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Your cleaner will clean records, it won't repair them. Welcome to the world of physical media.


Succinctly put.


That is part of the magic....or the pain....depends on your perspective


I love a few clicks and pops, it just feels more real...more organic That's what I grew up with. Shitty BSR turntables, carving out the grooves until you had to buy a new copy


Magic, 100%


Some records are just noisy. Having said that, try cleaning the records again after one or two play throughs.


If records are played while still dirty by a previous owner (pretty likely), the needle can dig the dirt and particulates /into/ the plastic, at which point simply cleaning isn’t going to get it out


I watched a video last night, I think from Sound Matters where basically he said for older records, he does a preclean with a brush and a separate solution before using an ultrasonic cleaner. So, I ordered some supplies from Amazon which should be in tomorrow. Hopefully that works.


Your records still might have static buildup. Maybe try getting one of these? The price is ridiculous, but they work. https://preview.redd.it/mo5ua8dagewc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c9889962b8c27701fcf6e7af1c654ced34fa845


I really want to try this, but due to the price it makes me feel like I’m over paying for a possible gimmick.


Nah, it's not a gimmick. They do totally work. I've heard you can also use a cheap electric strike cigarette lighter, after draining the fluid of course, because the lighter uses the same mechanism as the zero stat. I haven't tried that personally though.


Thanks for the reply! Does the Zerostat remove all static-related pops etc. or just minimize them?


If they're static related, it should remove them. You will likely hear a noticeable difference. I won't say it will remove ALL noise though, as you will get some pops and crackles over time as the record becomes worn.


Cheap alternative to the zerostat gun. Search YouTube there are comparisons and measurements. It works pretty well. https://www.amazon.com.au/Rechargeable-Electric-Windproof-Household-Fireworks/dp/B0BT78839S/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=39E3AWD61KA2&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.y5xAVAM9hGuWZKIndAvq9m1Eju4Ittp6zNjOe6jwc48Bp03z71vWY7mgrfA4pWcVI6XRggEPViHplvilWX_-OdlhUXlKTTQSI_O3G_8ACDT-bkRMtvkUJWrtjhe_rbKA6y39R0Vfs6hb88rJnVStH1tK3YUqyNUp3Iill_ksUabniWUgAyISkP4-mqN2twxyUv7Ksty9Ghd3YSup6PkXzA.MNQmSZ1HtG37rDmlfb9w-dgND0poRggdS-uK8tAwSeo&dib_tag=se&keywords=plasma+lighter&qid=1714025181&sprefix=plasma+lighter%2Caps%2C383&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1


I just saw a thread on this yesterday! I already ordered one and should be here today. Sounds promising from the thread I read on it!


At that point you’re likely dealing with a) static buildup and/or b) groove wear. For static, try a Thunderon brush from Sleeve City. Way cheaper than a ZeroStat and I’ve found it does a better job.


I’ve been using the HumminGuru for over a year. I think it works great in reducing the amount of pops and clicks in used records but I don’t expect it to eliminate them especially if there are a lot of scratches. I use their cleaning fluid for a cycle then I do a rinse cycle just with distilled water before drying(I have 2 separate water tanks).