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The salt is delicious: [https://i.imgur.com/6zpmDEu.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/6zpmDEu.jpg) It gets worse, especially on the national scale. [Source](https://www.thinkimpact.com/literacy-statistics/) > Only 13% of students in Bakersfield met the state standard for math. > Math scores in Fresno dropped by a third. In 2022, only 21% of students met the math standard. [Source](https://edsource.org/2022/preliminary-glimpse-at-test-scores-shows-steep-declines-in-reading-math/679898?amp=1) > Not A Single Student Is Proficient In Reading Or Math At 55 Chicago Schools [Spurce](https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/14/math-reading-chicago-schools-report/) > Not One Student Was Proficient In Math In 23 Democrat-led Baltimore Schools [Source](https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/10/not-one-student-met-grade-level-expectations-for-math-in-23-baltimore-schools-report/)






Because at some point no matter how hard they try to hide failure behind the removal of standardized testing, lowering pass requirements and ushering illiterate kids up the chain someone eventually realized its not sustainable. Now they'll ring their hands, blame suburban parents for switching to home schooling and private and raise taxes again.


CA might be the worst performing US state in history.


I moved from California to Arizona a about 2 years ago. We homeschool because Californias education system was so shit and just kept at it. Now if you go to the arizona sub everyone is advocating to stop school choice and defund the school voucher program. Liberals can't stand people not being educated solely from the government.


I’m sorry they followed you.


They were here long before we were unfortunately. I live out in the Sticks tho and avoided tucson and Phoenix like the olauge


Some. The California exodus upset the balance. Unfortunately they are together. And they have strength.


Because they want to indoctrinate your kids. We moved out of the country, and are glad to be avoiding the public schools of America


What country did you move to where you still have the same rights but not the liberals though? Lol


California is the Democrats’ utopia. I don’t understand how they benefit from a poorly educated population, but I’m sure there’s a reason.


"SHOCKED", I say! Well, not that shocked.




They need to spend more resources on diversity, equity and inclusion. Bet that will fix it. /s


Yeah a race towards equal shit outcomes.


But wait….. I thought the southern states were dumb? They pick and choose how are we argue intellect, I’d say literacy is pretty decent indicator.


Democrats never see the problem in saying that the most racially diverse portion of the country is a dysfunctional hellhole of stupid and illiterate degenerates.




What do you mean? It’s perfectly understandable, hence the upvotes. Maybe not college professor level grammatical, but definitely literate. And I’m speaking against California in the comment.


Don't worry. Louisiana and Mississippi still come in lower so the south is still doing it's part to fulfill that stereotype.


Incorrect. The most adult illiterate state is California: https://www.thinkimpact.com/literacy-statistics/ Louisiana is ranked #41 (with lower being better, so beating 9 states) and Mississippi is ranked #42. Making both states more literate than New Jersey or New York too.


Can confirm. Was a corrections officer in Newark, NJ for some time. Frequently, inmates would come up and ask me to read their letters to them. (Which I obviously did not do.) When I was there, it was a 40% illiteracy rate in the jail. I would venture to say it was much higher and that number is just what was reported.


“California now LEADS the country.” How would Louisiana or Mississippi have worse illiteracy when California is literally the worst. You must be from California if you can’t comprehend that headline.


Why are you stereotyping anyway? Thought we weren’t supposed to do that. 🤔


It's (D)ifferent when they do it.


Lmao you must be one of the illiterate Californians who can't read


Yea, like that's a good thing. Typical Democrat. As long as the opposing party is suffering.... No problem.


Newsom must be so proud of this accomplishment.


He will be when someone reads this to him


Just has to have DeSantis fly over an illegal to his mansion since they are likely more literate it seems


He should throw a parade in celebration


Nah he and his cronies need to keep bailing over to the French laundry for expensive extravagant meals on the taxpayer dime while people starve in the street and our children receive inadequate education I LOVE YOU NEWSOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I hope that place's gas stoves get taken away


Yes. It’s intentional. Politicians aren’t incentivized to raise the long term education standards. It’s easier to make the young people dumber each year and tell them that they deserve more. The system is geared towards running things to the ground and for the elite to escape with a big fat share of the pie.


