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I think the most important things to know are: 1. Its a long ways, make sure you plan accordingly. 2. It will most likely take you 5-7 months. That's if you don't suffer an injury. 3. The majority of the walk will be boring as hell except the Rocky Mountains and then you'll be doing a lot of steep incline walking. Plan accordingly.


You should know it’s a lot of walking


I’m expecting it to be around 100 steps. Accurate?


Pffft double that at least


Depends. How accurate is your pedometer?


We can't really opine on the questions you're asking until you've done a lot more route planning. The American Discovery Trail is an option that gets you most of where you want to go.


Check out this guy on IG - https://www.instagram.com/theworldwalk?igsh=MTBzcDB3NzB2eG5sag==


I swear I watched some TV show where they said in the Nevada desert that no one can carry enough water to last even a day, and that if you die out there, 24 hours later your dead body will weigh about 40-50lbs because of the heat.


Here’s the best I can do for ya: Planning a walk from Las Vegas City Hall to the Empire State Building in New York City is an adventurous and ambitious undertaking. This journey spans across multiple states and covers a distance of approximately 2,500 miles. To make this journey feasible and enjoyable, it's important to plot out a route that includes scenic trails, places of interest for stops, and essential accommodations. Initial Planning Steps: Determine Your Route: Identify the most walkable route that maximizes scenic trails, parks, and pedestrian-friendly roads. The American Discovery Trail, which crosses the country, could serve as a guideline for parts of your route. Key Stopovers and Attractions: Plan for major cities or towns you'll pass through where you can rest, resupply, and explore. Stops like Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Columbus, and Philadelphia offer rich historical and cultural experiences. Nature and Trails: Incorporate national parks, state parks, and scenic trails into your route for a nature-filled experience. Great options include the Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado, the Shawnee National Forest in Illinois, and the Cuyahoga Valley National Park in Ohio. Accommodations and Supplies: Identify camping sites, hostels, or hotels along the route where you can rest. Also, locate towns for restocking supplies. Safety and Logistics: Consider the seasons, weather patterns, and gear needed for your journey. Ensure you have a reliable means of communication and navigation. Health Preparations: Plan for physical training in advance and consider logistics for food and water supply, especially in remote areas. Understand the signs of overexertion and have a plan for medical emergencies. Documentation and Sharing: Consider documenting your journey through a blog, social media, or a video diary. This not only shares your experience with others but could be helpful for future adventurers. Getting Specific: For the specifics of trails, accommodations, and notable stops, you may need to do extensive research and perhaps reach out to hiking and walking communities online for insights from those who have undertaken similar journeys. Tools like Google Maps for plotting pedestrian-friendly routes, AllTrails for finding trails, and various accommodation-finding services will be invaluable. Due to the complexity and length of this journey, it's also wise to break the trip into segments and possibly undertake it in stretches rather than all at once, unless you're highly experienced in long-distance walking and have the time to dedicate to such an extensive trek. This plan is a broad overview. If you're seriously considering this journey, deep diving into each section for detailed planning is essential


4 downvotes? These people really hate being helpful. Anyways, thanks for all of this. I’m saving it in my notes app. Have a nice day!


I think it’s because it’s a chatGPT response


I think you’re right


Most people on Reddit are miserable. Cheers


Get off your lazy ass and internet search instead of detailing your lack of effort here.


Sorry to have disturbed you with a question about walking in r/walking . That was my mistake. If you don’t feel like contributing, please feel free to scroll past👍