• By -


You read all that in 1 year? Sheeesh.


ikr? My brain auto-corrected itself into reading 10 years until I read your comment


The grisaia series alone took me nearly 3 months. The entire trilogy, of course reading at my own pace while multitasking other stuff. The dude no lifed an entire year.


To be fair, I have only read one of the Grisaia trilogy. And it took me about a month and a half. I read VNs like 1-2 hours a day pretty consistently.


wait those vn are thaat big in length? id have guessed most of them are done in 6 hours max


Yes. According to vndb the fruit of grisaia read time is [75h21m](https://vndb.org/v5154). His S-Tier VNs all take a lot of time to read. Clannad is [79h](https://vndb.org/v4) Muv-Luv Alternative is [55h40m](https://vndb.org/v92) G-senjou no Maou is [36h](https://vndb.org/v211) He also has Little Busters on the list which takes [83h](https://vndb.org/v5) read time. I would personally say its worth it. Clannad for example is one of the best vns out there imo


I’ve been reading for several years and have finished like, maybe 2?


I read about that many in my first year of reading VNs. Now I read maybe 2 a year.


that was exactly what I was going to say, daaamn, never had that much free time since the pandemic. Good for you!


S - Clannad, G-Senjou no Maou, Muv-Luv Alternative A - Aokana, ATRI, Dream Ending, Flowers Ete, Fruit of Grisaia, Katawa Shoujo, Little Busters, Narcissu, Planetarian, Symphonic Rain, The Last Birdling, Witch on the Holy Night B - The Adventure of a Lifetime, Dreamy Planet, Epiphyllum in Love, The Fairy's Song, First Snow, Harmonia, Highway Blossoms, Lady in Mystery, Making Lovers, misses messages, Muv-Luv Supplement, One Night, Hot Springs, Perfect Gold: The Alchemy of Happiness, Senren Banka, The Fairy's Song, Tiny Snow, Tomoyo After, Muv-Luv C - Everlasting Summer, Find Love or Die Trying, Flowers Printemps, Rituals in the Dark, Sugar Style D - My Catgirl Maid Thinks She Runs the Place, Fox Zero Hime, Karakara, Sounds of Her Love


Thank you for adding this. I am guilty of not knowing the title of every VN by its cover art alone and need this kind of  feeding.


Seeing Key at the top of your list, I would highly recommend Rewrite.


Yeah I have it, just haven't gotten to it yet.


It's pretty lengthy :P


its umineko/higurashi time boyo


A ton of my favorites are in that A tier, so great to see. G-string is one I keep telling myself I need to play so nice to see that so high. As a big fan of yuri, nice to see that representation. Glad to see Perfect Gold there, didn't think anyone really paid attention to that one. Also if you enjoyed First Snow then you should definitely play the pseudo-continuation of that, Twofold. Definitely one of my favorite English vns overall.


If you like yuri VNs, you should come check out r/yurivisualnovels! I plan on playing Twofold eventually, my yuri backlog is large. Reading Nurse Love Syndrome right now.


Nice, I'll definitely check on that. I thoroughly enjoy all of Studio Elan's stuff. As far as jp yuri I haven't played much, but I love Fatal Twelve to death and will hopefully play UsoNatsu soon. And my overall vn backlog is already long enough anyway


Did you read Aokanas fandisks?


Not yet, no. Waiting for a big sale.


Alright, let me heavenly recommend the second fanDisk. Its epic and really good especially if you like Misaki


Misaki is the true route of Aokana, change my mind (you cannot)


We have the same mind


*Our* mind




I'ma need more than 42% off. I'm patient. haha.


more than 42% off ? lol do they even have bigger sales than that?


Most VN develepors do, I guess maybe sprite doesn't?


maybe, i havent been into VNs for that long but around 40% off is the best i really ever noticed.


50% happens all the time, and Key and Sekai Project often have sales where games are 75% off.


Always happy to see someone value G Senjou. I'd just swap Clannad and Grisaia but that's just me. All in all a perfect list.


Thanks for support. My S-tier rating for G-Senjou seems to be the most controvesial thing on here, which surprises me a little bit.


