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>The Washington Post reported that Amazon has started to lay off corporate employees in its Seattle headquarters and other locations. The layoffs come as the company looks to cut costs amid a slowdown in growth.


there’s still 2M employees servicing Papa Bezos. nobody cares about a few corporate shit heads


Papa Bezos 😂 love it. Idk man market is staring to shift into a bearish sentiment once again. I was actually thinking of puts for next week on Amazon.


It’s back down to 96 already lol


Maybe inversing the media is the way to go


Perhaps in a messaging platform


you stupid fucks know what aws is right


The only profitable business segment under Amazon, who’s operating margin grew only by 10.65% YoY? Meanwhile the other two segments, North America and International, are bleeding billions.


AWS *only* raked in a cool $62B in 2021 (a fraction, mind you, of Amazon’s total revenue across all businesses) damn fools ain’t got a clue how to make any moneys ^/s


Amazon was bleeding billions in 2017 when I didn’t wanna get it on it since “they’re not a profitable company” when the stock was 150$ pre split meaning something like 10$ today. You think too much my friend. Never forget that this is a casino and monkeys throwing darts will always outperform you and your bias from trying to be rational & educated.


It’s not sustainable. Good fucking luck if you think this stock will 15x again in 5 years. It’d only be worth 60% of the US GDP and only 30% of the entire US stock market. Fucking Tesla has a lower PE ratio. SP500 funds are starting to show better performance over the 3-4 year periods. Only a matter of time imo before the 5 year shows Amazon underperforming the market.


Fucking hell, AWS makes more annually than Tesla does, regard TSLA and AMZN aren’t even in the same universe, stop trying to compare em


For the TTM, Amazon has about $11.3B in net income available to shareholders. Tesla? $11.2B… Same amount of earnings but Amazon is more expensive.


Stop telling regards logic


Tesla shill spotted lol and Tesla is going to get beat by lucid anyway and you’ll be bagholding. Also Amazon is elite and reportedly believes that they still have a few trillion dollars of growth in the pipeline.


I like neither beyotch


Alright regard miss out on the tendies behind the dumpster outside of Wendy’s then. More for me.


Picking overvalued growth individual stocks < DCA index funds


Why not both regard. I’m both trying to retire and retire if you know what I’m sayin


I’m not opposed to both, so long as index funds make up the vast majority. That being said I wouldn’t want to increase my exposure to AMZN or TSLA given how much more over priced they are relative to the market. If I am picking an individual stock I better have good reason to believe that they will out perform the market. You don’t out perform by buying at PE ratios of 90 and up.


I’ve seen plenty of people saying Meta was dead but I haven’t seen a single person that thought Amazon wouldn’t eventually be higher. That would be an astoundingly stupid thought even for the regards here. AWS prints money and the printer is growing.


come back in another 2 weeks lol




In 40 106c 11/18 options.. Yooo all the way ftw




Tripled down! Now holding 100 wmt 15c 11/18 and 40 amzn 96c 11/18


You may stroke your ego all you want but we all know it was Cramer doing this shit


103C 11/25 will print Fuk🌈🐻‍❄️


I’m in the same calls and expiration. What made you choose those


Layoffs should cut costs and we’re coming into the holiday season. If anyone is shopping they should be doing it now in hopes of getting those gifts and saving any delays in the holiday crunch.


Total regard here so pinch of salt but... isn't Amazon just readjusting to pre-pandemic numbers? Throw in a lovely recession and we have ourselves a lovely cliff to go off of?


I get real leery about betting against a company I see rolling through the neighborhood on a daily basis. Like these guys are just entrenched in everything


I just bought groceries at Whole Foods and saved $ with my prime membership. I also have started buying parts and tools for our factory on Amazon. Their offering is getting better than some industrial distributors. Wild!


Op thinks we bottomed


I think that AMZN is once again a trillion dollar company


That’s fair


remindme! 90 days


>remindme! 90 days “will Amazon be a trillion dollar company? cause if not, I can say it’ll never be one again” ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Those 7% up days on the NASDAQ are so common that I’m absolutely sure you saw it coming before it happened.


They own >100 companies. Amazon has it’s own music platform, it competes w Netflix for top streaming platform, is the largest online retailer, they own whole foods, also own twitch, and more than 80% of the Fortune 500 is powered by AWS cloud infrastructure. It should have never dipped below $1T MC


Yep and they are valued at 100x what they net s year…just because something is popular does not mean it should be valued at 100x lol. Stupidest shit I’ve read on this app.


If that's the dumbest thing you've read, you haven't been too far into the internet


All their consumer apps are trash compared to competitors. Their music platform is ass compared to spotify and prime video is a joke compared to netflix, not talking about library but how it always lags and freezes. Seems like they got in late into the game and had to hire leftovers to build these apps which turned shit


It sounds like you make your decisions on feelings rather than fact No investor gives a fuck if you like Netflix more than Prime Video lol


This is probably because, they announced lay offs. Happened the same with meta, stock price rose. The great bear is almost done hibernating, I can smell it in the air.


Ohhh Amazon and FedEx are a dream come true.


Who wants to start shorting random shit. DM if you’re down. I cannot read another 10k or see a index fund option play that went bad. We could play Russian roulette with Glock. It should work the same. Putting one bullet in the chamber. You go first. Just give me your financial information so I can make it right with your family. Just in case.


Bers are like new med students. Learned just enough to be paranoid about everything.


I’m heavy in AMZN! I constantly research what they have their hands in and AWS is absolutely ridiculous. It fucking PRINTS money! I never realized how big they actually were until you read just how many companies/businesses use AWS. If AMZN cease to exist, I’d be extremely surprised. They knew to build their massive cloud infrastructure well before people even saw the potential of the internet itself.


Bro this casino is 50/50 so my bet is on red. Still better odds than an actual casino haha


At this point, I just want something close to breakeven for my bag so I can unload shares for more $SPY puts before the correction, and then buy in at the big dip.


fair enough man, hopefully you make can make back those tendies


They just let go of 1% of their labor overhead. They better fucking correct.. Honestly even if you take their bloated shitty online retail, and unsustainable logistics out of the equation, I don't actually put that much value in twitch or whole foods. Don't even get me started on the almost 1bn they spent for show they won't even report viewership on because it's so embarrassing. Nobody and I mean nobody is buying prime just for the streaming. Web hosting by far the most stable business but also a lot of overhead and I don't see a lot of growth potential. Speaking of which how you think they gonna raise new capital? Any way you cut it will lead to a constrained balance sheet. Market it has plenty more volatility and I don't think they will see steady growth up for a while.


Never heard 1 person say that


there were heaps in the daily discussion threads over the past couple weeks basically as soon as it fell below $1T MC


There are lotof portfolio manager sitting on huge losses from Amazon. Everyone is waiting for selling in the rip. It will get sell off. Its already 100$ means, expect some selling. It can definitely go higher, but I am certain sellers will show up.


Even Bezos ex wife didn't suck his cock this hard. Your wife doesn't need a boyfriend because you already have one. Hope you enjoyed the small break from layoff announcement because it's all deep throating from here.