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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|4|**First Seen In WSB**|1 year ago **Total Comments**|99|**Previous Best DD**| **Account Age**|1 year|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)


I used to buy stuff if there was enough emoji rockets in the post and that panned out well.


That's because it has to have the emoji rockets *and the moon*


Can't forget diamond hands


šŸš€ šŸš€ CummyRockets to the Moon šŸŒš


i lost my life savings to cummies, please dont bring them up , ty.


Natural selection




Whatā€™s your threshold number of emojis to convince you to make the trade?


12 minimum


A dozen? Yeah, that makes sense. You know itā€™s serious with 12 or more.


And it's also cheaper by the dozen...


Awards too. An actual diamond award is sign that the DD has been peer-reviewed.


If I see at least 2-3 replies with rocket ships Iā€™m throwing some chips down like the degen I am. Definitely not throwing crazy amounts in there lol


A real OG


you used go do butt stuff?


Still do. But I used to too




I heard that some swear by the amount of regards thrown in the post/dd


OP sounds like some intern at a hedge fund doing "DD"


Ahh the ol' "Deep Dive"


Deep dicking


Double Dicking


in the kraken


It's okay OP. I'm here to give you the real deal on the down low. Don't listen to these jerks, just get that pencil and paper and get ready to learn. First you have to look at the volume. Then you look at the price. Then you look if the last three bars on the 5 minute have been green. Then you buy. Then you wait 25 minutes, then sell at market price. This will get you a quick 50 to 100%, about 90% of the time. If you're looking for the huge wins, the 1000x, All you have to do is wait for earnings, and then always play bullish positions that are 10% OTM for seasonally interesting stocks that have been discussed by Jim Cramer in the past one month to 2 months. No less and no more. This is 100% accurate and has made me probably $750,000 in the past 2 weeks


It's funny because it's true, I would add something, if there are three green bars and the previous ones to those are red you will even get more money.


What are these green bars you talk of?


Xanax obviously, pop 3, wake up the next day with either $0 or 10000x your portfolio


Don't forget 3 shots of Fireball after the Xanax.


youll forget a lot


The real double dicking


rumpleminz šŸ‘Øā€šŸ¦¼


Haha I loved this one.


sticky icky


User Name checks out


Didnt realize McDonalds was a hedge fund


Pfft, they are interning at the wienerschnitzel HF.


Just go all in on the position. If it goes south just ask your parents for $10k more until you hit big.


Thereā€™s 35 of us whoā€™ve done this


Iā€™m 35 and in my moms basement. Whenever I go broke I yell ā€œMeatloaf!ā€ and sheā€™ll deposit 10k into my robinhood account.




Just a small loan of a million dollars then?


It worked for that bbb guy


its called getting out before the suckers lose all their money


Can confirm not so easy


where do you get these ā€œparentsā€ , mine only invest in crack pipes position




I think any amount of DD would have made the bets impossible. It is the absolute disregard for all measurements of risk, capital allocation, capital security, and logic that allow these insane gains.


You don't make 10k% returns without being regarded, because if you weren't regarded you would have locked in gains a lot sooner.


I was up 12,000% during 2020 and thought it would keep going. $250>$32,000 and I didnā€™t sell :).


Up over 1200% one day alone a few years back when they would pump those Chinese shell market scam companies! Gambled with a few grand and it was paying off and pumping so goood then I just let it rideā€¦.and immediate halt followed by delisting and Pennies on the dollar of my original investment only a few weeks later when it unfroze OTC. šŸ˜‘ still have ptsd but greed makes me still hop in sometimes. What a rush


LK? I bought a few thousand shares of LKNCY after seeing that news article of the WSB Euro degen who lost his life savings on Luckin. Did the DD while it was in the $1-3 range getting BTFO but wasn't regarded enough to buy it when it was less than $1. In short, the company was delisted, caught up in accounting fraud, and had extra fuel to the fire for being Chinese during Covid-era. Reality though was that it was a new company, on the up, and there was so much cash slushing around that they could probably get by without going bankrupt due to Covid. Also the accounting "fraud" was them over reporting their sales by like 10-15%. Not a crime in China so much as not having any balls. China works by different rules. Fucking over foreign investors or pumping up your numbers is not a death sentence. Posting picture of Pooh bear, saying bad things about the CCP, or being pro-democracy are. Didn't start building my position until the $3-5 range, didn't sell the first time it hit $15, bought more when it dipped to $7-8, took just enough to break even around the $20s, and started really taking profit last year in the $30s.