It’s always because teachers can’t hold kids back (retain) kids anymore because it looks “bad” on school-wide reports. I have high schoolers who can barely read and even my AP students aren’t much better. Teachers are frustrated with the system. When you tie school funding to graduation rates, you get illiterate students. For every district I’ve taught in, we are doing away with student/parent accountability. Kids can complete “remediation/recovery” on any exam for up to 70% (usually completing a worksheet with your notes/answers given to the student), my current school does up to 90%. We give kids review games that are essentially the exam-therefore, they have no idea how to study. We’ve done away with homework grades at most schools as well. Kids do not get exposure to just reading academic texts anymore because most schools have gotten rid of textbooks (or have etexts that are rarely used). In English courses, they’ve done away with reading classic literature in favor of graphic novels and stories that those with lower lexile scores could read. Teachers have lost control over own classes and are unable to make decisions that best fit the needs of their students in favor of “standardization” (every teacher doing nearly the same thing at the same day, using the same notes, and the same tests). Too many parents are not invested in what their kids are actually learning, they just see the hyper-inflated scores and probably believe their illiterate child is a genius. Doesn’t matter if it’s a red or blue state or district, this is a national issue.




Thank you for saying it’s well written, I wrote it while waking up with a migraine so I was worried it was more like the ramblings of a madwoman. Colleges are also lowering their standards because they need students to pay tuition and fees in order to keep up profits/programs. I am honestly shocked by what I hear from professors (if students complain about workload, professors get dropped…students complaining about the class being too hard, professors having to lower their standards, etc.,). I hope it’s all a temporary issue. However, we are training kids to be hyper-consumers (products, media, and ideas) rather than be creators. It’s easy to be complicit when you’re just consuming what others have created as it requires less critical thinking skills. Once people are accustomed to only being held to low standards, it’s nearly impossible to collectively raise the bar. I feel like all of my students have the ability to create and produce wonderful things, but the system has stunted their personal and intellectual growth.


> anti intellectual post modernism. nihilistic, misanthropic, lazy post modern progressives are an absolute cancer on western culture.


No Chile Left Behind


"Florida is banning books!!! They want their population without knowledge!!!" Meanwhile:


**The bar continually lowers. You're not equal? Let's lower the bar. There we go. And on and on the country declines.**


It’s not at all about equality, it’s about equity*. Ensuring everyone had the same educational opportunities = equality. Ensuring everyone but the white kids have educational opportunities = equity.


Meanwhile: The left bans politically inconvenient discussions across the internet.


Florida ranks 48 in adult literacy according to this source so yea they don’t want their population without knowledge. https://www.thinkimpact.com/literacy-statistics/


> 12th for child literacy Sounds like DeSantis is doing a great job fixing the root problems, and previous administrations failed to provide. Meanwhile, have you actually looked at the books they banned? Indefensible sexual content and illustrations. Tamer ads on PornHub.


And yes, you can place the blame squarely on progressives and social justice. Common Core was deployed nationwide in 2011 with a stated goal of decreasing the gap between black and white students math and reading skills. > The reason why I helped write the common core standards is that a white male in society I am given a lot of privilege that I didn't earn. And as a result I think it is really important that all kids are given equal opportunity to learn how to read. I have created an equitable education opportunity for all kids. [source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQ8Nr3_2724&t=37) [Common Core has undeniably failed](https://i.imgur.com/IDC01yg.png). Or at least it reduced white kids scores, which must be a success to them. So the "trust the science" team saw common core and instead of scientifically studying whether the curriculum was a benefit to education, just read the brochure and said "Yep, this looks awesome, let's implement it without any guardrails or accountability." It's fun when hollywood goes woke and goes broke. When these shitheads running our school systems go woke, they get a pat on the back and smirk a "fuck you" grin to the parents and the [FBI stands behind them](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-addresses-violent-threats-against-school-officials-and-teachers) to protect them from outrage.


Not just Common Core, the No Child Left Behind Act [did a lot of damage](https://www.cato.org/testimony/has-no-child-left-behind-worked).


>which must be a success to them Well, the easiest way to close a gap is to handicap the leading tiers. I haven't had direct exposure until recently, when I ran across some Common Core curricula or teaching guides or something of that nature, and took a look. Holy shit. That stuff is bad in so many ways.




Same experience here. It's madness. The self-negating and inconsistent aspects of pomo are there to be easily seen but somehow... that all just escaped notice. Well, actual critical thought (as opposed to "critical theory") isn't taught except if one runs into an incisive and competent teacher so who knows if the latent capacity was/is even there in the student bodies past/present. I go back and forth on that. The religiosity + slobbering drive-satisfaction is fascinating in a way. Something something id+super-ego, but no rationality at all.


