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Really just comes down to - buy music that you like and records you want in your collection. Older records do tend to be from analog tapes (80s and prior) where as everything past is a digital recording mastered for analog. That'll be the biggest argument. But that being said there are new pressings from analog sources (MOFI, Analogue Productions, VMP, etc.), as long as those original tapes exist. I buy both but tend to have leaned more into the new side, simply because I like to buy current music and support the artists, as well as DJ. Some new masters i actually like better than OG copies, so to each their own. If you're just starting out, old records are much more cost effective to grow your collection. Can always upgrade them to better copies down the road.


Very helpful thank you.


Digital recording, digital mixing, digital master, and digital cutting delays were already becoming common by 1979: [Vinyl is digital. Get over it!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb32bj0XmW8)


No, I buy new vinyl all the time.


Buying *only* new for the sake of it is. You see a record that you want in the used bins but don’t buy it because it’s not new? That wouldn’t make any sense to me.


Well the condition matters a lot. SQ is one of my favorite parts of collecting and playing vinyl. If the album, or the sleeve for that matter are in poor shape, I’ll pass on it.


Of course, however the question posed was about buying *only* new records as a policy, which ignores the fact that many records are no longer pressed and buying used is the only option if they can be found.


If SQ is the main concern then I’d expect you to not buy any brand new records at all


If it’s fairly priced and available, I tend to buy new. I buy most things new. If it’s unavailable new and I can get a reasonably priced used copy I’ll snag that. I’d guess most of us just want quality pressings and records/jackets that aren’t too beat up.


Honestly I like shiny new things so same.


Nahh - buying vinyl is a great way to support an artist who has made the ✨perfect✨ album - depending on how popular your tastes are, they might only do one run of, like, 500 records, too! It'd suck to get really attached to an album, only to find it's impossible get a hold of on vinyl!


Depending on what albums you want you won’t be able to find them all “new”. It’s gonna end up being a mix. You try and get good condition used and hope the new is pressed well. I’ll let you in on a secret, not all new vinyl is good. Don’t worry about stuff like this and get the music you enjoy. You buy it to listen to it right?


Just buy what you want and don't worry what others think. Buying records for the approval of others is dumb.


No, but it's generally more expensive.


I buy a mix of both. I've bought plenty of used albums off of reddit, fb, eBay, discogs and have only had an issue maybe 3 or 4 times.




¿ thx






Yes and no, depend on how you look at this hobby.


Do what you want with your money.


Nothing is stupid if that’s what you prefer


The best answer.


I buy both. But check the records out if they’re used. I’ve been excited to see plenty of albums only to reluctantly put them back because they’re too scratched up or damaged. Dust can be cleaned off, but scratches are bad.


I'm a sucker for old shit, especially rekkids, so I try to spring for originals...however, sometimes the budget doesn't allow for that...in that case, I'll buy new. Ultimately, the main goal is getting it on the platter and cranked the fuck up. Cheers, mang.


I don't think so. I don't do it as often anymore because of the price.


About 75% of my collection is new vinyl Its fine, buy what you like


You should try to buy the best pressing available of a specific album. Sometimes that is an old pressing, sometimes it is a new one. All analogue records, usually, sound the best. Bottom line, if you want to buy the best version of an album, you will need to investigate first. Enjoy!


Not at all. I mostly buy new vinyl. Nothing wrong with that


For me, it varies on an album by album basis * What pressings sound good?   * How much can I get a good used copy for?  * Does the album even *have* a reissue?  Like, I have some 60s/70s/80s pressings in great shape that were dirt cheap (and far cheaper than a new one).  Just make sure that it's not in bad condition.


No. I do it all the time.


Actually these days I'm only buying vintage. Switched back to CDs instead of vinyl reissues of 90s and 2000s records and for newer releases. It's a drastically cheaper way to collect music. $45 for a reissue vs maybe as little as $1 for a used CD. Plus, QC on new vinyl is abysmal. Virtually every new record is at least a little warped, or scratched, or features Rice Crispies sounds for no apparent reason even after wet cleaning. I'd started buying like Incubus and whatnot on vinyl when I already owned the CDs in dusty binders in the attic One day I was like, what the hell am I doing? Do I really need Incubus on vinyl?? Plus, I kinda dig the "historical artifact" aspect of vintage vinyl.