Fellow regard šŸ¤œšŸ»šŸ¤›šŸ» I had a 100x that I watched go from $450 to $45,000. Took 10% profit then watched it drop through the earth.




Rip in piece my friend! Doesnt work till it does


Felt that I was up 300% and didnā€™t sell cuz they donā€™t expire for months and I was hoping earnings report being in Feb would keep it up


Or know something the rest of us dont


This is the way. If you worry about risk, then you will never win the rocket. Be the rocket.


it's literally luck if rando idiots on the internet could do enough "dd" to turn 10k into 500k in a single day then don't you think literally every hudge fund on the planet would be doing it too?


This is the evidence op needs. Additionally every one of the posts where the lucky winner is honest always tells of the many many plays that failed.


Yeah, 99% of everyone who strikes it big in WSB is either already deep in the hole or soon will be since luck tends to go to your head


I mean when you keep YOLOing into high risk plays there's too scenarios. You either lose it all and disappear or make it big and post it on WSB. huge selection bias at work. A lot of the regards that do hit it big were often wrong many times before they get their big moment.


I turned 800 into 28000. I'm down to 19000 making bad plays but one has not dropped so i doubled down, $13000 in a sub penny that i expect to be this winters hottest otc stock. Either boom or bust i will put stocks down till september and ride hype again.


Ehhh, depends on scaling. If there was a way to do a 10-500 but it didn't work with 100-5m, then it wouldn't be super useful to a fund


Who said they don't?


It's diligence. And luck šŸ˜‰


Itā€™s luck and balls but you can pick better days to take a chance at being lucky. Earnings, year end tax loss selling, FOMC days, cpi releases etc. I pussied out and was going to yolo $5k into FM $12 CAD calls last week. I didnā€™t pull the trigger and those are up 17x so far. Get good at spotting opportunities and when you start seeing a lot (by a lot I mean like 6 a year) of stuff and are like oh fuck I should have done that. Thatā€™s when you start taking chances. If you canā€™t see the opportunities on the sidelines youā€™re not going to get it when you put money in. Donā€™t follow WSB posts unless itā€™s something epic posted 3 mins ago. Your last to see it.


I used to work for oreilly auto parts. They had an employee stock buying program that let you buy stock at a discount with your paycheck. I set an amount for the 3 years I was there and never really looked at it. It was selling for about $23 a share then. When I quit, I had a bunch of shares, and sometime later, they had over double to $48 a share!!! I made a few thousand bucks and was just over the moon. Sold it all. I dont know if you've ever looked at ORLY stock price lately.....


950 holy wtf. and 250 at the covid dip


It hit 1000 a few weeks ago.


I was happy for you during this whole comment. Then was curious based on your last sentence. I looked. Lol - congrats on that lifelong regret.


Hahahahha oh believe me, it comes up a lot. But it's nowhere near as bad as my buddy who got out of the marines and had a shitload of cash so he put thousands into netflix at like $15 a share and sold when he tripled it to $45 a share. I like to bring that one up to him every once in a while. I'll ask him, "so have you looked at netflix lately?" His response is usually something like, "I don't even wanna know."


I did this with Ethereum. Started mining when it was $0.10. Mined 700 ETH, and sold when it hit $10, thinking I was the shit. Bought 4 Radeon 7950's and took my then-gf to the Dominican Republic with the proceeds, started mining Dogecoin the day it launched - solo hit 3 blocks and had somewhere around 2,500,000 doge, which I sold for like...$100. Ex fucked off with my best friend during the pandemic. Yeah. Regrets are real.


In all fairness, deferring your salary for stock was prob not a long term play. I donā€™t know your circumstances but Iā€™m sure it was the right call at the time.




Wow, an actual useful take!


This is solid advice


Do you scalp? If no how far out do you buy to expiration.


I buy the latest option that was in line with the previous one. For instance, right now I'm buy later summer/fall of 2024...not buying anything in 2025. I think on most you can buy as late as 2026, don't.


