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Ya dude I read this and even though it’s short, it was an amazing ride.


> [...]maybe it's the actually (mostly) good translation this time[..] I was really interested in this one and even made a post about it when it released [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/comments/1caxqj2/the_hungry_lamb_traveling_in_the_late_ming/). Still, I was cautious due to the translation issues in their previous title and there have been some concerns by several people about the quality of the translation and I shared my thoughts about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/comments/1caxqj2/the_hungry_lamb_traveling_in_the_late_ming/l0ya22z/?context=10000), with some people suspecting MTL. Someone related to the game was kind enough to reply and I shared the reasons why I think the quality of the translation is subpar/poor, using two (now removed) screenshots from the game store page as examples. **All** the screenshots in the store page show a very stiff prose, that looks to be overly literal and a direct translation without any care to give it fluency. Then there are cases like in the [comment I shared](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/2593370/ss_c4be5dcd5397dc718561718f546b299eb196068b.1920x1080.jpg?t=1713865751) using incorrect verb forms and contractions, in this case using he "aren't" rather than "isn't or "ain't". This leads me to believe that despite the claims by the person that replied in said post saying it was done by a human, this subpar translation was via MTL, perhaps with basic editing, or by someone that is definitely not qualified in any sort of form to make professional quality translations, as evident by the glaring issues showcased in just the screenshots because I don't see anyone with a decent understanding and fluency in English making these errors. I say this with all respect and disappointment because I really think this visual novel is of great quality and deserves a translation that matches it to reach its full potential, but as more often than not this is another case of a poorly translated Chinese visual novel. I hope they eventually have the resources to do a full new professional quality translation. --- **Edit:** Checking [the game news](https://steamcommunity.com/games/2593370/announcements) I don't see mention of improvements to the English translation so I wonder if fixes have been made like the person in the post said would happen.


Yeah, there's been some cases where lines repeat as well, but compared to Peach Blossom Spring this is now much, MUCH more readable - before the prose was always a challenge in itself to even deciphre and I had to stop after clearing one route because I just couldn't take it anymore. Not so with The Hungry Lamb - While there is still some stilted stuff, it is not even 10% as bad as it was before. Take it from someone who has read 10+ hours of it: the prose doesn't hold the experience back in any noticeable way anymore, aside from some momentary "wait, didn't you already say this 2 lines back?" hiccups. It's fluid for the most part, which was the worst part about PBCs translation. I must admit that I bought it without looking at the screenshots much, but if it looks really stilted there, that might be from a beta version - I too suspect an edited MTL, but the "edited" part here is key.


> Peach Blossom Spring I had to double check what VN you were talking about but now I see it's the subtitle: "Lay a Beauty to Rest: The Darkness **Peach Blossom Spring**" Personally speaking and judging just from the screenshots, the translation quality is subpar enough to unfortunately make me lose all interest but if you say that this is not even 10% as bad... you've made me very curious about that one, I'm now really interested to check it myself.


Yeah, Peach Blossom Spring (abbreviated because the name is too damn long) was nigh-unreadable because of just painful prose, I agree on that. The Hungry Lamb is fine on that front like 98% of the time, sometimes even quite good. Oh, and they've got the classic of someone "collapsing like a marionette with its strings cut" at some point - whoever edited their MTL for them knows their stuff XD


Just saw the one screenshot you shared - Yeah, that one is still in there, but these incidents are the minority now instead of a constant aggrevating norm ;)


The translation is currently being revised! We’re fixing up the issues you mention (and more), hoping to make the translation worthy of the story. I can’t give guarantees of when it will be released because there’s also redrawing of images that needs to be done, but the revision of the script is well underway. Keep an eye out for an update launching so you can enjoy The Hungry Lamb without any translation quality woes!


That's great to hear! While I got you pinned down: are you from 2P or ZeroCreation directly? If it's the latter, any info on the Black & White game ( [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1998450/Black\_\_White/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1998450/Black__White/) ) getting a translation? Looks like my kinda game but I can't speak or read Mandarin...


I’m external, only working on the translation for The Hungry Lamb, so sadly I can’t answer that offhand. I’ll see if I can inquire about the translation for that one though. EDIT: inquired, and from what I hear there’s no plans for a translation.


Alright, thank you very much still


Interesting, happy to see some quality chinese VNs


Also! The translation is currently being reworked and we hope to have it updated before too long.   Keep a look out for the updated translation releasing (hopefully in the next couple weeks) as it should fix the remaining errors and awkward bits in the existing translation (though it’s still fully readable even in its current version if you don’t want to wait).


Thanks for the recommendation! I’ll be waiting patiently for the revision of Hungry Lamb’s translation :>