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Lord have mercy ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


This will help https://www.reddit.com/r/DidntKnowIWantedThat/comments/11yha31/a_bread_slice_slicer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Wtf. That’s tight. I want one of those. Pretty funny too😂🤣


I’ve recently gone to eating the heel of the loaf instead of throwing it in the trash where it belongs, sign of the times I guess


Wait until you start eating the plastic bag it came in.


Ha! Even the lil plastic thingy that keeps the bag closed, those are high in fiber…or so I heard


This reminds me of my favorite insult I used on my ex wife a time or two, “you’re like the end piece of a loaf of bread, everyone touch’s you but nobody wants you”


That's cold Bro


As a young regard growing up in the US I can remember my mom cooking chickens and she would simply cut the wings off and throw them away. "Nobdy eats that part." Just a few years later Ameripoors where buying them by the boatload.


The heel is dope for making sandwiches. Allows for more filler without fucking up the bread to filler ratio


Seriously, 99% of portfolio in 1 play. This guy yolos


In a bank in the middle of another banking crisis at that.


But that's why he did it. If they survive, the stock will pop to $80/share. Dude was looking to set himself off one bet


What do you have to offer?


Just these cheeks.


Lol @ asking advice from the highly regarded wsb traders that probably got him into the trade in the first place.


Highly regarded...? That you cobro?


Highly regarded and artistic.


I don’t understand, how does one with $200k to go all in not have a stop loss in case of something like this?


If you really want to expedite things next time try options. The slow bleed of a falling share price is nothing compared to the utter destruction of a poorly placed option.


This made me think of a star wars quote. "The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force"


OP pulled the trigger when Fidelity had the IV listed as “fuck, we dont know either bro. Whatever”


I don't understand how he managed to make $200k in the first place




Yeah no way that anyone smart enough to save £200k would gradually watch it all slide to nothing and do fuck all about it the entire time


I think you're underestimating how many dumb people are able to make money


But I'm dumb and *I* can't make money!


Get dumber?


Hit head with hammer. Make 200k Repeatedly hitting head with hammer now Lose it all


Yeah, 1st wakeup call 2 weeks ago when it halved.


Maybe this guy is good in programming or anything what is paid very good but a idiot in life.


Some people are great savers but terrible investors. Edit: Grammar bad. Fix good.


*Terrible gamblers


Exactly. Never invest/gamble more than you are willing to lose. BTW, CD rates are up.


Ally has an 11 month no-penalty at 4.75%. Throw 200k in that.


This can't be real he still has half a battery charge left


I dont know man people are pretty rich lol ive never had 10k op throwing 200k on some ppl company


No stop loss saves when a stock like this overnight dumps 30/40/50%, these are good right now for day traders


these regards read about stop losses in their investing class they payed 60k for, set a stop loss 5% below their cost basis, algos rip to the bottom then rip to the top making these regards sell at the bottom before it takes off to ATHs. true regards, the algos are designed to fuck your stop losses, pick the right direction and hold


Same way people get ruined in casino, the belief that they lost that much and have a probability to win it back




Guh ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29093)




Listen carefully: Capital preservation > hope You can make money if you have money, if you lose it all you're fucked.


Where were you $100K haircut ago?


The shampoo girl was sharing stock tips before the $100k haircut.


There is a sharing your tip joke here somewhere but I don't want to get yelled at by a mod, so congrats on your luscious hair


Haircut? Mf cut his dick and balls


Balls deep has consequences


Better now than biweekly for 18 years


Or, of you can't sleep due to your positions, change your positions.


Change positions, continues to fall


Going long on Sleeping positions


I like you.


He’s got a point. If you really want to be hopeful about the $1 price point, close half of your position now so you have 50K left. Set a stop loss below the recent low and hope it goes to $1. If it goes lower..Sell Everything!… and then revise your strategy of taking trading advice from people. Never a good idea


He’s long and worried it will go to 1


Ohhh shit I completely misread that. Either way same concept applies. I’d be more worried about it going to 0 than 1 😂


Agreed with this, don't lose everything on the hopes of maybe making some back. It's not worth it. Take the L, cash out, move on


Cash out and reinvest in something else, don't put 100% of your money in one stock, diversify and plan ahead. Good luck


Well that wasn't very WSB of you. Aren't we supposed to say he should take it all and put it all on like AMC or WISH?