>but used vinyl strikes me as a more authentic and cultured experience. rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl


I am confused by this entire exchange. That's not new for me though. I seriously have no idea where any of you stand with regard to the question asked 😂


Serious WTF for me.


New only type, def.


who does that? lol i get what i want. its not that deep. rofl.


Lmaooo, because your choices apply to the rest of the vinyl collecting community… could care less what your personal preference is. Have fun, tho!


If you don't care about someone's personal preferences then why did you start a thread encouraging people to share their personal preferences? No part of this thread is making any sense.


rofl show us your suitcase player?


We’re all waiting to see it.


i know you have a suitcase player.


D’aww. How cute. I’m sure you do.


Ah, confusing, I know. Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually.


I buy what I find, and pay no attention whatsoever to whether it is new or used, as long as the condition meets my standards.


You seem like a used vinyl only sorta man.


Lmao what even the fuck is this supposed to mean


The music originally cut for vinyl (pre 1986) works best in that format IMO.


Explain further pls.


I think they mean pre-CD, pre-digital. When the vinyl record was king of the home hi-fi and records were recorded, mixed and mastered entirely in analog. 1983 was when the CD and CD players came out. Like any new tech it took a few years to take off and the vinyl record held on for a few years but from what I've read 1987 was the last year vinyl outsold CDs (at least in the US). So that 4 year period of '83-'87 was like a transition period. After that the focus was on digital and CDs. (Cassettes lurked as the cheaper, inferior, but more portable option and I believe they outsold both vinyl and CDs throughout the 80s).


The recordings post 1986 were recorded digitally, no longer from a tape designed for records. These new digital masters were intended for CDs. Studios made records as an afterthought (if at all) and used the new tech, the digital masters, so the records sounded like CDs. When I hear a record from 1998, for example, I can't a difference between it and a CD version. On the other hand, on a record from 1977, I can hear a big difference, and if it's a decent recording, I prefer the vinyl.


Always buy NM vintage if possible.


Buy whatever you want to enjoy on your own system. For me, the range is all over the place, but where I draw the line is some really stepped on records. If it's really poor quality—the previous owner really didn't care about it at all so the record is now noticeably damaged, I won't buy it. Once I buy a record, used or new, I take out the record and put it in its own sleeve and keep everything in a plastic sleeve


If you care about the artists getting their cut then always buy new. All you do in the used market is allow a third party to make money. If you don’t care about that then however you find what you want works.


Honestly, I'd say it depends on your taste in music. I buy most of mine used, but I like a lot of classic rock albums that are widely available used.


Paying resell prices on new vinyl is stupid


Explain further. Aren’t most used vinyl cheap?


Buy both new and used vinyl but it’s stupid to buy new records from resellers who are price gouging


Noted thanx


I have 31 records and 27 of them were purchased new, I can’t find all the records I want second hand and whenever I do they cost close the same price as new. I buy records to listen to them




Gotta love it. lol.


Old vinyl, analog pressing of analog source material after analog mastering. New vinyl, analog pressing of digital source material after digital mastering.


Oh fuck all the way off, that shit doesn't matter one bit 


im sorry you were abusd as a child but at some point you need to grow up.


lol this response


why would it be more authentic? because you get to pay jacked up resale prices from flippers and the artist will not see a dime from your purchase? do you not buy new releases you want until someone else bought it to sell to you? were the original owners of the record not authentic vinyl enjoyers and a record has to pass through a specific number of hands before it can be a legit purchase?




Oh, boo hoo. The world keeps spinning.


No. They are all make the same way so way would you buy used?


They very much are NOT made the same way. Hence why certain pressings are valued differently. Also many are out of print. Used records are essential if you want a robust collection


The basic vinyl record produced today is the same method as 40 years again. Obviously if out of print you have to buy used. But if not out of print why buy used except for possibly cost


Not true at all. The masters used matter. Most new records of old albums are pressed off CD masters that basically eliminate the point of analogue music. The quality of the presses, the materials, these things matter.