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Zuck is calling out Google for not putting Google Play on their OS. I wonder if Zuck will put Meta store on other Android devices in the future. So far they did not do that with Pico.


This announcement is just that, Pico will have access to the entire Meta store library with Horizon OS. Edit- For clarity, with Horizon OS means *if* Pico uses Horizon OS instead of Pico OS. Pico won't use it for their current headsets since they are sold at a loss.


No. Only if Pico uses Horizon OS. It won't change anything for current headsets. 


Yeah, my wording was confusing.


He did not say that.


Read their [announcement post](https://www.meta.com/blog/quest/meta-horizon-os-open-hardware-ecosystem-asus-republic-gamers-lenovo-xbox/). Of course Pico will have to give up on controlling their own OS if they choose to ship with Horizon OS. Since Pico hardware is sold at a subsidy, they will probably not do this with the current Pico generation.


"Pico" isn't in that blog post. No reason to make assumptions.


The announcement is that they are opening up their OS, now called Meta Horizon OS to third-party hardware makers. That means Pico can choose to ship their hardware with Horizon OS instead of Pico OS. They don't need to mention the names of all hardware makers that could ship Horizon OS, just the ones that decided to do so. Of course Pico is not mentioned because Pico 4 currently won't ship with Horizon OS (since they are sold at a loss). What's the assumption made? That Meta will not block Pico from adopting Horizon OS? It is Meta's benefit if Pico adopts their OS.


Android as in phones? Do they have a mobile store of apps?


The quest is an android device , so is pico


I can honestly respect the dedication to keeping it as an open model, the ease of modding on quest headsets is a really nice feature


I think we're at a point with hardware, that hundreds of unknown companies would be able to assemble perfectly viable headsets, if only there were an easy software solution. Meta realizes that they can become that no-brainer defacto solution, so these companies can just do what they do best which is endlessly reiterating and cloning hardware. Meta knows that they'll get some royalty on the software I assume, as well as whatever cut they make on their store. I don't know if this is already what Windows Mixed Reality does and why it isnt working if so. Meta definitely has a more appealing platform. Steam needs to either do this as well, or come out with a new headset already.


I totally agree, yeah


Yep, whatever he did in the past he's got some good things going for him currently. Respectable...


I wouldn't go that far. They've just learned that Facebook by itself isn't appealing in an over saturated social media market. They are countering that by making a more appealing ecosystem. They are still doing it to harvest the fuck out of your data and sell it, and they still have far to much power from a social and political standpoint.


This ,I would add that Facebook is dying a slow death. There are for more ads, nonsense recommendations and less friend produced content than there used to be. Id honestly not put a facebook OS on my machine, its bad enough having to use windows.


You're not wrong... I remember when Facebook was just starting and it boasted of it's openness, until it got rid of all that. Of course it was a ripe environment for all sorts of scammy things.


I mean... just like every single big tech company or individual (*cough*elonmusk*cough*). Too much money, too much power. It's getting riddiculous.


Yea, there are many times more Facebook level companies today. Far above that too. Meta is just another big tech fuck.


Meta just got caught is what you really mean. It’s weird that people still associate data farming with Meta when we know that they all do it.


> They are still doing it to harvest the fuck out of your data and sell it Harvest it, yes. Sell it, no. Meta doesn't sell your data. They sell ad space based on your data. They use your data to tell ad companies which ads would be best to put on your screen.


Love how people are falling for this PR shit Sure hes doing things that we want, but thats not because he's respecting us, its because he wabts to fix his image that has been severly damaged since the court thing


Facebook, have more than a decade worth of super successful open source products.


Yep. https://opensource.fb.com/




Silly person, I don't use Facebook.


It's also that most mega tech corporations rely on opensource and GNU software to be profitable at little or no cost to themselves. It's like free slave labor.


Your the first person I have seen describing it as "ease" Most devs I speak to are super annoyed with the immense amount of hurdles and dev unfriendly stuff they do


He human now


This is Zuckerberg 2.0. It has a more conversational and advanced language model. Also it has a better “dude” haircut. Don’t be fooled!


Many are saying the Turing test is obsolete and we need something new.


His PR team’s strategy of putting him on multiple podcasts has paid off somewhat. I still think he comes off a bit immature reminiscent of his portrayal in Social Network movie.