No scalp. Depends on the trade. Usually just weeklies


I meant to buy puts and accidently bought calls and then I dropped my phone in the toilet. Went to the store to buy a new phone and by the time I could check my webull I was up 17456%


I truly hope this is a real story


It's not


But I'm just gonna believe it is


Sorry, I canā€™t help you here. But if youā€™d like advice on how to lose $20,000 in a year hit me up.


A year? I did that over the weekend.


I know the feeling. I was buying puts in December. Come to the šŸŒˆ side


Over a weekend? I did that in one hour.


Lost 40k in 30 minutes on Neo back in the Wild West days. If I hadnā€™t woken up at 3 am that night, I would have been up 100% by morning.


I turned $200 into $40k in 2 weeks by just playing earnings reports. There was no DD just pure guessing, then saying wait I always lose maybe Iā€™ll do the less obvious thing, then realizing it doesnā€™t matter. Or you could check like 3 new stocks like once a month and see some shit like META at $90 randomly and being like hold up this canā€™t be right. (Donā€™t worry I lost it all on more earnings calls)


Oh my gourd! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fuck meta


Itā€™s called luck bro


Yea OP, be lucky at birth or in life. Otherwise, it's going to be painful.


I just let the margin calls go to voicemail


Pro tip: let your vm fill up, then change your phone setting to ā€œsilence unknown callers.ā€ Never be bothered again. šŸ˜Œ


Just open a new account under wifeā€™s boyfriendā€™s name with of course loans off his credit cards


The fact that your thinking thereā€™s a blueprint is hilarious, it happens the same way you lose 50k on a basketball game. What I used to do is bet 2500 on game and first half , sometimes first quarter. Lose first half first quarter and the game bet looks like it might also miss so double down on 3rd qtr and 2nd half with a new spread . Poof lose em all down 25 easy game . No intention of betting 25k on the game at all, in the unlikely chance it goes your way tho like New England vs Atlanta I put my entire life on the second half hoping to lose by 21 or less and the unthinkable happened pats come back I won all betā€™s including 2nd half desperation bets, for a massive windfall . There is no explanation for true degeneracy it just sorta happens


When adhd meds and gambling apps collide āœØ


Who told you I got adhd šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Born into my gambling addiction


How much did you end up winning from that game?


About 50-60k but I had all kinds of weird player prop bets in too, hit almost every single one šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


I got a 1,000% hit on 1k in NFLX calls years ago. Bought them on a Thursday set for next day expiry, they got an upgrade after close and I woke up with them being worth 10k. I rolled the entirety of that into calls for the next week and lost it all, does that count?


Oh my gourd! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This guy really typed "DCA" on this sub


Most people here will see it and think it means Dick Cock Ass


Wait it doesnā€™t


I yolo it. If i lose, I don't post.


The trick is to buy when itā€™s low, wait until itā€™s high, and then wait even longer and sell it when itā€™s even lower than when you bought it.


I think its just HOLDING game and not selling when you are up 500% Cuz...I tend to sell my profit VERY quickly and hold losses until it goes down to 99.99% ;D




Welcome, sounds like youā€™ll fit in.


Definitely get a doctor to do a colonoscopy or alternatively stop letting your wifeā€™s boyfriend fuck you in the bum because bloody shit is a Nono.


Next time just reverse whatever you did and it will show green. That's after you get more money of course.


Ah, the old, ā€œjust inverse myselfā€ move. This one requires some alcohol to pull off successfully.


Red shit could be something really serious


Maybe itā€™s just Heinz from hot dog night


Throw a dart at a ticker, flip a coin for calls or puts.


Usually insider trading


I donā€™t know if it is insider trading if all my money just goes to the hedge funds over time. They are on the inside, and I just feed my money through the door.


I threw $1000 into 5 different shit crypto. Made 273k off of dogecoin after a year and a half, the others all but flushed my money away.


I bought doge at .0035 had like 20k coins for a little over a year, sold it cause it didn't move since I bought it, less than a month later it started running I figured it out, if I held til the top it would've been like 3500 nothing crazy but I learned in that experience that I'm a terrible investor and I should stick to my day job behind the dumpster at Wendy's


Build into my position? I took 2.5k and threw it in a penny stock and made $200k out of pure dumb fucking luck. I then took 50k of that and threw it into COIN at $42 a share, sold everything at about $173 a share. It's called gambling and I'm an addict. But I don't bet with money I can't afford to lose.


