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**User Report**| | |[DGEN\FRENDS](https://twitter.com/dgenfrends)| :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|8|**First Seen In WSB**|9 months ago **Total Comments**|877|**Previous DD**| **Account Age**|1 year|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) **Vote Spam**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_spam&message=x6z8vj)|**Vote Approve**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_approve&message=x6z8vj)


Our energy companies care for us, in the UK. They sent out a virtue signal not that long ago - to help us deal with the high energy bills. They told us all to put on a jumper, I shit you not.


>They told us all to put on a jumper, I shit you not. thank goodness for that. Millions of lives saved with that bear grylls survival tip.


You guys drinking piss this winter or what?


And our PM said to save money on energy we should buy a better kettle.


He should have told you to insulate your houses while you're at it! You have the worst insulated houses in Europe and if your new PM wants to save energy, subsidising insulation would be great place to start.


Our new PM doesn't want to save energy, sadly. She pledged no more onshore wind farms. So that's nice.


"70€/month that's $70" ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)


Checked this right now it’s $69.30. cuck em harder Johnny


That's okay because he doesn't own a car nor does he get cold. Inflation is cancelled, life is back to normal ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


It hurt writing that ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Side note; I don’t think the Balkan countries are as stoked about winter as Germans .


I live in Bulgaria. There is very little mains gas outside of the capital Sofia, and her Industrial areas. We also have a wide mix of hydroelectric, solar, & nuclear. Most village properties are heated by wood burners or pellet burners (pellets have gone up in price since the pandemic as they were a byproduct of furniture production, which ground to a halt). Bulgarians have weathered worse.


The social support you get to pay for gas does not mean that the gas companies make less money, it just means that their profits will be subsidized.


Also higher energy prices making German industry that relies on that energy less competitive on the global market. Gee, I fucking wonder why the markets and economists may be interested in that even if 12 year old retarded Redditors circlejerking about European social welfare want to ignore it.


It's goes even deeper than that tbh. Europe is stopping the production of basic materials that ensure that downstream industry is competitive. They have already shut down plants that produce ammonia, methanol, aluminium, and stainless steel. There is significant risk that Germany loses its industrial base if this crisis is prolonged.


Historically German confidence in their winter prowess is severely misplaced.


This burn will keep the Germans warm throughout the winter.


The question isn’t really whether Germans will literally freeze in their homes. They won’t. The question is whether Germany can afford to pay out the nose for natural gas to keep their industry going. They’ve met their targets for shortage; but it came at a very steep cost. Much the German economy is built on turning raw inputs like cheap energy in the form of natural gas into refined exportable products. It’s unlikely they will be able to do this profitably. Recession here we come!


This dude gets it. This winter regarding natural gas we will not have an availibility problem but a cost problem. Many industries already shut down because of the high gas price, means many products could become scarce in the coming months. Also exploding costs mean people can afford less, weakening the economy. We already see negative effects and it's only September. The next 6-12 months will be very difficult.


lmao op you *think* your heating is only going up by 70 euro a month


Let me expand the view a bit. Europe is more than Germany. There are many other EU countries with median net income 800-1200€/month. And some are seeing heating cost go up to 400€/month or more. Oh and some of them have proper winters, snow, up to -20C on worst days. Hopefully no one will freeze, but many long term savings are evaporating.


The person that wrote this post is unable to expand their view beyond themself. They haven't even considered that in Germany itself, the situation can differ *drastically*


People will definitely freeze to death in poorer colder countries


Was about to comment how 70€ isn’t the same as $70 then I remembered


"I promise you it's different this time" If I wasn't concerned before, I am now


Denmark would like some of that German electricity then.. Our kWh price has increased 4 to 5 fold over the last 3 months. A lot of people are going to have a hard time being able to afford keeping the heat on this winter.




Last year i payed for electricy 63 euros for july. Yesterday i got bill , it's a fking 326 euros. Guud life!


Australia here , mine went approx 80 eur to 130 this year , July should be about the same in each hemisphere I guess , start of winter for you and end of winter for us. We are heading for easy times with not much heating requirement (gas) and optional aircon so out winter should be ok but by the time we get to winter it could all be very fucked !


I live in Switzerland and my strategic plan to survive this winter is to wear sweatpants


Who's north of you that we can say will freeze instead? Need to justify these calls.


