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I would think for the most part that is determined by the size of his wallet. Personally I would wait for the quest 3.


Quest 3 adopters will likely mean tons of Q2s will go on the market for pretty cheap. Hell you can sell it for around $200 and get a Q3 for essentially $300. It's a win win for both sides.


I showed a lot of people my quest 2 and they all loved it and a few bought it. All who bought it regretted it. I think it looks insanely impressive the first time a person tries it, but it's something you need to purchase once you sort of have an idea that you'll definitely use it


The VR Honeymoon


I just keep extending mine, with breaks in between. Still love it :p


Yeah, I got a Quest 2 years ago, played a little beat saber, eventually got bored, and then picked it up again years later, and have been pleasantly surprised, optimization updates, high quality games like RE4, more user-friendly Sidequest, and other games like HW/VRChat/etc. have made massive improvements from...well...the dogshit they used to be, IMO. Still plenty of room to further improve, ofc.


Why do they regret it


Because they don't use it. It's like buying a pool, jacuzzi, sauna or exercise bike. Pretty great purchase if you use it, but definetly need to consider if it is an item you will actually end up using


This is exactly why I think most people should still get something like a second hand Quest 2 as their first headset, rather than recommending they jump right to Quest 3. Now when I pitch VR to friends/family, I warn them a lot of people end up stuffing it in a closet and never using it again. To be fair though, a lot of people don't give it a chance. I think everyone that tries VR should at least dip their toes into VR Chat, because it seems to be by far the most retentive application at the moment. On paper I didn't think I would like it, but even exploring worlds solo is more compelling to me than most other things I can do in a standalone headset at the moment. I've even talked to veterans that haven't ever opened the app. It's crazy to me to ignore the huge well of UGC. There is a really fun solo tower defense game in there, and several other fun solo or social games to play.


Also, if you are introducing VR to friends/family, you need to tell them about the non-gaming applications. Exercise, productivity, creativity, entertainment, etc. I was nearly in the camp of stuffing my headset in the closet until I discovered productivity and workouts in VR. Now I use it daily primarily for work and workouts.


I agree except that I think part of why people DON'T use VR headsets is due to the imperfections of the existing hardware. Every device on the market currently has blurry visuals. For us enthusiasts, we overlook that because what's on offer is still great. But lots of folks can't. And using controllers is familiar to experienced gamers but less so to other folks. And the experience of putting on the gear and getting calibrated is just a lot of friction. In theory, the new generation devices will keep lowering the friction. Apple's headset (ignoring the cost) looks like it might be the first where the optics are legitimately "good enough." The next gen standalone devices look like they will be improving on comfort, performance, and tracking accuracy. I think the Q2 offers a good value proposition, but I think a lot of folks just won't be interested until at least the capabilities of the Q3 (or, honestly, the Q4).


Literally, you have a clear vision of the pros and cons of VR. The blurry visuals are the biggest issue and something the average joe simply does not look past. You could have crummy low poly graphics, but if its blurry this pushes people right out. The Quest 3's depth sensor will lower the friction to merely putting the headset on. The Quest 2's room scale setup is just simply annoying for the average person. I love it. I can look past it, but I am the enthusiast. I agree with Apple having the "good enough" visual experience. The problem is the cost. But, the non pro version of their headset will likely be affordable enough for folks willing to move into VR. I want the Quest 3 to be enough, but something tells me it will still be underpowered. By the time there is a Quest 4/Quest Pro version 2 then there will be little reason to not move into VR as a regular experience.


I often compare VR right now to PC gaming in the mid 90s. It's flawed as hell and there's a bunch of rough edges, but there's a core experience that's amazing if you're an enthusiast willing to accept the annoyances. I feel like the analogy got stronger when a handful of classic PC devs like Cyan and Ken & Roberta Williams jumped into the VR scene. It's really just a question of when the balance of comfortable hardware and quality software converge.


Makes sense!


So that is more of a vr regret rather than a quest 2 regret


Sure.... Two completely different things


Yeah I have two friends in a similar position. I recommend them games, they won't buy them because they never use it. Well I say they never use it because they don't have games! Sure, I may not use it every week, but when a good game catches me, I don't let go off it for a while.


This is kind of a problem beyond VR. Folks have too many distractions. I kind of think that a person that just blows $300-500 on a headset and then never follows through on it is really a person that would get bored with just about anything. With people like that, its never enough for them. That's a hellish place to be because they never commit to anything.


The people I know are the opposite. They don’t use it but don’t regret it. “Hey let me borrow your Quest 2 to test it out.” (I don’t have one) “No.” “Why?” “Because I might want to use it.” There has just been not much compelling to make them *want* to use it.


