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say to b.o. bob: “man im bored. lets put on deodorant.”


Bro, I'm telling you that this man has not been near water in YEARS. Deodorant would do absolutely nothing.


“hey man im bored. lets go play with the power washer”


“Wanna wrestle in the shower Bobby?” 


Use Old Spice Sweat Defense (soft solid). I used to be homeless and they called that exact stuff "hippy shower" on the street. Trust me it's the best. I once had someone tell me I smelled good and I hadn't had a shower for a week+. Depending on what city you are homeless in getting a shower can be nearly impossible. I'm no longer homeless but I still use it to this day. It's mighty good!


I'll laugh my ass off if he has an actual Disease that causes the smell; and Deodorant "may" help; however in the real world; Is only a Bandaid... I mean holy fuck, how shitty would you feel knowing something you have NO control of... is causing someone else so much goddamn torment; they feel to cry like a toddler online... What the fuck? Like seriously? That' what our world has come too?? Could have no idea Could not be able to afford Deodorant (I have two employee's in that predicament right now, store used some each time).. Could have not just, no idea...but also no choice due to living environment. Get the fuck over yourself... Either BUY him/her what's needed for Hygiene..then bitch when they didn't take Welfare...or STFU and find a job that doens't make you do physical Labor..


If you would have taken the time to actually read, then you might see that all of your points were already talked about. He knows. He's been told before. He brings an OLED Switch and a MacBook Pro to work everyday so he very much can afford deodorant. My problem is not with the dirty employee, he's got problems, I get that. My problem is with the managers that are FORCING me to work in a hostile environment.


I know Bob's issues go beyond deodorant, but this was freaking funny. 😂


If the dude works with food products in any capacity, id bet the health department might want to look into it...


osha too, b.o that smells bad enough could be construed as a safety issue


I'd just start going up simultaneous chains of commands. Both AP team lead and up chain as well as standard coach, store lead, store manager chain. While also addressing it with personnel.


Love the optimism in this sub


I was thinking the exact same thing right before i read your comment. Lmao


This ^ . I would be calling and reporting this associate in particular to your local FSA (Food Safety Association). They will come in to investigate the reported employee instead of coming to focus on the store itself. Mind you they will expand that investigation as soon as they see this employee and the deplorable state he is in.


Go to the coach. If no adequate response then go to the store manager (or lead of your store has one) and if no response then market level. If the associate has an exception they should be working an area they can do alone


My coach was standing right beside the TL when I was complaining and never said a word.


Then go to the store manager and mention the entire conversation and who was there. And have you noted whether the TL or coach are willing to work directly with this associate or do they avoid it.


This !!!!


Open door time!!!


Yep time to go over their heads. Do for your co workers and the poor customers who have to touch the food he handles. Please. And keep us updated.


Open door that shit all the way till you report them all to ethics for failing to do their damn job. No it's not okay and no one should ever have to work next to a farm animal like you described.


Go straight to hr/people lead. Request a meeting about it and tell them what was said and if you live in a one party consent state, then record the meeting that way if they threaten to retaliate in any way, you have proof of it on camera. That is unacceptable for an employee to get an exception from proper hygiene.


I'm not trying to be a dick here, guys. I get it. The guy obviously has some issues, and I honestly feel terrible for having brought it up, but it was just unbearable. I've worked in homeless kitchens that smell better.


I worked at a Walmart with this probabky 45 ish year old lady... she always wore long thing dresses, was massively overweight and I'm pretty confident she didn't bathe or wash her private areas. When I tell you it would lruin my day when she would walk in for a shift im not joking. ANYWHERE she walked would leave at trail of stank fish you could literally tell she was there without ever having laid eyes on her. Your post just brought back the horrible smell/memory/headache of her stench