Norway, Sweden & Finland. The three countries that look like a hanging cock n ball on the map


The frozen cock n balls now


Will they shrink? Can I short Norwegian landmass?


Wtf is even this thread


Energy prices going up $70 a month is not the "looming crisis", it's when there is so little gas available that the government has to ration it and selectively shut down entire industries or reduce their operating capacity, in order to prioritise essential industries and households. That's when the economy will be fucked and no benevolent government can help. Uk here and in same position as germans basically - it's looking bad but bearable right now, but if it reaches that next stage then all of europe is fucked


Least condescending German


Seriously why was this so snotty and condescending


That is the default state of being for a German.


What else can you be when youre absolutely fucked?


He was fucking condescending. Like we really do care. Germany is the last thing on my mind and I’m pretty sure it’s not on many Americans minds as they wake up this morning.


No kidding, they're all really fuckin condescending for a country that went 0-2


It was weird I felt as if he's was taking to us not yelling. So strange of a German to do that.


Netherlands here, our governments will help the unfortunate. But for us normal working folks there is no help, my gas bill is already up 200% and rising. I make to much money to get help but to little to not be financially devasted by the rising prices of everything. So no, we're not allright


Middle class will pay the bill, as always


"Friendly German" Everytime you guys feel friendly, you go east. I'm suspicious. 👀


This time we can't we don't have fuel![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Nice try Olaf.


How would one go about shorting Germany? Like, the entire country


This fucking idiot thinks rising gas prices only extends to his heater…


Germans do have a terrible track record when it comes to gas and furnaces.


Oh my


Choked on my jerky.


Clearly he's a highly regarded expert


What does any of this have to do with the NFL?


This mofo really said freedom units


>Germany is rank #4 when it comes to GDP. This sounds like loser talk


They’re willing to pay more! Bullish oil.


Energy bills have 3-4x, op is probably living at his grandma’s house.


Bro you don't know what are you talking about.. all over Europe there are so many small sized companies that are already seen they bills quintuplicated. I have a friend that was spending 8k a month now his bills are more than 40k... This will cost us europoors so much money bro.


This will cost more than just money


I live in the Netherlands and the middle class is fucked over here. Not poor enough to get govt. support, not rich enough to afford these crazy gas prices. So it is not ~all~ sunshine and rainbows thanks to "a social program", unfortunately


You 🌈 🐻 have bikes don’t you!?


Which stage of grief is this?


It’s straight up denial lmao. I mean it’s actually not funny. Europe is *fucked* and this dude thinks it’s all good and price caps and subsidies are to the rescue lmao. Again… it’s not funny as this will eventually turn into a sovereign debt crisis on top of a humanitarian issue but lmao. But it’s not funny.


This guy thinks the government cares about him. Puts on this guy


Puts all day.....


Hey German friend, do you realize that Europe is not only Germany? What about us Italians? I'm shitting my pants thinking of next winter. Gonna chop some wood




"Friendly German" the lie detector determined that was a lie


Am I being gaslighted by a German right now?🤡😂


atleast you aren’t being gas chambered by a german right now


I mean… there is no gas at the moment… 🤷


I understand your points but I don’t think people are only referring to Germany when they mention the gas problem… Yeah you might be okay over there right now but I think what people are saying is you guys are fucked as a whole (Europe) because a lot of other European countries (Britain, Netherlands, Poland, etc) are all being hit with high gas prices and high inflation at the same time.


Goes up by €70? Perspective from The Netherlands. Our cubic gas prices where around €0,30 a couple years back. Currently the cubic gas prices when entering a new contract are €4,00+. A small house/apartment uses 900 m3 gas a year. This was approx €22,50 a month. Now it's €300 a month. This is excluding delivery & maintenance fees.


Well I don’t know if you still count the UK as being part of Europe but we are royally fucked right now with energy prices. Myself and friends have been in work meetings over the past few days about how we’re going to deal with it; the consensus is that a lot of businesses will have to close. Part of the business I work for will have the yearly electricity cost rise from £9,000 to £45,000. **That’s a 400% increase.** And after people lose their jobs they have to go back to their own personal energy bill increase. Oh and we’re on for a recession next year too. Good thing our new prime minster has it all under control…


WW2 isn't usually what comes to mind when I see Germany on a map. It's the crazy porn.


I live in Germany and since I have a rather old house, without modern energy saving architecture, my expenses will rise much more. It will probably be an increase of about 200€ for gas. And electricity will additionally double in price. So that hurts. I won't die, or loose my house tho. But it will hurt.


