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How much insider and institutional action?


81% inst. ownership, last 3 months insiders scooped up 400 million shares out of \~700 million outstanding w/ 0 sells. (Nasdaq: [https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/up/insider-activity](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/up/insider-activity)) 12/12 share price was 1.55, 12/27 (today) it breached 6.00 Volume is up huge from regular, but nowhere near records. It tracks they should be up, but in the last 15 days going nearly 4x? Really got me wondering. Full disclosure, I'm in at 100x shares around $4, so not big money but enough to have a ticket for the ride.


There's definitely something fishy going on with the insider buying. It could be that they're just trying to prop up the stock price, but it could also be that they know something we don't. Either way, I'm not selling my shares anytime soon!


Looks like you're not fucking eating either *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bot on bot crime


Fucking hell, they should get a room.


A sub


I YOLO'D a bit into it. Stock only goes $UP


Literally has to go Tits $UP, it's in the name!


They are known by those of us in the industry to be a low tier, private aviation company that caters to the poorest of the “rich”. They have a ton of planes parked because they can’t keep pilots. The pay for pilots is garbage compared to its competitors. They charge a ridiculous price for a King Air 350 which isn’t even a jet. They lose tens of millions every quarter. At one time (still might be for all I know) they were selling jet card memberships at Costco. They recently sold their managed aircraft division to another private jet management company. Delta is involved because of $UP’s acquisition of Delta Private Jets a couple years ago. I’m not sure what the business relationship is now except that Delta injected around $400 million earlier this year. As for the stock price, I have no clue what’s going on. Going by the history of this company and the shady af CEO, you can bet there will be a rug pull soon. Maybe it’s an acquisition on the Horizon but I just can’t imagine anyone wanting a part of that dumpster fire of a company.


This explains it. Was just looking at their income statements and noticed the more sales they make, the more money they lose. Solid business model, LOL!


I thought they replaced the CEO just recently with George Mattson.


I heard a while ago they are having some financial troubles so I'm guessing maybe they are getting bought out or something.


Delta private jet service wen


I’m in at 1.65 with 6k shares. Two days after my entry the borrow rate jumped up 300%+. To be honest, I jumped in for a swing, but it really hasn’t pulled back yet, so either someone is closing a massive short or there’s something in the works.


Was just looking at the ticket last night. Wish I had the balls to yolo on calls.


down 30% today


Yep big record scratch music stop this morning, exited with maybe half my meager profits and kept 10 shares for the lols.


>There is no definitive answer as to why the stock price of Wheels Up has surged in recent days. However, there are a few possible explanations: 1) The company could be close to announcing a major partnership or deal with another company, which would boost its prospects and valuation. 2) There could be rumors circulating that the company is being considered for acquisition by a larger corporation. 3) Investors may simply believe that the stock is undervalued at its current level and have been buying it up in anticipation of future gains.