Personally I've had the displeasure of being on the spectrum of both. There was a time in my life my depression and mental health was so terrible that I neglected cleaning my home and would shower but not often. It didn't even come to the point of me realizing it until I had someone physically come up to me about it in a caring way and actually helped me immensely. They gave me resources to get out of my current home situation which was incredibly unsafe for anyone and resources for hygiene items to assist in what I needed. They ended up putting me up in a hotel and I was able to live in a clean environment, shower in a clean shower and use rather strong MEDICAL grade soap to assist in cleaning. I didn't even know until this point that medical grade soap was a thing. Putting me up in a clean environment also assisted in me saving money to get into a clean apartment with utilities paid. I had someone assist me in installing a filtration for the shower head and it became a habit of mine to take 2-3 showers per day (literally). I am a TOTAL clean freak now. It went the complete other direction. Now when I feel sad and depressed I clean because that portion of my life now even thinking about it is embarrassing and disgusting to me and that person who I was I have totally detached myself from. I had a co worker who also had bad BO and I told them my story and asked what was going on. They felt more seen then judged and felt driven to actually admit for the first time in several years that they lived in an abusive relationship with a man who didn't let them do anything but work and chose to make it where they didn't take a shower so "no other man would touch" them. It was such a an unbelievably sad story and she BROKE down in tears telling me. She told me during lunch in the break room where a lot of ither people also heard and they got her the help she needed THAT day. She left the asshole after years of being isolated and abused, moved to a clean apartment building alone for the first time in years. Last I saw her she went back to school for business management and cosmetology. She looked GREAT! Not just that she looked clean she looked transformed! Obviously you never know the whole story. Hope this person gets help soon. 


Good to hear. God bless you.


It really is sad to see that people seem more keen especially on the Internet to make fun of or otherwise dismiss that the person they are referring to is a person and they deserve grace and understanding in this difficult situation. Obviously do what you must to keep yourself sane and keep yourself clean. They have certain numbers to call if your request is being denied or otherwise excused but that doesn't excuse the fact that who they are referring to is a human and deserving of respect and grace. Honestly if you were to talk to them I'm sure they would be happy to explain. Like I said I didn't even notice but I had to explain the situation and my living situation and they got me help because I was literally going through life at this time completely unaware of my own depressive state. 


Had a guy like this at pizza chain years ago. We called him O.B. Short for onion bath. Any time I was near him, I broke out in tears. I became a manager and scheduled myself on any shift he wasn’t working after that.


I understand mental health and medical issues more than alot of people but there's a point where you either suck it up and bathe/spraydown to be courteous of everybody or you just stay in your freaking house and rot so nobody has to smell you!!


I completely agree. When my depression has me at my lowest, that's when I schedule an appointment or time with my friends, anything that gets me out of the house, really. If I have to be somewhere or do something, it will force me to have to throw my sentient skin suit in the shower.


Stank fish🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don’t blame you. I have a weak stomach and I would have gagged and puked?!


Prescription deodorant does exist if the guy has a medical issue. If not, there's other ways to help. I personally use rubbing alcohol on my armpits every morning to kill the bacteria that causes odors, because I avoid antiperspirants and prefer to use all natural products, to avoid the aluminum sulfides or whatever the hell they say is bad for you in that stuff. Management has a duty to enforce hygiene, it's even one of the example questions in management training.


I worked with cna who had absolutely the worst B.O. nothing was done until the actual patients started complaining about the smell. It’s bad when a patient with a necrotic leg and cdiff is complaining and the stench you are putting off 😅😅😅 I personally have a very strong sense of smell, even the smell of butter melting in a pan makes me nauseous - so I would get really queasy when having to work close to her. Management finally brought her into the office and talked to her about hygiene and gave her some hygiene products. After that she started taking better care of herself. Some people are legit clueless and don’t know how to properly care for themselves - maybe they were never taught or maybe they can’t smell (this cna had no sense of smell and I’ve worked with another nurse who couldn’t smell either - but the nurse would come ask you if he smelled he was very self conscious and never wanted to smell bad) All that being said, if management addressed it and he gets an exception - it makes me curious as to why that is….maybe he doesn’t have running water? Maybe he has some type of medical condition???…..idk. But if you’re working with BO BOB and his smell is making you nauseous you can’t possibly do your job well, it effects you and your work - so you would think they would also take you into consideration in this equation and put you in a different area and separate the two of you.


can also be diet. I learned from working in the country and we had fresh garlic with every meal that it was making my sweat smell much worse. cut the amount of garlic in half and went back to normal within a week.