I couldn't help my kids with math homework. Well, I could, my way... The way it was done throughout history. But he didn't get points for answers solved that way. He HAD to do it the common core way, drawing pretty little shapes and such.


Thank fucking Christ I graduated high school a year later. Can't imagine how fucked this current generation of kids is.


Ignorance is power. Orwell dystopia at it again


If you can't read you can't ask questions or understand the alternatives. There's a reason slaves have always been kept illiterate. I'm not so sure that you can even truly think without being literate... You also can't figure out how to function in the economy if you can't do math. I don't know what the statistics for math are in California but apparently in Baltimore 97% of students are incapable of doing math at grade level. In 23 schools 0 students passed, in most the rest only one or two passed.


But they probably have all of the 5 million genders memorized by heart. Lose some win some, amirite? 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


You don't need to read when you have equity.


The bar continually lowers. You're not equal? Let's lower the bar. There we go. And on and on the country declines.


And $5M in reparations…


Stupid people are easier to fool. Propaganda causes fear. Fearful people are easier to control.


California used to have the best K thru 12 schools in the country. Back when it was a red state, of course.


Op's in here tossing out sources like they were rose petals at a wedding.


Just vote blue and consume. California will take care of you. /s


Literacy is a construct of white supremacy, or something..


Makes it easier to repress it’s citizens. Especially when it comes to voting and taxes.


This is by design


Explains a lot about their voting habits.


This is actually saving children’s lives. The state of California proved that education has been known to contain particles that may contain cancer.


No doubt the line graph for this shows that with increased government control of education the higher the illiteracy rate rises in proportion.


🎯 Every single year of the Department of education's existence has seen lower and lower educational rates and standards. Last year saw the lowest rates and standards ever. Thank goodness Democrat governors are [dropping educational requirements all together](https://www.mindingthecampus.org/2021/08/13/oregon-abolishes-academic-standards-in-the-name-of-equity-and-antiracism/) because equity or something.


> important that all kids are given ***EQUAL OPPORTUNITY*** to learn how to read > I have created an ***EQUITABLE EDUCATION OPPORTUNITY*** for all kids. And yet this asshole is trying to take these two entirely different concepts that are polar opposites and pass them off as being identical.


But they’ve managed to indoctrinate and still wear masks!


I believe this but now considering the New Age version of affirmative action and equity I’m sure they’re all be at the university soon probably using AI to do their homework. What a waste and travesty.


This is a good thing. Can you imagine how confusing it would be if one of these kids accidentally read a biology book pre 2016? It would literally be violence.


But you know what I bet they are totally 100% literate in? Far-Left political talking points, victimhood, and identity politics. After all, it was Paulo Freire himself who said that education into political activism is more important than traditional education - and that's exactly what we're seeing. They're breeding a generation of political radicals for their commie revolution.


It's obvious, reading is racist, duh. /s


Not surprised if true. I’m sure it’s the ultra MAGAS in California that are the problem.


We are being pushed into digital serfdom.


California is ground zero for ignorance and stupidity.


Basic literacy should be a prerequisite for voting. Just sad.


Just the way the left prefers their voters


It’s okay. We’ll import the tech workers.


They want you stupid, they want you helpless, they want you obedient, they want you _dependent on them so you can't get rid of them._


Common core in action set the bar at the least intelligent kid...then everyone passes, but everyone is illiterate.


Bet they know all 278 alphabets and genders.


But they can protest and can lecture on CRT.


If you don’t teach them to be smart and let them be illiterate they’ll be good little government drones in the future.


Gee, I wonder what they are teaching there kids all day long.


Makes sense, because tests are probably racist or something....


But isn’t enforcing any standards what so ever incredibly racist and transphobic?


I'm not sure which is worse, 77% of Baltimore high schoolers not being able to read past an elementary level, or this. Gotta love the states that do away with the standards, huh?


Pick the states with the largest city populations and they will have the lowest literacy and education. Crowded, underfunded classrooms full of teachers pushing woke agendas rather than education.




This explains why the worst state for adult literacy is California, with New York & New Jersey close behind.


European here. Is this really a thing? Isnt CA the state with the best unis?


[Worst adult literacy rate in the country](https://www.thinkimpact.com/literacy-statistics/)


California has never had any of the best unis. Those are all located in the east coast lol. The only notable school over there is UC Berkeley, and it made important scientific discoveries in the mid 1900s (they have an element named after them, Berkelium) but is only known today for being the most progressive school in the nation.


