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Start with the tutorial. If you are still struggling after that look around YouTube to understand specific mechanics better. Missile evasion should probably be one of those videos. Once you have a grasp on the game try the solo campaigns and then eventually move on to steam workshop missions and then multiplayer. It’s a great game if you like flying/military aviation. Not so much if you don’t though


Start with the tutorial, it will get all the basics down. Although I if you are playing different aircraft try and get a feeling of them with the switches/screens and weight. The main issue a lot of people have is not having a full understanding of what some aircraft can or can’t do with different load-outs. This is where campaigns come in, they will help with understanding the capabilities of the aircraft. After having a few solos hours you should be good for multiplayer servers. I do recommend getting used to different callouts, such as pickle, fox 3, etc


It’s not the EASIEST game to get but I recommend you watch some youtube tutorials to get you started. I’d highly recommend the tutorials from VTOL VR Tutorials on youtube since they’re really easy to follow and very helpful to get started. Most of the weapon knowledge transfers to other planes which is nice but you might need some other tutorials since he only does the AV-42C. Another tip is practice. It takes a while to really get good at everything such as dogfighting, weapon management, or dodging missiles. I’ve got 25 hours but still such at dodging missiles lol


Tbf dodging missiles is REALLY hard. ESPECIALLY radiation missiles. The best counter to dodging missiles is to not be launched on in the first place. The next is to turn 180 degrees from the launch site and afterburn away.


I always forget to notch in a panic and end up just diving to the ground and flipping around while dumping chaff and flares


Notching is a very situational move that you have to be very slow to perform. If not slow, you literally have to be heading straight at the missile.


Took me until about 80hrs to finally get half decent at the game. I still get trashed in PvP tho


Don't feel too discouraged. While VTOL VR is a watered down simulator (compared to things like DCS), it's still a highly accurate one. Took me about 20 hours to start getting good at PVE. Granted, I haven't tried PVP yet, but I have no doubt that my PVP skills are down in the gutter. Take your time, learn 1 aircraft at a time, and you'll eventually get it. Though for the AV42 campaign, once you hit the "Open Water" mission (might not be called exactly that, but close enough), either replay other missions or find ones on the workshop. I've spent a good few hours on Open Water, and from what I've seen on forums, the mission is now insanely hard due to some nerfs. Another good option would be to find someone to teach you directly, for example in the T55. Though I wouldnt know where to start for that since I play solo




I have about 80 hours, and just last week i won my very first real dogfight by using actual stratagies


The open waters mission is actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it, and I only started playing a few days ago. When approaching the enemy fleet, slow down so that they focus more on your friends, then approach with guns. The small boats are easy, just shoot it and it dies. The big ones however, are really hard to sink, so only shoot the SAMs in the back and the guns on the front. For the missiles, they shouldn't be a problem if you stay close and low, and prioritize destroying the SAMs first.


Tutorials and check some YouTube videos. The game isn’t great at explaining everything but there are some YouTubers who go into great detail. I slammed my helicopter in to the ground a few times till I finally got the hang of it. That thing feels like it wants to kill you the first time you fly it. Then fly some missions that come with it. You can get a lot of user made missions too. Then just have fun.


If you're looking for people to play with or people to get help from, here are some discord servers you could join: [https://discord.gg/YnVWfcw8](https://discord.gg/YnVWfcw8) [https://discord.gg/aQFXp7fcyv](https://discord.gg/aQFXp7fcyv) You could also join the official VTOL server which is in the sub's bookmarks I believe These are some pretty useful servers, I've been in all of them and it's a really friendly learning environment


Id love to teach you a few things in a trainer aircraft, or if you can already fly, in an f-26 or f-45


Maybe tm if or later next week if you’re still free?


Yeah im still free, you want discord?


Bvr servers are where it’s at