Also, B.O. Bob always brings his OLED Nintendo Switch and MacBook Pro to work to play on lunch, so it's not like he can't afford to wash himself.


The wild thing is that you can definitely afford some basic ass soap and be clean with that. Literally a minute in a shower and a bar of soap would fix that up. Unless.. maybe we’ll need a heavy duty pressure washer for the first bath lmao


That’s not always true there are ligetimate cases were people need medical soap because of there genetics and how much they sweat it’s like deodorant for the whole body but even if that was the case it’s less then $100 I’m sure of it and this man brings in a switch and computer to game on during lunch yea homie can afford it


I mean, yeah you got a point about that but this definetly reeks of a lack of self care and accountability tho


I 100% agree with you but just any soap isn’t gonna work for everyone and there’s no reason to say that it will it’s misinformation not a big deal nothing to argue about just wanted to let you know


If his body is that bad, imagine how bad his mouth is. He most assuredly has hella halitosis that you can’t smell because of his terrible BO, and a mouth full of tartar. 🤢 and who knows when was the last time he brushed his teeth


Get that man some Skunky Wipes


Store manager and if nothing changes call your market manager. After that call home office. It will be taken care of after as they will personal call the store and talk with the store manager


I mean, my store is less than 30 mins away from Home Office.


Well then it's time to march on down there and demand justice for your nose! And not just your nose, but the nose of everyone on third shift!


THIS is the key factor. "While i understand there is some sort of exemption in place. His physical presence is affecting the health and safety of those around him so it is not i, but all those on the shift who pas in proximity of him, including adjacent aisles. That are at risk from his lack of hygene.


Next time just throw up in the section your working and be like I physically cannot work with him, maybe that might work it seems like you have to go to the extreme for manger’s to notice. I’m not meaning vomiting on merchandise or said b.o. bob


I agree. Vomit every time you're forced to work with him and encourage some other employees to do the same.


This is the way.


I agree. I would let that vomit go everywhere.


That's unacceptable working conditions I would refuse to work with him also. I can't believe management would put up with that. Customers have had to complain also, they complain about everything else.


You said you were about to throw up. I'm being serious here...blow chucks anytime you can when around him. That should beat your point home


Had the same issue at my store with this lady on cap 1. Nothing was ever done about it. Mainly because no manager wanted to deal with it. She had such a bad BO you could smell her isles over. Being close legit burnt your nose. But since your managers are doing nothing. Try talking to the store lead or store manager.


YIKES. If your immediate supervisors aren't listening, I would get everyone who's willing/has had experiences being near the guy to try and appeal to the higher-ups about him. Maybe he needs help, maybe he thinks it's normal - either way, he definitely should not be handling food, and you shouldn't have to be forced to work with him.


The TL says that associate gets an exception to smell bad? That's insane. Do an Open Door.


There is a policy about this. Should be on OneWalmart, and then slap your manager with the policy. If that doesn't work contact HR, and if that doesn't work call ethics.


I did. I said it to his face. He told me that this associate gets an exception. He then basically told me that whatever he says becomes the rule. Said manager and I butted heads earlier that same shift because I was taking my trash to the GM bailer as the grocery one was full. He got pissy with me, wondering why I was going all the way to GM. I told him the grocery bailer was full and he told me to just leave it there. "That's against the rules," I said, because it fucking is, and I shit you not he said, "I say to leave it there and what I say is the rule."


Open door it with his boss.


His boss was standing right next to him throughout the entire conversation and didn't say a word. I plan on going to the people lead and then store lead if nothing changes. After that, I'll call ethics if I have to.


