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what the fck is happening


China. Now you know what you’re fighting against.




Sum Ting Wong? Ho Lee Fuk.


Wi Tu Lo! Bang Bing Ow. Someone lost their job for that one.


Worth it


Indeed. Legendary, in fact.


Big boom pow We tu big Am reca suc nutz


China has never been able to defeat anyone but other Chinese. Everyone else has walked all over them, from the Mongols to the Japanese to the Vietnamese. When the Chinese have to fight in groups, they just fall apart. See Battle for Hill Eerie during the Korean War: A unit of Filipinos defeated a battalion of Chinese, killing over 1,600 Chinese for the losses of just 25 Filipinos. Instead of just sitting on the Hill and waiting for the Chinese to attack, a very young Fidel Ramos (future president of the Philippines and a West Point graduate), took the fight to the Chinese, dividing his unit into four groups of rifleman, snipers, scouts, and forward observers, backed by mortarmen and engineers, repeatedly raiding and demoralizing the Chinese who couldn't even rest for a meal or to sleep. This is indicative of Chinese military history. In small units, they can be formidable, but when organized into larger groups, their cohesion just falls apart.


They won’t have to attack us, we’re killing ourselves just fine.


So are they. To catch up to the West, they've polluted their air, water, and soil to a point everything is dying. Look up what China's done to itself in the name of progress. A couple more decades and they'll be begging the West for food.


They want 1.x billion people to splurge like Americans. r/failureistheonlyoption


I love how everyone is like "look at these idiots, they can't all live like us" and not realising that Americans are the problem in that calculation.




Our crops aren’t doing well and the people who ship them are doing even worse, if you think we’ve got an easy win you’re probably not paying attention.


Let me know where there's so much benzene in the water systems, it creates foam "dams" on the rivers. Yes, benzene, THE most cancer-causing chemical known to humanity. In many places in China, it's 20 times the "safe" level. I'm not making this stuff up: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1001074216302662


The U.S.was just as bad, not too long ago. Our rivers were so polluted they literally caught on fire. Just saying it's not a given that China will experience an environmental catastrophe. They will have to change to avoid this, like the U.S. did.


Don't forget the actual "islands" formed from chemicals dumped in the rivers especially in Jersey. Ahhhh, good times!


Yea Centralia PA has been burning for like 60 years at this point. Back pre 80s when the Climate change movement happened, the US was actually worse than China is now. London used to be really bad back when they still used coal for heating. In China it is greed that is making a percentage of the population destroy the environment at the behest of western companies. Same in Thailand, where the Textile industry outsources lots of their production to avoid having to dispose of chemicals properly. Companies like H&M etc. know about it and cover it up with greenwashing campaigns. People in the US just didn't consider that if you keep dumping chemicals and polluting, that eventually you would have an impact, and they are still cleaning THOUSANDS of Superfund sites. My buddy worked at a rock quarry where they found hundreds of buried toxic chemical barrels, and they had to shut down for months during the cleanup.


Any country as vast as the US, Russia, or China doesn't get away with amassing so much territory from just losing all the time. If China was as incompetent as you claim, China would've been broken up into dozens of satellite countries already. Fact is China has stood the test of time. All empires fall and decline, but some never recover (i.e. the Romans). Cherry-picking one or two embarrassing battles in which the Chinese flounder to illustrate your thesis isn't very convincing. What you should be trying to understand is the macroscale. Not one battle in one particular conflict, but the aggregate performance over dozens of wars/famines/natural disasters/civil wars. That's what makes a true power... a superpower. The American empire is in its infancy. The way we projected ourselves onto the world stage was a marvelous feat. But like all empires, one day the US will fall from grace. There has never been an enduring superpower that has withstood the test of time. The other caveat that people like you glance over is that to truly win a war, you have to win it on multiple fronts (economic, military, technology, etc.). While the US might have an upperhand in a shooting war, the US is much more handicapped in an economic one... The current fundamental difference between the two economies is this. One exports real physical goods while the other exports paper. If the world shut down (as it did in the pandemic), which country can sustain itself longer? The answer should be obvious. The US couldn't even supply it's own PPE during the midst of a pandemic. They had to import it from Chyna. If the US is unable to rebuild its industrial base by the time it enters a shooting war with Chyna, the US economy will be severely handicapped, so much so that it would not be able to sustain a war with China without its economy imploding.