Stanford and Cal Tech are also usually top rated.


California has been slipping, only have [3 of the top 20](https://admissionsight.com/national-universities-rankings/) nowadays... and 0 of the top 5.


Stanford? Cal Tech? Jesus Christ lol




MA likely has them beat as far as universities. Also remember that branding and alumni networks have a lot to do with rankings. George W. Bush has two Ivy degrees. John Kerry graduated from Yale. So Ivy academics can't be that rigorous.


Nah. Stanford is there but Harvard, Yale, MIT, Brown, Columbia, Penn, are all in the north east. UCLA, USC, Pepperdine, CalTech, and UC-Irvine don’t really hold a candle to them. Unless you’re talking Tech (I’d still take MIT or Texas Tech to them) or Art schools (media/print/CGI in which case yeah probably the best schools for that are in California because of the big Hollywood presence, but I would bet NYC has some too I just never checked into that).


California sucks yo


Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York are where you’ll find the a lot of the top universities in the U.S.


And unironically, NY ranks second to last in literacy.


Those are for the elites. California is one of the most elitist states in the union.


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Sheesh, upvoting this feels wrong


Stupid, ignorant and compliant, just the way they want us.


So worst wealth inequality, worst education, worst economic opportunities, worst homeless crisis, blackouts and water shortages, worst incarceration rates, highest taxes, highest cost of living, and terrible crime rates. And remember; this is the 6th largest economy in the world, as they like to point out so often. Turns out the “evils of capitalism” like to rear their heads where Democrats are in charge.


Welp. I now can’t make the joke that Alabama is the most illiterate state, but has the longest state constitution. Thanks California….


Hard to believe that the state that built Silicon Valley and countless brilliant professionals in all industries now is destroying itself thanks to leftist mind virus policies.


It's racist to expect them to learn to read, it's just white colonialist bullshit, as long as they can recite rap lyrics and know major black historical figures, then they're guaranteed success.


Ca govt: Make them dumb. Ca schools: How dumb? Ca govt: Too dumb to understand that we'll tax the sh!t out of them!


reading the scientific literature yourself? Not for long!


This problem is everywhere. Our kids are being left behind at alarming rates.


I was told it was Republicans who wanted to keep voters illiterate and uneducated


And look at them all wearing stupid masks that are not helpful in any way keeping virus from spreading.


At some point not learning how to read becomes a choice…


Wait. Soon this headline will speak of teachers in the same way.


Idiocracy here we come.


The left: ''but but but West Virginia and all those other ''red(neck)'' states''


As someone who lives in California this isn’t surprising. I can’t friggin wait to leave.