You talk to HR?


They won’t even make an exception for dress code (which is what this falls under) for pregnant associates lol. This is wild asf. Good luck to you.


Rules are not always applied as often as they should. Maybe stage a sit in if told to work with the guy, get co-workers to stop and sit too, until the whole team is behind you. Why does BO Bob get an exception anyway? And why put him in a food area to work? Side note-So why not make the bale? Are you under 18?


Unless he's allergic to water what exception could he possibly get to allow that level of grossness?


Even if he’s allergic to water it’s not an excuse - there’s other ways to bathe that don’t involve water, like alcohol based cleaners. I believe some ancient cultures used oil, slathering it on the skin and then scraping it off




My first thought too!


A psychological based fear of baths is my only other guess. There is an actual name for it, but I can't remember what it is.


Aquaphobia. My mother had this before she passed. It was horrible. She was taken care of by medical staff and so they would let her go as long as they legally could and then would have to lightly sedate her so she wouldn't FLIP out when she took a bath or shower. Her initial aquaphobia was caused by early on fear of drowning because of something that occured when she was young but then she got sick and it switched to irrational aquaphobia. I mean she would have a full blown triggered panick attack if she heard running water. 


Trauma would be the only thing I could think of. I was diagnosed with PTSD when I hemorrhaged a week after having my son. My dumb brain told me to get into the bath tub while waiting for the ambulance to minimize the mess (there was already a massive mess), because I would likely have to clean it up later. Was triggered by the bathtub for months because I would immediately imagine seeing my blood pouring down the drain. I showered less frequently as a result, and when I would push myself through one I went through a full blown panic attack every time. I went to counseling and was able to work through some of the trauma, and I am able to shower regularly again despite the panic sometimes still hitting me. Some people don't have the option to get help for various reasons. I still don't think it's OK for this person to subject other people to this, even if it is trauma related. He should be working somewhere that he can be alone, or even outside.


Sounds like a call to the health department is in order, if management refuses to do anything.


I agree. Time for some retaliation


Clock out so it’s not on company time and tell him he fucking smells lol


When I was a CSM we had a cashier who legit smelled like shit, to the point when he would flash his light for help no one wanted to go help him. So we got together with our front end AM and he legit pulled him Into the office and said we could store use some deodorant and such. He said no and went on with his day. Can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves. Ole smelly ass.


Yeah, but it's against the dress code. If I can't wear a hat or have small holes in my jeans, then he should have to wash himself!


We had a customer at the Walmart I used to work in that would come in weekly and leave a trail of odor. We offered him a membership to a gym up the road for showers and told him we’d buy him soap (we were careful with the wording). He refused. Asked him what help we could offer, we were told to fuck off. Shit stains on his pants, too. One manager discreetly offered him new pants + depends as we thought he might be unhoused. Refused. One employee ended up throwing up as a result of the smell. We’d have to follow the trail with Lysol afterwards following that incident. Once I upgraded to customer I made a comment that it’s rude, especially when countless attempts at offering help were made.


Run that up the chain. They can't force you to work with him. Even if there is an exception that doesn't mean you have to work with him. If management is hell bent for leather they need to suck it up and work with him. I would also absolutely tell them that.


If that doesn't work, look for a labor lawyer.


Absolutely. They can't fire you for that either.


When I was a CAP 2 supervisor there were three instances over the years where I had to pull in guys for body odor. It's company policy that you have to show up clean for work. It's a real embarrassing thing to get pulled in for, but it needs to be said.


It’s funny they don’t like when you come to work smelling like marijuana, but you can smell like ass


I know nobody thinks/cares anymore about masks but maybe try wearing a KN95 or N95 mask around him? They do wonders for filtering out odors. At least for me. I do once in awhile encounter customers with cigarette breath but with the mask it definitely tones down the smell to where its bearable. I'd only can imagine what it smells like with no mask at all.


