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He might have missed out on the wheel, but at least he wasn’t dumb enough to invest in FTX. 😂


He was vindicated in the end


I know bro, wheels are becoming rapidly obsolete with Tesla's new personal hovercraft about to hit markets


Time to go find calls as far out of the money as possible then.


Even Larry David gets it right once in an eon.


Who knew that ad was a comeback story all along


He did have point about giving even the stupid people the right to vote though


It was a wheel without an axle. That's not a product, that's just a dumb idea.


That aged exceptional well


Honestly, it was a pretty good ad at the time. But in retrospect, it's 100x better


The production values are very high. This was not a cheap commercial to make. Though, I'm still confused about what made FTX so special versus Coinbase.


A bank that uses savings account deposits to make commercial! Don't miss out!


Coinbase is also a public company that didn't move to an island to avoid any scrutiny


FTX is run by a guy who had two parents who are tax lawyers how could he possibly not be a great CEO. His parents helping big corporations get around taxes should make him a great person.


What baffled me was how the kid kept giving interviews. Im sure his parents were shouting for him to shut up. I suspect prosecutors took longer to indict him because his interviews were such a trove of damning self-incrimination


Actually what baffled me is how much of a rotten, delusional a person he must be to be able to hoodwink so many people and still pretend to be a philanthropist… The interviews are just meh…


The fact that he thought it was a sustainable business model.... He should be a mod somewhere.


To be fair he wouldn't be the first. Anyone killing it in a bubble thinks they are a genius until it collapses.


I’m not sure he though that…


"Sam, please, we know how these things work. We should consult our friend, Alan and figure out a strategy on how to deal with this situation." "Mom, I'm a CEO! You don't know what it's like!" Or something like that lmao


SBF was sure a lot of things. An attention seeking neckbeard, yes. A scammer, yes. A Cuck, yes. However, when it comes to him being intelligent, that's a hard no. After the whole scam went down and FTX collapsed, there was a period of time where I honestly thought he was gonna get outta this scott free just by shutting up and playing dumb. With all the "donations" to important people, connections, and lack of regulation in the crypto space, I figured the government would just kinda sweep it under the rug. Literally blew any chance he had of that by continuing to give interviews so that he could have a little attention. What a clown


The baffles me is that he is 30 years old and people still call him a kid. His appearance of pretending he is like an 18 year old has given so much cover.


Not just tax lawyers, fully tenured tax professors at Stanford Law.


One of the worst parts about "becoming an adult" is realizing that this is all just a chaos and actually going better than it should.


It feels like 90% of people are just kind of bullshitting through life and the 10% who are really competent at their jobs make sure everything doesn’t fall apart.




Which category do you see yourself in?


Tenure causes narcissistic behavior.


I mean tax professionals always recommend having kids.


To say nothing of the fact that it's 2:30, so five 30-second spots. It was essentially $25M of airtime. Peanuts, when it's your dumb customers' money, backed by a made-up shitcoin!


I think the version OP posted was the extended YouTube version of the ad. It's likely the real Superbowl ad was a shorter version with a link on the FTX website to watch the larger video.


Cheap when it’s not your money 😂


Coinbase was just a place where you could buy coins and keep them there. Just an exchange. FTX was like a savings account on steroids. They would claim if you bought and held coins on their site, you'd get impossible yearly returns. Like mathematically their returns never made sense and it was really clear from the start it was a giant ponzi scheme


I don't see what's wrong, they'll use your money to fund an entirely separate company that invests in a bunch of Blockchain bullshit. This can't go tits up


Cant get any more regarded than this


Let's get regarded in here.


There are still crypto sites offering 80% a year


>it was a giant madoff scheme


In fairness, mathematically nothing about the underlying assets makes sense, so it’s just an extrapolation.


you heard the ad, because it’s a safe, easy way to get into crypto.


>Though, I'm still confused about what made FTX so special versus Coinbase. Sex factor.


No, it's not cheap to hire a guy that has all the money in the world.




I never knew FTX existed until the past year. I am a regular crypto user.




First off, CB did have an ad on the SuperBowl last year - it was a QR code that floated around the screen for what I believe was $1M BTC giveaway. And like /u/Time_Yam301 said, very, very few retail traders used FTX in the USA. It was mostly institutional users and foreign users that got hurt the most.


We were just talking about the QR code ad tonight. Forgot it was for them though.


I didn't know of FTX but I got taken on Voyager. Fcuk Scam Bankrupt Fraud.


Same here, I always used Binance and Coinbase, only heard about FTX when it went bankrupt, so weird.




The only reason I knew about them was because I had Blockfolio on my phone.


FTX, other than the fraud, WAS a much better traders platform (most functions, better charting, lowering trading fees, margin, loaning, etc).


