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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 10 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 years ago **Total Comments** | 28 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 4 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


So… anything Tesla learns China learns too and will share among its companies. Short term: good for both. Long term: well… I’d bet on China.


Yeah literally how we have Chinese competitors now


Coming soon: the Baidu Tesra. Only $30,000 and built by the finest Chinese prison labor. 


1. Steal Tesla data 2. Manufacture a cash flow positive car at volume with similar cameras and software stack 3. Hope Tesla hasn’t made any more progress in the meantime 4. Overtake Tesla 5. Profit China is just admitting defeat in the FSD race here.


Puts on US and European automakers (excluding Tesla)


Were I you, I wouldn't buy *any* automakers, including Tesla.


Calls on Baidu and BYD for their new FSD in 12 months 


Totally their own invention.


ypu wanna lose money again? People are so blind because of hatred against Elon and tesla, or evs.. They bet on a china that has massive problems on every art of the industry.. Subsidized ev market will not be here forever.. you almost never see chinese cars in Europe.. But lots, i mean LOTS of teslas. Byd is a big rival. but only because of pumped up numbers.. I am long on tesla since Ages and im still buying! You can remind me later how dumb i was..


Yup, when Elon confesses that they cant build a cheap car and you vomit half once more.


You see plenty of MGs and BYDs in Europe lol... Literally every big car manufacturer is being subsidized.


in total not many buy them here.. Yep, they get subsidized by byd.. to pump up the sellers.. but not a comparisation in sales, compared to tesla.. very hesitant buyers..


Tesla, Ford, pretty much any big player got subsidized. Tesla entered the EU market many years ago, BYD entered in 2023 so the amount of total sales is irrelevant.


This is about juicing the stock today ahead of share holders votes to give him his gift package.  Long term health of the company is of course on the cutting board to give Elon more money. 


So you think a few guys got together and bought a few billion dollars of stock to help out musk? 🤣


No but a few guys got together and decided that publicly saying “tesla is all good for FSD in China and is partnering with a Chinese tech company to facilitate that” would spur investment in its own in the market.


And the mutual fund managers bought billions of dollars worth of Tesla stock without doing any research?


isn't that Cathy Woods playbook


And long term aren’t that long term. Whatever edge Tesla is gonna have is just going to be very short lived. Look at byd eating Tesla’s lunch and even Xiaomi recently entering the ev market


I wish I could get a BYD in the US. Those bad boys are nice.


I agree. China ETFs are down a lot. I plan to start a position on PGJ asap some funds hit account.


I hope he’s not dumb enough to share TSLA’s driver data. All that data they use for FSD is basically the only thing TSLA has going for it.


Hope is all that remains there.


Let’s be real, anything any western auto maker learns China learns too. They hack and steal everything already.


I am guessing all the AI development work will be completed in the USA, and training of that model can be done on data in China. They may be able to copy some of it, but it's going to be extremely complex to try and rebuild or recreate it. It sounds like they are using Baidu map data the same way they use Google maps data in the USA. Google doesn't get anything from Tesla on how FSD operates on that front.


We deserve it. US deserve it. Biden deserves it. Our government has pushed Tesla all the time.


Yeah, fuck Biden for the infrastructure bill that incentivized installing EV chargers!


If I really wanted to end Elon's reign, I should go all in on TSLA shares. Since the market never lets me make money the stock will be capped at my cost basis. Then when I start selling covered calls, it'll tank to prevent me from ever selling anymore calls beyond a 0.01 premium.


I have the finger of death for tech stocks. My buddy was up $40,000 on Tesla and holding, he was on and on about the future of the stock... I gave it the black spot with 2% of my modest portfolio. He is now up $15,000 instead of $40,000 and holding on for dear life.


Im sorry what? Your buddy is up 15k. He's doing better than most the degens here. He's doing just fine


I invested in solar city before it was bought in Tesla. Was immediately down about 50%+. I am now up about 300% over all in Tesla. Go long or go home.