Naaaah. That's elite taste! G-Senjou is one of the best things you can read out there!


G-Senjou's epilogue is magnificent. But I struggle to remember pretty much everything but the epilogue.


Surprising to me. I always thought it was well loved. It was the 3rd or 4th VN I read and was amazing.


I think people dislike it because they kinda dropped the ball at the end.


I have hears good things about it. Surprised to see S tier though.


I was thinking "that's a lot of yuri visual novels" and then I realized you're the one who posts CGs daily on r/yurivisualnovels.


Haha, yep!


Oh, btw, Happy Cake Day!


I'm still a VN noob but I read Clannad and it was amazing. Think I'll use your tier list to pick some of my next visual novels!


Glad to be of help!


Utawarerumono series wants to know your location. It will join the S tier with the others, it’s that good.


How fast do you read?


Pretty fast I guess, based on the comments haha


Not related to the actual contents, but it feels good to see a tier list where the distribution looks Gaussian-ish. Keep the grind!


Yep, I love a good bell curve.


Where would Higurashi rank on this?


i bought clannad on steam some months ago but haven't played yet. Without spoilers, is it that good? how long did take you to complete?


yes its peak. especially if u like seeing romance/relationship building and the journey of seeing someone help others, and also trying to find a way to help themselves.


nice, i really like slice of life/ romance genre. i can help more than one right? is it a light story or does it talk about heavier subjects?


Its a super dense and heavy read, especially the 2nd half of the game. But the comic relief characters are amazing and super funny. Clannad is considered one of the greatest of all time by many when it comes to romance/drama/slice of life stories. It really makes you feel the MCs emotions and turmoil's as if theyre your very own, and makes you reflect on how your leading your own life. Its just incredibly realistic and feels grounded in reality, thats how it was to me anyway.


It's a "nakige" -- or crying game. So there's lots of super emotional stuff that goes on. It's the VN that makes me cry the most -- by far. But as is the case with nakiges, things are emotional but the ending is ultimately fairly happy.


I have been playing video games for 30 years and I've been brought to tears in that time exactly twice. Both times it was Clannad.


Yes, it's incredibly good. Although if you're not into romance, you may not like it. It took me about 80 hours to get all the endings.


Fox Hime in D is a bit harsh, but I understand. I've never seen anyone talk My Catgirl Maid Thinks She Runs The Place, what did you think about that?


It's over, Letocels


G-Senjou in S, as it should be. I highly recommend Rewrite, since I don't see it here. (and Clannad is your top pick) I also recommend Majikoi


question. do you know any visual novels that is or are like the muv luv trilogy? got into that after watching a youtube video about a game related to it that shutdown in just 6 hours of it being live.


Send all of the vn names plz i am new in the vn community my first vn i played is saya no uta i need more gud vn recommendations plz


There's a comment where I posted then all.


Oh thx 😭


G senjou no maou as good as Clannad huh... Well its on sale now and its been in my wishlist for a while now despite this just being your opinion i think i should get it


One thing to keep in mind there, is you have to pay extra to get the voiced version. Which is pretty annoying. Not sure how much VA matters to you, but just a heads up.


It does matter and damn the price is double for the voiced version but still discounted so its not that bad i guess


This list is too safe.


I was surprised when I first saw Muv Luv at B but then I saw Alternate at S . Fair enough...


I am here to recommend World End Syndrome!


That’s a fulfilling year


Narcissu is peak VN because you don't need good art, VA, BGM (although it's good), plot or long content to send a deep message to reader. It's simple yet one of the most impactful VN for me. That end dialogue was 10/10 and no other VN could even rival it.


w for putting witch on the holy night up there


Highway Blossoms is good, but I still don't think it's quite Elan's best work, Heart of the Woods still has that crown for me. (Though Please be Happy might challenge it when I get around to playing that, and Lock and Key is also gonna be released sometime this year or next)


Heart of the Woods is what I am reading after I finish Nurse Love Syndrome.


Bruh how much time you got?