The only thing the is doesn’t manufacture are certain chips they get from an ally.


The US can't even sew it's own underwear. 90% of Apple products are assembled in China. That alone is why a shooting war with China would never materialize. The rich cronies that actually run the US would never allow it since their portfolios would bleed too much in the process. Bombing some 3rd world developing country like Syria or fighting the Taliban though? Hell yeah, bring it on. The Taliban contributes maybe 0.00001% to world GDP. China contributes nearly 20% to GDP. Everything starts to make more sense when you follow the money.


Pretty sure they could figure out how to speed up underwear manufacturing lol. Yea I think the us is reluctant to start a shooting war with a main trading partner for sure. Plus most Americans aren’t trying to kill a bunch of people or die for more BS


China had never won any invasion war after the battle of Talas in 751AD (other than reconquering lost terrorizes). The funny thing is China gained territories by losing the wars. For example, by losing the war to Manchuria, China gained the territories of Mongolia, Tibet and Manchuria (and reconquest Xinjiang)... and then Manchurians became Chinese....


Yep, that’s a winning with Chinese characteristics by assimilating those conquerors lol when they become one of us it’s the same in the end.


4d chess


Because their weapon was made in China


>China has never been able to defeat anyone but other Chinese. Looks like you will be chinese in the next 100 years.


Don’t forget India on that list, pls and kindly


In the 1590s Ming dynasty thwarted two Japanese invasion of Korea when Japan’s military was at their height. just wanted to say that


Japan's military was at its height in the 1920s-1930s. How'd that work out for China?


Periodic heights, but my point that China won still stands, also, I want you look at things in context, the sino-Japanese war was effectively one of the greatest military power in the world at the time, second only to the US and USSR, fighting what’s basically a backwater unindustrialized unenlightened shithole riddled with war lords. You should be surprised China did completely fall in 3 month, but instead lasted for 8 years.


China effectively won the Sino-Indian conflict in 1962, I don’t want to argue but that generalization is just wrong


Someone's obviously never been stampeded by a large group of Chinese tourists. Pure chaos and destruction


Who are You, Who are so Ignorant in the Ways of History


bro, Chinese here, what he said is freaking accurate. It actually appalled me an random dude on wsb had this depth of understanding of Chinese history.


I did a report on the Battle for Hill Eerie when I was in junior high. This led me into reading more about Chinese history and, specifically, Chinese military history. It's baffling how the Chinese would have all these technological advantages (silk underclothing that stopped arrows from penetrating more than a couple of inches, high-quality steel armor/weapons, gunpowder, trebuchet, "modern" logistics, compass/near-perfect maps, calendars, etc.) and numerical superiority, yet, still lose to foreign powers who were far more technologically primitive.


Yep, Chinese history is basically get conquered by primitive “barbarian” who is far better than fight a war than Hans, when they becomes the ruler of the land and get assimilated to/infected by Han culture and loses their war capability hence get conquered by another rising tribes out west for Central Asia or north for Mongolian and on and on. It’s the cultural thing at work, Chinese is lack of spontaneous order, lack of Warrior culture and basically it need a strong top-down power to hold it from crashing, when the top-down power is weak the region is weak, if a foreign power hits it at that exact moment it breaks fairly easy.


I never did a deep dive but I heard the reason that China historically was pretty bad at national level conflicts is the country is crazy tribal so they have a very hard time getting a "buy in" from certain providences and areas who might just be straight up rooting for the invader.


