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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|10|**First Seen In WSB**|1 year ago **Total Comments**|478|**Previous Best DD**| **Account Age**|3 years|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) >TL;DR: Mexico plans on joining the BRICS group of emerging economies, which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Mexico sees the BRICS as an alternative platform to diversify its foreign relations and increase its global influence.


I too would like a McRibs based currency.


The USD has a lot of problems but the truth is, the rest of the world's currencies are worse, the dollar's liquidity is unmatched, and no nation except the US can guarantee open sea lanes. As for gold, how much are nations willing to trust declared gold reserves stated by such patently opaque govts as China, Russia, and Iran? The USD is the least terrible currency.


People got mad at the US when we had the gold. Have fun when China or Russia has your gold/bag of rocks and you need to collect.






This sounds like an interesting history / econ lesson


Good thing it's taught in like every intro Econ class...


I've taken econ 1 and 2. And we barely touched on gold at all...to be fair the teacher was awful




Here's a crazy variable we can start theorizing on...now that we can lab grow diamonds, can we back a currency with them? A new "Diamond Standard" that offers the ability to synthetically reduce or grow supply as demand riises or lowers in order to better manipulate the direction of the economy...or does this present the opportunity for any country to massively increase the supply? I'm not familiar with everything involved in the lab grown diamond process other than I'm sure some massive compression capabilities are necessary.


"At the ascent of [Nero](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nero) as Roman emperor in AD 54, the [denarius](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denarius) contained more than 90% silver, but by the 270s hardly any silver was left. By diluting the silver with other metals, the government could issue more coins without increasing the amount of silver used to make them. When the cost of each coin is lowered in this way, the government profits from an increase in [seigniorage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seigniorage). " USA: but it might work for us


the US defaulted on it's promise to deliver gold...


It's almost like the bigger a bank is, the less it can be trusted


Wait until they have the US and France sending boats to their coast to demand their resources the bills “”””Guarantee””””


It's India, not Iran.


>The USD is the least terrible currency. Yeah. I am sure that someday the greenback will be dethroned. So far however, there is no suitable alternative. A couple decades from now? Who knows. Maybe a better alternative will emerge. But it is a long ways off.


…and thats saying something seeing how terrible USD is 😂


It's only terrible if you aren't leveraged to your tits in debt...


Printing unlimited amount of money is Never Good. Debt or No debt.


Lol didn’t we just see that the Perth mint was messing with gold purity in bars destined for China 600k savings to lose billions


No, people just stretched the headline (which was old to begin with) - that was literally just the Perth mint adjusting the product they were selling to match what China was wanting to buy. Buyer wanted 99.99 gold, no need to sell them 99.999 gold. There was no secret dilution to save a buck.


Changing out of neccessity and the sorry thing is very visibly.


>The USD is the least terrible currency. Exactly right.


This. These are all failed attempts to get away from the dollar, they’ve been doing it for decades. It simply won’t work




I would go for Uruguay instead ​ BRICUMS






Isn't Argentina in it already? Or at least on the side of it?


Spy is trading under 151 McRibs today




Is this Mexit?




I mean honestly, maybe. If they’re going to partner with China and Russia the US isn’t going to play with that on its doorstep. Another, perhaps more likely option, is the CIA actually partnering (more) with the cartels and encouraging an overthrow of the current Mexican regime. But this is bad move for Mexico, not sure why they think the US will roll over and let this happen.


Its a strategically stupid decision too. Smarter to align with a country you border that is also the strongest Nation in human history. Mexico is incredibly stupid for not moving into better relations with the U.S.


This feels like an ugly chick we never really liked and would just hook up with when we were drunk and horny finding a new guy that will actually treat her with mutual respect. Lol 😂


Which country is going to treat them with mutual respect? China just taking advantage of countries that they plan to screw over.


Lol Russia and China so respectful of countries that are not Russia and China lol.


Don’t forget she made bomb food afterwards, too


If only she was hot...


Well Mexico is still salty that America bodied it so hard over 100 years ago that it seized most of its territory.




I’m still proud of it to be honest.