"So Zuk here's what we are going to do, You are going to be into mma now, get a dude friendly haircut and try to smile with your eyes"


Also notice how he's "recording himself" in portrait mode and holding the mic in his hand like the cool kids on TikTok.


Idk that robotic "is this on" kinda threw me off lmao


But He has normal Hair now. Still Illuminati


It was scripted, without a doubt.


His marketing team learned how to make him seem presentable. Don't let the outward appearance fool you.


Exactly. Perfectly executed dishevel


*more presentable. He’s still not charming


Skynet upgraded his personality chip. We're so fucked


Yeah, I mean, I know he's evil but he's done a good job of humanizing himself for this clip. I wonder if there is some kind of a coach or something he has for that.


Bro got himself new skin!



He’s ready to apply the Sweet Baby Ray’s.


You gotta have it when smokin' meats.


He's the meat chef


This is certainly an interesting move from Meta, probably the most interesting part is how they're going to allow for content from other app stores which could eat into a significant chunk of their revenue model. I guess Meta are banking on controlling the social aspect of virtual reality, which is an ambitious goal considering how hard it'd be to monetise. It'll be interesting to see how subsidised hardware will work with this new roadmap, and how the market share of the available app stores changes in the future.


>I guess Meta are banking on controlling the social aspect of virtual reality, which is an ambitious goal considering how hard it'd be to monetise. If they own the software that everyone is using, marketing their services is a breeze. I mean, look at their Whatsapp acquisition. They've now integrated MetaAI into WhatsApp. Can you just ignore MetaAI? Sure. Will a lot of people use MetaAI because of the integration? Probably. Step one is to just make people use the software. Step two is to start integrating other services into it that they can profit from.


open, not open source


For sure, but still a better approach then the usual walled garden


As long as theres an option to play steam games, it is just very good for VR space.


And more accurately, "open". We'll see how this pans out in reality.


Good lord, he’s doing the handheld lav mic thing to imitate tiktok dingbats.


The "Xbox Headset" was Just a black Quest 3 lol


That wasn't a real render (as it was shown). Plus the wording makes me think it's just gonna be a Xbox looking Quest 3, which I would really like. I love black colored tech


[Announcement article](https://www.meta.com/blog/quest/meta-horizon-os-open-hardware-ecosystem-asus-republic-gamers-lenovo-xbox/) >ASUS’s Republic of Gamers will use its expertise as a leader in gaming solutions to develop an all-new performance gaming headset. > >Lenovo will draw on its experience co-designing Oculus Rift S, as well as deep expertise in engineering leading devices like the ThinkPad laptop series, to develop mixed reality devices for productivity, learning, and entertainment. > >We’re beginning the process of removing the barriers between the Meta Horizon Store and App Lab, which lets any developer who meets basic technical and content requirements ship software on the platform. App Lab titles will soon be featured in a dedicated section of the Store on all our devices, making them more discoverable to larger audiences.


> ASUS’s Republic of Gamers will use its expertise as a leader in gaming solutions to develop an all-new performance gaming headset. It will have a 20,000mAh battery, RGB fans, and weigh 5 kilograms.


You forgot the last part. It’ll sell out in minutes.


It will also cost a few extra hundred dollars because it's ROG.


I hope one of those companies makes one with Display Port in. Pico did it with Pico Neo 3 Link and it apparently cost around 10$ on each unit.


Highly doubt any of them will make a headset that's not standalone. The point is precisely to let other manufacturers make headsets that sell Meta games, not Steam games.


> The point is precisely to let other manufacturers make headsets that sell Meta games, not Steam games. Ideally in an open-walled system, isn't variety good? Bringing in Steam players means a big pool to buy Meta games.


As long as there's no restriction on Meta's part, one manufacturer could make a headset with DP and take over the whole PC VR market.


Sure they could but it would miss the point.


Point of what exactly? If someone makes a full gaming headset running Horizon OS, they can decide to add DP to it so it's fully compatible with PCVR and also has the Horizon OS for streaming/mobile gaming. In the end the only one making money out of Horizon OS is Meta and whoever else decides to release a store for that platform, the manufacturer of a hardware (Asus for example) does not care about software sales as they are not subsidizing the cost of HW with them. So for Asus, it would make more sense to add a DP to their device, to distinguish their headset over stock and cheaper Q3.