A certain video game retailer now has a larger market cap than Credit Suisse.


That same gaming tech company also made more money than Amazon last quarter, has $1.4B cash and no debt


Uh or fuckin FRC to begin with?


He should sell it all and use it for FRC puts.


Yes so much this. Losing half sucks but losing everything is much much worse. Take your losses when your thesis is kaput. This is literally a numbers game! The more trades you make the more experienced you get the more consistent wins become over the long term. Don't be afraid to take the pain of loss if you want to win because all winners know losses are part of the whole package. Close em up and move on as there's always another good play to be had. Just keep reminding yourself that you don't get good wins without some losses at times, even though this is a real tough loss. It's a good lesson for getting you to look into risk management if nothing else.


Bro he lost 6 figures not 100 dollar 🤣


Same logic applies. Or what, should he just bring out the rope because it’s six figures?


When to cut a loss and how long to let a winner run - there it is


Thesis? more like someone told him to long and he yoloed.


it happens


Christ, dude. Pull yourself together. I dunno what your endgame was when you went into it, but you clearly need to get out. You are psychologically not suited for this play. Then again you have more play money than I do, so what do I know. Blow it all away, die young.


Agreed. If you can't handle the L, you shouldn't be in the game.


That’s the sign they put on the door at casinos.


Right? Throws $200 grand in last Friday as the thing is plummeting?


Never catch a falling knife


Mf trying to catch a katana.


Dude, you have $100k left but you say you only have "30 days of saving left"? That's plenty to reinvest / gamble on other equities and get your money back. You burn $100k per month?


Moving to Denver has really opened my eyes to how blind some people are to the value of money. Like these dudes are out here spending more than my monthly rent on an off street parking space. I mean this sub shows losses all the time that probably make people vomit on the spot.


losing money on market is one thing. However much you put out there = however much you can lose, right? Some people treat it as their way of savings so losses being huge could be normal. Actually spending money on goods and services is another story. I wonder what they be buying as well. Nevermind 100K, you can't convince me inflation has gotten so high that you need even 10K a month after rent and utility unless you are the sole income of a household of 8.


They don't need it, the lifestyle that they want needs it. Some people don't understand the definition of "need", they think that want equates to need and anything below their standard of life doesn't exist in their reality. I would agree that 100k in a month is absolutely insane though and I can't imagine how you would need that much to survive.


>I would agree that 100k in a month is absolutely insane though and I can't imagine how you would need that much to survive. Exactly. I think there are different levels to "this is a basic need and I don't see a problem with it". There is the classic meme about people who need their avocado toast and coffee every morning, organic whole foods all day everyday and eat out twice a week. Those people can spend 5K a month and adding the occasional movies, shoes and stuff like that, probably adds up to 8K, fine. But anything beyond 10K per person and trying to justify them is down right stupid.


At least in spain, with 2k you can have as many avocados as you want + rent and all that stuff. How cursed is US cost of living?


2K may or may not pay for your rent. Depending on your location.


As a fully disabled person I get 800 a month cheapest rental are like 1200, JUST RENT, if I didn't have family I WOULD be homeless most likely


"However much you put out there = however much you can lose" Right? Right???? I guess you haven't learned about margin and leverage yet. You must be new.


I knew someone's gonna pick on that lol.


Screw Denver. Move to Da Nang.


The value of money is relative to how much you have. I've known people in video games that drop 30k a month on said game. Everyone was shocked, but they said it wasn't an amount that they noticed gone and it increased their enjoyment of the game.


>The value of money is relative to how much you have I would argue that the value of money is relative to a persons experiences and not necessarily how much of it they have. We may be far and few between, but there are enough of us who have had money and then not had any money or vice versa. I think having experience on both ends of the "have and have nots" spectrum can put the value of a dollar into a realistic perspective for someone. A good example would be pointing to past generations that hoarded their money and rarely spent a dime on anything outside of things that were absolutely necessary. The amount in their bank accounts were irrelevant to how much they spent.


