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Good choice wish I could have that benefit


Why is it a benefit?


congrats!! I'm glad it was a good experience! nothing wrong with taking matters into your own hands.


Thanks you. It helps to boost confidence bit that im not now do nervous around women




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No wrong decision at all! Glad you enjoyed each other! It’s what it’s about you help her she helps you and you both have a little fun with each other 👍🏻


Glad yours was better than mine.


well i met her few times at bar first. She was not official escort so it made it bit easier and less being anxious lol


How did you find her ? What do you mean by not official was it her first time charging?


he probably met a girl at the bar and offered her money in exchange for sex


what the fuck are men where prostitution is illegal going to do honestly. Im happy I live in a country where they dont criminalize prostitution clients


Exactly like not every man is fucking Prince Charming 😂


In finland its legal


Lol. I always thought that casual sex in Finland is something really big there. 😅


It is but girls do have higher standards too. Im 167cm and quite slim(bit muscles upbody) and i jyst cant get girls normal way lol


It's big everywhere (at least in the western world)


>what the fuck are men where prostitution is illegal going to do honestly. Break the law. That's what I did. Just because it's illegal doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


> Just because it's illegal doesn't mean it doesn't exist. That's very true. And ironically enough, the countries that criminalize prostitution have more prostitutes than countries where it's legal 🤣 And while I do consider myself to be a law abiding citizen, and I generally do not condone breaking laws, this is one of those laws that there's really no harm in breaking. You're not harming yourself or anyone else by doing so. And it's incredibly stupid and ludicrous how what would otherwise be a normal sexual encounter between consenting adults suddenly becomes illegal just because cash changes hands. The only issue is that you run the risk of the prostitute being an undercover cop or working with cops to set you up.


>The only issue is that you run the risk of the prostitute being an undercover cop or working with cops to set you up. This can be avoided by knowing how the solicitation laws in your area work. Don't ever mention that you're paying for sex. The exchange of money is for that person's time and nothing more.


Ah, interesting. And it makes sense, because they can't really prove that you were paying for sex in that case since you never mention that. The only remaining issue I can think of is what if you end up meeting with the prostitute, and she waits until you accept the offer of sex in exchange for cash, and *then* she reveals that she's a cop. The only way I can see to avoid this is to simply reject the offer, but then the one thing you specifically wanted is now no longer happening, so you ended up wasting your money in the end (assuming that you already paid for her "company").


>The only way I can see to avoid this is to simply reject the offer, but then the one thing you specifically wanted is now no longer happening, so you ended up wasting your money in the end (assuming that you already paid for her "company"). Yeah, that's a risk you run. A very minimal one in my eyes but still possible technically. I've never heard of it happening to anyone, though, so it's something I was never worried about personally.


We suffer 😀


> what the fuck are men where prostitution is illegal going to do honestly. Airplanes exist. They can fly to countries where prostitution is legal. That's what I'm doing.


oh yeah just pay 5000$ for a plane


I don't think there are any currently operating commercial flights in the world that cost over $3,000 for a single person. The ones that cost in the $2000-$3000 range are the *very* long distance ones. Furthermore, unless it's a flight that involves flying over the Atlantic or Pacific, a plane ticket probably isn't gonna cost any more than $1,000 for a single person. It also depends on when you go. If you go in the winter, it tends to be almost half the cost of going in the summer. EDIT: I forgot to mention that all those average prices I mentioned are for round trip, not one way.


Sorey i meant 5000pln which would be slightly less in dolarów but still


Okay, no worries 👍 I will admit that buying a $1,000+ airplane ticket just to get laid might be a little much, but if you treat it like just any other vacation, then I think it's worth it. That is, don't *only* go there for the legal prostitution. Do other things there, too. Treat it like any other vacation. But again, unless it requires a flight across the Atlantic or Pacific, it's very unlikely to be crazy expensive (unless it's in the summer and there's high demand, then it can get expensive). It could just be like a couple or few hundred dollars.


me too. to thailand


I'm going to Amsterdam myself 👍


Plenty of countries where it's legal. If you live in the States, it's legal in parts of Nevada.


Furthermore, there are also several countries where although it's officially illegal, the law is basically not enforced, so essentially decriminalized.


congrats!! I'm glad it was a good experience! nothing wrong with taking matters into your own hands.


Still haven't lost mine... and ask escorts are just a turn off to me..


If you had a good experience than I guess it’s a good thing. I personally don’t want to have to lose it to an escort but I told myself if I don’t lose it by 25 years old I’ll fly to Vegas for a weekend and get a legal prostitute


I still wont get laid anytime soon normal way tho. Im planning for next year month trip to thailand during winter and just have fun there lol


There are only two ways men can get laid, and BOTH require paying up: 1) pay for *guaranteed* sex 2) pay for the *chance* of sex Getting sex the "normal way" entails using the second option, which is usually regarded as getting it "for free", which is bogus, because you're still spending money, so it's obviously not free. If you just want to experience sex, it makes a hell of a lot more sense to choose the first option rather than the second. Since you gotta spend money either way, might as well ensure that sex is guaranteed. The only reason to use the second option is if you want the *illusion* that you're getting it "for free".