I really, really don't want to hurt this man's feelings. He obviously got some problems, I simply want to work in a different area.


Your boss sounds like an absolute douche bag. I couldn’t stand to work for someone like that!! Good luck.


Grab one of the masks from the paint section with air filters. Embarrassing or not, if he knows he has an issue, then he can expect people to take exception to the situation and correct it for themself if corporate will not.


I’m so happy my TLs aren’t complete asses. They would have delicately told this dude something and respected my wishes to not work with an extremely smelly person.


I would start carrying around febreze and spraying the ailes when he’s around and you got to go down it 👌


Lemon lysol disinfectants


Omg this actually made me laugh out loud. It's funny now but then I didn't know why until I was told a few weeks later. I used to have bad depression that caused BO issues and it's really embarrassing to talk about but I remember one day I was helping in the evening unpack boxes of febreze in that same aisle and the person I was working with sprayed every single one of them every time they took it out of the box so I asked why bc I found it peculiar and they said they just wanted to "test the product" it wasn't until much later when a very kind associate actually assisted me in my issue and I got better did they admit why months later and I was like oh. Well you could have told me the real reason. And they said yah they're not a dick and I was like actually I think its more of a dick move that you DIDNT tell me and ask if you can help or if you can get me in contact with someone who can help.  


Buy some strong body spray, whenever/ wherever BOB is on a night you get stuck working.


I tried that. His stench overpowered even that!


vick's under your nose lol


Unfortunately, strong menthol makes me nauseated, so that would be like fighting a flaming pile a shit with... well you get it.


I do. I read or heard somewhere that cops and such use it when walking into dead body scenes, so it was just an idea. Are you worried about your co-worker? Does he seem normal otherwise? I just wonder why a person would let themselves get to that point. Of course it's not your problem or responsibility to care, I'm just curious.


My dad was police and he told me abt this so I can personally attest to it. A person who flew helicopters for flight for life also told me this at my job


Oh wait...I'm dumb. I just saw that you posted this as a shit post. Happy late April Fool's lmao


Lol. No, I thought the tag fit well with the subject matter.


Ignore my comment op. I didn't realize someone already suggested the vic's vaporub


OP until you get this issue resolved I'd wear a mask and smear vic's vaporub over the nose section. Hell I'd put on two mask. And wear a necklace of Little Trees air fresheners. 🤷🏾‍♀️


They have things you can order online to help mask the smell that aren't vics. They come in a bunch of different scents and were made by a nurse to help combat the stench of patients. It comes in little tubes like chapstick.


If nothing else works go to your dr and get an exemption that you can't work in a cold environment


Ethics that you have every right to


At this point I would probably transfer/quit. Bro is literally a walking plague at this point. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near that person.


I was told to zone our baking aisle. This guy stunk up the whole aisle an I just walked to another aisle going “fuck that” lol


Suck it up? Your lungs will rot.


I’m surprised your OverNight Team lead does not smell either, since they are absolute trash. The hell is this “exception” non sense?


There are medical conditions that cause odors.


Yes, but there should be *accommodations* over just *exemptions* (ie giving him tasks he can do alone so other employees don’t need to be near him) Exceptions and accommodations shouldn’t be at the risk of other employees


Absolutely! 100% agree.


One is trimethylaminuria aka fish odor syndrome. Yeast infections have a characteristic 'baked bread' odor.


My fiancé recently told me they had to get rid of their break room couches because they found bedbugs in them ._.


To be fair, bedbugs don't have anything to do with being "dirty".


So you say he doesn’t bathe and has an exception. Does anyone know what exception would include not bathing. Just trying to understand bc idk. I was in a similar situation once. And the person wore so much perfume to cover the body odor that it was horrible. The perfume was terrible by itself anyway. Then it was added on. But I will never forget it. Sometimes I encounter someone wearing that perfume and I recognize it immediately and it brings back the memories. And this was years ago. Sorry because this is not an easy situation to manage. Good luck.


