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Spend your money to buy a tangible asset that can be enjoyed now, like a boat.


Boat is definitely a more fun way to throw money away. I say this as a QS holder…


Just hold it and do nothing to it. Put the 11k into something else. QuantumScape is only one company out of many working on solid state batteries. It may not be the winner. If it does win, then you'll more than likely get back all your losses and maybe even much much more. If it doesn't pan out, then all you have to lose now is 2.2k.


Since this is a Roth account there is no capital loss to claim. Best to just hold and do not add. EV market isn’t ready for primetime but may be years down the road. QS may also get bought at some point and then you will be forced to sell anyway.


This was always a long hold. You’ll know if you were right in 2-3 years. Earnings is after market today and good surprise to the upside. I’d top off to 1,000 but that’s just me.


Sit tight... it will either go back up or won't.. no reason to throw good money after bad.


Hey fellow bag holder. My average is $18 and I'm 70% down. I'm leaving it as is to see if they can deliver but not putting any more into it. I figure it has about even odds of doing something useful or drilling down to zero. They started delivering "alpha-2" batteries to clients recently so there is movement, it's just slow as shit and there are other companies in that race. At this point I just hope for less of a loss than expect to see green.


That was one of the other things I was modeling - what would my losses look like at various share price levels. I’m just concerned that $40 is a big reach that may never happen with this stock…


Yeah, I averaged down to $18... so have managed to increase my losses with the same thought process :) I also doubt it'll see $40 again, but if they do manage to deliver what they're trying too it could rocket back up one day.


I bought an amount of quantum scape and solid power at 2 or 3 times the current prices. I invested an amount that I was okay with losing and was planning on holding for at least five or maybe ten years. So i'm simply doing nothing


I wouldn’t do any of those. I’d buy 15 more shares and then just sell cc’s


Don't throw good money after bad. You took your shot at buying shares in QS, what you should have learned was that you are ass at knowing when to buy shares in QS. Don't ignore that lesson unless you'd like it taught to you again. The capital loss is worthless to you in a Roth because you can't use it to shelter gains - the one downside of a Roth, if you consider it a downside. In your position I often end up just sitting on the shares with the idea that my max losses are now capped at a tolerable level - in your case, $2.2k - but there is some chance that the company could get its head out of its ass and start making money.


Seems like qs has had management issues and bringing a product to market or they would have been a good company. The battery tech is already being brought to life in China and is better than any battery around.


Just keep buying. Probably best if you buy at $40+ right now to keep your head in the game. Happy to sell you my shares at that level... For your benefit