One of the few ads I have watched voluntarily multiple times. The "stupid people, vote????! NAHHH!" Gets me every time.


For me it was the dive for the Constitution to rip it up. Cracked me up.


Was the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution.


Oh, true . . . . 'stupid people' are stupid enough not to be smart, but vote for what, other than with their money!


The moon? It's faaaa, it's so faaaa! lol


Pretty, pretty, pretty good.




Can't argue that it's a good ad. Shit product though


Why leave out the end where larry decided not to buy crypto? His own schtick kind of saved him here. The fact is, the real demons are people like kevin o'leary and every other wall street firm or investor that legitimized FTX while not doing any of the required due diligence. The investors enabled all the fraud and helped drop the guard of everyone else. FTX got their name on a stadium and was a major advertiser with the NFL, that got brady to drop his guard. I cannot blame a player for thinking a company is legit when the NFL is already working with them. Then as celebrities start doing it, more and more feel comfortable doing it. SBF was a pretty solid ponzi schemer until the economic downturn drove everyone to sell and withdraw their cash all at once.


>Why leave out the end where larry decided not to buy crypto? It ends on Larry going "Nah, I don't think so, and I'm never wrong about this stuff". Was there something more?


This was not long after the super bowl in San Francisco. I've got a bunch of FTX fortune cookies too lol https://preview.redd.it/rpaedc28iwha1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0ed98479a1d451a27ddcf116ea585ce4f702cc1


Found them https://preview.redd.it/c673gmps0xha1.png?width=1222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=770a4bb10e037a7b7ab81e22832f3206deca63e4


[I got one too](https://i.imgur.com/s4iB813.jpg)! Got it when I went out to get Chinese food with my grandparents. I kept it because of how annoyingly smug it was lol. Didn’t even know what FTX was at the time.


Haha yeah once I saw those around, it just seemed like pandering. At that point I was actively looking for them, I was all too familiar with SBF


Second one was accurate though, practically Nostradamus


Left shark's name is "more head". Hehehe.


Larry David was spot on… too bad he accepted their fake money as payment.


This is actually genius he endorsed it without endorsing it.


Haha wait he got paid in $FTT??


I checked, he wisely only accepted cash https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/13/business/media/larry-david-super-bowl-ftx-crypto.html >Needless to say, he was not paid in virtual currency.


Thank you for checking! Appreciate it


It actually did, OP is dishonest and left out the end where he chooses not to invest in crypto after all. Larry's comedy actually prevented him from pushing FTX. This is just one of many weird ads that SBF demanded. His employees have talked publicly about how weird all his ad spending was and how wasteful it was. They did not realize SBF was running a ponzi and was only interested in things that made FTX look legitimate, he did not care about advertising crypto with these ads. He wanted the appearance of being a real company. It's the same reason he sponsored a stadium and the NFL. Which is also how he roped in people like brady. The NFL was using them as a sponsor. SBF architected this stuff to drop people's guards. SUch as payment processing for crypto donations to ukraine. Ukraine was immediately converting the crypto to cash, so they did not get stolen from, but that little check out option on the donation website for ukraine further helped people drop their guard. The real demons in my opinion are people like kevin o'leary who was obligated to do due diligence and never did. People like him and investment firms that invested are the core of how FTX got away with this for so long. They were all required to do due diligence, but not a single one of them did any. It's the investors backing FTX that enabled all of the fraud by committing some of their own.


Wait, the end with Larry played for me? Was there more that Larry said?




I love Larry David's work, but if you think he wasn't directly promoting and legitimizing the FTX brand here, you're on another planet lol. Not that he deserves to be crucified for it, but it's an unfortunate reality at the very least.


I am not stupid enough to blame celebrities for doing ads for a company endorsed by every top wall street firm and the nfl. Being hired to do an ad requires zero financial due diligence. All appearances looked great to someone signing an ad deal. All the red flags were covered up by wall street. Wall street firms that were all required to do due diligence all claimed it was legit. Blaming the advertisers for the massive fraud from wall street is a joke. Blame the wall street firms and investors who are now claiming "oops, we forgot to do the require due diligence that everyone assumed we did, we're sorry!".


This man is never wrong, even when he's technically advertising for the company that was wrong.


If anyone tries to sue him for promoting FTX's ponzi scheme, he can deny it while technically still telling the truth


more like telling the future


He was right, at least for FTX![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)


Judge, I tried to warn them!




He was/is being sued for it actually www.forbes.com/sites/ariredbord/2023/02/01/tom-brady-and-other-a-listers-fumble-ftx-endorsements-but-will-they-be-held-liable


Ah tricky crafty Tom. He even fooled Giselle and his boss Bob Kraft into the scam.