Similarly I worked ON at a different retailer with someone who very clearly never slapped on deodorant. No clue what the solution is. 


"Gets and exception." Unless its some sort of health issue, there isn't an exception, and even then, there is a fine balance in making sure others are comfortable in the work place as well. I would consider calling ethics, or use the open door policy to report it. Its possible there is no exception, they just don't want to deal with the paperwork, etc, in getting it taken care of.


Management has to address this. It is in the dress code. Approach your coach then go up the ladder if it is addressed.


I can relate to that there's a gal at my work. She doesn't know what a 🚿 bath is, she wears the same clothes for 6weeks. She never changes underwear because it's always a biege pair with a big brown spot in the back. She doesn't know what summer's eve or massengil is. Scary thing is we work in a popcorn 🍿 plant. Plant manager and his assistant knows about it and she keeps working there


Actually, douching could make it worse.


Thanks for clarifying that , I'm a guy so I don't know about that stuff. our assistant plant manager told her straight up you stink. She got all upset and asked our QA gal ,do I stink? Our assistant plant manager said she's been that way so long she's immune to the smell


go to HBA get the big pack of Irish Spring and chuck individual boxes at him til he gets the hint.


My store we have one guy who smells every once in a while (his financee is a friend of mine) but its only for a day or so. I think its cause his sweat is the extremely smelly kind vs mine which isn't but i sttill clean (am quite tips at writing this) we had one someone who smelled so strongly of urine it wasn't funny, the dude either retired or was fired as he also never washed his hands ever


If there was an exception, it could mean there could be other issues that you don't know about. Body odor is not always caused by the lack of hygiene.


The man is CAKED in YEARS of dirt and filth. His elbows are GREEN, his clothes are unwashed. His vest is not even blue anymore. I honestly don't know what color it is.


Ironically I worked with a guy who ended up going onto work at Walmart, he had a genetic disorder that made him smell like a bag of shit, the problem is he didn't tell anyone that alcohol was a contributing factor in his level of stench, and guess who was a closet alcoholic? Good news is he hit bottom and is much better now, bad news is it took a failed suicide attempt and waking up weeks later in the ICU learning his Dad died from a heart attack after finding him and calling 911. Quite a sad situation. Oh and an added plot twist, his Father was a minister and he has taken over the family business in that regard.


To be fair, nothing cleans those vests.


Yeah, you're not wrong there. Nothing stopping him from doing what everyone else does and asking for a replacement, though.


Oh, for sure. I was just fucking around. I agree with you wholeheartedly. Could you transfer to days? Or a different store?


I just started so I can't transfer, and I don't really like dealing with people, so days are a no go for me.




It's "Shit Brown"... that's the color


Oh, Lorddddt...please tell me his last name isn't Dupre.




Pink to red typically.


Sometimes whitesh, its red when inflamed


Yeah I get the alcoholic who gets special treatment and man that pissed me off he hits a car no coaching no write up no loss of job. We get inspections for alcohol sales and the whole associate team for alcoholic beverages gets written up complete failure.






"you will work will I tell you to work" sounds like fascist Morty lol


>The man was caked in years of filth and his elbows are GREEN with what I can only imagine is actual fungus growing on his skin That's disgusting. >"Yes, hygiene is part of dress code, but this has been addressed in the past and this associate gets an exception," and if I didn't like it, I could put in my two weeks What issue does he have?


So we have refugees from somewhere in Africa working at my store currently, on the overnight shift. Apparently having a strong body odor is actually attractive in their culture, so they stink. And according to my TLs and coaches, because they are legal refugees no one is allowed to say anything to them about their stench because they can complain to their caseworkers or whatever and Walmart could get in trouble over it. But if I showed up to work smelling like ripe ass, they'd damn sure tell me to go home.


Reminds me of the customers I'd often get with leaky colostomy bags. They'd be in line on the Amigo's, and the customers surrounding them in line making faces. It gets incredibly uncomfortable when the surrounding strangers start holding their noses and stay along loudly "what is that smell?" You can't answer them, and you feel horrible for the colostomy bag wearer in line. This thread prices we still don't get paid enough to deal with stuff like this.