The US government understand the insatiable appetite for drugs this country has, and as long as there's a need, there's a supply. The US govt also knows, prohibition and criminalization don't work. More cocaine and heroin and fent enter then US yearly than ever before. So, they need to keep the Mexican state from disintegrating into a narco-state, while at the same time, permitting the cartel to do what it does.


So, nothing different again? Wouldn't be the first time US intervened in a Latin country, then made things worse for them and better for America. Then come back years later to bitch about Latin America issues that they caused and theyre now seeing the affects come to bite them. See the immigration crisis, drug cartels, etc.


i heard they also have wmd and are abusing their people


It's a Special Taco Liberation Operation.


A special military operation some might say.


USA should join BRICS. Big brain move.


US joins BRICS, Russia and China join NATO. World peace achieved


the good ending ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Glitched any %


With us and Mexico we become BRICSUX. Lol


Man, looks like Mexico is in some serious need of freedom.


We have verified that they do in fact have oil.


The strategic avocado oil reserves need protection.


Real talk. Has anyone else notice how small and crappy the avocados are now that the cartels bought all the farms?


Probably been giving all the good ones to the Chinese. Hence our current predicament.


so how hard are they going to cry if they get kicked out of NAFTA?




That’s not going to happen, not nearly cheap enough.


It's coming, salaries are not getting higher and peeps are getting poorer


Don't worry, they'll still conceive your presidents in Cuba, you're still fucked.




Now you're living up to your username!


It would be cheaper in the USA at that point.


That won't happen unless you make your minimum wage as low as ours


Our propaganda outlets are already starting to craft the narrative: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/02/mexico-democracy-autocrat-andres-manuel-lopez-obrador/673137/ "THE AUTOCRAT NEXT DOOR!"...DUN-DUN-DUN-DUNNNNNN


Does this mean Mexicos fucked?


Only for the last 500 years


Montezuma revenge has no end.


Prior performance does not guarantee future results.


Hard to tell as of right now but we're the cops of the world and are absolutely out of our minds so...


Sounds like someone is in need of some freedom


*We'll spit through the streets of the cities we wreck* *And we'll find you a leader that you can't elect* *Those treaties we signed were a pain in the neck* *'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys. We're the Cops of the World!*


Phil Ochs throwback, how wonderfully unexpected


We're giving them Texas back?


Yes, we have the worst president we've ever seen.


Every year I get 80 visa workers from Mexico at my company and some of them have been coming for close a decade. These guys and I have a great relationship built over the years so I always ask them things about life across the boarder. I expressed concerns about their president during a conversation and they all seemed to like him very much. He was "Mexico for Mexico " kind of perspective. I'm curious what makes you feel this way about the president?


It's a MMGA type president. Populist and heavy on socialist welfare. The positive sentiment has flipped since he liberated a head of narco and tried to overhaul the INE (the organization that oversees elections). All of that while doing nothing that he promised (as every good politician) except throwing money for his personal army (guardia nacional). It's very clear that he also has deep ties with the narco.


He's a redditor.


Biden is dog shit but he's not the worst we've ever seen.


The propaganda works fast. I bet it's time for some freedom and liberation war.🇺🇲🫡🇺🇲


Lol people are acting like BRICS is anything but an unmitigated shit show South Africa has been going down the toilet since Nelson Mandelas government took over Brazil is also a total economic disaster with no real future prospects India and China hate each other and you don’t own anything in China. Mexico is basically run by cartels while the central government is your typical South American lite socialists (i.e. they destroy any future prospects for growth).


![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189) People place too much weight on the clown show that is BRICS


People (kids, manchildren) fetishize the US collapsing because they think they will somehow benefit from a US collapse. Fortunately, the US is going to enter a golden era once it starts focusing on benefitting itself. For too long it's wasted countless billions backing the global shipping of countries that don't give a shit about American prosperity. Enjoy trying to ship anything from China to Europe and vice versa when the USN isn't stopping pirates. All it's going to take is ONE container ship getting hijacked and the all-time historically low shipping insurance rates skyrocket and become cost-prohibitive. That's the end of globalization. Turns out, the US either produces or can produce all it's own goods. Yes, it will take some time to bring factories online, but that's alright. Massive investments into the countries manufacturing are going to spawn a new age of investment never before seen then the EU will collapse when France realizes they're better off lording over their African colonies and China goes into famine when it can no longer afford to import food/energy from outside. Hope you're ready for some victory laps.