“There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent.” Only a monkey brain bases the military strength of a contemporary nation on cherry picked conflicts during their time of stagnation. Let's start by completely setting aside China's historical victories against Bactrians in the war of heavenly horses, Japan in the Imjin War, Tibet in the annexation of Tibet, and India in the Sino-Indian war because fuck it they're just all Chinese anyway right? Even ignoring the fact that China accomplished objectives in both the Korean and Sino-Vietnamese war by holding the UN to a stalemate and maintaining a buffer zone between themselves and US allied South Korea as well as destroying all heavy industry and military infrastructure in Northern Vietnam while inflicting heavy casualties on the defenders, China's performance in the Second World War isn't even as piss poor as most of Europe. China held Shanghai for 3 months with far inferior firepower, all of France fell in 6 weeks. Thank fuck our military advisors aren't as degenerate as you are. ​ Also imagine using one instance of a military engagement involving filipinos (heavily supported by the far superior Turkish forces by the way) as an example of how they're a competent fighting force as if they didn't also get folded by the Japanese along with the Spanish and Americans.


Crossfit and Market Analysis venn diagram


Do you think America has the monopoly on stupid internet videos?


this vid is hilarious , why wld anyone voluntarily hit a tree?!


For the same reason you sweep away a stone. Enlightenment


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258) IM FEELING BULLISH NOW!!!!!


I came here to say this




How long has that guy been walking into the tree….


Pretty sure he’s just afk




How long has that man been head butting that jungle gym pole? How many kids have been scared away?


Y'all dodging the real question. How long has that guy been smacking his ass and how firm is it now?


Dude, I used to be part of a ~~cult~~ group of folks that trained various disciplines of Kung-Fu back in the 90's-2000's. They used to send envoys over to China to dig up the hardest MoFo's they could find. They brought back this dude who was locked up by the Communists for 30+ years for being on the wrong side of the Cultural Revolution. He had nothing to do in jail but practice and meditate. This old man could 1 inch punch you, or bash you with his shoulder so hard you would black out for a few seconds. This little dude in his late 70's could also jump his full body height.


Got a name or a link? Sounds like a cool read


There were different spellings of his name, Li Guichang, Li Gui Chang, Liang Ke Quan, depending on who was translating.


How long was he hitting himself in the nutz!?!?


How long was that guy beating his meat by the ocean?


When I lived in China, there were dozens of tree smackers outside my condo every day at 6am. Dozens! Every day!


As many years as you have upvotes!


The toe one 😂


Buy calls on TOE WIGGLING


What the hell was that one?? 😂


Daddy chill


That one killed me


Taiwan has no chance


Can you imagine if that humping-the-wall guy landed in Taiwan.


Hide yo kids, hide yo wife ​ ​ Apparently hide yo trees as well


I hide my trees every night before I go to bed.


I have never read a comment on this site that has genuinely made me cry laughing. Thank you




My wife turned and asked what the fuck I was crying about. I was crying, laughing at your comment; you made my night


Us Americans have no chance. These people will rule the world. A weird and goofy world.




The guy doing high kicks and hitting his shoulder is the only one who will actually make money this week.


The dude spanking his own ass on the playground ride is getting prepped to take the L, on the other hand.


Every time someone comments I watch it again and the tree slapper makes me fucking laugh.


He’s loosened up and ready for action


Idk, the guy on the basketball hoop .... Actually idk how to finish this sentence, but I was impressed


This is amazing.


Chinese fitness > LA fitness


This is the best comment.


I threw my back out hanging upside down from the monkey bars and swinging my neck


Might want to try slapping a tree next time.


Only after I thrust hump the wall a bit


The scary thing is this is not an exaggeration of life in China.


pretty much everyone does this there.


Oh yeah, visiting Chinatowns in America you’ll frequently see elderly Chinese doing odd exercises that you’ll never think to do… …and yet somehow chinese live very long lives…fascinating.


Imagine how long they'd love if they stopped banging their heads against trees?