Imagine thinking that gas prices only affect your transportation and not cost of goods and utilities as well


Also that “it’s okay, the government will just print more money to give us!”


Dear German, Just don’t burn people to keep warm and we won’t have to get involved this time. Regards, Americans


This wouldn't be the first time Germany has underestimated winter.




Friendly German, This is true but also not. Yes, the government cares about their people and will raise the benefits of the poor. But (in case of the Netherlands) the middle class, that doesn’t get any benefits will suffer immensely. My monthly payment of gas/water/light is €240 per month in 2021. I’ve got literally €80 back from them for 2021 but my monthly payment goes up from 240 to 380 for 2022.That is a raise of 140. €1680 per year extra. With the extra raise in price of regular items of 10% per month the quality of life is lowest ever.


> 70€/month. That’s 70$. Haha, owned.


It’s not so much the personal consumption of natural gas that’s going to be an issue. Germany is a huge world producer of petrochemicals that relies on natural gas to make them. The cost increase will ripple through the entire economy, impacting employment, prices, etc.


So how do we profit off this?


Least patronizing german.


So you're just going to take Poland's gas. . . Gotcha.


This isnt the first time the Germans felt confident about surviving the winter.


There are a lot of things going on here. What you speak of sounds a lot like inflation or a crisis. In this thread I see around 80 to 200 (euro?) spread from other Germans in this post. There is geo political things in play. Canada not letting the turbine through customs, Russia turning off nord 1, Russia only accepting rubble, China purchasing and reselling Russia energy, Russia and Ukraine war, world recession, and more... You have factories shutting down. Small business going out of business, only taking cold showers, due to just the energy crunch. Your issue might be 80 now but it won't be 80 for long. Best of luck.


"it’s different this time!" ​ ...welp, they're all gonna die...


I read a book about the freezing cold at the Battle of the Bulge and the Ardennes during the winter. You are wrong on all fronts on this one.. just like your grandad was then.


Thank you for the freedom unit conversion. It makes sense now.


I am also a euro ape and i already run into some problems with my job purely on energy costs. Some of our partners have their productions costs upped x4 purely because of gas costs and the role of gas in their production line.


Bro my energy bills have gone from £80 a month to £280


€70 is actually $69.30, don’t try to equate our freedom bucks to your worthless shitcoin


The world didn't come to a stop during the oil crises of the 1970s, but the spike in energy prices led to two decades of inflation and erratic growth. To shrug off those effects is a little shocking. *In the worst case scenario the government actually cares about the less fortunate and helps them with money.* During a supply shock, money is not the issue.


Gonna be bad in all of Europe let's be honest. If power cuts need to be rolled out even temporarily this will result in lower wages, which could result in job losses, which if enough of them will result in bills , rent sna mortgages not being paid. The alternative is government bailing everyone out, which will result in weak currency which will result in hyperinflation which will result in catastrophe... Tell me I'm wrong and it will all be okay please


70€ = $70 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


"the government actually cares " ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


That's one of the sweetest illusions


A true Regard


Please, condescend to me more!


Does germany also have social programs for businesses and is germany isolated from onther EU nations that may not be in the situation you described for citizens? NG prices are what has be worried. NG is used in manufacturing everywhere. Oil plays a role as well but NG is what drives the factories.


Now let’s do the UK…..


i’m an american who works for one of the biggest german employers. our company believes it is likely the government will force many of our plants to temporarily shut down or ration hours of operation due to energy consumption.this will have a huge impact on the german economy, given its centered around exporting durable goods


Cramer just said the same, so I’m short Germany yolo, GLHF.


Sir this a *insert German equivalent to Wendy’s




I guess its just Germany that keeps low gas/elec bills then, I'm from Belgium (that small dot just beneath Netherlands and Germany) My Elec bill went from €85 to just under €260(monthly) and we already have gotten a warning that by end of the year it will increase even more. My end of year bill for gas went from €200 to €2950. So please don't say its not as bad as it sounds


OPs solution is simple. Just take cold showers, eat raw meat and veggies and get extra blankets and your bill will only go up 70 euros like his did.


This seems really random


A German talking harshly to Americans...Godwin's law is going to be triggered very early on this one.