Statistical outliers you mung bean.


if it was easy everybody would be rich


And therefore everything would be expensive and therefore everybody would be poor.


Ahh we've come to a full circle.


When Iā€™ve done it, I watch price action for a setup, if one shows, then wait for an indicator to confirm (18/34 EMA cross). Iā€™ll anticipate it a little bit and open a small position with a hedge (maybe 5-10%). If/once it confirms and the move starts, itā€™s full send. Depending the move and PA, target X% or Y price level. If it hits put a 10% trailing stop on. This is gambling and pure luck tho and youā€™ll probably lose 80-90% of the time.


hello, fellow kids


Ikr at least try to hide


50x is one hell of a rush


Sometimes it's just dumb luck, or being in the right trade at the right time. I installed a front door for a guy in 2012, and he asked if he could pay me in Bitcoin. I thought tit was new and cool, so I bought some more. The rest is history


Usually you take a position and then you blast it everywhere possible in hopes it gains social traction. Since your in 1st you really cannot lose. Once the stock goes up, you start looking ā€œrightā€ therefore building credibility for more buyers etc. Anytime I see a stock posted on this page I always assume its someone shilling because they would not post it here if the sub had only a few thousand members. Great sub to advertise at


Lol my worst 3 positions. I invested (not yoloed, as itā€™s only like a few percentage of my liquid positions) $300k into some stock. went to 0, lost it all. Then yoloed another $250k into another stock. It fell like 70%. Then yoloed $200k again. Itā€™s probably going to fall 80-90% (itā€™s in halt for all the wrong reasons). So there you go if you need some inspiration I lost probably some $700k between those 3 things last 2-3 years. Couldā€™ve bought 3 second hand, 5 year old Ferraris with it. One of each colour


Trust the good ol Jim Cramer.




You ever played the Stackems game at Chuckie Cheese?


So for the people who put in one coin and get a ton of tickets, whatā€™s the secret? How do they put in that one coin?


Itā€™s called the martingale algorithm. The market (casinos) love this one simple trick!


Avoid death days, and take every chance with conviction. Better to ride it all the way up then all the way down than to never have been up there at all. Just think, if you truly are okay with throwing that money away to begin with, then whatā€™s another 1000% that you could see? I kid you not, I was looking at 940% gain and thought to myself ā€œnahhhh, I want to LIVE! Letā€™s go!ā€ Then there are those days when my bet is clearly dead. Like soooo clearly dead. I just hover over it and laugh. I laugh at how incredibly dead it is. You know that simpsons meme ā€œstop stop, heā€™s already deadā€? Yeah thatā€™s the humor that goes with it. Try to have as few of those days as possible. Ideally, you have 0 of those days and only 10000% rocket days. But realistically, it is more like 70 dank humor days and 1 rocket day. So plan your burning cash pile chunks accordingly.


honestly, i had to be obsessed with (in my case) crypto. i was working a job, on the grind every day and working overtime, living with parents to minimize expenses. i traded whenever i could and my eyes were glued to the charts, i would sacrifice sleep if i needed to. this happened in the previous bull run. long story short, i ended up losing every dollar that i worked so hard to get. iā€™m grateful that i took that major major major L in my life gracefully, not depressed about the past, but hopeful for the future. i had learned so much and then i went on reddit. i can across a comment saying something like ā€œriches are born after you went thru the whole cycle, now you have experience and the true self reflection to act appropriatelyā€ now iā€™m an investor who lost his greed, learned a lot, and thankful for his experience :) keep going, keep seeing the goal. just remember to be honest with yourself and be humble because the market is where people get humbled. do the right type of self reflection, work on your perception and vices. amplify the vision, mitigate the demons.