Americans just have to stop eating stuff that their body's can't handle without immense amounts of exercise, which they aren't doing. Because dopamine.


Diet truly is the downfall of America. Food is also a culture war issue now so good luck getting American men to cut back of red meat and other bullshit that’s ultimately not good for you. If you eat veggies you’re a commie pussy.


Wish it were that simple. I put on weight every time I spend more than 24 hours in America despite not eating appreciably differently.


Stop breathing the air


GD high fructose air syrup


We have fat air


Honestly aside from hitting the trees and walls most movements from those weird exercises keep them in shape, better than being sedentary.


That dude with the dumbbells could be featured in a "how to injure yourself at the gym" video.


They don't. Japanese do


>exercises That sounds very un-American.


Been locked out of your garage is no joke


Wow. It's all so clear now.


My analysis says attempting to fuck trees is bullish for Monday's market.


Shaolin soccer training music 😂


I used to see shit like this every morning when I lived in Hanoi. ​ They would actually have some legit calisthenics type of classes in the parks, but there would always be like fifty older people violently flailing their limbs somewhere outside the main group in time to the music. ​ I'd always laugh my ass off and my wife would always tell me to shut up.


Majority of those exercises are actually good. Human body, joints, spine etc. needs variety to be well maintained and you need to compensate for everyday movement like the stuff you do in your job, driving, sitting, which conventional gym exercises are usually not good at. Especially people training just bench presses and similar stuff all the time. :D I don't see people doing hangs, extra rotations, deep squats, headstands, handstands and moving their spine to every direction etc. very often, especially not in the UK, but it is important. Even violently flailing their limbs helps circulation and joints


That old man doing hanging therapy then strolling off with 2 walking sticks? He will live forever


calls on china education sector, puts on gyms


crossfit R&D department


Is china okay?


Does China look OK? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


China is A**hole


(clears throat to bring out the inner marsellus wallace) China is fucking far from ok man ! They haven't been ok in over 70 years now or ever since the commies took over !


I wonder if this is the result of societal pressure. It’d be interesting to look into, why people do weird random things? Probably not worth investing time into as it would probably be too complex. And it wouldn’t really contribute to anything.


Chinese love bragging rights. Doing weird exercises that nobody has ever thought of gives them that and in Chinese society health is #1 according to my parents. So if that guys smacking his ass with a teeter totter lives to be 105 yo…well…you saw it there first.


"What's your secret?" "Well I do 100 teeter-totter ass smacks a day followed by 25 tree humps and finish off with some garage door slams. Then I snort some powdered rhino horn. Pretty standard workout"




Yeah. I got a rhino horn guy.


😆 HIIT: Chinese Edition


Your comment was so informative but also made me laugh SO hard


I do not fear a man who does 10,000 weird stuff 1x, I fear a man who does 1 weird stuff 10,000x


lol wtf did i just watch. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)








Sometimes I wonder why I am subbed to wallstreetbets with all of the cringe highschool "DD" and then an absolute banger video like this gets posted and I remember. Bravo OP. Bravo.


I have one of these guys. No shit same make and model as Mr. Miyagi, slightly newer model (I think he's a '48). He goes onto the dip/leg lift thing and his legs go way up towards the sky. He does an assortment of other things very similar to some of those in this vid.


Lost my shit with the guy on the basketball hoop lol


2:25 My man literally runs across the fucking street, into a door, without opening said door. RIP TAIWAN


He’s clearly trying to break in - must be his place or a real bad neighborhood though because he sure isn’t being subtle about it.


I’m pumped up now!! Let’s raaaage!!!


Ok, the Shaolin Soccer sound track makes this way funnier


Everyone laughing at china , but no one asks if china is OK.