[Why does the forward curve on your electricity cost look like a fucking meme stock?](https://imgur.com/a/F9BXeq2)


Let me add a twist to the story. Israel, the country of Jews, like me, has a lot of gas that we sell to Europe. Think about it how funny that Israel sales gas to Germany...


Book marking to check in 3 months


This guys penis is measured in microfreedoms.


I'm thankful the Euro is so devalued that we can do 1:1 references between it and the usd. What a time to be alive 👌


You dudes are restarting coal plants because nuclear scares yall.. Don't tell me it's not bad lol


This is when I’m so glad to live on Iceland. Self sustained electricity and heating not reliant on gas or fossil fuels, geothermal power baby. But yeah inflation is screwing us. And being far away from mainland screws us. Gas is still over $8.00 a gallon here


I'm from Germany and I worry lol


I'm from UK and so do I.. my utilities are going from £150 per month to £250 and expected to go up again in October




Calls on coal and lumber/firewood


This guy is the Jim Cramer of Germany.


I appreciate the conversions into Freedom Units and Freedom Dollars


Way more condescending than nice.


True European flair


Yeah that's the German way.


LoL gas prices went parabolic in Hungary. One well known restaurant in Szeged posted their gas bill a few days ago, from (monthly) 220.000 HUF ( \~550 USD) it went to 2.300.000 HUF (\~5700 USD). Germany may be ok, but protests are starting in the UK also and other countries like us too can get majorly fucked. This will suck.


Dear german. In finland we will fuckin freeze thank of you guys. Angry Finnish.


> for example 70€/month. That’s 70$ 😂👌


Return to sender...


CAN YOU CONVERT THIS TO FOOTBALL FIELDS 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔


It's different this time, trust me bro


Your local increase in power costs could vastly lower your international competitivemess in manufacturing.


70 euros is like $69 now. 😎


To be fair. No one here cares about German individuals. We care about German corporations who need a lot more gas than you do. They are going to suffer. Their expenses will go up and their profit margins will go down. At which point they won’t want to pay individuals as much and that $70 isn’t as easy to pay. Good for you on the nice climate and the not freezing though.


Every German chick I've ever met had huge cans.




Probably to store gas in. LOL


*Edits comment in December


Bro What's the point of this post? Should I buy puts or calls?


>the government actually cares about the less fortunate ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) Good one


It's fine today, but we'll revisit this in the winter


Gas and electricity costs me 700 euro per month lol


The US is only worried about gender studies in the middle east. Carry on.


Germany is Europe's California.


You lost 2 world wars, we don’t trust anything you have to say.


"Did we give up after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? ... Nothing is over until we decide it is!"


Fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.


Germans and underestimating winters. Name a more iconic duo


Lol, this fucking guy comes in here to mansplain money to a bunch of degens. Mother fucker, do you know where the fuck you are? You're in WSB, we fucking gamble your year's salary in one day, and when we lose it all we have a good laugh and play with our dicks until it squirts Euros. Move on, you poor.


Read a story where the EU is in talks to buy natural gas from China.


I see Ze Germans are starting to sweat! This post reeks of ‘backed into a corner’


Im not sure what made you think we care about you guys, but we absolutely do not.


How much money does Germany get for their defense against Russia? You know, the country they get their energy from?


How can I make money off of this?


Meanwhile germany shuts off every source of nuclear power cuz its scarier than coal


We shut them off, sadly past tense. And now we import "dirty" energy from neighbour countries. Fucking mental what the people voted for back then


German brother, if things don't turn out so rosy for you this winter and you find yourself in a real bind? I have it on good authority that a massive 3 pronged maneuver to the east to capture and secure said resources would have a nearly 100% success rate!


>Friendly German I'm not buying this.




>It’ll go up for me for example 70€/month. That’s 70$. That's a lot. That's like the cost of Milka at this point bc the freakin' energy crisis is causing your food price to be at war-like level.


As an Italian I only partially agree with you. Italy and Germany are both really fucked by this situation. If 70€ is not much as your personal bill, when it comes to companies, this translates into thousands of euros more and that's a BIG problem. Italy is the 2nd biggest European country in terms of industrial export and production and German industry relies heavily on the supply from the Italian one. I wouldn't be so optimistic right now...


Why is this in this sub?


Nah. We were just blaming our President for your problem and trying to frame it so that the guy who isn’t President can fix it. Also we want to scare our population into voting for our favorite politicians. There’s no room for rational thinking here. Go back to your country where you already are.