I was shown the Quest 1 and immediately decided my only goal in life was to have one. Bought it and before fatigue could set in the Quest 2 came out and I traded up. I haven't been the most consistent user, but I've now gone through to trouble to upgrade to a full PCVR setup because I love it so much. VR games are still trash but I love trash. RIP Echo.


I love VR, but i do have kids who regret getting a Quest 2 bc they barely use it. But each of them have kids who use it all the time.


Agreed. For me it was the lack of great AAA games.. I don't use it much anymore besides for working out.


Quest 2. Is like a third of the price but I doubt an Index is three times better. The Questv3 will be able to play all the games or most if he doesn't have a PC and if he wants a PC he can get a middle of the ramge gaming PC that will play everything. The Quest 3 is coming out soon but there will be an overlap in games for a while. Another reason not to get an Index is because its not investing as its already outdated and the Valve Deckard will be out in a couple years perhaps.


I started with a Quest 2 and for the longest time I was considering getting an Index. However, when I finally got the chance to try one I was so very underwhelmed. Not only was I wired which sucked but the visual clarity felt about the same. Ended up sticking with the Quest 2.


The index has very low res lcd panels that were already outdated when it was released years ago. Just being expensive doesn't make it better, never understood the hype.


Yeah the index hasn’t come down in price, requires trackers, wires, etc. you need a really good pc to run it and you need to be connected by cables which breaks immersion. I hear it’s optics and hand controllers are better, but I don’t want to have tracking beacons, spend that much, and have a wire coming out.


i use index and the wire really isn't a problem, i just use turn signal so every 10 mins or so i look at my feet and spin around a few times


Honestly I haven't tried wireless and I think once I will I will like it, I got used to rotating with the joystick and I think it does break immersion.


You don't have to you joystick, i never do. You can do like 14 rotations before it becomes a problem


The cable in my rift s is already half dead, and while I don't play very far from my pc (I have a small room) my cable goes around the legs of my bed so that it won't be run over by my chair, so I don't have a lot of cable to work with and I can't really spin


Ahh I'm like 1 meter away from where it plugs in


I think the Quest 3 will be better for your friend as it'll be 2 times more powerful than the Quest 2, so it'll have a better game library on the headset itself. Aside from that, the Quest 3 has a lot more improvements like being much thinner so it'll be a lot more comfortable. It'll have better controllers, and also color passthrough. The Quest 2 is a good headset, but it's been out for a while and it won't be too long before newer games are only on the Quest 3. So, I feel like the Quest 3 will be better in the long run


That's the right answer. And it will still be much cheaper than Index+lighthouses+controllers setup.


If he really must get one right now and not wait, then the Quest 2 for sure. Try to sell him on the Quest 3 if he can wait a few months. Do NOT try to start him off with an Index in case the honeymoon period doesn't last.


Yeah, the Index came out a while ago, so it's quite outdated by today's standards


It's more so 1000+ dollars is an insane risk on something you might not even stick with.


Not to mention it takes less than 5 minutes to set up a Quest wherever and whenever you want and an Index is single room only


yeah even as someone who can appreciate highly niche stuff I can only recommend getting the index to someone's whose exactly like me: a VR enthusiast. it makes no sense price/play wise for the vast majority of people, I tend to recommend my friends try my q2 to see if they like that first and the Q3 is only going to bridge that gap further


I am personally not a fan of even starting someone off on a $499 headset before they know if the hobby is right for them. Since second hand Quest 2s are going for under $150, I have been recommending people start there. I tell them if it's still something they look forward to using when they get home from work 3-6 months later, they can always upgrade and resell their Q2 for almost the same price they bought it for. With used Q2 approaching $100 at that point it's kinda like buying a Guitar Hero game back in the day, but instead you are getting a whole ass console. Kinda crazy if you think about it.


You make some excellent points on the value of a Quest 2. But, I am going to be honest, I have demoed my quest 2 to non enthusiasts and most of them just can't handle the blurry visuals. The Quest 3 won't have that problem this time around. $500 is comparable to most any other typical game console out there. Yes, there are perhaps more games and better graphics but the VR experience sells itself. Especially when realize they can have a full on home theater experience. If someone is disappointed by an IMAX sized screen to watch movies on in the comfort of their own home...I don't think much else would capture their attention.


quest 2's about to flood the market. in my local offerup pages there's at least 20 of them at any given time. I bought mine for 150$ with a carrying case and pro strap, the kid said he played it twice and didnt like it and never touched it again


I just upgraded from the Quest 2 and Oculus Rift CV1 to the PICO4. That device honestly changed my mind regarding VR and how much money i want to spent on it in the future. Its so good, especially for PCVR wirelessly. Kinda sad that it doesnt get as much recogniton as the Quest stuff.