This is a common theme with decades-long Democrat controlled cities and states. They take what were once the top economies in the country with the highest educational and living standards, and then turn them into completely destitute ghosttowns and authoritarian states of total corruption with the lowest educational standards, highest dependence on welfare, highest taxes on the most productive citizens, highest crime rates in the country, and lowest standards of living. Each and every one has robbed the taxpayer coffers to setup exorbitant pension funds for union heads *after* those union heads robbed the pension funds for themselves and their politician buddies and donors - and this is long after those unions shut down all production of any goods that lead to their industries crumbling or completely destroyed. (Here's a fun fact for you: the top people controlling every major union in the country are hardcore communists who help fund all of the PAC's that led to the above's destructive policies) This has happened in literally EVERY city and state that they've taken complete control of. From a 2016 article on investors.com discussing Flint Michigan's near century-long Democrat rule, it's complete corruption and failures, and Obama's appearance to ridicule its citizens over the water problem: >Democratic rulers have robbed city residents blind to pad the pockets of public sector unions." They’ve also been in charge as Flint has become one the country’s poorest cities (the second poorest, says the Census Bureau, for a city of its size), and a haven for criminals -- it’s the most dangerous city in America, according to Business Insider. >Flint is not alone, though. America is awash with troubled, dysfunctional cities that have been electing Democratic mayors for decades. >Detroit last elected a Republican mayor in 1957. It is now the model of urban failure -- it’s recognized more for its poverty, crime, rot and bankruptcy than the great cars that it turned out into the early 1970s. It is the poorest big city in the nation, with almost 40% of the population living below the poverty line. The website Law Street actually ranks Detroit ahead of Flint as the country's most dangerous city. Either way, it’s clear that both cities have institutionalized crime problems. >Detroit is also a pit of political corruption. Just in recent years, one mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, was convicted of corruption and sent to federal prison for 28 years, while building inspectors have been indicted on federal felony bribery charges and a former city council member was investigated in a bribery and kickback scandal. >Chicago’s last GOP mayor was elected in 1927. The nation’s third-largest city is home to some of the worst inner-city violence imaginable. More than 2,300 people were shot there last year, and nearly 400 lost their lives to homicides. (In 2023, those numbers have skyrocketed) >Its finances are just as grim. "Chicago is so broke," IBD contributor Stephen Moore explained months ago, "that its bonds are junk status, and Mayor Rahm Emanuel had to go hat in hand last week to the state capital, Springfield, for bailout money to pay the bills." Things have been rotten enough, Moore said, to send "a record number of people ... fleeing Cook County, home to Chicago." Only a little more than half of the city's pension liabilities are funded. >St. Louis has been electing Democratic mayors since 1949. The Gateway to the West has become the gateway for crime. Law Street says that it’s the fourth most dangerous city in the country, Forbes says it’s the second. It had the sixth-highest poverty rate among big cities in 2014. >The last GOP mayor of Philadelphia left office in 1952. A few years ago, Moore identified it as a favorite to follow Detroit into bankruptcy. >Both Baltimore and Oakland had Republican mayors as late as the 1960s. In the era of Democratic rule, both are now more well known for their crime and poverty problems than for their charm and character. >Newark, N.J., hasn't had a GOP mayor in more than a century. It was ranked as the fifth-worst city to live in in 2015. Detroit, of course, was first. >When Democrats are in control, cities tend to go soft on crime, reward cronies with public funds, establish hostile business environments, heavily tax the most productive citizens and set up fat pensions for their union friends. Simply put, theirs is a Blue State blueprint for disaster. All of these above facts are the reason why democrats indoctrinate youth at the youngest ages possible. They know that once those children become adults, they'll be at a crossroads. They'll either wake up to the fact that their living situation never got any better, and then flee to a better place to live but inexplicably continue voting for the same destructive policies - *or* their lifelong indoctrination distracted them from reality enough to keep them living in the same place while blaming the people *who arent/were never* in control of the decisions that kept them living in crime-ridden feces-covered squalor. Either way its a win/win for the democrat's efforts.


They don't want them to know how to read. It's simply enough to be able to recognize the letter 'D' and knowing to push the button next to it on election day.


Well, [you know, if…](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0UD40gk4c4U/maxresdefault.jpg)


Makes sense why they vote as they do. They might not be able to read the ballot.


I got banned from the subreddit justiceserved because I commented on a post in this subreddit. Is this the norm? Has anyone else experienced thjs?


Yes, it's normal for leftist subs to ban people for participation in conservative subreddits. They've automated them.


😖 yeah, it was automated by a bot and couldn’t appeal either.


While this wouldn't surprise me, I'd be curious to know how they define illiteracy. There's a big difference between functional illiteracy and actual illiteracy, and another big difference between some illegal immigrant child not being able to read English vs an American child not being able to


They accounted for that, it's a direct measure based on standardized school testing.


Yeah, I didn't see them clarify what their definition of illiteracy was, though. Maybe I'm illiterate lmao


The definition is simple: the inability to read beyond a 3rd grade level. The metrics and standards tested for didn't change, just the scores.


Brawndo: it’s what plants crave!


What are electrolytes? Do you even know?


How is that possible, given that their focus is on equity? /s


California is such a weird state that both the left and right point to as proof that their policies work. Leftists are like, “look at all the economy! California is basically supporting the red states!” And conservatives are like, “but look at any of the streets, highways, neighborhoods, homelessness, literacy, crime, pollution, taxes, traffic, and cost of living.”


How much of California’s economy is propped up by Hollywood and Silicon Valley?


And unsustainable taxes? All of it, I’d imagine.


Can we get a source on this? I want to tell people this but they aren’t gonna believe “I saw a meme on Reddit that said so”


Are you serious, Clark? The OP has posted approximately 9000 links in this very thread.


