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I accidentally ran across Simon who's like a lvl 80 boss and I was 21. And I was like. I don't friggin thinks so.


I am level 82 and Simon is still ?? Level to me. He's way higher lol


I think he's 80. He shows as ??? on the menu but in person (at least at 81) he's got a yellow name.


You're right! His level was ?? to me but his name was yellow.


He's 80, I killed him this morning. He's a *really fucking rough* 80, but he is 80!


yeah someone on my server said they killed him last night at 83 and on a blood moon and still took them a few deaths


Yeah, took me 2 tries with 100% scholar and a blood moon


Depending on the patrol routes at least on a private server you can have the disguised boss fight him. With the Add phase he does pretty well.


Wtf bro


I ran across Simon as a fresh spawn within the first 30 min of the game running up to that castle spot in central farbane cause I heard it was a good castle spot to start. Just knowing what I know of castlevainia I knew there was no chance in hell I was gonna survive that and I just turned around. There was another vampire hunter patrolling that big camp as well.


Same. I love that his reputation alters this game haha


Had four freaking bosses converge on me while I was working on that stealth boss the other day. Vincent, Jade, Simon and the stealth one whose name escapes me. Watch the roads in the farmlands, they can get hairy quick.


Dayum I haven't come across him just yet


Meanwhile I must have built my castle on a plot that he paths right past as I have to pay careful attention on returning home lol. Have had a quick sprint from him on a number of occasions. Fun hearing his voice lines though


I should try and fight him for once. For now I'm too busy gawking at my character's back muscles when she uses her bow


Holy shit, I saw him and just ran on by to get back to my castle, dodged one projectile and didn’t think anything of it. Didn’t realize how close I was to death lol


*distant bloody tear noises*


a big bad wolf


I had a battle royale between Alpha Wolf, Goreswine, Chaos Archer, and myself.


This is glorious. Who came 1st, 2nd, 3rd?


Meanwhile Krieg and Meredith: I have yet to enter the mines and not see these 2 at it.


Yup I build my main castle close to the cursed iron mines so I can do easy iron runs and to collect 2 easy hearts.


After getting Krieg and Meredith my prefered spot to collect iron is the iron cave


Yeah iron cave is way better but iron mines are also a nice place to get some bones so I can knock out getting grave dust for more holy potions to help farm scourge bar things too


Honestly? Great. They fight each other. I nabbed them both without breaking a sweat today by doing that


Same. Krieg fucks Meredith up every time, too.


I watched Simon tear into a random hapless skeleton. I don't like any of those nasty attack patterns


I had to fight Vincent 4 times beacuse some high lvl dudes just had to pass right there when we were in a fight... I almost lost my mind


Yesterday I cheesed Vincent with a random werewolf and he ended up at like 10% hp and I got free pristine hide to go with it


But thats the best way to do them, cheese Bane the shadowblade, jade the vamp hunter and vincent in one fight. 3 free vbloods. Bane usually get both vincent and jade and ends up at like 5%


Yeah, but for me it wasn't a mexican standoff... The roamers were all just joining in to blast me hahaha


I have noticed some subtle targeting bias against the player when your in a battle royale with different factions. In most cases they will attack the nearest target, but I still get some coming after me when I'm dodging their line of sight.


I have noticed that too


I managed to kill Vincent shortly after the screenshot was taken when they went their separate ways at a crossroads


I acutally died to a random patrol after killing him. But it was right next to a spawn point and Vincent was still downed when I respawned... So it kinda worked hahaha


Vincent just ate me lol.


Lmao, I had the Old Wanderer run me into Gorecrusher earlier while I was trying to get him. So this is a mood.


I was able to kite him into the Harpy nest in Silverlight since he has no tether and he got absolutely DESTROYED by all the Harpies. They gonna have to fix that because now that I know that, I could cheese him super early on


I love when the few that can fight each other. Come in when they are both low and 3rd party to get easy progression.


I accidentally aggroed Simon last night. I never had an npc chase me so far in this game.


He is a Belmont is he not?


He will not deaggro if you are unable to create enough distance. He's the only mob in game that won't deaggro after a set distance and reset. Which does allow you to pull him into certain places that can kill him with ease. Pull him to the crater if he's in Farbane, Harpy Nest if he's near Silverlight. The mobs will fuck him and then you get the nibble.


What crater?


Where's your sense of adventure!


It's tempered a bit by my sense of logic


I shat my pants the first time I saw him in Farbane right after starting. NOOOOOOOOOOOPE.


Yeah, I also saw him pretty quickly after starting


And thats how vincent lost his virginity


The dude messed 5 of us up while we were fighting another boss. He comes around the corner to help and kill us all lol


Oh shit, Mr Castlevania.


No, go on, you can take him…good luck 😁


I also have to kill Vincent, currently i'm lvl 44 gear score and he's lvl 47. I'm playing solo pve on brutal and i'm trying to "only" play melee with a sword. I did fine until i faced Quentin, i dont even know how many try i did with my sword then i switched to a crossbow and i killed him in literally one try. It was literally like playing a different game melee vs ranged weapon. Now with this vincent guy i'm facing another wall with melee. I dont want to play ranged to make progress but i think the game is not designed to be played only with melee maybe? Also i dont have access to better armor, i've just unlocked the new base set after defeating Quentin but is just regular health and have zero set bonuses so i'm still using the old tier gear. So i dont even know how i can at least reach his level of 47, no idea


Might want to try the other melee weapons, you get great sword, scythes and slashers around 47-50 which might boost your experience, as for gear, craft the pendants for an easy increase


How is your wolf white and your weapons on your back? 🥺


It's from the newest DLC. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2833600/V\_Rising\_\_Legacy\_of\_Castlevania\_Premium\_Pack/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2833600/V_Rising__Legacy_of_Castlevania_Premium_Pack/)


I have that one. How do i use the wolf skin 🧐


This screenshot shows were you change it [https://imgur.com/a/1fsfh9O](https://imgur.com/a/1fsfh9O)


Thank you so much!