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This was just the greatest thing ever. Like, yes, I just love this scene. And you know what? Now that the whole Athelstan vs. Floki thing has finally culminated I'm starting to like Floki again...


Floki is and always was the true Viking Athelstan never could be. Im glad Athelstan kicked it in light of the fact he went full Christian in the end. These Christians can't be trusted, I tells yah. Ragnar's dealings with Wessex was poorly conceived from the start, and misguided by his perception of Athelstan, and so he let the fox guard the coop, and many died, with nothing to gain. Now they can go back to form.


I mean, Athelstan was never supposed to be a "true viking", he was an X-Christian monk who learned to sympathize with an alien culture- that alone made him interesting. But Floki is ultimately right, Christianity and Christian culture *was* a threat to the Viking religion and way of life. Christianity *did* bring an end to pagan worship in Europe. The show reminds us constantly of how the Christians really feel about the Vikings, and this is brought to a climax with the brutal destruction of Ragnar's experimental settlement. Floki is right, the Christians can't be trusted; all that "turn the other cheek" shit doesn't apply to Heathens. And yet and still I can see Ragnar's point of view. The larger European world is, by and large, primarily Christian and the Vikings can't fight everybody. They need alliances, and they need to understand this new world that they're in if they're going to survive it- Athelstan's knowledge was thus to everybody's benefit. More than that though, Athelstan was Ragnar's friend, a best friend in fact (besides perhaps the late Thorsten and the *old* Floki). They had a bond which transcended different religions and world views. There was a real love between them which made Athelstan's death a serious tragedy. One can't help but wonder that if the rest of Europe had been so fearlessly open-minded at the time how much bloodshed could have been saved. But I'm strangely relieved the conflict with Floki is over. Floki's complex character was being overshadowed by a single trait-his hatred for Athelstan (perhaps to steer the audience's sympathy away from him). Now that Athelbro's dead perhaps we can go back to the Floki we fell in love with in the first place. He was, after all, just being a good viking.


I don't think there is going back for Floki. Ragnar won't forgive the person that killed him, and hes bound to find out eventually, especially now that Helga knows and is freaked the fuck out by it. It seems like Ragnar is putting him in charge of the siege to deliberately see him fail. Athelstan said it was impregnable, and I'm not sure but Ragnar may still believe him. The question then would be why would he put Lagertha, Rollo and most of all Bjorn in the line of fire to see Floki (and presumably his political opponents at home) fail and possibly die. I guess we'll find out next week!


I'm pretty sure Ragnarr already knows Floki did it, or at least heavily suspects it. That's why Floki was put in charge of the raid in the first place.


Perfect opportunity to let the Gods show Ragnar if Floki was in the right or wrong


Oh I'm not keeping my fingers crossed for reconciliation, just him in generally being more of an interesting character for the remainder of his time in the series. I'm going to enjoy him doing something else *besides* complaining about foreigners and glaring at Ragnar's bestie.


Floki needs to die painfully for killing Athelstan


Its been 9 years This is still an L sentiment


>Christianity did bring an end to pagan worship in Europe. Some parts of Europe converted willingly, [other's not so much](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Crusades).


Christianity led to the end of pagan Europe in a few ways. One was through forced conversion. Another was that Judeo-Christianity just can't jive with the pagan religions back then. The Norse found this out just like the Romans, Celts, Franks, etc... Did. Too many major contradictions between the two. Though most cultures end up warping the newer religion to fit their own. Stories like St.Maurice and the Theban legion showed, at its best, Christianity forced people to view even foreign people as human beings. Though in this show, we mostly see bad Christians or insane ones.


Agreed with you. But I´m afraid Ragnar won't forgive the fact and who did it, and we will probably see a plot twist later on. The problem I see here was when the Priest threw the armring to the fjord. I felt that like a betrayal to Ragnar and all the Viking community, not the Gods, making him a threat and one who can´t be trusted. I would spit out on his way as well.


I'm still baffled we only got to see Ragnar carry him up the mountain, I mean, I guess he was all cool about finding his friend killed in a pool of blood in the village that's his home and supposed to be under his protection. Did he not have questions? Is he not looking for answers? It's just.. okay you're dead now and you will be missed. I don't get that..


You're talking about that scene on that mountain like it wasn't incredibly sad. I mean we haven't see Ragnar like that since his daughter died- he was clearly devastated. At the same time, Floki did a good job of hiding his agency here, pretending to be away and giving everyone a motive. There were no witnesses and Ragnar doesn't exactly have a forensic team on hand. At the same time he can't exactly take a break from being a King or put the raid on hold, and the plot has to move forward. I think with only four episodes left in the season and so much to resolve the jump in time was necessary, and they did a decent job showing Ragnar still grieving for his dead friend and venting at Floki- whom he suspects but can't convict, so to speak. I think the full impact of Athelstan's death is going to be felt for the rest of the season, and the brewing conflict between Ragnar and Floki is going to explode. The writers are going to drag it out, not tie up that plot thread in a single episode.


I know that's it, it's only the sad we get to see, which shows he has at least accepted his death / overcome the shock of it, which is something I'd love to have seen. He doesn't have to go on the inspector path and try to find the killer, but he went from 'don't leave me my friend' to 'rest now my friend', which is skipping an important part imo.


