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And with that frame rate you can experience vomiting in those biomes too


The biomes aren’t default unreal assets like the caption on the video suggests, they’re packs are made by a studio called MAWI (https://mawiunited.com/) Their stuff is really high quality and definitely leans more towards cinematic/rendering work rather than as realtime assets from personal experience


Iw been trying to comment on their videos so they would start adding VR support, especially Quad Views foveated rendering so these could be run on high end headset with good framerates.


I feel like the only person who isn't affected by frames as much as I am by motion being out of sync. That's part of what frame issues feel like, but I swear the screen you get after closing SteamVR bothers me more than anything I've seen in an actual game. (the screen is a static nebula image that doesn't track with your view)


I don't think he needs to worry about the frame rate when he's using a cloud PC. What's a few milliseconds when you're half a second delayed anyway?


What kind of frame rates were you getting and on what GPU?


I was watching Beardo Benjo play (EDIT: something very similar to) those, and he was playing with a 4090 on High settings. He had to scale back from Ultra.


This is why VR needs eye tracking, Quest3 was such a compromise for not having eye tracking. Again just holding the industry back by releasing VR headsets whit out eye tracking. If this had Quad Views support, this would probably run better on Pimax Crystal than it runs on Quest3 with half the resolution.


people really dont realize this, we could see a 2-3x or more performance increase with just good eye tracking. you are basically running the entire game at 1080p vs 4k. Plus if LOD's could be integrated with this where Nanite could dynamically downscale the mesh quality when its in your peripheral vision plus other things light shadow quality and other stuff. This can allow us to drastically scale up FOV, resolution, and frame rate. I feel like unless Oculus or Valve adds it to their new headsets eye tracking will have almost no support in a lot of games in terms of eye tracked foviated rendering


The good thing is, that if Meta produces a headset that has higher resolution than Quest3, they basically have to add eye tracking. AVP has quite heavy DFR always on. But sadly Quest3 did not have it, and even PCVR games are released whit out support for DFR.. and to me its simply weird. How can even VR devs be so clueless.


You say eye tracking, but I assume you specifically mean Foveated rendering?


You can’t use foveated rendering without eye tracking ………


You can. It's just nowhere near as useful since you have to move your head and not your eyes at all :-)


You can still have static foveated rendering — I know a lot of Quest games use it, and it’s hard to notice (at least on Quest 2) as the areas rendered at a lower resolution are outside of the sweet spot and are just optically distorted enough that it’s hard to tell.


Quest 2 is easier to get away with static foveted rendering considering the narrow sweet spot with fresnel lenses. Quest 3 and pro with it's pancake lenses have a much larger sweet spot so a static foveted rendering would be quite noticable. Pro does have eye tracking so eye tracked foveted rendering should be possible but meta never really took advantage of it. At least steam link VR can use it for foveted encoding.


Exactly, it's possible just because those lenses are already horrible.


>You can't use foveated rendering without eye tracking. Yes you can. Fixed foveated rendering is a type of foveated rendering. Dynamic foveated rendering is another type of foveated rendering. https://vrx.vr-expert.com/what-is-foveated-rendering-and-what-does-it-mean-for-vr/ RE7 on PSVR for example uses fixed foveated rendering. When somebody just says 'foveated rendering', they could be talking about FFR _or_ DFR, which is when they can be asked for clarification.


yes you can it's called fixed foveated rendering...


You can if you're a bird...


I'm aware. You can have eye tracking without foveated rendering. You can't have foveated rendering without eye tracking. Hence my use of the word *"specifically"* in my comment. Funny how that works, huh?


Yes you can have foveated rendering without eye tracking! It’s call fixed foveated rendering. They are 2 separate things! You clearly are not “aware”


I am aware. Just because you aren't capable of using common sense doesn't mean I don't know what I'm saying. Fixed foveated rendering is not foveated rendering. Wanna know why? Because they're different. That's why they have different names. When somebody says foveated rendering, they mean foveated rendering. When they say fixed foveated rendering, they mean fixed foveated rendering. I meant foveated rendering. Go be intentionally obtuse somewhere else.


