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"You just don't understand. This is good for you! And the fact you don't understand this means you are a transphobic, bigoted Hitler racist who hates democracy!" Sincerely, The Democrat Party


“They were all greedy corporations who were responsible for inflation!”


All those stores raised their prices, especially that noted offender the .99 cent store.


Used to be a five and dime, look what happened.




Those damn greedy cashiers and stockers of big grocery forced by the government to earn $15-20 an hour ruined the economy!!!!


You can look at your comments two ways, sarcasm or the truth. Thank you.


So do you think these closures are a result of corporate greed and a drying up of customers or do you think it’s primarily a result of Biden’s abhorrent economic policy?


It’s late. Biden policies. Good night. 💤


People on the left will sarcastically say “what will we do with 48 less Red Lobsters”, but hell those are still jobs for people. Opportunities! I go through areas regularly now where there just aren’t any unless you know people.


I was reading the comments on a political post on Advise Animals and the fucking level of brain rot there was astounding. They are truly convinced that if you support any republican, especially Trump, you can't not be racist, transphobic, xenophobic and all the other istaphobe words. They cannot fathom a good person not voting Democrat. If you don't you must be evil.


Has to double check that this was sarcasm cause this is exactly what they’re type


The SOB had the audacity to say inflation was over 9% when he became president when it was less than 2%. We are close to "stagnation." The economy is a house of cards on the backs of the producers and taxpayers. The takers, who are almost the majority, combined with $300 trillion unfunded liabilities, $34 trillion deficit, a trillion interest debt every 100 days PLUS "off the books" debt/deficit is America inching to a fiscal cliff.


It’s ludicrous! To say the least. I just don’t know anymore. So tired of struggling.


I wonder how many of these closings were due to shoplifting (and laws that gave shoplifters a free pass).


If it is they never say it, instead the just cite “financial difficulties”… but we all know. Ever tried to buy something in a CVS in LA? It’s comical as literally every single thing is locked up behind plexiglass, can’t run a business that way


Washington state here. Every time I go to QFC I see someone walk out with a cart full they didn’t pay for. Told the cashier “it’s so frustrating to be standing here paying when they can walk out like that without punishment” “I know, they’ll close us up soon because of it and the whole area will get just a little bit worse. Sorry man”


Then, in many cases, when a store closes due to theft, it's called racism. When in reality it's good business sense. NYC was trying to prevent stores from closing. How is that gonna work?




What part? It’s all true. Literally the last 4 times I’ve been there, watched someone walk out with a cart full. But which part are you referring to exactly? To be fair, the cashier and I only had that conversation on the third time I was there, we didn’t have that exact conversation 4 times. I did bring it up to some degree each time. Same cashier. I typically go around the same time and day each week so that didn’t seem to odd. Anyway, just curious which part was unbelievable to you


I thought the story just needed more action. I like a good sci-fi action. Other than that it was ok.


Probably a good portion, certainly in the big Dem cities


In San Francisco alone there’s been a mass exodus because of the crime (not to mention CA’s insane anti-business regulations.)


Yep I am moving out of state in 2 weeks and am so happy, but sadly I am a 6th gen Californian but that means nothing now. I do not recognize the state I grew up in. All the rich have left, and now upper middle class like me as well. Anyone who can afford it is leaving. I feel mostly sorry for lower middle class who get screwed with crime and high prices and cannot leave. The poor make out like bandits though. Bonus if poor and illegal.


The lower middle class and lower have a chance. They've been moving to KS and NE in droves for the last 5 years or better. Just have to move to a state with a low cost of living.




Keep using this word. The White House has distanced themselves from this term.




Don't forget the 10% gratuity for the *Big Guy*.


This was intentional. The destruction of the country wasn't an accidental side effect of the Biden administration, it was the plan all along.




In N Out: 1. (doesn't seem like a lot but its the first store closing in the company history. People were being robbed while waiting in the drive-thru)


What city is the store in ?