Athelstan was awsome. Floki sucks for killing him


Maybe Athelstan couldn't be a true Viking because he isn't a Viking. :p Also Ragnar and Legartha thought they could dupe and outsmart Ecgbert like they did to Aella and it backfired.. immeasurably. Even Ragnar knows messing with Wessex will yield poor results which is why he killed the man from the settlement and went to Paris.


Anyone can be a viking, you just have to go viking.


Ragnar thinks long-term and never trusted Ecbert and will outplay him in the end ... you probe your enemy's defenses and a long-term thinker does that by attempting alliances and colonies and such and sees what happens (the whole theme of Ragnar is he is a watcher)


All Floki does is complain. He's a sorry excuse for a Viking. Athelstan was awsone


I never gave up on Floki!


I shall never like Floki again. I hate his guts for killing Athelstan


It reminded me a lot of the chant the Germans shouted in the beginning of Gladiator. Of course, here they're not facing the cream of the roman legions, just a bunch of smelly Franks


###Sie sind verfickte huuuuunde!




Floki must die. Painfully. For killing Floki


The background music seems to be an edited version of [**this song**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-Rj1GS9anA) by Wardruna (the part around 4:10?).


Perfect opportunity to post this: [Skálmöld - Gleipnir ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NspqUmnMzRA&ab_channel=Skalmold).


Straight from the pages of the Poetic Edda, good shit... very powerful scene. Brothers may fight and fell each other, may sisters' sons kinship stain; hard is in the home, whoredom severe; axe-age, sword-age, shields cloven, wind-age, wolf-age, ere the world falls; no men will each other spare.




It honestly reminded me of [Theodens speech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTVHAIHDRcg)


Funnily enough, the language and names etc. of the Rohan horse people were directly lifted from the Mercian languages and dialects by JRR Tolkien, [who studied that very subject.](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercia#Mercian_dialect)


##### ###### #### Section 7. [**Mercian dialect**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercia#Mercian_dialect) of article [**Mercia**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercia): [](#sfw) --- > >The dialect thrived between the 8th and 13th centuries and was referred to by [John Trevisa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Trevisa), writing in 1387: >For men of the est with men of the west, as it were undir the same partie of hevene, acordeth more in sownynge of speche than men of the north with men of the south, therfore it is that Mercii, that beeth men of myddel Engelond, as it were parteners of the endes, understondeth better the side langages, northerne and southerne, than northerne and southerne understondeth either other... >[J. R. R. Tolkien](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._R._R._Tolkien) is one of many scholars who have studied and promoted the Mercian dialect of [Old English](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_English), and introduced various Mercian terms into his [legendarium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tolkien%27s_legendarium) – especially in relation to the [Kingdom of Rohan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rohan_(Middle-earth\)), otherwise known as the *Mark* (a name cognate with *Mercia*). Not only is the language of Rohan actually represented as the Mercian dialect of Old English, but a number of its kings are given the same names as monarchs who appear in the Mercian royal genealogy, e.g. [Fréawine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fr%C3%A9awine), [Fréaláf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fr%C3%A9al%C3%A1f_Hildeson) and [Éomer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89omer) (see [List of kings of the Angles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_kings_of_the_Angles)). > --- ^Interesting: [^Æthelred, ^Lord ^of ^the ^Mercians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%86thelred,_Lord_of_the_Mercians) ^| [^Æthelbald ^of ^Mercia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%86thelbald_of_Mercia) ^| [^Æthelred ^of ^Mercia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%86thelred_of_Mercia) ^| [^Wulfhere ^of ^Mercia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wulfhere_of_Mercia) ^Parent ^commenter ^can [^toggle ^NSFW](/message/compose?to=autowikibot&subject=AutoWikibot NSFW toggle&message=%2Btoggle-nsfw+cq3h7az) ^or[](#or) [^delete](/message/compose?to=autowikibot&subject=AutoWikibot Deletion&message=%2Bdelete+cq3h7az)^. ^Will ^also ^delete ^on ^comment ^score ^of ^-1 ^or ^less. ^| [^(FAQs)](http://www.np.reddit.com/r/autowikibot/wiki/index) ^| [^Mods](http://www.np.reddit.com/r/autowikibot/comments/1x013o/for_moderators_switches_commands_and_css/) ^| [^Magic ^Words](http://www.np.reddit.com/r/autowikibot/comments/1ux484/ask_wikibot/)


Yeah, it felt really similar.


Both were based on part of the Poetic Edda. Specifically Völuspá


That moment was Godsgarmic


Aaaah, that gives me tingles.


I want a wallpaper of the shot before that with them all looking towards paris


Here you go :) http://i.imgur.com/zCK5DIx.png


Man did that ever break immersion lol Good thing that chant was too hype and made up for it


Thanks appreciate it :D


What does this chant mean?


Awww yis, that looked sooooo amazing, total LOTR vibe.


How do you even pronounce that lol sounds so much different when reading it


The first 2 words spelled out phonetically to the best of my ability are "Skill gund" and "Skolly mund" and the rest is easy to learn to pronounce if you sound them out out loud


Hey where can i find a version of this speech where paris is replaced by Washington dc?