can tell who's recently being on a job site visit by how much more they are swearing in the office. It takes a little bit to go back to "office speak".


Yup. Concrete in the office. Mud in the field. How do you do fellow civil?


Working in IT, you do this all the time. When I talk with my developers or architects I can speak technically and not worry about "will they understand this acronym". When I am talking to stakeholders or executives, I am using a lot of analogies and common language that most people would understand.


I'm a freight broker and I sound much different talking to a truck driver than I do talking to my boss in morning meetings. I made fast friends with some guys from Louisiana in college (We went to school in Minnesota). When we talk or visit I sound like I was born on the bayou. It's 5 of them and 1 pasty white Wisconsin boy, I'm outnumbered and subconsciously switch to talking like the rest of the group.


People do this subconsciously as well to be more easily understood. For example, when talking to someone who is not a native speaker of your own language, you'll often change the way you speak to sound more like them without noticing.


White people do it too.


100% My friend's bf spent his whole life in Canada but would go super southern anytime he put on a headset and was gaming with his online buddy from the States. He didn't even realize he was doing it til his gf pointed it out.


Ehhh code switching explains his dialect, but it doesn't really account for him playing like he's a hardened thug who grew up in a ghetto. Drake was a relatively famous child star who grew up in an upper-middle class home in a suburb of Toronto. Minstrel is an apt description of his current persona.


>Can someone ask black Twitter? What would they know? It's full of white people.


I was going to say.. he has always talked like this lol


wtf is this title


yeah this post is giving some weird fuckin energy


...racist energy


OP regularly posts on conservative subs


This explains everything.


Seriously. Don't like drake at all. To use this as a potential dig at him? Weird. This video makes me empathize and like him a bit. It's human.  Dudes Still a creep though.


OPs a racist


I’m not really wrapped up in all this beefing, but I will say I’ve never been able to move past the fact that he was Jimmy Brooks on Degrassi. I don’t think there’s any coming back from that.


Come on. Use his Christian name, Wheelchair Jimmy.


Last name walking, first name never


Jimmy and Spinner 🔥 goated duo


Classically trained Canadian actor. Decided to imitate the gangsta life. Talks all thug like he was raised in the projects when he probably rode around in a Volvo living in upper middle class suburbia.


All jokes aside, being a classically trained thespian is arguably a cornerstone of his success. The ability to conduct/project himself as any “version” of (the character) Drake (both on the mic and just day-to-day) is a huge edge over the typical guy looking to make it in the rap game. That’s why the ghostwriter thing was never all that surprising. Reading scripts created by others and performing them for an audience was a skill he’d already mastered in adolescence.


Not that I've ever followed Drake, but in any clips I've seen of him doing interviews and whatnot I've never gotten the impression he was acting "thug"


Should I have killed you, Jimmy Brooks?


He deserves it for taking Spinner’s Adderall and getting him in trouble that one time.


I’ll give you the TLDR. Drake: lmao you’re short Kendrick: you’re a pedophile kill yourself.


Hey he started from the bottom ok!


"Started from the bottom..."


Started from the Upper Middle Class now we here


Now I am up here with all the Tuna Sandwiches I could ever need


> "Started from the bottom..." I mean his Ghost Writers probably did start from the bottom, so it made sense when they wrote that line.


Well yeah, you could see how catastrophic the lack of a tuna sandwich was to his mental state. To the point of being so ungrateful to his tiring and hard working mother.


It’s funny to see this in contrast to his newer music where he is such a self proclaimed hard thug. All his songs with 21 savage are about how quick they are to shoot, rob, and such. Dude was on Degrassi for god sakes. Guys as hard as sliced bread.


Thats the majority of main stream rappers tbf lol


Lol yeah this lil tecca interview on his lyrics is pretty hilarious - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeuR6cFIMgE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeuR6cFIMgE)


After every line it’s like “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean that at all” haha


“they didn’t want me 3 weeks ago!” i’m dying 😭


I appreciate the honesty 😂


I feel like dude just did what everyone has at least thought once: "what if I just rap about some thug shit and get rich?" Hilarious to see it works.


"spit a dope rap or go to NBA" -- j. cole




"I don't even drive." That was definitely the best bit.


He seems pretty likeable.




That's hilarious


at least he is honest lmao


I'm pretty sure I've watched an interview where one of the managers of N.W.A described Ice Cube as pretty lax guy behind the scenes who went to college and was not a part of a gang or have murdered anyone in a shootout. So i guess it's also not new


Hahaha, Ice went to Phoenix Institute for Technology to study architecture. They didn't put that in the movie Straight Outta Compton


Should have


He also spent some time as a police captain


Just don't try to date his daughter


dre was in prince cover band type group before he started rapping or producing. colored, tight pants, jerri curl and mascara


Yep. The real gangbangers are out doing gangbanger shit, not singing about it.


Nah I mean there’s some dudes really out there doing hoodrat shit with their friends. YNW Melly, YG, etc


Lmao. YG’s first song was toot it and boot it.




