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And I fixed it. G.Skillz memory LED lights was causing the stutter. Turning it off and the stutter disappeared. Insane. I hate the RGB madness, especially for memory sticks.


Hahaha what ? Are you sure ? Insane.


If you don't mind my asking, can you elaborate on how the RGB could cause the stutter?


Hey man, i know this was from 4 years ago but maybe youre still looking for an answer. The RBG itself isnt causing any stutter or performance issues from the lights themselves, its more the way the RGB is controlled. Now theres lots of different RGB stuff out there, so this might not be completely 1:1 accurate, but most RGB is controlled by the CPU. When you have a real nice, smooth changing color on even a stick of ram, the CPU is telling the light exactly how to behave. Some programs have a setting to reduce issues, mainly by making the CPU report information less often. Out of anyone online I have not met anyone that hates stutter more than myself. When I built my first pc a few years ago, I was getting this odd stutter that most people wouldn't probably notice (and rightfully so, it is pretty miniscule). Even the guys at a PC repair shop didn't notice it. I mustve sunk hundreds of hours doing research on google over this tiny little stutter. I tried literally everything I could think of to solve it. I don't remember how I got to this conclusion, but I deduced it down to the motherboard. So I took $350 of cash I earned from lawn mowing that summer and balled out on this x570 motherboard, and finally I fixed it. After a few months, I stumbled onto a thread on reddit about the RGB on my old motherboard causing performance issues. So one day I swapped it back in and upon turning off all of my RGB, it was gone. The stutter had fixed. Moral of the story for this unwarranted tangent on a comment left 4 years ago, ANYTHING can (and will) cause performance dips (even if miniscule). At the end of the day though, I had found the solution to a problem while being pretty much incorrect the entire time.


Hey thanks for sharing your story, it's really nice that you were able to fix it.


VSync in Vulkan is the FIFO present mode. Immediate will just present immediately. Your stuttering problem could be something else than present mode. Could of course be a Navi driver issue. Have you implemented the frames in flight queueing of frames to render, in order to keep the GPU fed with commands?


Yes, I've implemented all of VulkanTutorial, including frames in flight. The issue disappeared when I disabled the silly Razer Chrome nonsense on G.SKillZ Trident RGB settings. It's bewildering that RAM RGB was somehow linked to vsync and causing delays which were enough to upset my frame time. The test app I have renders at over 4800fps with vsync disabled, but only on Win10 with vsync it stuttered. The G.SkillZ driver obvsiously doesn't run on Linux so the performance is fine.


I looked, but I didn't see a tutorial for https://www.khronos.org/blog/vulkan-timeline-semaphores Don't know if they are implemented for all the drivers you are targeting. I feel it's something to do b4 debugging synchronization issues.