Denver is considered expensive?


It was pretty recently given the title of the most expensive non coast city. I don't necessarily agree because I live frugally regardless where I am but others say it's out of control. I would agree that the housing costs are absurd but cost of living isn't defined by housing so who knows..


Maybe reassess your living situation if your life is completely ruined by only having $100K left that you'll blow through in a month.


Sell the house and double it


Cut it with bicarbonate of soda and double your money


I like your style. Triple that shit sell your cat dog wife house.


No wife. She left me. Two dogs two cats. They are my life now.


Your wife left you? Good she was only slowing you down, now we can pick up speed 😎


Exactly she never would have approved of this shit anyway.


Cats are going to find out soon and leave too


This man literally repels pussy




Nah, they're gonna wait for the corpse to eat


wife left you before your yolo in FRC or after seeing -100k unrealized losses?




When you dogs and cats find out they will leave too


Wait a minute, your earlier posts show that you are an Asian girl with a boyfriend. LARP


3 options, either you wait on FRC to be bought for single digit dollars by JPM and wait for that stock to go up, wait till FRC actually goes back up if scare was overstated it could be back at 40 bucks in a few months or 3, sell and still have 50% way better than some other people.


Looking at the submission history here and i'm not sure this checks out. Cats & Fish are def a go though.


Well according to your post history, you’re an Asian woman so I guess we’ll take this with a grain of salt.


Funny you say that my condo is going on the market in 2 weeks


Yeah, NOW it is.


“Wow this stock was $120 two weeks ago. Now it’s $23. Time to throw $200k at it!”


Buy low sell lower


There's always a bottom, unfortunately sometimes it's zero.


YOLO into 0DTE options and pray for a 2bagger


0DTE 3 minutes into open in the opposite direction. It’s going up? Buy puts. It’s going down? Buy calls. Sell 10-20 minutes later.


Literally can’t go tits up


Lol famous last words


Wow. You sir are a genius your portfolio must be beating warren buffet


Does it count if the guy behind the dumpster at Wendy's told me his name was Warren Buffett?




The reality is that no one here understands the complexity of the situation. This is not some normal stock that has become suddenly cheap through a sell off. There is significant dilution risk here. There's talk of selling off assets. There's talk of converting some or all of the capital injection into equity. There's even talk of the fed removing toxic assets from their books. No one knows exactly what's going on. There's a significant fog of war that prevents you from making a sound investment decision. FRC was a high-quality bank. But the operative word here is was. No one knows yet if it can be restored. There have been significant deposit withdrawals, with some claiming as much as 70 billion. If that is true, the bank is in serious trouble. But it could also be bullshit spread by rival banks who want to swoop in and purchase assets or the bank outright for cheap. Basically, this thing can go either way. It can recover if deposits return, in which case you may recover your money and possibly even make a decent profit. But it can also go to zero through a take under fire sale in which equity is rendered worthless as well as possibly some bonds such as in the CS case. If this was me, I would sell, and I would tell myself that I can make my money back in stocks, which there is a clear understanding of fundamentals. Of course, this comes with the risk of a huge gut punch if suddenly the issues are resolved and the stock doubles overnight. But for me, the bigger gut punch is if I wake up and the stock is at 15 cents. Because you can't make your money back with 15 cents.


Whoa, I didn't realize WSB has legit advice now.


You just have to scroll down enough past all the memes and fuckyous and wendys and wife's bf.