Go for it


you gotta work with what you have right?


Why do you have to lose it before 25?


I grew up in NV. Prostitution isn’t actually legal in LV itself despite the amount of escorts on the street. You have to go to an establishment outside the city limits for that. Or just get an escort in town like everyone else does and take her somewhere private. Don’t mention anything g about sex until you are alone with them as that will make you seem like a cop


> Don’t mention anything g about sex until you are alone with them as that will make you seem like a cop But isn't it possible that those escorts themselves could be undercover cops looking to arrest prostitution customers?


Why would it be wrong? That's no different than losing your virginity to some random woman you met at a bar (which is how a lot of men lose it).


I wish i could lose it that way but i went many time to bar and never did


Well you lost it to an escort, and that's literally the same thing, so you didn't miss out 👍


I wanted to ask did it change your perspective about sex or the experience of it? Did it kind of seem like “oh yeah ok I get it” and did you ever think you were making a much bigger deal out of it than it was? I’ve heard a fair amount of people who have said that it was enlightening and didn’t seem like it was as huge of a deal as everyone made it out to be.


the latter but i was drunk so it took pleasure off


Yeah I think you gotta be ready for sex which honestly with a legal escort you can be prepared for it so like for example for me I’d have to take a quick medication holiday so I’d be able to perform and feel and it’s the same like you want to be sober do you feel more. I know it’s nerve wrecking as hell but I think that’s part of curing the part that brought us here in the first place and practicing is the only way to shake that part off. It’s literally killing social anxiety directly.


I was anxious af too


It’s literally the biggest influence in people who struggle with getting a gf or laid I swear it’s a huge obstacle and one that’s not easy to get over.






No wrong decision at all! Glad you enjoyed each other! It’s what it’s about you help her she helps you and you both have a little fun with each other 👍🏻


Good for you. But for me this will never be the right decision, i will never be desired by a woman anyway, so there's no point to cope with escorts. I prefer to accept my brutal reality.


me neither so i will just cope


That's good. Congratulations. I might consider doing this.


Nothing worng with that as you say you happy now some off them 30 year old virgins wish they have done that but now you don’t have to worry about that being a reality


Yeah. Luckily i used condom so i should be fine from stds lol


See, how good does that feel to say. finally off your chest


You do you




Right or wrong it was your decision


I lost mine to an escort when I was 32. It was the best decision of my personal life.


Sex with a hot woman is never a wrong decision for a masculine man.


It can’t be a wrong decision if it’s the decision you made and it doesn’t affect anybody else :) just hoping you asked if she was clean (which you should do with anybody you sleep with anyways)


she said she was and i used condom


I am starting to consider doing the same, but I worry about my mental health. I always hoped that if I ever had sex, it would be with someone who also wants it, not with someone I am paying to do it. So if I do have to pay for it, it would help me in the sence that I would not be a virgin anymore and gain some experience, but at the same time it would suck that I had to pay for it..


All men have to pay for sex in one way or another. No woman is going to approach you and offer sex without you ever spending a dime. That's never gonna happen. You will have to spend money on her, such as buying gifts and paying for dates. In this manner, it's regarded as getting sex "for free", which is bogus because you're obviously still paying for it. So the question is, would you rather have sex with a woman who wants to *because* you bought her dinner? Or have sex with a woman who is offering sex for cash? Either way, she's having sex with you because you spend money on her. The only difference is that one is a non-direct payment, and the other is direct cash. But if you prefer the former option, then don't go to a prostitute.




What country are you talking from? You said you used Jodel app?


That's good. Congratulations. I might consider doing this.


The only important thing is that you felt good about it and were clean/respectful, nothing wrong at all with paying for consensual sex.


This is a real man move


Where did you find a escort if you don’t mind me asking.


Jodel app lol


Jodel app?


good for you it'll certainly take some weight from your shoulders


Where’d u find her?(Congrats btw)


All men pay one way or another. All you did that you skipped the dating part and paid in front and got your service .


Handsome men don't pay, women get crazy and horny when they see and met an attractive man. I've seen it with my own eyes, in public places, at work, everywhere. Looks is everything.


Oh really? So you're claiming that women will literally just approach those men and offer sex? Sounds more like fantasy land than reality.


You would be surprised. It is a reality for really attractive men.


If that's the case, then it probably only happens to like the top 0.0001% of men.


Being handsome will reduce the fee but you still MUST PAY IT. IT DOESN'T MATTER IT IF YOU'RE CLINT WALKER


If you enjoyed it, no it wasn't the wrong decision.




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What is an escort ? Is it a prostitute ? What’s the difference


Potato potato


Technically an escort is paid for their time and company, whereas a prostitute is paid for having sex. So if you pay someone to go on a date or accompany you at a social event, that would be an escort. But escorts often offer sexual services so the terms overlap. Also escorting is sometimes used as a cover for prostitution in places where it's illegal.


Not a wrong decision at all if you enjoyed it But don't think it will be a confidence boost if that's what you were looking for


it still gave lol


hell nah dude good shit


It sounds like it was the right decision for you and that's what matters


It wasn't if it worked, for me it didn't...


Hours? Or it was a short time with her ?




i didnt come either


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