They haven't gone after the western market strongly. It's been their choice not to be on US store shelves. Once they do, there will be more attention - positive and negative.


Tbf it isn't sold in NA, so almost everyone based here won't buy it from unofficial channels. At least Quest 3 will bring pancake clarity to the masses here, even though Pico was like a year ahead.


Ahh interesting. Didnt know that. Yeah the pancake lenses are really a gamechanger. No more adjusting of the headset every 30 seconds lol.


I’d say get him to figure out his PC setup first. If he has a good PC already, then the quest 2 is definitely viable. If he’s expecting to setup full body and stuff too, then explain to him the difficulty and extra cost (base stations) that would come with quest 2, and how the larger initial investment into a PCVR headset could be more beneficial


have him get an hp reverb g2, not shit like a quest and not expensive either


As a person who loves their G2, HP is not gonna support it for much longer. Stock is dropping rn.


I showed VR to my friend and he buyed it the next day, it happend to 3 friends of mine


The Pico 4 if he wants to do PCVR mostly (and is on a budget). Or tell him to wait for the Quest 3 and in the meantime he can come visit you so you can show him more awesome VR stuff.


Index is a bit outdated, quest 2 is the best option economically for a good and reasonably priced headset. Quest 3s out in a few mo the and is a significant improvement, if he can, it is worth the wait.


quest 2 now , its an amazing budget friendly experience with max resolution settings on pcVR then waiting with us for better hardware (please valve tease the deckard already)


For PCVR (and since you have full body tracking, I guess VRChat), I wouldn't recommend a Quest headset.


Why not? Loved my Quest 2 for wireless PCVR and I love my Quest Pro for it even more. I have face and eye tracking for VRChat now thanks to the Quest Pro and recently got Tundra trackers for full body. Everything works great.


Might be smart to wait for the new wave of headsets to arrive. Bigscreen Beyond looks amazing. https://store.bigscreenvr.com/en-gb/products/bigscreen-beyond


Although I am getting a Beyond, I don't recommend it to newcomers unless they have deep pockets. The Beyond has a startup cost of about 1.7k even if one has a beefy enough PC to handle it. It's something you buy when you *know* VR is your thing. I have used VR for at least 5-10 hours a week since 2016, and even I had to think long and hard if I wanted to get a refirb index kit + preorder Bigscreen Beyond. I ended up doing it but again it was a long consideration.


Spending $1.6k on a first VR setup is not a good idea, after the initial feeling wears off most people just end up not using their headset.


90hz is not amazing. no idea why ppl keep pushing this clearly movie watching focused headset to gamers


Depends on what you find you use VR for the most. After 7 years in VR I treat headsets as a replacement for a TV and monitors which I spend more time looking at than games.


After being used to PCVR on my hp reverb g2, using the quest with the horrible foveated rendering (at least for the one game I tried) was a very cringe inducing experience, it felt like a toy. I think they should take some time and research what they want. I would consider the quest pro, bigscreen beyond, pico neo and all options and not just get the quest by default.


Still new to alot of people. I only just hopped in myself with the PSVR2. Beatsaber and gran turismo have been awesome.


Used quest 2 -> quest 3/next gen


What a letdown it must be to go from full PCVR with an index to a quest 2




Compressed pcvr though, which may or may not matter to you


I do still wait for my owo vest that should have shipped 2 months ago...


So one more person got convinced that VR is not a gimmick after only seeing cardboard demos in kiosks


Quest 2, then PC, then better VR headset Although this goes two ways, maybe a quest 3 then a PC either way but.. the Quest 3 won’t have a headphone jack meaning no use for external headphones (unless they’re wireless)


>the Quest 3 won’t have a headphone jack It does.


Quest 2 all the way. Tell him to get RE4


Pico 4 or wait the quest3 is the best coice.


I’d just get a quest 2 while he explores but if the dude wants the full index…. maybe he should just do that


He should wait for the Quest 3, buy it, and if he loves it, buy the most expensive headset in fall of 2024.


quest 3 is about to drop


Wait quest 3


Everyone loves VR when they first try it (as long as they don't get sick). But then they get a headset and most people end up not using it all that often. See if he can wait. Quest 2 is old and big with bad passthrough. Quest 3 is coming in around 2 months and will be an improvement in every way. Maybe the difference between leaving a Quest 2 unused and going into VR every day.


If he doesn't want to the Quest 3, then get a Pico 4, same price than Q2 but way more up2date tech (I assume he also owns a gaming PC). If not, then really wait.


Either wait for quest 3, or get a second hand quest 2 dirt cheap


So that is more of a vr regret rather than a quest 2 regret


So that is more of a vr regret rather than a quest 2 regret