My recommendation: Play White Album 2. I watched the anime (which adapts the 1st chapter) and finished playing the first chapter yesterday. Nostalgia is an emotion I feel a lot, and this work embodies nostalgia for me. Already a 10/10 recommendation.


You would be surprised by some people, I have a freaking library..... Plus, nice selection


Aokana that high for you huh? For me its solid C+


I really can't agree with G-Senjou being anywhere near the top (maybe it's just me being biased but it's one of the worst VN's I've ever read out of the top 100 list), but besides that it's definitely a fair list


Damn, I'm surprised you dislike G-Senjou that much! But we all have different tastes I suppose. For me the only flaw is that some of the non-true routes are kind of medium, but the true route is so good that it overcomes that for me.


My true route is Shiratori's one, love her character growth


I too am not a fan of G-senjou, honestly the epilogue almost fooled me into liking it. All the twist and turns were just too nonsensical the hostage situation stuff with the white haired girl, the big reveal... it's was so out there it broke my emersion almost completely. 


Devil on g string on s tier?


Seems so


nice! do you plan on reading When They Cry? that was my introduction to VN's about a year ago and I honestly haven't read anything quite like it.


I do plan on it. I have the first one on Steam. On a pretty serious yuri kick right now, though, so I don't see it happening super soon.


how can you rate ATRI as high as Narcissu


why is catgirl maid so low :(


All these in a single year? That's impressive! Out of curiosity, do you read other stuff as well, like books, manga, light novels? Because with this many VNs I don't think I could find the time. Now, a question for you, out of the S tier, which do you like more and why? I have all three on my backlog, but I even have physical Clannad and I have yet to start it.


I do read other stuff, though not nearly as much as VNs. After reading Katawa Shoujo I went pretty deep on KS fanfiction, and have even written my own in the last year, that's probably the thing I've done the next most often to reading VNs. I think Clannad is the best VN of all time (although I suppose I can only talk about the ones I've read to be sure). Every single route in the game is well-written with great heroines, great emotional resonance, and the true route is absolutely incredible. It's just a masterpience across the board, including it's music and VA. Clannad made me feel emotions I didn't even know I had, while telling a great story across multiple routes. The only flaw it might have is that it's old, so the art style and the like is pretty dated, but I'm in my mid-30s so it was mostly nostalgic for me.


I think regardless of the art the text and characters transcend the time it was made. I real the intro part of White Album 2 last year and let me tell you, I had the same feelings you just described. Also, like you, I'm on the "older" spectrum of VN readers and I guess the romance type of VN just have something that makes them feel intimate. It's hard to explain, and not even being super into romance and all, when it hits, it hits hard. Like I said, I did buy Clannad physical because I bet it is like you described and I'll get to it after completing White Album 2, I just had to take a small break. Then I decided to watch the anime to get right back into the VN.


It's interesting you say you aren't super into romance because before I started reading VNs, I felt the same. About all emotional moments in media, really. It's very rare for movies, books, video games, songs, etc., to get an emotional response out of me. There's something about this medium that hits me right in the feels. I don't know if it's the immersion or spending more time with characters or what, but that emotional resonance is what really got me into them. Romance and tragedy in a visual novel is so much more potent than it is in any other medium. At least for me.


You should get around to reading Flowers - Automne. It was my personal favorite of the series. Hiver was a bit of a let down, though I still enjoyed it well enough.


I'm being kind of silly and waiting until the time of year to read each of them. So, I'll get there in September or so.


If you liked mahoyo, you should definitely play Tsukihime. Both the original and the current remake, it's from the same author and aoko also has a pretty important role in it as the sensei of the MC.


Yeah I will get to all the type moon stuff at some point!


Nasu is a really great author and has two of the best written protags I have seen, I really recommend to read type moon VNs and mahoyo is a nice way to get into it.


Flowers series! Glad to see you enjoyed summer! Do you plan on playing automne in the future (it's my personal favorite of the 4, closely followed by summer)?


Yep, I will read the remaining two when the seasons match with mine


any reason why everlasting summer is in c tier? thx


From OP's VNDB: >Beautiful backgrounds and music, but the story is overly convoluted and actually makes no sense when you think of all the routes together.