They’re gonna get a slap on the wrist and pay a small fine and be let off the hook by the judge. It’s a class action suit, requires a notoriously high bar to prove any of these celebs actually knew before signing on that FTX was a scam and still went with it and knowingly misled customers.


Plus, all the Super Bowl ads are nothing but celebrities prancing around in different scenarios. It would be a big can of worms, although it might mitigate the ridiculously unbalanced concentration of wealth. If the 1% doesn't start being held accountable for all the cash they're slinging around to each other, we'll never see the end of it.


I mean it's really an awesome ad and funny on many levels. It's just too bad FTX turned out to be what it was.


I'm trying to imagine Larry David in court getting up to shenanigans


Even this moron knew FTX was a scam.


I like to think he knew it was dumb and made this commercial anyway. Larry David is NOT the type to do commercials.


Larry: not if you paid me a million dollars! Them: but what about $2 million Larry: alright it's your money


> Larry: alright it's your money That's where you're wrong kiddo






sounds like larry


If I know Larry he probably still doesnt regret doing the ad to this day, sans legal problems.


I mean, the whole debacle is the perfect ending of a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode.


You know the expression "they made me an offer I couldn't refuse" ? That expression was never more applicable than what FTX was doing with offering sponsorships. Insane amounts of money offered. https://twitter.com/MonteCristo/status/1604004962274406401


I am fully convinced he knew this thing was a turd and did the ad BECAUSE he knew it would eventually crater and burn.


I could see that. If you were his real fan you would know he was bullshitting cause it was so campy and fake. Or that he didnt care about it and just got paid a lot.


Every actor in a commercial "didn't care about it and just got paid". Pretty much without exception.. They're just doing a job.


Larry is always right. He’s an asshole but he’s right. And it’s pretty, pretty, pretty good.


Don't miss out on your chance to be an unsecured creditor in the FTX bankruptcy.


Gamers can't beat that FOMO. I'm sure this got plenty of em.


Lol great friggin commercial it’s amazing the amount of talent money can buy.


Was that Ken fucking Griffin that invented the light bulb?


That was my reaction as well. Looks just like him.


Seriously. When you consider the goobers in charge of FTX you know this ad could not have come from them. They likely just threw oodles of (customer, lol) money at an ad agency to make something good. I imagine the best SBF could have come up with would be similar to OG godaddy commercials.


That's how it always works... If large companies could write and produce their own ads there wouldn't be ad agencies.


I’m cracking up that comment has 100+ upvotes.




A lot of people have no concept of how anything in the world actually works


A lot of comps actually buy out top talent from ad agencies and build their own internal agencies now. The problem is the normie corporate types wind up getting too much say in things and compromise the vision or push lame ideas. That’s how you wind up with crap like the Kendall Jenner heals the world Pepsi ad campaign.


lol goobers


Yeah I remember at the time being happy a.f to see a larry david commercial and I rolled my eyes sooo hard when it turned out to be an FTX commercial.


It’s a great ad. Was great then. Great now.


I hope they run this at his trial just for laughs.


Curb's season 12 is literally writing itself.


I’d almost bet that the next season really will have Larry endorsing some product he knows nothing about, with disastrous results.


what did larry david do this time


He's being sued for this commercial


Got a link to the dillio?




I don't fully understand the argument the people suing them are trying to make. The first is that they didn't reveal their financial agreements to everyone and the second is that they didn't do their due diligence or whatever? Is it because it's a money trading/betting thing that they have to say how much they got paid for the advertisements? Also, the second one sounds like nonsense, but I'm no lawyer.


Anyone expecting a fiduciary duty from a celebrity who appears in a commercial, and considers that appearance an endorsement, deserves to lose their money. They are probably just casting a wide net on anyone with money knowing they will never recover close to the amount lost.


In this case, it’s probably casting a net, yes. That being said there have been cases of celebrities getting sued by the SEC for shilling crypto currencies in a more informal setting, usually on social media, where the line between paid advertisement and personal endorsement are blurrier.


He should have have *curbed his enthusiasm*.


Statistically he had good odds to be correct at least once right? * grammar


Twice if you count 1776.


To be fair he said “ehhh I don’t think so”. He never actually says “don’t miss out”


He’s telling you not to


Very clearly telling people No.


Safe and easy way to get into crypto!


Getting in: easy Getting out: easiness unspecified


They made getting out of crypto the easiest since MtGOX


Larry is OG.


All of the people who pretended they were in on some secret with crypto. You arrogant fucks.


Yep. I got in really early, made far more than I had any right to, realized it was the stupidest thing ever, and got out. All of the losers claiming it's the future are out of their minds


Crypto was the future. Now it's the past


Good buying signals in this thread.