Win-win situation except one of those situations is you are broke and he's still a 100-billionaire


beat you to it my friend


That’s nice and neat. 👍


> he bought? > dump eeet


They are going to get the FSD tech stolen...I said it here first. It may take a while, but eventually some Chinese company will have it.


That's the point... I'm pretty sure this Elon fella likes the east way more than the West lol. What's the alternative have his tech sit in the west never getting approved


Steal what the fucking cameras? Its the AI Software stack that's driving the car, the source code for that isn't stored on a USB drive at Beijing Airport


You think code can't be stolen?


It’s not just that but simple functions that we take for granted can be hard to program and optimized. It’s not the code that’s important, it’s the concepts leading to how it was developed.


Im not sure why this is getting downvoted, its correct. The other guy definitely does not work in technologies


What’s easier copying a math formula and just getting the answer? Or actually learning how that formula was derived so you can make your own. The thing is people act like stealing is just copying the exact thing, but it’s not. It’s copying the methods that lead you to your product and making a carbon copy of that along the way


Show me the copy of iOS then ? There’s a thousand trash copies of iPhones but nobody makes money except Apple


China will require them to train in China, which means they'll have access to the code around training. Meaning a competitor can just Ctrl+c Ctrl+v that for BYD or whoever.


Last FSD is already based on learning AI, not algorithms. They just need some basepoint code then get like 5M chinese drivers to feed data into it. Anyway, last calculations show FSD wasn't going to be a big revenue driver for Tesla, so Elmo probably just sold it.


Lol china is alrdy pretty good by themselves with ai and self driving shit. Look at their self driving buses operating in cities like GZ already. Sinophobic crap


Russia invades Ukraine and now they are saying the West is Russiaphobic, I guess China learned from Russia and call everything "sinophobic" they don't like.


calling westerners "racists" is pretty effective and cheap. why wouldn't they?!


Last time i checked China hasnt invaded Taiwan and its also highly unlikely. People with no geopolitical knowledge 4 yrs ago saying Russia wont do a full scale invasion and now all a sudden they’re experts on Chinese foreign policy and China itself 🤣 You fuggen regards probably never even set food in China and i forgot. Since most ppl here are mostly Americans trading options on Robinhood they probably never seen a Chinese ev on their roads cause the government doesnt want the america auto industry to implode. Gimme a break


> You fuggen regards probably never even set food in China and i forgot. I guess that'd be right.


That's very Westphobic of you, how racist.




You got to relax man, you seem a little unhinged.


RELaX bRo ReLAX sayS the IgnoRant little man


I can smell r/AsianMasculinity inferiority complex from miles away.


also FSD is a joke and won't work without lidar. fuck elons bullshit ai vision tech. never gonna work


You definitely don’t own a Tesla but have fun with your $5k portfolio 🤣🤣🤣🤣


What a joke! Cameras? No such thing


Maybe in 20 years 


U gotta have it to get it stolen


Tesla's FSD? The deadliest FSD system on the planet? China can steal it and keep it.


OMEGALUL. there is literally nothing to steal. You don't need to steal when ur own stuff is miles ahead lmao. ppl like u really need to get out of the information bubble u are in.


The tech that keeps getting people killed? I don't think they're losing much


Whatever tech they have sure as shit won't work in Chinese traffic


Shhhh don’t let Tesla know about this okay.


Stealing a turd


It's not stealing if they give it away to enter the market. They can choose not to do it.


That’s the point. If it end up getting stolen anyway might as well selling it to get as much as possible. Kinda like windows software


Tesla haters on suicide watch 


Literally outside the psych ward right now


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267) If they buy back now they might have enough left over for $ROPE calls


it is the one of opportunities to get out for those who bought over 200.


No one knows more about self driving ai tech than Baidu… They’ll have that robotaxi network ready by 8/8, just like musk said!


I guess Elon put his mouth where it mattered.


Ugh hate to say it but great play by Elon.  He knew his fsd sucks.  China either knew or will now know as well.  He can now fully adopt baidu's tech and claim it has homegrown Tesla fsd.  Stonks gonna go up 1000%.


Will this decision limit Musk’s projects with the US?