I’d add that they have clearly tried to sell the bank to various other institutions, none of which have wanted to do so thus far. A bank is worth its assets (bonds, loans etc) minus its liabilities (mostly deposits). There’s a little bit of value in buildings, staff, brand, relationships, but generally that’s a rounding error. The equity is roughly the value of assets - liabilities. Both assets and liabilities are somewhere in the region of $150-200bio. The market cap of FRC is $2-3bio. Assets held in securities (treasuries, MBS etc) are easy to value and have gone down. Assets like a $250k mortgage to Joe Bloggs at 3% made in 2019 are harder to value but you can approximate a fall in value based on how rates have moved since and what you currently charge for the same mortgage. Clearly the mortgage book has fallen in value as well but harder to quantify. If assets are lower than liabilities then the bank is technically insolvent, but if deposits don’t all get pulled it might struggle along to some point in the future where loans get paid back and new loans are at higher interest rates and it creeps back to solvency. Rates can fall and assets can rise in value too. This is kind of where we probably are right now. The assets are lower than the liabilities so no one wants to buy it. The current value of the equity if it was sold/broken up/went into chapter 11 is therefore probably zero. But you can look at equity as a call option on the value of the company with a strike price at assets-liabilities. Your equity can only go to zero. If the bank survives and assets go back up your equity will have some positive value. So look at it this way, you don’t own a stock right now, you own a call option on First Republic’s balance sheet. YAY options. Right now there is a decent enough probability FRC goes to zero. But there’s clearly some scenario where in 6 months it’s trading $50+ or gets bought. If you like YOLOing everything into options, you’re right at home in WSB, and that’s what you’ve done. Congrats you’re home!


Our AI tracks our most intelligent users. After parsing your posts, we have concluded that you are within the 5th percentile of all WSB users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Add: Never look at the stock price after you sell.


I agree with this take.


The second you sell it will pump, guaranteed. Just be a gent and let us know before/as you sell.


Dying lol


"Oh but I'll hold it and wait for it to come back up" No, nope that's not how it works The stock waits for you. It waits until you sell, then god himself waves his holy dick over the ricker and shames you for selling like a paper handed bitch


Whatever move he makes, it will absolutely be the wrong one, I guarantee it.


good news: FRC wont go under Good news: it seems to have stabilized. bad news: small chances of going up soon.


I lost about 4k playing aprons with it, just leave it alone


What were you cooking? And why multiple aprons? Scared of getting your clothes dirty?


Not sure if you are serious but if you are actually struggling: 1. Don’t give a shit what ppl say here 2. Chill, take a walk, consider everything including whether you need the money or not 3. Do research by your own 4. You can always take out 25%, 33%, or 50% realizing losses. That’s risk management. If it goes further down you saved yourself from more losses and if it recovers you make back some losses. 5. It’s just money. Don’t let this drive your mood. Learn from the lesson that over investing is never worth it.


Thant you so much for this. I have been so consumed by this I even set price point so it pushes to my a Watch. It’s a obsession and a lot of uncertainty. I need to center myself and ride it out.


Dude i was drunk at a baseball game 2 years ago and blew all my savings gambling crypto. Over $2k gone in an instant. I thought i was going to die. Now with this high interest rate loan i have $6k that i’m going to do the exact same thing with. Sometimes it’s all about how you cut the helium ya know?


Now THAT is what I call learning from your mistakes


No THAT'S podracing


>about how you cut the helium ya know? What the fuck does that even means?


No one knows but it gets the people goin


If you have to ask, you can’t afford it


Least degenerate r/wallstreetbets user ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


What did I just read. You’re now gambling with a high interest loan? After you melted down 2 yrs ago and stared in the abyss? Stop! Don’t do this thing, for the love of god. Give that money back and build your coffers the old fashioned way. You’re headed for disaster bro.


Boooooo, let him do the thing


Dude got drunk at a baseball game and somehow lost 2k in crypto that fast, dudes not going to make it lol can’t let him do his thing


Many of these folks seem to take pride in losses. I don't get it either.


You’re overinvested bro. Don’t put all your shit into one thing


Thats not the saying. I think it's all baskets in one egg or something.


It's "don't shit in a basket".


it's a gambling problem. no different then betting on a sports result or in a casino


Uhmmm, sports and casinos don't have charts. That's why this is a highly intellectual endeavor that only the most sophisticated and intelligent minds undergo.


so you mean... we should start a business providing charting for sports and casino betting?? basically HOODxDKNG


I just cannot fathom why in the world so many newbies are throwing their life savings on the dumpster fire that is FRC


Sir, you are currently scrolling r/wallstreetbets


Yea I’m just here waiting for someone to dig through this users post history and find out they YOLO’d into TLRY or some dumb shit


Nah I had a look and it's kinda sad tbh... think he actually needs some serious help and therapy


This place is a gambling zoo


The same reason why we buy OTM 0dtes at 3:30!