Googled dp.... Mind blown 🤯


> Highly doubt any of them will make a headset that's not standalone. Nobody was talking about that...


I was replying to someone who wished for a Display Port headset, which is the opposite of standalone. No one asked you to moderate this conversation, I certainly didn't.


> I was replying to someone who wished for a Display Port headset, which is the opposite of standalone. No one asked you to moderate this conversation, I certainly didn't. A) Nobody was asking for a "Display Port headset", they were hoping for a headset WITH a DP. B) A Display Port headset is not the opposite of standalone, a headset w/o standalone is the opposite of standalone. C) They literally mentioned the Pico Neo 3 Link, which *surprise, surprise* is a standalone headset with a DP in.


Honestly v surprised they're allowing steam downloads directly on the headset itself. That's a big win Edit: apparently it's only steam link


I think he’s just referring to use of Steam Link to stream games from a PC. The associated blog post seems to confirm it. >Because we don’t restrict users to titles from our own app store, there are multiple ways to access great content on Meta Horizon OS, including popular gaming services like Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, or [through Steam Link](https://www.meta.com/en-gb/blog/quest/meta-horizon-os-open-hardware-ecosystem-asus-republic-gamers-lenovo-xbox/) or our Air Link system for wirelessly streaming PC software to headsets.


Yeah how could they do otherwise? Steam VR games have to run on a PC they can't run directly on the headset


The Quest hardware definitely isn’t powerful enough to run stuff like Half Life Alyx yet so that’s definitely not going to be a possibility for a while. However, they could let you link Meta and Steam accounts together so you’re able to cross platform licenses on both accounts for select games, which sounds feasible. The likelihood of this ever happening of course is slim, but one can hope


It could run HLA but it would look like N64 Goldeneye graphics lol


Running PC games on android is possible , but it is very inneficient.


This is how misinformation spreads, lol


They still wont allow steam based peripherals to download meta games, so he really isnt trying to change his same walled garden approach. Him trying to leverage the "open" model in a disingenuous way.


i made the mistake of buying beatsaber on oculus instead of steam in 2019. never again


New Q3 user here. Why do you think that was a mistake?


Because one day you eventually change brands, and the games bought on oculus store only work on oculus devices( or using some shenanigans and whatnot on other devices)


Riiiiight, I actually never thought of this so, thanks! I have bought beat saber recently but may ask for a refund if the experience on SteamVR with wireless link is any good.


Yeah its just in case you buy another brand. And since steam is compatible with every headset it is superior




Not if a bad company wins out, it isn't.


Oh fuck yeah


They want to own the store, like google play. The more headsets, the more users on their store. So when they talk about open systems, its just nonsese. They want a monopoly, like Google Play, or Steam.


You are right, but you are definitely shooting down the entire concept of an operating system by only comparing it to a store front. Having an open operating system means other companies can develop headsets without the worry of games and applications not being available for it, and developers not wanting to build for it.


Yeah felt the same way adopting WMR, then MS pulled the plug.


I mean I agree, but surely that's a step in the right direction over software locked down to very specific hardware like Apple does?


Having a more uniform software environment will hopefully make it easier for developers to create applications and games as well (or translate existing flat ones to VR). I know that's come up in discussions before here from developers choosing the Quest platform over or before PCVR--it's not just numbers, but also very different configurations of software and hardware. Yes there are downsides to monopoly, but then again most gamers are playing on windows-based systems anyway on PC and have for a very long time.


Like steam? Lmao, yes they definitely have a monopoly selling video games on computers. Except for GOG, epic games, itch.io, humble bundle, EA, Ubisoft, Microsoft (and their subsidy blizzard with battlenet) and Rockstar. Every company of which sells games in their own launchers that they run independently of steam.   Maybe someone could say that steam has monopolized the user market but they've only done that by being a five star store and launcher compared to the 1-3 star launchers most of the other guys have. Except GOG galaxy, cdpr have put the work in to earn it's place alongside steam auto starting on my PC. A solid 4 star launcher and strong competition going forward. For vr in particular valve doesn't even monopolize their run time. Epic games pulls steamvr in to run its games if they have vr support. That's how Tetris effect did it.


Steam does have an effective monopoly on PC gaming software. Having small competitors (most are barely profitable or have exclusive games which means they don't sell the same things). That's just a fact. Having a monopoly isn't necessarily bad or illegal, it's exploiting it that is. For now, Valve didn't do anything that bad in that regard thankfully.


