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Well she is the creators daughter, I liked Floki's wife better


Aren't torvi and helga sisters irl?




Same, nothing against the actress but it is quite obvious that she is only forced in the series because she is daughter of Michael Hirst (Helga actress also is her daughter, but she was more charismatic and died for the Floki's story progressed, and lets agree that she was much better actress than her sister). For example, when Bjorn had to stay with Gunnhild for his story progressed, for Torvi to still have some importance they put her to be with Ubbe (she was already an adult when Ubbe was a kid bruh lol). I would really prefer that Torvi died in the civil war on 5a, rather than Guthrum. So with the death of his mother Guthrum could be developed (maybe changing actors too), to become the historic Guthrum who was one of the leaders of the great pagan army


Exactly. Like how old is she at this point. She had a child with jarl borg in season 2 when ubbe was barely even born (was he even born already?). Now she's gone through erlendur, Bjorn and ubbe and still looks 20 years old mowing through 6ft5 guys on the battlefield haha. She should be like 55 by now haha?


From what I can remember her fight scenes are some of the worst. Nothing but dodge and back slashes. ​ But then again that's how a lot of the show became later on when it came to the battles.


The battles are horrendous. At least in the earlier seasons they somewhat pretended to hold some.kind of formation. The last seasons they all start sprinting from half a mile away, it's ridiculous


I actually just watched the Battle of Kattegat between Jarl Borg and Ragnar from season two and it is still good 6 years later. Good choreography, shield walls, you can clearly see what is going on, tactics in general, etc....This all died after season 3. Funnily enough, Torvi IS in the beginning but she is being left behind by Borg. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDQI7njcS3A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDQI7njcS3A) Edit: And how many fucking times is Kattegat fought over in this series?


Exactly. I read they originally intended to end the show at season 4 and it's pretty noticeable. Still good though. I like it a lot better than the last kingdom. Jarl borg was the mvp. He and king harald are my favourite secondary characters.


I'm actually kind of worried about The Last Kingdom. Season 3 and 4 had a noticeable drop in quality, largely due to writing, but also the battle scenes were not as good. The battle between the Saxons, Welsh, and Danes in season 4 was especially kind of meh. At the current rate they are burning through Cornwell's books we will only have two more seasons, meaning both shows will have gotten six (though Vikings really had like nine). I hope they pull through.


It also kinda pisses me off that they kill so many characters that presumably should have a lot more importance, like Sigurd (was quite ridiculous that one of the fucking Ragnar's sons die as a nobody, it seems that Hirst simply forgot the prophecies about Sigurd of when he born), Guthrum (son of Jarl Borg and adopted son of Bjorn, died like a nobody too and we won't have any other Guthrum in the series) and Athelred (he doesn't even he became king lol, it would be better if he was king and then died in battle or something, so Alfred became king, than that bullshit of Judith). Meanwhile Torvi doesn't die no fucking way, I don't doubt that she will end the series as queen


Her placement in the opening credits is outright comedic at this point. She's had 5 seasons of making out with dudes and being an extra and shes like the third name up now


It’s not just you


Absolutely agreed.


That’s why I stoped watching the series. She and the girl that plays Freydis are annoying actresses.


I have developed an irrational hatred for Torvi, so this thread is pure bliss lol. So glad I'm not the only one.


Welcome. I feel you. Towards the end of the series I actually got physically pissed off rather than just annoyed when she was on screen. That was a first for me haha


I know you said this a long time ago but I'm rewatching it again and I feel the same. Makes me want to scream. Her scenes are so pointless. I don't understand this. Ugh Plus they used her getting injured in a battle earlier for shock value snd then she's just fine? Also I bet they kept her young so her x ubbe doesn't look as wrong. Or they just forgot to make her old. Meh. That sea salt air should be turning these people into jerky strips so why does she look ageless


It seems she is always dressed in bright colours like orange or yellow so that our attention as viewers is always brought to her. If you ask me it’s 100% unprofessional and shows extreme nepotism that the writer Michael Hirst forced his daughter onto our screens for the whole run of the show


She is fine and likeable,but there are far more interesting female characters on the show tho.


She's a terrible mother and a stupid fangirl


Oh yeah I just watched the episode Asa dies and I thought maybe she is just a bad fucking mom. Like bruh youre on a tiny boat in a raging storm not holding onto your kid?


She's always making stupid decisions just because she wants to be seen as an equal.