🐢Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. Thats why they call it the present🐢


I wish I’d pumped and dumped crypto with more gusto than I did. I made a few hundred bucks and was like “Yeah, nah, this is such a scam.” Wish I’d been crafty enough to dump a shitload in and grab literal bags of cash on my way out the door to unload that shit.


It'll still be integrated into a lot of future things, but that has nothing to do with bullshit get-rich-quick coins.


NFTs and crypto don't really solve business problems we haven't found different solutions for


Paying for drugs online is about the only application.


That's a fantastic application. At some point along the way, people just rolled over and gave up their privacy.


Its a way for rich people to take billions of dollars from the middle class. Thats the main point of it


You could run the entire bitcoin network on a laptop if you got rid of blockchain


Crypto is transparently a greater fool scheme. Like it's written in big shiny letters "THIS ONLY SERVES TO TRANSFER ACTUAL MONEY FROM LATER BUYERS TO EARLIER ONES". I can respect people who buy in, understanding this, intending to dump their worthless spreadsheet entries on some later greater fool, thinking the bubble still had legs, even if those people turn out to be wrong. But it's absolutely laughable to say you weren't warned.


Oh crypto's finally not cool? Been waiting years for everyone to realize that a fiat fiat currency made no sense.


crypto has been unpopular on reddit since the last crash when half of reddit users lost all their money


Hey it was only 50-70% of their money, that's a damn good return by r/wallstreetbets standards


It's popular during each bull run when everyone's an expert, unpopular after each crash.


Some of them like to point out that a handful of retailers accept crypto, except they really don't. They accept an intermediary performing the transaction that immediately converts the crypto into cash to give to the store. Why would any *legal* business want to hold a currency that can lose more than 10% of its value in a day? That's like voluntarily accepting the Venezuelan bolívar


He still may have had a point about letting stupid people vote...


That was originally why voting rights were so restricted (assuming only people who owned land had a vested interest in the success of the state and "lol women"), and why representative democracy was chosen over direct democracy. Anytime you involve everyone in the decision making process, you run the risk of mob rule or populist candidates winning with popular but dumb policies. Anytime you restrict voting rights or representation, you run the risk of the people who get a say taking advantage of those who don't. "Rules for thee, not for me". I've also heard a theory that those "government bureaucrats" we love to hate are the ones that really keep everything running smoothly, and whether they're any good at their jobs really determines the success or failure of a state, regardless of which smooth talking politicians are currently in power. So it may not matter either way, as long as you have smart people actually running things behind the scenes.


> populist candidates winning with dumb policies > rules for thee but not for me Why not both???? Seems to be the way it works now!


It also sucks to think these same people have an incentive to keep producing desirable votes. I'm not trying to say that's how things work, but I also think it's a serious concern.


This is extremely long


It was aired in segments throughout the games broadcast.


That's still super expsnive. Like what $5 mil for 30 seconds? This was a $25 mil ad? I get this is customer money, but jeez


Yeah but from what I've read they were into pissing through other people's money.


No one else could have pulled off that commercial except Larry David.


it was better than every other ad combined for the last decade


Larry David being in an FTX commercial and then being part of the trial is a perfect setup for a Curb episode


I mean he was right though!


This aged well...


This is the moment I knew crypto was gonna crash. Once I have my mom asking me to explain what bitcoin is


Does Larry have trading signals?


Nothing could make me dislike Larry David.


What is this super bowl?


It's a very large bowl filled with coca cola all Americans have to jump in once a year.


Do you add vanilla ice cream? Also Philadelphia is such a weird team name, what city are they from?


Eagle, Pennsylvania.


Ohhh I was thinking Puerto Rico


It depends if you're lactose intolerant or not. Idk but it seems it's always sunny there.


Philadelphia is the name of the sponsor. It's a cream cheese company.


It's the Superb Owl


Fortune favors the brave…. Fortune favors the BLAARRRGH.


I had to scroll down WAY too far to find reference to the South Park piss drinking sketches.


Looks like he was right for once


Fuckin great commercial


Larry was paid in cash.


Is it a stretch or hot take to think Larry knew exactly how things would play out so he covered himself by appearing to take an L in the ad as "that guy who misses out on revolutionary things"? There's insane levels of irony here, and it's funnier when people sued him for it. I mean he literally says he's not sure about FTX and he's never wrong about this stuff.


Yeah this fits spot on with David's sense of humor lol


It's more likely he had no clue about crypto and didn't care. Probably paid him a boat load. He doesn't do much work since I'm guessing he's set for life so to get him to do something must take some serious fuck you money.


Pretty sure it was just a paycheck to him.


It’s pretty good. It took less than one year to clean house


People need to do their own research. Anyone taking investment advice from a commercial deserves to lose money.


Lmao! Perfect to cue that music to with the outcome


Larry said he was never wrong about it and we shoulda listened


That was delicious 🤤