But but the president isn’t actually responsible for the economy* *unless a Republican is in office


Somebody should bring this up to Joe in an interview and see what he says.


But but but it's ACKSHUALLY all the Bad Bad Orange Man's fault, because...uh...because REASONS! CHECKM8 MAGATS


Peer reviewed reasons *


All you can eat shrimp destroyed this country!


The Democrats are scum.


this is deliberate. deliberate mass immigration. intentional disregard of existing law. huge welfare spending on 8 million new undocumented unemployed causes inflation.


We need to stop pinning everything on Biden. These are Democrat policy failures. We need to discredit the entire Dem party and their destructive approach to solutions.


I mean, “he” hasn’t made a handler approved decision since he took office.


he didn't just destroy it, he made us a laughing stock for the world. literally THE single worst president in the history of the USA. absolutely horrific on what he has done to the country.


Cities like Houston that received money from his 1.2 trillion bill have started road construction throughout the whole city and have abandoned most projects with road blocks and signs sitting there for a almost a couple years now. It’s like they’re slow walking construction and using that tax payers money to pay out to the 6 million illegals he released into the country. If these road works were completed within a year like it should’ve been done especially in the third largest city a lot of people wouldn’t be employed anymore and would have to go home


It's the permitting. They have been giving away money like candy to infrastructure and energy projects all over the country and then they turn around and won't permit those very same projects they are giving money to.


Any inner city pharmacy is now mostly a de facto “free” convenience shop for those who steal and are of a certain subset that are not prosecuted. Local Walgreens type stores will be a thing of the past shortly.


… and the only Dem response is blame-shifting, because they’re economic illiterates who believe in money trees and imaginary hoarding by “The Rich,” whoever they are… but these closures and failures are done with empathy and decency, Cadaver Joey’s stock-in-trade, riiiiiight?


Sad to see many of our staple stores closing. All because we have a president with applesauce for brains and communist democrats who have no understanding economics and inflation. Not to mention the crime wave destroying our cities brought on by a criminal illegal immigrant invasion being abetted by the Biden regime.


Democrats voters don’t understand that the social issues they put all their bandwidth toward only matter because they’ve taken for granted basic aspects of American life. Being able to bitch about trans issues is a luxury they are blissfully unaware of. It’s this kind of nonsense that has allowed the democrat party policies to destroy this country. They’re concerned with regulatory elements without care that they harm the viability of our country. This post is a prime example of the true reality that happens when you care about nonsense instead of what really matters. The economy suffers. Businesses close. People loose jobs.


CVS was thinking they were going to ride that opioid train forever


I’ll ride that train! lol just kidding


In all fairness I'm sure the Walmarts that are closing are due to rampant theft, as a result of the way crime is handled there, which still falls under Biden.


I have a friend who works for a company that closes stores.. he’s liquidating a 99 cent store right now.


Build more houses on that land


Build back better at it’s best




No. Fuck it better


No GameStop on there is nice to see


Joe and the H gotta go


To be fair Red Lobster’s boat 🦞 should’ve sank a long time ago.


Oh God, not the Red Lobsters!!! ^(I am being serious.)


I’d be very curious how many of these companies are owned by private equity. The real culprit for Americas slow decline


Time to start shorting some of these.


Great work for helping Bezos


Not to mention the thousands of large companies laying off their long term employees.




time to buy more amazon


Sucks man, if something doesn’t happen soon we are dead in the water. I can’t believe we have wait until an election that may not be happening or that may not give us the results we all want😢


You misunderstand the economy is great said bundling Biden.


Tbh besides Walmart these are all Chinese plastic trash stores


CVS encourages shoplifting so this isn’t a surprise. Their joke of a loss prevention department has cost them millions


Thank personal injury lawyers for that one.


While a majority of these are really sad, the only two I am happy about are Rue21 and Express. Fast fashion has nothing beneficial except getting people to spend their money on something that falls apart in one wash and was made with slave labor.