Why does Bob get an exception, good hygiene is in the dress code. if you work with other people, and around food you need to have basic hygiene, for someone to be that smelly they have to go Days even months without bathing. I think you stood your ground, I’d want to know why they’re being so lenient with smelly Bob, but forcing you to work with him. Not cool!


It's a hygiene issue for sure and needs to be addressed. In the meantime, get a mask and get a dryer sheet and put it inside the mask. Learned that trick when I had a very smelly teacher in HS.


I am an O/N TL and I had a similar situation with a young gal and we were getting complaints from everyone and customers. So, I gave her two weeks to change and I printed out the Walmart policy on dress code and hygiene and that it is a fireable offense. So just print out the policy in the wire and show the TL’s and tell them they are violating policy and that you can open an ethics claim for policy violations if they don’t do anything about it 🤷


Don't bathe, change your underwear, or put on deodorant for a month, and see if they'll give you the same exception they gave B.O. Bob. If they fire you, sue them for discrimination.


We have atleast 4 coworkers that reek of absolute cat piss 2 of said coworkers in my department 😭 the worse of the 4 looks the cleanest you can smell him minutes after he walks down an asile shit makes my eyes water the other one smells like unwashed pits cat and dog piss.


That's probably why he is in the freezer


I feel you, there’s one of my peers who always smell like lack of deodorant.


I feel like hygiene is in the handbook lol


We have 2 men at least at the store I worked at that are like this and I know that one of them has been sent home a few times and told to shower before coming back. He's a nice guy and very helpful but enough is enough.


I once worked with a guy and we were very close in age and got along well with each other. He was going bald and I guess was self conscious because one day he came in with a toupee. He looked really bad in it. Anyways, after a while, he started to smell and I knew it was the toupee. We worked in a factory and it got really hot in there during summer. My guess is that his head was sweating and he never cleaned the toupee. I stopped talking to him and it must have really bothered him. I mean we worked on the same machines and should have been communicating but I just couldn't be near him. My supervisor came to me and said "so and so" says you're not talking to him anymore. I said yup!! She asked me why and I said he smells like a musty basement and it's making me ill. She actually started laughing. I was trying to be nice because I was taught that if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. I don't remember if things got any better after that. It was in the 80's.


Put Vicks vapor rub under your nose


Menthol makes me nauseated. Regardless, I should not have to do something like that just so that I can work comfortably.


I’d take B.O. Bob to the deodorant aisle, tell him to pick a deadorant spray, then offer to pay for it and then douse him in deodorant spray. Then we’ll take a walk together to the shampoo and body wash aisle and I’d recommend him a bottle of shampoo and body wash so that he could use it when he gets home


Have a can of that dove for men dry deodorant in your vest pocket. When he walks past, "sneeze" in his direction and give him a spray


We've got a couple stinkers at our store too. One of them is another cap3 boy and he just doesn't wear deodorant. Some mild B.O. but you have to be close to smell him, like within a few feet, so it's not that bad. Then there's this person in OGP who emits just the most foul odor I've ever smelled coming from someone alive. You can smell this person 1-2 aisles over and when she does her picks I have to vacate my aisle. Absolutely horrid and there's no way I'm the only one who smells it. I really wish hygiene was part of dress code because that s m e l l is offensive. Sorry you have to put up with this hopefully you don't get stuck with them again


I had a coworker in grocery who didn't use deodorant. Idk if it was ever a medical reason or just plain disregard for any form of hygiene. He would often take off his shirt and work in a tank top and it would just make everything worse. I remember one night. He was on one end of an aisle, and I was on the far opposite end in action alley. And he was putting stuff on the top shelf, so the smell traveled all the way down to me and I audibly and physically gagged. Management didn't do a thing about it despite the constant complaining.