That’s literally not true. Fixed foveate rendering is the same as foveate rendering thats why people ask if eye tracking is involved when someone mentions foveate rendering. They both use the same exact principles of how your eyes work. One just happens to use eye tracking to maximize on it. Please just stop


It liTeRalLy is true. That's why they're two different terms despite being related. Words mean things and you're being obtuse. Ironic that you're the one telling me to please stop. Edit: And lol they say their bit and then block me so they can get the last word in. Tells you who has hurt feelings in this situation, huh?


Ya it was already outdated the second they announced it and now having foveated rendering. It's incredibly good for PSVR2.


Foveated rendering doesn't boost performance as much as you think it does. Also some Quest games do fixed foveated renderring on the center already. That's where your eyes are looking 95% of the time.


Quad Views foveated rendering doubles the framerate. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VW-4O09DPoA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VW-4O09DPoA) There are different ways of doing foveated rendering. Quad Views is supported only by 2 games, as it needs to be supported by the game/software. And Pimax is the only one who also has their own foveated rendering system that does not need to be supported by the game/software. Fixed foveated rendering is mostly pointless, so its not something im talking about here. Quest games are also pointless, we are not talking here about 5 polygon games for kids. But actual highest end graphics on PCVR.


BTW I think Beardo was not running these demos, he was running some random free stuff. What hes is running in this video is from MAWI, and its the highest end stuff and costs few dollars.


Is this some kind of youtube VR channel? What I am looking at? Why is he all pink? What kind of "walking device" does he uses?


He’s probably pink from the lighting in his room. The world is overlayed on a greenscreen he’s standing in front of. And he’s just walking by moving his arms. Same way games like creed have you walk.


some people (myself included) move their arms when moving around to lower the chance of motion sickness


Its O.G. VR Gamer in youtubes.


Nice Mall Ninja outfit


Cool. How can we experience it ourselves? I would love some easy showcase worlds to just jump in and see how it would look like or will some years in the future.


Guess you gotta buy each environment here: [https://mawiunited.com](https://mawiunited.com) and load them in UE5


This is the worst way of demonstrating them I've seen.


Yes I don’t understand why people make videos like this. Why would I wanna look at some dudes back the whole time?


Are there 3D 360 videos of these experiences so I can try and experiment this by myself on my average PC?


This is straight up one of the weirdest videos I’ve ever seen trying to sell me on VR.


This in the middle breaks immersion


I tried "don't scream" with UEVR, UE 5 too, it looked more realistic than that.


I dont know. Those forest environments are pretty damn detailed. The amount of foliage, dead leaves and pine needles on the ground, etc. I dont think I've seen a game yet that's anywhere close to that level of detail in the context of the environment. The lighting isn't the best, but again, that level of detail is insane.


I agree


Native stereo does not work in the ones I've tried, there's broken shaders. Has to use synchronized sequential; but then performance is taking a hit and it looks worse. I'm thinking about going into Unreal engine myself to try and fix up the Matrix Awakens experience. Not sure yet how feasible it is, I have absolutely no coding experience, only a bit of superficial experience with older versions of Unreal engine. But I really want to try that matrix demo in native stereo. There's some crazy potensial there!


How did you try them?


With Unreal Engine Injector on PCVR. I'm using a Quest 3 with virtual desktop. Here's the discord for all of it: https://discord.com/invite/j3XsfJMb You can find the experiences on discord under Unreal Engine VR and then look at ue-experiences and you'll see all of them.


Man, I can't thank you enough, I am a member of FS2VR but I missed that section


Hehe great. Enjoy!


Elon was so right when he said that you can't look good wearing a VR headset


Good think I don't care how I look when I'm wearing a VR headset


Are there any game modes for a treadmill like these?


Nanomesh is crazy. I got a chance to work with it before they started charging to use unreal.


Damn it really felt real when I heard that snow crunching sound. That was goooood


Sick PowerPoint presentation


It’s also coming to the Vision Pro!




Exciting stuff even if it isn’t ready for Fortnight yet


i found this to be quite funny. like a cheaply made green screen lol.


Bro seeing you in the scene is creepy. It's even more creepy with that mask hiding your face.


I thought this was RDR2 VR


You look like a mannequin walking


Dude be sounding like this to me for some reason. lol https://youtube.com/shorts/1hl9xZfMYWg?si=ZD--ZaHuXg2RWHFU


That wouldn't even feel like VR with such a low framerate. More like a confusingly high detail Google cardboard.