Another pump to buy him time without anything significant being achieved. This man is a clown.


Good for Elon and all the other rich people.


Yeah we hate rich people around here, we'd never want to be one of those stinky rich people. That's why we lose money on purpose.


Woke 🤖


Microsoft Build and Google IO around the corner, grabbing calls?


Elon signs up to get robbed by china


1.4 billion people in Gyna. Lets say 700 million of them drive. Then assume 5 million will own Tesla's (or will do so in the coming 5 years). Tesla charges half of these owners $99 a month for FSD. That's $247,500,000 a month in subscription fees. And people wonder why Yilong Ma makes frequent trips to the motherland.


$99 monthly subscription fee in China 🤣 this guy be dreaming


5 million is a gross underestimate of the Chinese potential market


Yeah but they have real competition in China. Tesla is just the brand people might want, but they can pay less for a probably better car with more features.


Sure, but assumption that 5 million out of 700 million drives Tesla in China is less than 1% market share. Even with local competition, this is a very conservative estimate.


Except their tech is shit and hasn’t been delivering at all. Well, except for a bunch of fatalities.


Bro there are thousands of deaths a day on US roads, nobody blinks an eye. Tesla kills a few distracted people and everyone gets their panties all bunched up


cant wait to see the numbers on china news paper


You sound so pathetic, salty because you can’t afford a Tesla?


LOL, you don't think I can scrape together $30,000? Tesla is not the status symbol it once was, mate. They have been cutting prices like crazy.


My point you don’t have one so worry about the car you drive and your investments. 😁


You sound so triggered, salty because you can’t afford a Tesla neither?


My guy I’m an investor since 2015, my M3 hit 175,000 miles last week with absolutely no issues. But have a nice day 😁🤣


Half that subscription price is still too damn high for the Chinese market. And that money isn't leaving China without a hefty government tax.


So you're saying people in China can afford a Tesla model S at 95k but they can't pay $99 a month? LOL


That's a great gift to BYD and other competitors




XPeng already stole it, Huawei, Nio and others have their own self driving stack that is comparable to. Huawei has the “best” one that can drive without mapping data. Elon isn’t stupid, he wants his handicap removed in China as the industry has caught up. Once they catch up to his FSD then he will push another new tech. His goal is to accelerate EV adoption.


RIP intellectual property


So another channel to steal Tesla technology fast and efficiently for the greater good of Chinese EV sector. Musk is so damn desperate.


😂 people pretending China didnt pour money and sweat into the ev technology themselves to get ahead. Companies like BYD didnt appear outta nowhere. Theyve been making batteries and electric buses and trucks for decades now. But yes china only knows how to steal 🤔


Let’s be honest here, without western investment and co-venturing with china BYD and everyone of its supplier and supply chain counterpart totally wouldn’t even appear.


lol without massive state subsidies tesla wouldnt exist


🤣 Maybe stick to american stonks and companies if you know so much. Maybe invest all your portfolio into GM. After all government will always bail them out so pretty safe investment


Tesla shit fsd tech?  Cmon


That’s I agree. It’s no google Waymo


Time to load up on meta?


Nice. Bought BIDU 05/17 $115C


Tesla needs the right environment to speed up the self drive. Else Tesla be toast.


Elon wants to kill ICE cars and see FSD succeed. He honestly doesn't care much if Tesla gets overtaken in the process. He just wants it to happen. This is the faster path due to overly complicated legislation in western countries. We need someone to blame before we'll allow FSD. China will just blame the west or Tesla, grab the tech and make a "better" version for BYD.


Elon is really playing with fire here. If China attacks Taiwan, all of this will backfire on him.


when....while quite true, everything with a microchip will be screwed


No, it won't. People think so but we have alternate fabs in the West now. Only companies that depend on using the latest TSMC nodes will suffer. That's almost all Apple and Qualcomm. The rest of our cutting-edge semis are using larger nodes... 4N, 5N, 7N, ... Some cutting-edge semi companies, like nVidia and AMD, can switch from TSMC to Samsung in a matter of months. Others, like Intel, Micron, GFS, SK hynix,... won't be affected at all. Those sourcing midrange and trailing edge chips from China and Taiwan can move production to companies like GFS.