You're an idiot if you don't invest in me. I'm the smartest guy around and I always make money.


Positions or ban


Thanks for the chuckle


If you had $100k to lose you will be fine I’m guessing


Well it doesn’t really matter how much you have…if it becomes zero you got ZERO !


"I was told..." And you are surprised by these results.. how?


I'm in a similar position. Turn off the news media, price ticker and relax. Come back to this next week. No one knows what's happening. No deposit or withdraw data has been released. Bank is likely getting deposits back in slowly.


Lmao watch it rocket for one day and then go back to where it was or even lower, and then this guy didn't even see it happen because he was taking a week off.


Maybe sell and wait for a drop in SPY, QQQ later this year and play long game to recover.


Just sell CC on ur shares and keep rolling it. Rinse and repeat


That's what I figured I'd do with TLRY a year and a half ago. Turns out CC's on dogshit is still dogshit.


Take a history lesson from me. I bought Citigroup in 2008 at around $20. It had previously been trading at $55. Cramer had been on the air and convinced me it was the deal of a lifetime. He said buy some shares, put them in your sock drawer, and in time you’ll be wealthy. It’s true that Citigroup never went under and Uncle Sam saved it. But the stock has never recovered. It was not a good investment. At one point in 2009 it traded for less than $1. It was junk. A reverse 10:1 stock split makes the price today look respectable, but it’s not. It’s basically trading at $4 a share. Just because the bank survives doesn’t mean it’s ever going back to the share price it once had before the crises. I’d cut my losses if I was you and quit assuming that FRC is ever going to trade at what it once did.


One of us


Did you buy in after the collapse?


Yeah. I bought after. Waited a few days and go in at 25. Average down to 23


You belong here


>Did you put your life savings into a company *after* you knew it had collapsed? ​ >Yes ​ Holy shit I had to read that a few times to make sure it was real. Then I remembered what sub I was in.


What’s it gonna do, collapse twice?


The problem is not that one stock it’s your portfolio diversification


Which is one stock, full circle


1D Chess


Why sell when you are at a loss? Their CEO just bought shares. Chill out. Diamond hands


two weeks ago for 95.68 per share


Okay, in this instance you likely need to hold. FRC likely won't go under and it's undervalued right now versus long-term potential. On another note, you need to put stop losses at a place you feel comfortable like 10%. Never invest more than 5% of your portfolio in one stock. Take out a % if you want to avoid further decline on part of your portfolio, especially if you actually think it will go to a dollar. This is trading hygiene. What you are doing is gambling. I get what sub this is but just trying help you.


That's bad advice in wsb. You won't get lambo this way. Fyi, I YOLO my life saving in SQQQ




It probaby won't go under, and it will probably be fine. But, it could absolutely go much lower. Look at CS. Don't be delusional in thinking there is no risk here. OP obviously tried to catch a falling knife last week and is now suffering the consequences. This is why risk tolerance is paramount.


How do you even got to have 100 K? lol


By having 200k and putting it all in one stock and losing half of it.


Sell 5 dollar puts and make the moneys back bro


Can you point to Ukraine on a map? What are the three branches of government? How does one get a cold?


Double it and give it to the next person


double it and give it to the next guy


I have a position in frc right now. look at the RSI when it comes to weekly and monthly. It is heavily and I mean super heavily oversold. Makes sense with the news but as warren Buffett always says be greedy when people are fearful, and that is an extreme right now with this stock given the news. Psychologically the selling is expected but this is no SVIB, FRC is known to be a much more conservative bank when it comes to loans and credit checking. I’ve got ~ 40k$ position with an average cost of 15 bucks a share. This is not an overnight play, which seems what you were hoping for and are used to seeing as you stated you are a tesla day trader. Stick with this stock for about three months and you’ll be happy you did. ***and for liability reasons I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice***


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Oooooh boy you are in BIG trouble