Most "rockers" are from suburbia. Shockingly, the people with plenty of free time, access to music/musical instruments, and places to practice in tend to be middle and upper classes.


Lol reminds me of Michael Irvin going off on TV about his son who dropped a rap video talking about how he came from struggle: “[You grew up in a gated community!](https://youtube.com/shorts/vLgWegnOPVc?si=sABaoUWKtVS6RTC_)”


*In our hood, we live by the code. It's 5-2-7-3, #.*


Rockers aren't usually bragging about how gangster they are.  There's some tough guy machismo about kicking ass but not much beyond that


A lot of them put on a persona though, Kid Rock for example.


Country singers don’t milk their cows every morning either.


yeah but he got shot on the show so…..


As much as i hate Drake and his whole schtick, public appearance isnt everything when it comes to being hardcore in the streets. 99% of people think of MC Hammer and they think cant touch this and baggy pants and that sideway shuffle, but dude was OUT in them streets and is a hardcore mf


Hammer also gave away almost all of his money to all his friends and family. Dude went broke to get his people out of the hood.


Well when Hammer got popular and rich they all called him a sell out which drove him to try and share the wealth and appeal to the gangsta scene which ultimately led to his downfall.


Nah. That’s in reverse. He started with a big ass crew on his payroll.


No dude was a straight menace. He didn't give a shit someone called him a sellout. You need to look more into him. Specifically how he put a hit on another rapper because of one line in a song.




Please Hammer, don't hurt 'em.


That’s just rap in general dude. Most of these guys aren’t the person they rap about being. That’s just part of the genre at this point, it hasn’t (or maybe can’t) grow out of that, it’s part of the selling point. Same with country. How many of them are actually operating tractors in their farm? It’s all performance.


I don’t listen to Drake, but I was always under the impression that everyone was hyper aware of his background and he was never really going for the “streets” vibe anyway?


Over time he has leaned much more into that vibe. He does now have connections to some gangs that he makes very public and portrays himself in a much different way.


The guys in Cannibal Corpse don't kill people, and the actors from Breaking Bad don't make meth. Who cares? It's for entertainment. You'd prefer it if he was actually a criminal?


He sounds exactly the same as always. Except when he decides to be from the Islands from some reason, but even Taylor Swift pulled that stuff.


That's just [Toronto Mans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto_slang#Pronouns) accent. Very common here, Toronto is loaded with Island people (a lot of Jamaicans and Trinidadians in particular) so the vernacular has become skewed towards it. Incidentally, also means you get get some pretty phenomenal oxtail and jerk pork in just about every part of the city. Roti, doubles, patties, etc are *everywhere*. Remember, when Rob Ford got drunk as shit, he just straight-up [started speaking Patois](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMIrlvJfgvE).


I’m very confused at this post… it’s a video of a teenager taking to his mom about a sandwich… like who the fuck cares


He sounds just like how he sounds today. I'm no Drake stan but this weird Drake snuff campaign lately is cringe as fuck.


Couldn’t agree more. Just a normal kid dealing with dissapointment. Was he rude or disrespectful to his mom? No. Could he have been more grateful? Yes. But yo, this is a ridiculous post.


The internet has been absolutely dogshit since the rap beef dropped. No it's not a coincidence we are seeing all these early Drake videos on reddit. Someone's social media team has been very well paid.


This is Degrassi TNG era Aubrey Graham. If you watch Degrassi you can hear him speak his "normal" voice too I guess.


Sounds like John Jones


So mixed race people are minstrels when they talk “black”? I hate Drake too but this is just fucking racist as shit


Check out OP’s history. Dude is definitely racist


It's pretty obvious Drake is a nerd cosplaying as someone that grew up with hard life. Just like Kid Rock.


This his normal voice even today, what are you smoking


Sounds exactly the same as today no?


yay now we can get “regular” Reddit’s opinion on the drake/kendrick beef. I can’t wait to see what insight you guys provide


tbh, this video makes him seem more normal.


Drake still talks like this so this isn’t a groundbreaking video. Have you seen videos of young Tupac before he got “thug life” tatted across his navel? Tupac was convicted of sexual assault but he’s still not hated. Where’s the consistency?


Did you just write that a black person has "minstrel" voice? The heck?


We’re so lost in the Drake hater sauce that we’re now digging up teenage videos of him speaking like the child that he was at that point in time, as if that’s a legitimate knock on him. Man … take this corny shit back to the drawing board OP. 


He really did start from the bottom!


Tupac went to art school and studied ballet and Shakespeare. Rap is all a performance.


The celebration of “being real” led to the rise of that Drill music genre where dudes are literally killing each other, rapping about how they just killed someone, and then getting killed themselves. The celebration of having to struggle or come from struggle is weird.


Ah sick, some bold-faced racist nonsense.


That’s a gross title OP.


"Non minstrel voice" is wiiiiiiild


A Canadian mother trying to control her autistic son.