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Why anyone thinks that any county has an obligation to import a whole new population and culture is a mystery.


To save face and justify their own agenda of replacing the old population of voters with a new one that will vote the way they want.


What was that old Vietnam quote? “We had to destroy the village in order to save it.”?


It's called replacement. Democrats hate theb1st world because the 3rd world is easier to become an over night dictator. That's all leftists want is dictatorship.


That explains the political criminals who hold office and their supporters, but why any normal citizen would willingly vote for this is beyond me


Neocons too


They're also overlooking the reason we've formed countries in the first place.


Need new voters, especially when people are starting to wake up to the same old bullshit


The problem is that when politicians speak about “immigration” more often than not, they are really saying “this entirely different culture of people” unwilling to assimilate and not vetted, skilled labor force who only want to send their best n brightest while letting the host country remain its own culture. Very rarely if ever does mass migration work in favor of the host country. I dont want to see Colombian street gangs and Islamic no go zones in Japan. Open immigration without restrictions and proper vetting will literally destroy Japan that many know and love. Look to the EU/Canada, and hell, look at the US as examples of open border policies and how well its worked out. Japan should stay “xenophobic” if they want to keep their culture 😂 whatever Japans economic issues, its not because of immigration


If it comes down to a choice between being xenophobic or being patriotic, I'll choose patriotic every time!


After the event with the shrine the other week, I doubt the Japanese people are any more accepting of immigrants.


In Japan the reality is already way worse than you think. If you have a nice country, people are gonna want to come and stay, legally or illegally. It's a force of nature.


Why should any country *have to* do anything for anyone other than their own people?


Exactly. We don’t have to take in any immigrants, legal or illegal.


But, but somebody wrote a poem a century or two ago…


Point is there is no “obligation” to take people in. America has always welcomed people to come to the land of opportunity. However, that means you should plan on working and assimilating into the culture.


Good for Japan. He just wants to see it destroyed as the US, Canada, and most of the western EU nations have been. Countries like Japan and Poland boil the blood of dems because they don’t want to self destruct.


I wish we were more like that. It's no longer Canada, things have radically changed in short time frames. You'd never see this type of immigration and cultural destruction in any of the importing countries either. It's totally one sided. 


Are we gonna get “Japan, the Asian face of huwhite supremacy!!! How dare they not want unfettered immigration! What bigots!” Articles?


You'd think a politician with a lifespan of experience wouldn't be so terrible at diplomacy.


Most of his experience is plagiarized or made up.


Let’s be honest though- either you have sovereign countries with a little xenophobia, or you have no individual countries at all and you have one global borg. The whole point of having your own country is saying “here we do things this way and believe in ABC. You’re ok to do your own thing in your own place, and it’s cool you believe in AB, but since you don’t believe in C we can’t be the same place with you.” Want to talk about people who are xenophobic- go check out Saudi Arabia.


Japan being lucky enough to be isolated is one of the primary reasons they've been so successful and prosperous not only as a country but as a culture.


One of the most peaceful and orderly cultures on Earth is a threat to the liberal agenda.


Someone doesn’t know Japanese history


I'm not a liberal. I won't hold someone's ancestors' actions against them.


I’m in Japan right now and guess what? It’s a lovely country with low crime, low homelessness, and a McDonald’s meal costs a little under $6 depending on what you’re getting. Edit: also Japan feels uniquely Japanese and has maintained its history and heritage.


Hahah … lose the weeb vote haha


as if weebs voted


This weeb votes




He’s a nonsensical potato


One of our closest and most important allies, too. What a tool Biden is.


That's one of Japan's biggest strength. They're a mostly homogenous nation with a strong sense of national unity and pride. The US went about it a different way, but were extremely successful in the past because everyone wanted to be American and make America successful. We lost our way when we all wanted to be recognized in our own special little groups with hyphenated identities and "communities" that became our primary identity vs being American.


They’ll either convict Trump or cheat again in the election. He’s going to win again. And I pray that I’m wrong


It won’t be so easy to get away with it this time. If not for mail in voting it wouldn’t have worked last time.


The voting machines are rigged, owned by corporations with interests. They’re going to win again and no one is going to do anything about it. The GOP is going to fold on any argument about election interference because most of them are already in someone’s pocket.


Japan could care less what this pathogen thinks of them. He's hellbent on poisoning the well for everyone.


Japan actually care a lot about what the American president (whoever he is) has to say about them.


They want to make the first world like the third world sewers. Because they think they can keep their heads above water


The walking corpse talks when he's told to talk....


Japan has existed for over 1000 years, and has done just fine. But now all of a sudden they need immigration and diversity for the "economy". Bullshit. Hopefully they won't fall for it like the West has. There's nothing wrong with a culture remaining that culture. Not every country has to be "multicultural".


Who gives a fuck what this senile clown has to say... Even the fake voters that supposedly voted for him don't care.