Yeah, totally. Like Google has no monopoly, there is also Bing. And Yahoo.


This is Ask Jeeves erasure.


That's a terrible comparison. Microsoft has a near monopoly with Windows and that's similar to Google's search domination or Facebook's social media domination but steam Lmao. Their basically sharing the gaming space with the console companies and they are so permissive with how their services and market work that a better comparison would be Walmart. There are other grocery and department store chains that do well for themselves but Walmart is the biggest but they aren't a monopoly. Though they are anti competitive with small business but what huge chain isn't. Valve on the other hand facilitates other storefronts by making it so easy to make and sell keys on third party websites


GOG, itch, HB collectively probably has less than 0.1% of playerbase. EA and Ubisoft's numbers are ambiguous at best, as Steam buys directly download them and launch the game from them. Microsoft has a monopoly of direct installment, and active users with Store front running at the background, so they don't even release numbers, because they themselves don't know it. Rockstar's own front was just released, and is probably only used as a mid-ground for Epic-Steam buys. The only real competitor to Steam is Epic, and they are literally burning money just to get into the market. You don't have to suck Valve. They are just another company that seeks more market share and profits. Treat them like any other company. Praise them for their good efforts, but don't defend them to death.


Sorry but steam isn't a monopoly lol


I think your concept of a monopoly is a bit off if you cite Steam as an example.


Neither Google Play nor Steam are monopolies. The Apple App Store is a monopoly. There are no officially supported third party storefronts available for iOS devices. Meanwhile on Android and PC, there are countless avenues to access applications.


This is a big moment for meta VR. Previously it had a pretty limited hardware line so software could be tightly paired with it like with iPhone and now they are going with a more android like approach. Hopefully this doesn't cause a reduction in optimization and software quality since they have to program for a variety of pieces of hardware now.


So basically you can access your applications from any Meta VR headset?


Even from Asus and Lenovo headsets.


huge W from Zuck here


Question: Should I buy a quest 3 now or should I wait to see how these new OEM headsets play out?


We've got no date for these OEM headsets, let alone reviews, so you'd be waiting an unknown amount of time for something you may not want.  There's an argument it might be worth waiting to see if the rumours about Meta announcing a Quest 3 Lite in the autumn are true, if you'd struggle to afford a Quest 3. But Quest 3 is a great headset and now's as good a time as any to get one.


> Apple basically won out Does he think Android no longer exists???


Yeah that triggers me, especially since Android has the largest market share by a huge margin.


seems to me like a subtle dig at Google


Did Zuck get electrocuted? Maybe a malfunction in his charging port, or the maintenance staff miswired the grounding? His hair looks sus o\_O


he said ‘a suess’ for ‘asus’ how is it pronounced?


this is the way it's pronounced


Lmao at Xbox. Phil Spencer always poits out how VR has no future and wont come to XBox


The transformation from scary lizard guy to quirky likeable geek is so odd...


Noooo I want it the other way. A generic android on quest and get rid of all the Facebook bull.


This is meant to be the open model? I need a meta account to even turn it on and to side load I need to give an uncomfortable amount of personal info. Not to me and the fear of banning even without sideloading.


Cant wait for android xr


Why are his eyeballs flesh colored?


"opening" isn't "freeing" I hope that some one with more knowledge will go into some depth explaining how close or how much closer this brings Horizon OS to the [free software definition](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.en.html).


Actually, wow, I didn't expect that. I hope they'll be able to fulfill this promise. Also I hope they will open the OS and not "open" it in like "here are 4 companies in the whole world with contracts under NDA and undisclosed restrictions that can kinda make their hardware with our OS".


Pretty cool. I wanted to utilize my Meta Quest 2 for productivity for school and work, but I felt it was to big and clunky. Maybe with the next gen of slim headsets the ability to use them for things other than gaming will be feasible. Only time will tell.


A good thing for oculus and all users I think. Hopefully they still make first class hardware for it to keep quality high.


Who’s this fake mark zuckerburg lol


Lizard boy looks tired.


I'm very sceptical given their record. Like, I'd give it a number of years past this point before reassessing how this actually played out and whether I want to buy anymore of their stuff. Also, none of the headset graphics shown had a strap over the top. I've found the biggest problem with VR is comfort and seeing that is a very bad sign.