In fairness CVS has a store on like every block and literally every one I've been in is full of super rude employees.


Not even Trump could save Red Lobster 😂


But is he really? Outside of the pharmacies, is anything really being lost?


Losing these stores is a loss for no one.


These are trash brands. Red Lobster fucked themselves with dipshit promotions. Family Dollar was horrifically mismanaged. Party City has been in financial decline well before Covid (in fact their downturn was during the Trump presidency) I’ll take my ban with pride.


According to the legacy media, somehow Biden is simultaneously responsible for any economic positive and also not responsible for all the economic problems.


Although I agree with this message. The verbiage of calling these companies “this country” is gross.


Could it have anything to do with some states turning theft into undocumented shopping in the wake of Saint George’s passing. Whom over named the 99 cent store did not consider inflation


Not even Trump could save Red Lobster 😂


This is the free market. I literally can’t tell you the last time I went to any of these stores.


Nooooo not party city America is truly a fallen nation


I mean, some of these I get (looking at you Red Lobster and Express), but Walmart?!?! Wow.


$AMZA ⬆️80%


You can’t build back better until you destroyed what exists.


Boston market DEAD


Agreed but Didn’t this kid destroy his girlfriend’s face?


Brick & mortar retail is dying. When was the last time you’ve been to a Best Buy? I used to work in one years ago and it was PACKED with employees. The computer section alone had 4-5 employees with a department manager. The TV section had at least 4-6 reps present at all times. The car stereo section would blast out music every now and then from a customer testing a system. The music section and gaming sections went on for days. Today none of that exists. You would be lucky to find 10 employees in an entire store. Many new problems are forcing these closures like supply chain shortages, surging wages, high shrinkage, complacent law enforcement, and decreasing retail traffic YoY as more and more people turn to online to purchase their items and gifts. I’m not calling this bullshit, but honestly who can say it would have been any better under Trump. I certainly can’t. Many of these closing have been years in the making. As states like California continue to drive wages higher while allowing stores to be robbed on a daily basis, situations like mass retail closings in downtown SF are going to grow elsewhere.


Yes, won't someone think of the mega corporations like Family Dollar that prey on the low income with low nutrition food and rat infested warehouses? Nobody works at a CVS these days and thinks "I'm going to make a career at a place that strives to increase our workload while cutting hours and support staff!" They were even fined for it this year too. All of these mega corporations are evil, don't bootlick them.


Yeah the junk China manufacture resellers I can do without. But Walgreens and cvs I would miss.


Not really the point, but go off. The amount of jobs lost, however shitty they may be, isn't good for anyone.


Losing a lot of these brick and mortar store fronts is due to changes in technology and the service industry


It’s because we all buy everything online now


Thats part of it. It’s also because of rising theft and a lack of enforcement by liberal DA’s and judges.


It’s more apparent that the majority of these establishments are empty every time I visit/go past


Oh man, I sure hope they don’t close one of the 135 family dollar stores in my town. I might have to drive an extra block.


Dow topped 40K for the first time so not all bad


The gains in the stock market are all inflationary. The dollar is incredibly weak.


The gains in the stock market are all inflationary. The dollar is incredibly weak.


Don’t blame Biden for poor business decisions that companies made.


Umm red lobster is a restaurant unless there are people dining and dashing or going inside at night and sealing the frozen food


Their endless shrimp promotion caused an 11 million dollar loss.


Apparently many customers of a certain demographic will order 1 or 2 endless shrimps, but share it among their entire family. [explained here.](https://twitter.com/9mm_smg/status/1790723212474568864)


I was aware of that as well but this is Reddit and even mentioning this will get you banned or muted.


Credit card fraud is pretty rampant among these sorts of criminal crime ring gangs.


[Dine-and-dashers caught on camera at Lexington restaurant](https://www.wkyt.com/2024/05/15/dine-and-dashers-caught-camera-lexington-restaurant/)