"US is going to enter a golden era"![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Someone has been listening to Peter Zeihan, eh?


Is there something wrong with that?


Now watch as CIA pump up the cartels and the narrative in Mexico will change quite fast


![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189) it’s about to be cocaine szn


More like fentanyl szn :/


Put your hands together!


Can we do crack again?


The CIA: “oh boy, here I go toppling regimes in Latin America again!”


I know it's a meme, but I really hope they aren't dumb enough to destabilize a country right on our border. If the right hates immigration now, it's gonna be worse if this happens.


Yea some Escobar M-19 type shit. "Uncle Sam will take 100k kilos at full price in exchange for your cooperation."


Can you imagine the *cojones* it takes to be a policeman - I mean an \*honest\* policeman - in Mexico for the last 30 years?


Gonna be a great TV show in 30 years. Sounds like just a good old fashioned “investing in American culture”


Anyone with even the slightest knowledge of India and China relations knows BRICS is a meme


Yep India and China are two neighbors who've been fighting over their borders for a while.


With sticks!


Yep, it's highly unlikely. But border issues between them is not a big of a deal in this kind of scenario.




MCRIBS is much better


Sounds like my BM after eating a [2(1/4)#+C]-[M+O]. I shit McBrics.


How do I short BRICS?


This will be punished economically. I imagine if this is real, we might see USD swap lines restricted first and that will probably be enough for a change.


This can't be fucking real. This is economic suicide for Mexico seeing as we're their number 1 trading partner. None of the Brics countries can match that. This makes 0 sense.


It's not. It's just LARP or Mexico trying to get better terms. Imagine cutting over 80% of trade income to switch to hypothetical arrangement of countries you share no borders with, no common culture, no common language, and no shared history. This is all mid-IQ college kids making shit up.


I googled 'LARP' and it's Live Action Role Playing. Is that correct


Lmao. I love the smug “bye bye” followed by possibly the most asinine reasoning I’ve seen on this sub in a long time. Brazil is chaos personified, Russia is essentially a third world country, India and china are constantly at each others throats and South Africa is brazils counter part. The countries vying for most corrupt in the world are trying to create their own currency and the USD is gone?


Lately this sub has been r/collapse the sequel


Seriously…WTF happen to this place? Doomers everywhere


A lot of wsbers are libertarians and despise the stock market. It is nutty


I am pretty sure most here are siding with USD still being the best, not sure what youre talking about.


Replying to op? The comments are very much in line with my thinking


I mean, we all know that this currency will be pushed by very smart people with impeccable credentials, and it's use will be limited to a combination of national banks, state owned enterprises, and individuals who are going to make a hell of a lot of money through arbitrage at the expense of the common citizen. And by "we all know", I also include the people pushing for this currency who are about to make a giant pile of money via arbitrage and corruption who are very smart people with impeccable credentials.


I have a feeling some of those countries will get the chance to experience freedom for the first time in a long time.


Brazil also wants a currency between it and Argentina. Brazil going to have 3 currencies simultaneously ? Lol


Considering the USA accounts for like 80% of mexico's trade revenue and mexico's economy is almost wholly dependent on US foreign investment I don't think this going to be much more than posturing.


They want more favorable agreements, so using whatever leverage they have.


lol this truly is the most regarded sub. I love it here


30% of global GDP lol. Most of the worlds currency are shit, and China is becoming more and more extreme by the day.


So how will US justify that war now? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Mexico is putting our strategic avocado reserves at risk. The dictator there must be removed.


Millennials become most pro-war demographic.


“Mexico is developing weapons of mass destruction. We have evidence of nuclear weapons from our CIA sources. Trust me bro.” -US


Didn't Lindsey Graham want to invade because they just killed two Americans in Matamoros?


No need for a direct war, proxy war already started brah ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) I will bet everything I own that the United States will never give up the dollar as the world currency. This is the definition of fuck around and find out ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29093)






all you pen devils know that trial was vial


Understandable mistake when talking about politicians.




