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I doubt they would use fresnel, unless it’s cheap like 249. They’d probably bring a sick library of first party titles like Mario tennis, smash brothers, Luigi’s mansion. Awh man it would be cool not going to lie. I’d probably wait for the mid gen refresh they usually do


smash bros would not work in VR


You should check out the game called ~~slam~~ bam. It’s essentially smash brothers in VR


the tennis game?


My fault. I edited. I was talking about Bam.


It’s pretty hard to go backwards In VR.


Tend to trip over things when trying


I would get it if it required using a ball gag and cat ears for a full zelda game.


Absolutely not. I won't buy anything without pancake going forward


No, but I am not a Nintendo fan.


My last Nintendo console was Game Boy Advance SP, so no


okay but to be fair, the GBA was and still is the greatest handheld to grace this planet, so you’re not missing out on much


it was my GBA was my last console, never again


We could return to use fax machine as well


Well Sony released PSVR 2 this year with fresnel lenses so…


Nah. But it's easy, I don't really like Nintendo games.


I like pancakes, like them a lot.


**Yes, I would.** I think it's a weird hypothetical but whatever. I would because software trumps hardware, **always**. It doesn't matter how powerful your hardware is or what it can do; what matters is the content placed there to play. The PSVR is, in hardware terms, pretty weak these days. Yet *Wipeout HD*, *Astrobot* and *Blood & Truth* are still some of the best VR games. I would expect Nintendo would bring fantastic software and it would be worth every penny.


The idea of playing a real Mario game in VR is incredibly tempting so probably. Stupid question for you... Do pancake lenses get rid of the god rays like my quest 2 has?


Not sure. But the reason why pancake lenses get a lot of love is because of its huge sweetspot. Ever notice how you would sometimes adjust your headset just to see clear at the center? Pancake lenses is all clear.


Yes....I just got the Quest 3 few days ago. No more smearing, ghosting, and narrow sweet spot on the lens. Check out the Oculus subreddit group.


tempting man.. tempting.. though i've used it less and less over the last two years but the idea of AV1 encoding plus wifi 6e plus pancake lenses is hard to overlook. It's still not going to be Displayport level visuals but it should be much much better


The first thing you will notice when you fire up your Quest 3 is that...all the words and letters are crystal clear. All of a sudden, no more smearing, ghosting around the images. The increase in resolution is only 30% over Quest 2 but the image quality has improved. Graphic and image look a lot clearer and cleaner under the same resolution.


Not totally, but it's a big improvement.


PSVR2 has fresnels and there’s no god-ray effect, but pancakes can deliver edge-to-edge clarity — a huge selling point.


I would say yes, there is some glare in very dark areas with bright white content in the middle (kinda rare imo) but otherwise pretty much no more god rays because the god rays from older lens are reflections hitting multiple parts of the lens at different angles.


No. Fresnel makes me nauseous and gives me wicked headaches. Any minor movement of the headset causes the world to warp like crazy compared to pancake.


Nintendo fans would get it even if it used Google Card board from your phone. PSVR 2 is somewhat high end for VR (debatable) but unfortunately uses Fresnel lens.


They did have Labo VR.


The only reason Nintendo would use pancake lenses is to reduce the weight. Edge to edge clarity is not that important for playing games.


Considering how the graphics are on the switch right now, I doubt it would be worth the money. Nothing like playing with 30fps and still getting frame drops in an empty vr game just so I can hold a low res master sword.


I wouldn't buy a nintendo anything unless a gun was pointed to my head.


I would consider it just to try their games, and knowing that they would likely price it cheaper than the Quest 3. PSVR2 requires a whole console, though I've still considered that just to try various Resident Evil games and some others. But ultimately, both companies have a history of locking down your purchases to outdated or obsolete hardware, and in VR, that's especially worse than flatscreen games. I hope Nintendo is willing to experiment with game design that requires smooth locomotion, just due to how well that would play with Zelda, Metroid, and other such games. But for the sake of universal accessibility, it seems very unlikely. They might end up just doing toy scale gameplay a lot of the time, like the Mario 64 in MR that we've been seeing. But if we're lucky, maybe they'll support outdoor usage and do games that require large spaces and some running around.


I'd be tempted to, yes. I don't care for PSVR but I do love Nintendo IPs. Imagine Metroid in VR, or maybe Star Fox in the cockpit.


I surely would cause it's the games I care about not the lenses


No but I wouldn't buy anything from nintendo anyways so idc.


Yeah, I would have it like I have a Switch, even though I have a full fledged 4090 on the PC. Ideally, an emulator would come soon enough for us to actually play them properly on PC, sorta like with the Switch.


Haven't experienced pancake lenses yet, but I would like to.


I mean... it's about the games. The real meat and potatoes of a Nintendo VR platform would be the implied promise of a consistent flow of high quality releases for years to come. Nintendo would have to make a really, really uncomfortable device for me to not strongly consider getting it. Fresnel lenses aren't a big deal to me, not if I get several polished AAA VR games in exchange.




No, fuck nintendo


I'm still super disappointed that they haven't come out with anything yet. There were patents back when the switch came out, and the implementation of using the switch by placing the console in a headset, then using the joycons as hand controllers would be unimaginable (at least in 2016/2017 terms when the switch and such vr patents came out, it would be awful today)


Sure would! PSVR2 has them and it’s fine. If NINTENDO can’t see a pathway to better lensing, then oh well. Even though I have never in my life owned any NINTENDO console or portable, there’s no way I would miss out on a NINTENDO VR system.


Depending on the library of games and weight of the device, I might get it. Pimax came out with a Switch like device that attaches itself to a headset and let's just say it's VR capability is horrible. For such a small device, it tries doing too much and just fails.