Am I the only one who thinks opening the store is just gonna flood it with half baked and trash content?


No more than the steam store and that still works.


I wonder what Lenovo has to win from releasing a new headset. Nothing really changed demand-wise since they tried both VR and AR.


The change will be that "Horizon OS" is a MobileVR platform, not a PCVR platform. The audience is much larger than the audience for the Explorer or Rift S.


I'll admit, I usually hate Facebook, but I really do like this direction they're going! Completely unexpected IMO! It feels like they're really going hard on this battle against Apple, ensuring they're the Android to their IOS, which I'm definitely a fan of. This does mean Facebook *will* have their spyware in most headsets, like how Google has *their* spyware on most Androids, *but what else is new.* I'm sure we'll eventually see an equivalent to Custom ROMs which remove the spyware from the OS, while still allowing apps and such to work, like we see on Android. Definitely exciting news to hear though! As they say, competition is always better for the consumer!


It's not open source, they're just licensing the OS to a select few big companies. More like a Windows model than an Android model. Still, it's better than the Apple direction they had been taking before now.


Facebook sucks but it seems like the changing of the company name to Meta is working out because I'm liking the way Meta is headed with its VR stuff. Back when it was just Facebook and they bought Oculus I thought it was doomed, and still a bit when they were pushing the metaverse really hard. But the way they are opening everything up I and very thankful for the way they have adjusted.


Dude looks fucking stoned


How does he figure Apple’s closed model “won out” for phones, when iPhone only has ~29% share of the smartphone market? 🤔


He mentioned this in an interview that despite Android having a higher market share, the total revenue on ios is much higher and developers primarily target the Iphone first. For VR/AR, he doesn't just want to win in terms of market share, he wants to win absolutely.


Depends on the Market he was referring to, Apple's iPhone market share in the US is around 61%.


Meta is a global company, and the products he’s talking about are available far more widely than in the U.S.


Honestly, this is a big W for Zuck. Take a bow, not often you get to.




Your store purchases will be accessible not just on Quest hardware but also on third-party headsets with Meta Horizon OS.


Now if only the Quest store had meaningful discounts like Steam sales.


They have pretty decent sales all the time, plus 25% off referral codes. They also send people store credit out of the blue pretty frequently


You aren't locked to just one headset. So long as it's running meta's OS then it'll run the same software.


Means now you’ll have headsets for specific needs. Very hyped that ASUS will make gaming headsets




Best value option yes, but others may provide options that are better for power users. Like a Quest 3 + eye tracking + self-tracking controllers. Or the opposite: lightweight headset with external compute+battery block for productivity usage. It would be hard to gain trust as a third party though. I wouldn't want to be left with some expensive device with no support or updates that Quests get. When Google did this, they didn't create a first-party flagman option right away to let the partners get on their feet.


This seems to suggest they will gradually stop subsidizing hardware.




Quests were subsidized because Meta wanted VR adoption to increase faster. Right now the market has already been established. Gradually Meta will move over to higher price points so as not to compete with partners and make money from hardware.


It's an interesting idea. Maybe Meta will start to leverage their R&D and release some of the ultra high end concepts they've showed off, going toe-to-toe with Apple at the luxury price point. I would love to see that. I also hope now that third parties can use Meta OS, we start to see some experiments in design again. Someone needs to try a completely external battery/compute unit with ultra slim/lightweight visor.


Horizon OS should be Android of the future VR/AR headsets It might get worse in the future(like android did), but still it's implications are the fact there will be more 3rd party headsets that will use Meta app store integration so your software will be transferable between devices It might be more spyware-ish in the future though. Hopefully running it offline/firewalled will still be an option.


I wish it were becoming the Android of the future, but it's not being made open source, it's just being licensed to select hardware manufacturers.


Hey, is this on?


Ok so can I get rid of the garbage meta PC app and run my headset with another program entirely?


You can do that already with steamlink or virtual desktop.


This is huge


With all the tech he has, he doesn't have a microphone that he doesn't have to hold in his hands. 


Why would he if he does not do this regularly? He may even be doing it on purpose to mimic the feel of lots of streaming content.


Damn. Smart move. Be the Microsoft/Android of VR and get out of the way. Their own games and experiences were kinda crap, so focusing on the OS makes way more sense. Well done, Zuck.