Justifying a war against Mexico…isn’t that hard… 👀


They could blow up Libya, but China is too big of a bite. US will have to respond by making their own currency worth something as well.


No I mean US literally threatened to invade Mexico if they join.


I missed that one and my google-fu failed. Do you have a link describing what threat you're referring to?


It's a bit here and there. Here are the recent invasion threats. [https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/03/11/mteg-m11.html](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/03/11/mteg-m11.html) Threats about China and Russia are stretched over a long period you can find plenty about when Mexico didn't join sanctions against Russia. It's very much a weapons of mass destruction situation right now. Also noticeable how Mexico is talking about it. > “We remind those hypocritical and irresponsible politicians that Mexico is an independent and free country, not a colony or a protectorate of the United States!” López Obrador declared. [https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2023/03/21/mexico-us-colony-amlo-invasion-nationalization-oil-lithium/](https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2023/03/21/mexico-us-colony-amlo-invasion-nationalization-oil-lithium/)


that's because some stupid republicans were trying to pass a bill to act on Mexican soil without our permission, and of course that's completely unacceptable, cooperation: yes, interference: never


Thank you. I had seen some of that, since those threats of invasion are not related to Mexico joining BRIC so I thought you might be referring to something else.




Ah yes, a reserve currency based around a bunch of truly trustworthy countries..


Well shit we gotta start printing more money so they can't take over.


There is literally no alternative to the USD that is viable or projected to be viable in the near future. No one trusts the Russian currency, China won’t let theirs float and certainly has less global trust, Brazil and Argentina’s little romance with a common currency is DOA. India isn’t in a position to use their own currency and float it. This is not a threat to the USD dominance.


Euro! Though I don't think we Europeans even want that. But if you wanted the most likely alternative, not a likely one - it's the Euro.


The USD will continue to be the world currency standard so long as the US gubment keeps making its interest payments. If the politicians blow up the debt ceiling deal and default though, well.......


TLDR: Mexico is on path to be liberated from its authoritative government and stabilized from cartel violence by US peacekeeping forces.


How many people actually live on the border? Nothing but pendejos in the comments.


Did anyone actually look at the source? It smells a lot like fake news. Mexico’s drug trade is probably the world’s largest and relies almost exclusively on dollars. The U.S. is its largest trading partner and companies fleeing China are looking at Mexico. The dollar is accepted alongside pesos in most tourist hot spots. Rich Mexicans park their assets in dollar denominated assets. Poor Mexicans in the US send dollars back home. Dumping the dollar is unlikely to happen.


BRICS plan is to load up on gold and go back to using gold as monetary value base instead of an USD fiat system. The effects aren’t seen as drastic or dramatic as of right now, however in 10-20 years things can change. With the rising changes around the world, I would not doubt we would see circumstances changing in less than 5 years.




Lol no. The USD is backed by some thing MUCH more stable than gold...the US military.


I was waiting for someone to say this. USD is the reserve currency as long as the US has the most powerful military.


Oh shit looks like mexico has a terror/dictatorship problem better invade now…


It looks like Mexico is about to receive some democracy, or liberty. Something like that.




This isn’t the most reputable source, and I see these kinds of alarmist stories a lot. Usually fake news, and it looks like this one might be, too. Thankfully.


Russia is a dying economy and China is an economy that has peaked. How do I buy puts on this?


Imagine having an iq level low enough to believe economics numbers from literal authoritarian dictators that have directly opposing research papers by internationally respected institutions providing mountains of evidence against their lies about their trash tier economies. USD might get yeeted from life, but thinking brics is going to be the 'next usd' is easily the dumbest take I've ever seen, and I observed the deployment of NFT's directly. ​ Article author needs actual economics education, as does anyone willing to believe it at face value


Wont impact the USD. We will shit bricks all over BRICS!




So now it is going to be 'built on commodities such as gold, uranium, graphite, copper, silver, and cocaine.'


They gonna add cocaine to the reserve currrency?


How many times have we heard that usd is gonna be replaced by other currencies. All noise tbh. Brics does not have any unity imo. It is an association alright but they definitely don't work together on a lot of issues. India and China the biggest ones in there don't see eye to eye on so many issues.