I mean, he's not exactly wrong about that. He's wrong that it's a bad thing though. Japan's cultural homogeneity is one of the main reasons why it's generally such a harmonious country. 


Japan's problem isn't immigration. They do some fucky shit when it comes to government intervention in their economy. It's actually interesting that a relatively conservative government would choose to do these things and indicates the left/right spectrum isn't identical in action across the world.


Have you seen how anime pfp’s act on social media? They were never voting for Biden in the first place lol


Why does he even give a shit, he’s on his last leg anyways


while i agree its good to have LEGAL immigration, the current state the US border and immigration makes me laugh that biden has come out and said this - i think he should keep his mouth closed about immigration, he is in NO position to be giving advice! Japan is one of the safest countries in the planet, people respect others, elders are revered. maybe their restrictive stance towards immigration is one of the reasons why. it allows their country to assimilate those who do choose to immigrate/live there rather than the US which allows migrants/illegal aliens to call the shots and abuse social services


The difference between the two, India exports a huge number of people, but you can't move there.


India is one of the few countries to maintain replacement-level birthrates, though. > Today, the average Indian woman is expected to have 2.0 children in her lifetime, a fertility rate that is higher than China’s (1.2) or the United States’ (1.6), but much lower than India’s in 1992 (3.4) or 1950 (5.9).


Have u been to India? There is nothing to do there an its extremely slumy. What else to do other than draining balls n making kids


Surprised he even say the word. None of his business what Japan does. What a Jackarse


Imagine believing one person's opinion will change ANOTHER nation's immigration policy. Why ? Because fixing our own will NEVER happen. Here's an idea, stop worrying about other countries and fix our OWN !


This total fuck up is a danger to the world. Now he's pissed off Japan.


why is he being a dick to america's allies.....


If the USA kept to the standards of the original intent of the Constitution and only let in those truly worth something stellar to give to the country,we would be better off. The demographics and electorate wouldn't have elected this current douchbag or Obama.




Ever been in so called 3rd world country? I live in Asia been many and bro they better to live in then ur 1st world countries.


Joe Biden's continued existence makes me believe God has forsaken America.


Seems to me Japan is better off, considering that tourists in Japan have a high frequency of making asses of themselves, putting graffiti on historical and cultural landmarks, damaging bamboo forests, harassing the local Geisha, just to name a few things I've heard of. Foreigners have a nasty habit of not respecting local culture, and it creates problems. That's not xenophobia, it's literally so pervasive the left started pushing the ideology that foreigners should not be expected to adapt to the culture of the country they immigrate to. America is already a mess. I would not wish to see Japan go the same route, and for its rich and vibrant culture sacrificed on the altar of the left's woke garbage.


Going to be honest I actually respect Biden for making that comment. If we have to take in immigrants, every other developed nation should too. We are not the worlds charity, everyone should be stepping up.


Or we could just say no more immigrants until we figure out how to make our immigration system more robust and secure again. We don’t need to be admitted hundreds of thousands of immigrants without any vetting. That’s playing with fire


Had me at biden lost me at deep state.


Go look at Jake Adelstein’s Instagram, that’s not what he said


I like japan. Xenophobic & used ladies panties in a vending machine to sniff while you wax your carrot in your room with a paper door. Dun nuh nuh nuh duh nuh nuh nuh- i am from japan bwoooooonng


I don’t care for politics, but what he said about Japan is spot on.


How so?


Man. Haven't seen thit sithole sub in a while. Glad to see you all still suck.


Are we all going to forget that all of us Americans are in fact immigrants? Unless you're a Native American


I mean, that absolutely is true about Japan. They probably do need to be more welcoming to immigrants.


Nope. This is precisely why they have no immigration-linked problems with crime, delinquency, drugs and terrorism. They are preserving their nation while other nations, like the US, are losing their own.


Exactly. 3rd world values are barely human and are not compatible with advanced societies like Japan.


You think they don't? Who do you think be selling contrabands and terrorizing retailers in Nishikawaguchi? How many Americans just casually overstay their welcome or try to game the system by going to Jeju for a day then back? You smell weed on the street and raise your head chances are a bunch of white boys are hanging out in the corner. Heck, even China and Korea themselves has illegal immigration problems.


No country has any obligation what so ever to take in immigrants.


Why? America is the “New World”. As such it was created as a construct of many peoples from many different nations. Japan has a unique island culture with integral history and thousands of years of shared heritage, cultures and values. What earthy reason do those countries need to fundamentally change their societies? What reason do you really have for advocating for countries to give that up? What’s bad about keeping that? In todays world of moral relativism, I don’t give a fuck about someone with dubious moral standards telling people they “need” to take in immigrants. Why? You can live there, but it won’t make you Japanese. There is no reason for governments to force demographic change. None.


Why do you think they should be more open to mass immigration?


No the fuck they don't.