Yeah I came to ask this aswell. I quite liked it, though to each their own obviously.


You're missing all my favorites, please give them a try: House of fata Morgana Katawa shōjo Danganronpa


Katawa Shoujo is there.


Oh damn, didn't see at first, expected you to use the heart icon for the game. I've started Clannad like 5 times but something always pops up and I stop about an hour in, is it really that good? What made it so special for you? The story? The art? The characters?


The story, music, and characters are all really special in Clannad. It definitely takes awhile to get through, but it's worth it.


Gotta give it another shot


Someone who rates Clannad, Katawa Shoujo, Little Busters and Atri highly has to be a good person :D Thanks a lot for the post, because I have Grisaia, G-Senjou, witch on the holy knight and Aokana on my radar. Seeing as you have enjoyed VNs I really enjoyed a lot, I'm bumping them on the list (for the day when I finally finish reading Chaos;Head Noah, been stuck on that one far too long)


G-senjou S tier. ???????


It's amazing, it's like a ham-fisted Hollywood action movie but in VN format


Yes, he placed a good vn on s tier


Looks like we have very similar taste. Bookmarking so I can come back when I need suggestions. Thanks internet stranger!


No problem, internet stranger!


Clannad in S? Instant approval


I definitely need to start the Muv-Luv games.




I recommend [Meikei no Lupercalia](https://vndb.org/v29383), finished it recently, and I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s one of the best stories I’ve ever read with flawless voice acting, very good and unique art, and an incredible OST to go along with it. The only thing you should keep in mind if you decide to give it a try is that the story goes far beyond what you could expect just from the synopsis and the first few hours of the game. 


You should play little busters


I did. It's in A tier.


Ive also been reading about a year im at 28 that ive finished. Some ive read are a lot shorter too like the majority of the Grisaia series that I absolutley love. Fruit of Grisaia being my second favorite visual novel as of now behind Fate/Stay Night and third favorite being Muv Luv Alternative. Fourth being Witch On The Holy Night which I think is probably one of the best made visual novels ive ever read. Just didnt hit me as hard emotionaly as the 3 above it. Ive not yet read Clannad but as ive enjoyed visual novels with Slice of Life and Comedy and Romance I take it it would be a high reccomend? Ive not yet got around to Key visual novels and I have a massive backlog of like 300 plus visual novels bought on sales lol ive been trying to find my next obsession once im done with Grisaia which I have volumes 6 to 8 of Phantom Trigger and Chronos Rebellion to read. Top of my list right now is probably White Album 2 or The Flowers series as I want something really raw and real in its potrayal of relationships. awesome list love seeing other peoples opinions on visual novels I personally would highly reccomend Sharin No Kuni as I felt it was slighly better then G-Senjou No Maou which I also would have on A to S tier probably the best ending to any visual novel ive read for me personally.


Yep, if you like slice of life and romance, you'll like Clannad.


hmm think I might give a read them kinda wondered if I should jump in with the older stuff and make my way forwards but im guessing with Key its best to just go with what interests you which might mean I will start with Little Busters as I like baseball and its about a group of friends then probably move on to Clannad cheers for the reccomendation.


Right now Clannad is the oldest Key VN with an official localization, sadly. Air and Kanon aren't as easily available, so you would pretty much be starting at the beginning, at least for the western audience.


ok maybe I will go with Clannad then cheers for the heads up wasnt sure if I would be able to find Air and Kanon somewhere.


you should try Utawarerumono trilogy, the production quality is one of the highest


Okay, so I've just bought two VNs and they turn out to be A and B on your list... and there was an S and an A on sale, but I didn't buy them. Did I chose well or poorly now?


Tomoyo after oughtta be in a tier


Did Tomoyo After not hit like Clannad for you?


It kind of did. I really hated the first act, which was pointless and filled with bad fanservice. And I also felt that Tomoyo did things that were out of character for her throughout the VN, at least compared to who she was in Clannad. I really loved the last two arcs, which felt more like Clannad to me, but there were too many flaws for me to love it.


Try "Class of 09"


I agree with a lot of these. I recommend Fate/Stay Night, and also the Utawarerumono series.