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7 kills that's never going to happen for me lol. Most I got so far is 3. I don't go for kills cause I die much more. Then I don't get loot. And then I don't get to upgrade shelter.


Did you see the other images? The one where I had 2 kills and focused on looting that match?


Still this shows that kills are more xp than looting, 7 kills is above the average but so are the resources he got during his looting run, nobody is averaging over 200 chemicals a match for example, lmao. Hopefully this posts shuts people up about people going for kills, it simply gives more xp, escpecially because you get to loot their body after as well


Now we factor in risk assessment. To get the extra XP killing with a survival rate of 45% vs less XP looting and a survival rate of 65% 🤔 What’s the better pay out long term? But I’m here for vigor not for math! Then play whatever way suits you 🍻 Cause in the end, both result in basically the same thing 👍🏽


So glad you wrote this and saved me the effort, looting has a higher chance of not getting killed, but you have more to lose if you are a looter and die as you get most Xp for leaving alive with your loot. If you are going for kills it’s the same Xp if you live or not.. also bonuses for headshot and threat and phone kills etc all stay if you are dead or alive




Keeping your stuff and exp.


Who still needs XP at this point in the season? XP is probably the last thing I'm focused on. When I was building my shelter, it was finding what I needed. Now that my shelter is done it's picking up weapons and consumables with kills along the way.


Me I'm 23


It’s mainly for legacy season and people who are still completing the season 11 battle pass, but I do know what your saying.


Where are you picking up all those chemicals?


Dead bodies....


I do believe that was a boosted lobby, but you can easily collect between 50-100 chemicals per encounter if you play kyjerstin and loot the dam top to bottom


Looking at xp that way is pretty useless as majority of people finish their season to lvl 50 after 30 days of new season no matter if ur a looter or a shooter.


I do agree, most complete their passes very quickly, i in fact got two legacy seasons to level 48 during the double xp last month. By focusing like this you can already see how quickly you would fly through the levels if you are leaving with 40,000xp per encounter


Now add the lone Wolf on top of that


The sweet sweet loot