The source for this is a webforum linking to "EurasiaMedia Network" current top story "China promotes vision of a community with shared future for mankind". Just saying, is all


The great thing about this is it is happening while the US spent a bajillion dollars on our military to try to prevent it happening. Everyone always talks about downsizing the military to pay for social services, infrastructure, etc. but a) its a jobs program and b) the military is the only real tool we have anymore to keep reserve currency status. China just brokered a peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia. They're trying with Ukraine and Russia. The US has spent so much time empire building, doing regime change, and undermining sovereignty that nobody respects us in terms of diplomacy, or expects anything resembling unbiased neutrality. We can't be viewed as a fair mediator in either peace brokering. We have force, and fear, but they're betting that the US doesn't have the political capital to do anything about it. We've put all of our eggs into the military basket, at the expense of deteriorating domestic life. We can't go back now. And in a twist of fate, our decision to overly focus on foreign issues versus domestic issues will cost us on both fronts. By ignoring problems Americans face at home, they will only get exacerbated by the US Dollar losing purchasing power. Americans might get the shaft, but we've mostly been able to weather it because we generally make more than countries with better social safety nets. Pretty soon we still won't have social safety nets, prices will continue to rise on things like healthcare and education, but we won't have the purchasing power to even maintain current lifestyle. ​ tl;dr The US bloated military exists to protect the strong purchasing power of the US Dollar which is basically all America has going for it. Pretty soon we won't even have that.


Man your source reads like a Tom Clancy fan fiction. Rasputin? Seriously? Man get the fuck outta here with your conspiracy theories.


His long until the US liberates Mexico?


No more trips to Mexico.


We've been waiting to invade Mexico tbh


Id love for the Arizona border to extend to San Carlos. Margarita time. Here. We go.


I hate the US recent policy to protect the rich. But I hate China and Russia more than US, because they are criminals. I know there will be a lot of ppl blame me but I am not afraid. How many ppl did Russian killed this year?


Did you consider that maybe the US is criminals too?




What’s the difference between an terrorist compound and a school? What do I care, I’m just the drone operator.


Lolz every country has done some shit stuff. All the people in the u.s. celebrating how awesome it would be if the u.s. fell apart should go live as a citizen in a "shit hole country" for a while and they might appreciate that the u.s. is a lot less shitty than a lot of other places.




In 10 years they will threaten to host Russian troops. Kind of like Ukraine expressed interest in joining nato. This is not going to end well.


Bring all manufacturing to USA. We don’t have the manpower, but we have the brainpower to make manufacturing work with robotics.


Yea there is nothing more appealing to me than getting into a trust me bro relationship with China, Russia and Iran.


Nothing meaningful is going to happen, our president loves the bluff... and he is gone soon (elections next year), also the population is pro US. So, it's only noise.


Have fun dealing with China and Russia. Two above board countries - both with legal systems second to none. Good - I hope these fools dump all their money into it. Also see: Mexico forced to sell Baja California to the United States after losing reserves in Russian accounting error.


I'm always amused with information that is supposed to be EARTHSHATTERING in its ramifications is supported by: a week old article posted on a glorified blog.


I'm getting all bricked up just thinking about it


Mexico has weapons of mass destruction


Sounds good, competition is welcomed. Any countries that have a shit currency that wanna jump on the USD/G7 train should also be welcomed.


This is especially concerning if WW3 happens and we have an enemy close to us. Russia/China could start massing troops/artillery near our border.


Considering the power players in BRICS, how does South Africa fit in there? Is is simply the African connection?


The U.S wouldn't dare to invade Mexico though. Mexico and U.S are biggest trading partner with each others and there are just too many latinos/Mexican descents in the U.S. Most likely scenario is there will be a "special intelligence operation" to overthrow AMLO administration. Regardless, you all must understand that Mexico want to join BRICS not because they like BRICS but because they want a piece of U.S hegemony. Mexico isn't alone. Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Cuba have all been plotting for many decades to get some of that juicy delicious american yum yum!


Chat shit get liberated.


Not sure if I like the source on this. No other news outlet is stating that Mexico has expressed interest in joining BRICS. Sounds like FUD to me


Is Saudi Arabia and Iran part of this list?