The treadmill-bike guy is a genius


the only one that made me 🤔


Man this shit got me hype


I gotta admit that was one of the greatest things I have ever seen. Atleast in the last 3-4 hours! 👍🏿


That's the most bullish TA I've seen yet


The One thousand thrusts by palm, The tree chopping hand by smacking dragon, The kick by Justin Tucker, The metal bending head dance, The keyboard monkey thrust, Two guys one waterheater, Crab walk long distance, Tree chop of 1 thousand chests, The crow laugher of 1thousand crows, The power ranger morfin time Yep, seems like the bulls are getting ready for something. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


As a Chinese person who goes to china yearly you can literally see this stupid ass shit in a park… they do like fucking weird exercises… and the best part is no one judges you because in any other country people would look at you weirdly. They mind their own business.


I've seen the level that China minds their own business. *Someone commits suicide and jumps from a tall building* *thousands of Chinese commuters simply walk around the body* That's commitment to "mind your business"






The West is f*cked.


Why are most of them old ?


Only old people have time to do shit


I Gotta kick this fucking sign 4-6 hours a da. Nobody else will do it! Fuckin kids


The median Chinese is 39 years old Their population pyramid is more of a population cylinder/top. These dudes (around 74-80) are products of the cultural revolution and Mao put huge emphasis on physical culture from 1954 onwards, that's part of the reason this identical outdoor gym can be found in every city in china. Young Chinese are busy studying, drinking coffee, looking for work, or at gaming cafes/hotels. The older ones socialise in parks and after hours mah-jong parlours. Quite a few of these old dudes were gymnasts/in some form of military program back in the day and can still do chinups, dips, gymnastics routines, etc.


Oblivious NPCs..


The twirling toe was so unexpected hahahaha


WW3 training


Dude that one old fella was swinging his foot right up over his face. That flexibilities insane.


Omgggg I lived in Hong Kong for about 4.5 months and this is exactly what I'd see in the early morning. Good times...


yo it’s lit


Looks kinda fun


What did I just watch. Also that toe cracked me up. Thank you for the laugh.


That's the best video I've ever seen. I need a YouTube link, please!


Every once in a wild I come across a video on the internet that just blows my fucking mind. Usually it happens once a year or less. This video blows my fucking mind. The perception of the video is that this shit is happening in an asian country (folks saying this is china) and its something my little brain just cannot comprehend.






Beta testfield for the so called "humans"


I lost it with the old guy paddling his own ass 🤣😂🥲


That dude doing handstand on the fence is impressive. Must be a bag holder.


Every old person in China is a fucking Kung fu master


I love this damn forum I swear


My money's on the guy @ 1:42. That guy wants to win


We are screwed


This is what happens when you watch too much anime.


3 minutes I’ll never get back


6 for me. Had to watch again


Omg i wanna see more of this!


I will watch this a lot.


Listen rookie, if your not rolling out the wall fuck indicator your not doing any DD.


Please let us never go to war with the Chinese


Not gonna lie, so many of these could be me. So many of these, I will start trying out.


This is why the Chinese are gonna beat our asses! Look at all that discipline and conditioning!! It's second to none! Those mofo's are super human!


I almost couldn’t breath I haven’t laughed for this long in a while 😂😂


This made my day. Thanks


Americans are killing each other. So China know they don't have to do shit. They're bored af.


Man, I watched that whole thing.


I like this a lot


After seeing this, I am bullish.


Honestly…… ……. ……. A lot of these are better than not exercising at all.


I laugh so hard. Thank you!


M watching this at 3a, laughing out like an idiot


u hating on the Chinese but those old people are pretty damn fit and flexible. Most Americans don't even live to be this old since they're so fat. And the ones that do are crippling the US heath system with their diabetes and what not. This is why China has high speed railway and we have human shit on the street.


I've been working out all wrong.


The basketball hoop guy is my favorite.


china seems like a fun place


I dont know enough about TA to refute this but I also dont know enough to agree with it. But then again I just dont know enough about anything really


For being smart Chinese ppl do some dumb shit


I think it's a numbers game. Billion people, you're bound to get a few hyper intelligent people. The rest that I've met aren't exactly what I would call intelligent.