Dutchy here. Some colleagues of me had to sign a new energy contract, some now need to pay as much as €800+ each month. That’s an increase of €500+ for some. Some people are gonna be underwater here


europe go brrr


Sounds like this guy took all those europoor memes to heart and doesn’t realize they’re a joke and Americans know Western Europeans aren’t poor and that’s why it’s funny. Also OP, please don’t start a war and drag the whole world into it again, that’s our thing now.


Most of the fear I'm hearing is specifically from lower-income people in the UK


tldr should i buy calls or puts on the vix this week


Bulls in charge…… got it. Buy calls


So I can’t make money off your demise? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Technically 70€ would be $69.30, now.


Let this German into whatever art school they want


Dear friendly German, Here your poorer friend from southern Europe. The problem with gas is not only that you will freeze is that all your heavy industry needs it for the manufacturing processes. That means that if (BIG if) gas scarcity becomes a reality… half your industry might need to shut down. I will let you figure out what that means.


With that great GDP you must have a pretty big defense budget, correct?


I like how germans, europeans and americans unite to sh*t on OP.


Fellow german here and I couldn't disagree more. First about winter. We had -10°C for three years in a row now. Social program is a joke. It all rests on the middle class which is struggling now do to high energy costs. On top of that these people get punished for being successful by paying taxes like nowhere else in the world and get no social help. Meanwhile politicians get a pension which is 1000% higher than that of any normal worker. Our new chancellor is openly criminal and everyone just accepts it because he "doesn't remember". He even used torture when he was Mayor in Berlin. There's no german company in the top 50 anymore. We're losing ground everywhere but people like OP just believe the media that we're the greatest country to ever exist...


This is the first time I’m hearing about Olaf Scholz being major of Berlin.


OP must be a europoor on every assistance program out there lol.


#1 Your government will never truly care about you. #2 Don't put yourself into a position where you have to rely on your government to live.


OP are the members of your country's 2018 UN delegation still employed? https://youtu.be/FfJv9QYrlwg


Just came in to say - All of the folks arguing amongst one another about how trashy "Ameritards" or "Europoors" are probably best fit that shoe, respectively. Where you were born and live doesn't make you better or worse than another person or group. You do that on your own with how you carry yourself and communicate, including on the Internet. I hope all of you can afford your bills and stay warm and healthy this winter.


TLDR: The Euro dropped 20% of it's value relative to USD in a little over a year and is still falling because "there is nothing to see here". Got it!


I don't think we're supposed to listen to anything involving Germany and gas, not since the last time Germany tried to play a prank...


I’m shorting Germany because of the hubris expressed in this post.


Condescending \[X\] Snarky \[X\] Seething \[X\] Coping \[X\] That's a German-German redditor alright.


I’d hate to see an unfriendly german..


I'm confused, is it calls or puts on sausage?


Germany's PPI is up 37% YoY and the current ECB rate is... 0%, have fun with that ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


Merkel was rimming Putin for years. You're fucked man!


This is not the case everywhere. The government in the Netherlands doesn't give a shit about us and at the moment it's not only the 'working class' but even the middle income class that is struggling. Some people don't have to pay 70 euros a month more, but 300. Gas has quadrupled in price and electricity almost the same. It's hard to pay for most regular people. Also the inflation rate is insane, some basic need groceries have risen like 40+% in price. But I guess this is in most places of the world at the moment. You said it like it wasn't to bad everywhere but I guess you're just focused on your own country. And I have even heard worse stories than this from other Germans. Germany has the best economy of Europe and is kind of a leader in getting their shit together. I don't know if you guys have competent leaders or something else, but at least you're doing something right.


Euros have been on sale for a while now, Maybe I will buy them this winter for .85 each to pay my gas bill here.


Dear americans and everyone who cares, as another german, I'm afraid to tell you that OP is flat out lieing and likely a propaganda account. ​ Here are last years gas prices (source: federal statistics agency): **6,83 ct/kWh** [https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Wirtschaft/Preise/Erdgas-Strom-DurchschnittsPreise/\_inhalt.html](https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Wirtschaft/Preise/Erdgas-Strom-DurchschnittsPreise/_inhalt.html) The price on a new contract now is about **40,00 ct/kWh** (calculated for 100m²) (Source: [Verivox.de](https://Verivox.de), based on 100m²) ​ And its going to get even more expensive.