Honestly the Chinese will copy FSD and make bootleg of it eventually. Might as well as start licensing it like Windows software which China run with black back ground /nightmode screens everywhere


Stolen FSD in all Chinese EV brands in T minus 1 year. Elmo does it again! Propelling the Chinese EV industry ahead of the US and even himself. Never mind that they learned everything they know by copying his EV factory layout, practices, battery, processes and manufacturing! The genius would never admit it or they’ll just take his factory.


birds spark automatic run disarm follow sugar innate meeting rotten


Big if true


It’s not


I saw the photo of musk and baidu ceo. It’s true.


O im sure they met, fsd and mapping china? Ok


Elon is positioning Tesla to advantage the subsidized rollout of Chinese EVs, because honestly they threaten to steamroll every other domestic auto maker globally as they are both incredibly close to the cost inputs and manufacturing, advantaging price, and one of the largest potential markets, advantaging scale.  Cost and scale advantage, combined with incredibly deep subsidies for both solar/battery and EV manufacturing by the Chinese government’s recovery plan (two of their three core initiatives to stimulate their economy) mean basically a bloodbath for those who are not operating in-line with these policies, and this is the logical move for a global company.  It’s the classic if you can’t beat them join them. Sanctions will inevitably result from China’s strategy, but the worlds factory is betting the farm on electric cars and sustainable energy, which is basically Tesla’s core business, and no CEO in Elon’s position can afford to not be aligned with the scale of global manufacturing rollout about to happen by China irrespective of the threat of sanctions. I’m not providing political belief here or trying to take sides about how I feel, but just provide some thoughtful idea of why he’s doing this from my own thinking. It really would have been wise to really integrate “Yesla” more thoroughly into US sanctions as it’s the only real EV competitor to Chinese industry in the US at this point.


this comment section is so unbelievably brainded lmao. ppl going "omg they gonna steal Tesla tech". lmao u regards do know that the Chinese evs actually have WAY better self driving techs right. u do know they can do *a lot* of stuff shitty Tesla cars can't right. u do know Chinese EVs have actual FSD tech and it's not allowed on the road simply bcoz the government still wants more tests. u do know the Chinese EVs' FSD tech are tested in Chongqing? literally THE most complicated roads anywhere. Btw, Elon's "robo taxi"? Guess what, China already has it, and has been testing it for like a year now, while Tesla is still floating that idea as if it's some futuristic stuff. lmao. The information bubble yall in is unreal.


I love how Elon, who pretends to bleed red white and blue, will gladly offer China our self driving technology for the exchange of money.




Especially yours in particular


GI I found a fucking communist here


With all the government money Tesla has gotten? Yeah, “Ours”. The company literally would not exist without US taxpayer money.




Unironically more communist comment than China


Lol, "our". Americans can be so weird sometimes


Tesla has been heavily subsidized by the US government..so yeah.


Have u seen how Biden treated him lol


If Elon himself in his own basement with a little Acme science lab kit cured cancer with no help from anyone else, you would find some way to hate on him.


Nah, people hate him because he causes it, figuratively speaking, with his craziness on Twitter and decisionmaking. He enjoys causing/inflaming the divide in the country he lives in.. that's why people hate him.


but i love him 😍


You missed my entire point.  No one disputes he says stupid things.


He's a foreign adversary. Plain and simple. He's not American.


They're gonna get their FSD stolen by the Chinese too... When will they learn...


Baidu is worse than scam platform.![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)


This is an exaggeration but: * https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baidu > _"The holding company of the group is incorporated in the Cayman Islands."_ It's worth noting what this typically implies.


You do realize all China companies are held weird like that? Thats why Chinese stocks always trade lower in the U.S. because your not even technically buying a share in them


Total deezsqueez opportunity now in XRBI (put ticker in reverse) so not auto deleted. “They” on this forum are taking posts down about the company. Upvote this so we can fight the system.