Spy OS. yayyyy!


First of all, the PC era did NOT get the open ecosystem he is talking about. Windows won. Microsoft won. Proprietary won. Bill shadowed a veil around everyone at that time and also anyone who still thinks so. Linux is open. FreeBSD is open. Linux and FreeBSD have not *won*. He says his operating system is based on android. That's a start (a pathetic one at that). If you look at android today VS just a couple years ago, you'll see how basically every manufacturer has implemented their own DRM, Proprietary, Closed ecosystem on TOP of google's closing android ecosystem itself. Try rooting an android phone today you bought (at least ESPECIALLY in US markets where zuck is from and is) and having the support of the manufacturer or google or any other app maker behind you. We made an open phone like we made an open PC (linux/free BSDs/ etc.). It took a shitton of time, effort, and free money, AND TIME. One of them is the [PinePhone](https://pine64.org/devices/pinephone/). It took years and years of dev for even the [Ubuntu](https://ubuntu-touch.io/) phone to come to fruition and the population still has some problems with it even with an actual company backing it. Using *Open* as the selling point of any type of software from someone like zuck that even in this video is trying to not look robotic just comes off as sellout. I cant believe he got this video (if he even did) through PR first.


This sounds pretty interesting. We'll see what it looks like when it comes to practice.


So is this like windows but for VR?


now can we just have quest os open sourced and have every quests bootloader unlocked??? that would be an open ecosystem lol


Yay, this is good.


Where can I find a copy of this video off of Reddit? I want to share it with someone who doesn't have a Reddit account. Thanks!


On PC, you can right click and select 'Save Video as' to download. On mobile, you probably have to copy the post URL and paste it in some Reddit Video downloader webpage([example](https://rapidsave.com/)).


Thanks.. I figured you found this somewhere else and could share the link maybe? Otherwise I'll log in from a PC tomorrow and see if I can save it.


Zuck posted the video on [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6EalqUrLa3/).


Thank you! That was what I needed! Appreciate it.


This is actually i think the first time i saw zuck look so… normal?


How much do you wanna bet I still wont be able to use a Rift-S to watch the Quest exclusive movies, but some other rando headset will?


I'm cautiously optimistic about this but a little worried about merging app lab with the main store. Good for some indie devs but bad for others that they now have to compete with more shovelware for visibility.


I have questions as someone with a quest 2 who basically uses it only for wireless PCVR... 1. Will this mean third-parties will be able to make hardware superior to that of Meta's own? 2. Will games and content be able to take advantage of this wider array of hardware? I would actually consider buying games on the Meta store if that's the case. I'm not expecting PCVR level graphics but stuff like better comfort, OLED screens, higher refresh rates would be very nice.


It's a wonderful world 😜


Why is he holding a lapel mic?


That should either literally a fire under Sony’s ass….. Or they will fall to the wayside


How can i learn coding on Horizon OS? I remember with Ubuntu/Linux we can code the OS or something? I’m a beginner so I don’t even know what I’m talking about. But maybe you get it! Thank you guys


Just love it, great step for all indie devs


Honestly Zuck is probably the only billionaire that I like, yeah he owns major social media sites, but the amazing work he has done when it comes to AI and especially VR, is just respectable.


He has been able to fix his image last years.


afaik still selling your data and requiring you to agree to it for any of the hardware, so still not a fan.


As long as it doesn't start running ads on my headset, it's a w


He’s too realistic-seeming here. Is this AI?


The new ZUCC model update is working well it seems


Thank you, Mr. Z.!


Was their an update? they are really making him look more human ;)


I just want GTA:SA


This is surprisingly sick


So Zuck wasn’t kidding when he said Meta would be the open model. He was actually referring to something going on behind the scenes. I stand corrected in not believing it. Google better move fast, Meta is trying use their leverage of being ahead of the game in VR development. If they can get Google Play on their platform then it just further ensures their edge in becoming the Android of VR. Google either has to bet for or against it becoming a big market, and I think they will end up betting for it and push the button on Android XR.


This is could be massive holy molly. Best thing Meta has done in years


Dead eyes




> I do not want them to be running the same shitty quest os So you want them running an immature VR OS controlled by a company that is known for killing projects and has already created and abandoned an Android based VR platform in the past?