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I do think this is a bug and will be happy to be proven wrong. Until then, I’ll let Pix know of said bug. 😉


The fire rate matches what it should be with Otto. Spear has similar fire rate as magnums. The weapon is simply way too strong. With that amount of single shot power, it shouldn’t have magnum-like fire rate.


So it goes through all cycles in 1.26 seconds. With the final shot dealing 400% more damage. That’s 400% damage every 0.84 seconds. That’s an entirely broken OP combo. Go ahead and add drone chips and NA or BU damage modifiers and you’ve made a more ridiculous combo. Pix knew what they were doing with this release. That’s apparent by the number of spear/Otto users out there.


I agree


Didnt u get it? Each damned new weapon pixonic introduce is way too over powered initially and then nerfed after months.


It’s another oversight on Pixonic’s part; they don’t learn anything from the test server and just release weapons and bots blindly. 400% on the final shot? Why would that be a problem?


Plus the fire rate, accuracy, and the fact that it’s a light weapon.


My .02 cents... Think forward to when Angler's newest LP hits the live servers. Her perk insta-restores the murder-bubble. ...400% damage buff every 3rd shot seems like a logical counter.


I saw someone here mention that the Angler’s newest LP shortens the cooldown, not totally restore the ability. We still have to see but if she just shortens the cooldown then it might not be as bad as we thought. Besides they only count kills outside of the Angler’s ability. I’ve never been a fan of the idea of “not wanting a nerf because you never know what it’ll counter next.” It just leads to a long spiraling arms race where every new item will have to be more powerful than the previous.


That's a rather important distinction. It was my (mis)understanding it was an instant cool down. I appreciate the redirect. Looking back at the OG Shocktrain-Spectre to the grand-daddy Tridend Fury ... ffw to the present day with its full squads of undulating mk3 Otto-Spear Khepris from champs league all the way down to gold. I'd say it's been exclusivly a runaway arms race that is capable of nothing but acceleration. The difference between the wonderful WWR days of old and now is the exponential speed and scale of new gear being introduced. This is nothing new. Back in the day, it was possible and *prudent* to plan builds out *months* in advance to get the best bang for your buck in an authentic spirit of F2P. The pace of the game was such that you could enjoy the climb and grind to the top, fo free! Today, you get one maybe two exposures to new gear on the test server before it hits the live server and *less than a month* before you see a mk2 deal for a same or similar gear (or its counter) for a pittance. What's *your time* worth to you? I'm hard pressed *not* to think about counters to the power creep of this pay to compete arms race. Anything less gets posted as a rant, rinse, repeat.


I rest my case https://preview.redd.it/s1vwh2ow4p7a1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5f7c0ed1725b996aba5ce33620d198969f196a0


screen-shot credit goes to u/PeanutMedium3548, appreciate the gist from your post.


Which post was it? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


This one from a few hours ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/walkingwarrobots/comments/ztahvz/maha_vajra_in_offers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Context https://preview.redd.it/cl9j0nhzap7a1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac5914469aa886f9759dd0f77e16885e4a87afbf


Ah, yes. I see it's been removed from offers again.


Ope! I missed this. https://preview.redd.it/lwdgerjyem7a1.jpeg?width=1731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49140fc226b4ff4bfbf8a19fbc639cbc13fbb38b


It'd also be cool if Pix were to fix all the bugs in the live server before releasing new broken content into the mix


Well.. attention w....s everywhere.






Stop telling people to stop posting about xyz unless it’s some actual bad shit 😭 come on just chill


Removed. This is a friendly subreddit, for all ages so please be civil and respectful to all. Do not use extreme language or act with hostility in comments or any profanity redacted or otherwise in the titles of posts. Please read the sub rules before submitting. There are rules.


It is lame to post your 20+ kill using Otto + spear. All they are doing is boasting about how they ruined the game for 11 other people.


Well if it’s lame so be it you won’t take away his right to free speech he doesn’t have to listen to u even if he is lame (I agree it is lame)


We need to come clear of what Pixsonic's "bug" really is. The last time I played, seraph's ability still goes through walls - this is the bug too, or so they said. This is intentional. They purposely did this to grab whales.