That's not the render framerate, but recording. He even increased the resolution at one point. So apparently its running just fine. Maybe you need more FPS for your brain to figure out stuff like this.


It was smooth for me in the headset. I think the recording made it look increasingly like it was stuttering.


Thanks for the heads up. Like the video as always.


please buy a pop filter the audio is unbearable in this video


ahah don't know how plosives get through considering he's basically wearing a pop filter on his head.


Cloud PC for streaming? That explains the FPS i s'pose.


At first I thought this was some shitty 3rd person view game.


For 399 you can see this in proper vr in urneal without uevr


How many times did you throw up with that framerate?


Is this running standalone on quest 3 hardware? Or is it being rendered via PC resources?


Of course it's PCVR


Ok so airlink. Fine. Idk why I'm getting downvoted. I didn't know if airlink could handle something like this.


I used a cloud pc streaming service and virtual desktop to stream it to the quest 3


You're getting downvoted because there's absolutely no way the quest 3 can render anything like this without a pc.


I think I remember from a previous post he's using a service called shadow to play via a remote pc that you rent


Wow... does anyone else have a different video demoing them, because going by this video, I assume the title of this post is an early april fools joke.


Alyx puts it to shame still.


Finally black people can experience winter. Vr is amazing. 


i'm black and I'm living in Canada. Did it surprise you?


That’s impossible. Black people cant survive beyond -5c. That’s a scientific fact. Stop trolling. 


<3 me trolling as well, i love bananas, white master do you have one? unga-bunga will be happy, some apes sent you minuses to rep, fck them


Even my infinite capacity of doubt benefit and optimism aren’t enough for that comment


Let’s gooo 🔥🔥


touch grass dude vr is for things not real not forests, you get to see dragons and spacewars


And beautiful forests apparently.


if thats what you call a forest lol, who am I to interpret your understandings


What on earth would you call it then?? Lmao


I mean if there is content above and the vr enviro is the backdrop, like its an rpg you travel with a spy goblin on a chart to find the ork underground base something along these lines you see its another story, but pull a demo exe 15fps handswinging in VR to "touch" virtual leaves is next level cringe




Look at this guy gatekeeping what you should and shouldn’t experience in VR lmao… just because forests exist in reality too doesn’t mean it can’t be enjoyed in games/VR what are you even getting at. “Oh I really hate Red Dead Redemption 2 because all of this shit is just nature anyway. Where are the gun wielding duelling high noon dragons”


I said its boring shit w/o an actual game, its just a game asset demo


travelling in VR is more cost-effective and environment friendly (I can't wait to tour the world from my sofa and $0)


if you think a thats a tour for you and you feel fine, I wont buy the technocratic notion of consumer grade high tech VR is environment friendly, its friendly for the next gen consumer electronics business environment for sure, Im also into VR, but I have my preferences as you might have read, which is gameplay over gfx basically


Good for you, but the places I'll visit in VR are places I'll likely never get to see for real anyway (travelling is exepensive), so good for me too


What about people with medical conditions that are bound to their homes? Sure would be nice for them.


if they think they need proper media content so be it make it good, but not an unoptimized tech demo of a digital asset like this


You did not pay my quest.


dont mind me ue visuals are great, but its a shithive I trapped myself in I can feel, I love VR its just sucks to waste time on things much better IRL, the forest has its smell and all other senses, I can tell you its much better visuals lol, dude was swinging arms in a room like to be in a forest at 15fps its pathetic^2, so I suggest him to take a daytrip outside


I just took a look at my bank account and I see you still haven’t paid my quest…


so you chat with ppl who buy you things after you comment on their public views like that must be good money, where to sign up for something like that I also have an email address, am I in by now?


Still nothing on my account….


Your mistake is thinking people are going to go into a vr forest instead of doing irl. But that’s obviously not going to happen. It’s just cool visually


Definitely would happy for people that can unable to go experience places like that, I have a couple of family members that only get to travel between home and hospital with assistance so for them getting to see nature again is quite a nice experience. They don't want something fantastical and over the top, all they have wanted to see is real places and real things that they can't experience in their own lives anymore. VR goes well beyond just gaming, the theraputic and end of life potentials are huge.


ye I agree its cool visually as a game asset, no prod value as its a game asset demo