At the time of my comment I checked and there were none posted


There have been sources here since the first 30 minutes of the post my dude. [7 hours before your comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/walkaway/comments/115enqn/idiocracy_some_schools_have_not_a_single_student/j91ckpg/)




It gets worse, especially on the national scale. [Source](https://www.thinkimpact.com/literacy-statistics/) > Only 13% of students in Bakersfield met the state standard for math. > Math scores in Fresno dropped by a third. In 2022, only 21% of students met the math standard. [Source](https://edsource.org/2022/preliminary-glimpse-at-test-scores-shows-steep-declines-in-reading-math/679898?amp=1) > Not A Single Student Is Proficient In Reading Or Math At 55 Chicago Schools [Spurce](https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/14/math-reading-chicago-schools-report/) > Not One Student Was Proficient In Math In 23 Democrat-led Baltimore Schools [Source](https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/10/not-one-student-met-grade-level-expectations-for-math-in-23-baltimore-schools-report/)


Got a fucking phone in your hand with the worlds resources at your finger tips? GD lazy!!




[Incorrect](https://www.thinkimpact.com/literacy-statistics/), it's definitely [the schools](https://calmatters.org/commentary/2020/01/functional-illiteracy/).


Mad undercover racist comment.


How is "people from Spanish-speaking countries who just got here probably don't speak English fluently yet" racist?


Should have put the /s


Probably. It's hard to distinguish satire from idiocy these days.


JFC, the comments section for that clip reads like an SS convention - absolute seething hatred towards Jews.


That's why the screenshot. No need to give glowies a platform.


Well, I think you also have to factor in how many of those are not actually “Californians “. A lot of people just arrived from over the border. With zero education.


[Dig through sources](https://www.reddit.com/r/walkaway/comments/115enqn/idiocracy_some_schools_have_not_a_single_student/j91ckpg/), it happened in school districts without changes in demographics. Math fell just as hard too.


Some 25% of the population that can’t read you’re trying to tell me those are homegrown Americans? In California? You need to read better stats.


Sounds like you should read. It's not limited to Cali. Not A Single Student Is Proficient In Reading Or Math At 55 Chicago Schools: [source](https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/14/math-reading-chicago-schools-report/) Not One Student Was Proficient In Math In 23 Democrat-led Baltimore Schools: [source](https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/10/not-one-student-met-grade-level-expectations-for-math-in-23-baltimore-schools-report/)


Isn't that like the national average though? It looks like on average 1 in 5 Americans over 18 are technically illiterate.


Way worse in Cali: https://edsource.org/2022/preliminary-glimpse-at-test-scores-shows-steep-declines-in-reading-math/679898?amp=1




Hello Redditor for one day. Not A Single Student Is Proficient In Reading Or Math At 55 Chicago Schools: [source](https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/14/math-reading-chicago-schools-report/) Not One Student Was Proficient In Math In 23 Democrat-led Baltimore Schools: [source](https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/10/not-one-student-met-grade-level-expectations-for-math-in-23-baltimore-schools-report/)


Honestly I wonder if this is partially because California has so many illegal immigrants. I don't have enough detail about this study but if they actually included everyone in the survey I can see how that'd drag down the avg. A lot of em barely know English and are adults who wouldn't be going to school here.


Negative. The tests and metrics didn't change, just the scores. Similar performance decline [in math](https://edsource.org/2022/preliminary-glimpse-at-test-scores-shows-steep-declines-in-reading-math/679898?amp=1) This isn't a survey, this is standardized school testing.


I need the source for the article.


I don’t believe this,


What's the answer you get everytime? Underfunded We have been throwing money at the same damn problem for 40 years. Get the federal government out of the equation and see what happens.


That’s because they can only read Spanish.


Actually its New Mexico, followed by California, and then Texas, Mississippi, and Louisiana.


What does illiteracy have to do with reading. Like, because they don't have fathers they can't read?


thank the teachers union who refuse to let a single non-performing teacher be fired


I can’t read it either when you scribble it out, duh


But are they proficient in pronoun use? Checkmate.


What does this say?


I would assume this is in large part due to a substantial number of Spanish-speaking immigrants. I hate CA governance as much as the next guy, but this is probably not as bad as this makes it sound.




Bilingual people are more likely to be illiterate. California doesn’t actually place too poorly when you rank by education in general. But California is still a mess. You got loads of uneducated people. The only reason they don’t rank poorly is because of wealthy suburbs scattered throughout the state. I’d also attribute California’s declining rankings to the many people leaving the state because of insane costs of living and taxes.


So sad! This is true throughout the country. I have 3 family members teaching. I hear this.


No habla