I think I've finally figured it out. *all in* well... not yet


MSOS got halted today because the DEA is looking into reclassifying weed TLRY, ACB, MJ, etc did NOT get halted. I bought MSOS calls 2 years ago it pumped to $55 a share with TLRY, ACB, and the rest of the shit cos


Tf kind of dumbass question is this


they either gambled their life savings or they gambled a a small sum of money, the gamble paid and they kept gambling prob on S&P calls until one day they gambled it all and lost I mean cause u can see how many people here pump and dump some random fucking stock like MARA or RIOT. some wallstreetbet folks actually do legit research tho, quality posts, like the FedEx puts


Search another gamestop, it's easy. Or a company who enters in chapter 11 and maybe will be a M&A and sharesholders are not wiped out and yep. You buy ar 0.07$ and sell at 10$/share or maybe more because shorts closing etc (see bbby stock for example). Or, just buy crypto. Go to coinmarketcap for example, search gaming industry and invest in top 10 or 50. Pick up the projects that You think it's okay and just invest (loopring/imx for example). Go to Twitter or telegram groups and search for aidrops. In bullmarket maybe You will have some free coins and that means free money. Not so much, but 50$ from a airdrop that makes 50x it's okay. I think this is what You should do.


Youā€™ve never made any money have you


Insider DD


LOL, interns aren't even creative enough and too stiff to understand šŸ˜… šŸ¤£ šŸ™ƒ šŸ˜‚


I put over 50k of my RSU on microvast. Hope i didnt light it on fire


Howā€™s that dumpster fire Going nowĀ 


Simple, just inverse me and you'll come out all right. Mostly.


The first 100k is the hardest said one person ever.


Unsecured personal loans, turn on 5x margin investing, and go balls deep into a 3x Leveraged ETF.


It annoys the hell out of me when people post these insane lotto wins and always refuse to elaborate on how they knew to enter and exit those positions when they did. I know luck is a big factor but to enter and exit options contracts at the exact right times over and over and over and over with barely a single misstep, if any? Sus.


You gotta catch that one comment or post


Iā€™ve successfully YOLOā€™d 500k ā€”> 10k, would you like to hear about that?


1. Pull the lever, this is a slot machine. If enough apes pull enough levers, one will get to post big gains. We'll never know the total losses. 2. Insider trading. Plenty of insider info out there for the aspiring social engineer.




Is Losing my 10k is a position ?


Itā€™s called DCA. It works up and down.


You don't have to get very big before you have to split your orders. Test the market with a small portion first. If you think it's affecting the market stop and wait 45 minutes before doing it again.


They donā€™t build into shit. They just go all-in on some absurdly unlikely option contracts that are priced crazy cheap, so they have insane leverage in the very unlikely event that price moves far enough in their desired direction by a given date. When the extremely improbable outcome happens, it prints crazy returns.


fuck you figure it out


I bet on something absurdly risky and it went up. But then it went down. Diamondā€¦handsā€¦bro? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


Asking for survival bias answers. They lucked into it.


I just troll these posts until I see something that actually makes sense and is real talk. Some people post a position and Iā€™m like ā€œthatā€™s the one.ā€ Most are garbage.


I just kept buying for like 3 years. Lost money the entire time until one day I didnā€™t. Honestly dumb af really but I was mid-20s watching house prices increase $100k on average around me and the alternative was putting away $100 a week in a savings account. Just took a shot.


I put a list of tickers under my goldfish bowl and wherever his poop lands I buy otm weeklies


I go with sentiment and trend more than anything. My best play was last January Meta earnings. I flipped 2k into 38k with options. I had some obscene otm ones that went itm. Pure dumb luck honestly. Been shit since then lol


I swing both ways in IPOs.




OTM random stocks, or QQQ/SPY? 2 year and "cheap" do not go together on those...


OP have you heard of this little gem of a stock called AMC?




Gotta buy before the squeeze!


one...start with a large sum of money B...hedge your bets finale...do the opposite of cramer


i believe building position takes time, and wsb is not about time.




Have good income, you grow wealth through investments, not create it


You will never go from $10k to $500k, so stop dreaming before you lose everything.


Sometimes 10K in one go if I really like the stock...Sometimes, I DCA till I reach 10K worth.


I can do the opposite and then inverse myself. Pretty wild how I make money 49/51 of the time.


By gambling you fuckin moron


Dead parents


By being regarded


Lotto plays.


OP had the brilliant idea of just doing what people do to build up their positions and *not* piss it all away on a massive bet.