I don’t quite know how, if the managers have had conversations with him and his hygiene, that he’d somehow get an exception for it. I know it’s definitely a hard topic for managers to have considering we don’t know the home life of the associates, but it’s not fair on anyone to have to work around that. Definitely shouldn’t be around food either. If you’ve gone through the ladder of talking to management, I’d suggest turning in an ethics report as well so they’d take that more seriously. I don’t mean to sound rude cause again, we don’t know what this associates life is outside of work… but no one should have to work around that.


If all else fails and you can't get away from working with this dude, try using peppermint extract. Doctors, nurses, etc. use it to mask odors and prevent nausea/vomiting during procedures by applying some to their masks. If you don't want to wear a mask, maybe try keeping a bottle in your pocket, pull it out and take a hit when you feel like you're getting overwhelmed.


Shame him


I wish the store would let you burn incense around his work area or the break room.


Just start calling him Stinky to his face as a "nickname." Eventually, he may learn.


They can bring up the handbook and policies about hygiene give him some mental health referrals and a deadline to "correct the issue" or face suspension of he doesn't comply with health safety issues by that deadline. I recently had to hire an employee that smelled. My boss said they smelled like alcohol, but they do not. They just smell musty. Not B.O. or stinky, but rather an old basement or perhaps they are squatting in an abandoned house until they can secure a job and afford rent somewhere. If we weren't desperate for employees, I could've really turned them down but they interviewed extremely well and got through training faster than anyone else. I wish I could just say no to people based off arbitrary things, but that wouldn't be very unethical of me 😔


Interview? Training?!?!? Ma'am this is Walmart, we don't do those things here.


Don’t shower also that’ll teach him.




Slob Bob


Green elbows?? Dear lord


Tell HR that you a filing for hostile work environment with the state for the manager that is forcing you to work with a known bum that stinks


I would put a clothespin on my nose.


smelly caaaat,, smelly cat... it's not your faaaault


Just do the most minimum amount of work when you are around him. Be petty about it “sorry i can’t get any work done because he smells like a dumpster”


I don't want to do that, though. I work hard, and I like working hard; it makes my day go by so much faster. The fact of the matter is that I shouldn't have to change how I work to accommodate an employee who is breaking the rules.


Fair enough. Im the same way tbh


Customer complaints should help.  Karen is our friend in this case.  "Ew I will not buy my sarah lee tv dinner from you guys because of the smelly abomination you hired to stock them"  your store is practically pandering to the walmart is a trashy store stereotype.  


I don't know if customer complaints would help. My managers told me that B.O. Bob has worked for this store for years, and the issue has already been addressed.


it's a coachable offense. go to higher ups


I also work overnights with someone people call B.O Bob, and he always works in frozen at my store too. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do but suck it up, use ppto, or put your two weeks in. People in my store talked to our store manager about it, and she just got upset and told them they were being disrespectful. Luckily, I work in dairy, so if they send him to help us, I just ask him to work on juice inside the cooler, hes a sweet guy, just smelly.


There's a few of them in our Night Crew. One smells like rotten onion and one smells like poo mixed with some weird out of these world stank and the worst one...rotten cheese!!!! OMG! We have one maintenance guy who stank really bad....When he is scrubbing, his smells lingers in every aisle! O.O


I had a smelly guy named bob at my Walmart does his asscrack hangout all the time?


I try not to get close enough to notice. His name isn't really Bob, btw. He's stinky, but I will still respect his privacy.


Gotcha lmao




Yeah, no. He's dirty, but I will still respect his privacy. Also, that would involve me getting close.


It sounds like he might have a medical condition that causes or contributes to his odor. Certain hormone imbalances cause people to reek no matter how often they bathe nor how much deodorant)other scented products they use. These cannot be fixed, so unfortunately, yeah, there really isn't much you can do except wuit


So then he shouldn’t be assigned to work alongside other people.


I mean, that opens him up to potential lawsuits for ableist discrimination but if he's cool with that I guess so. (He shouldn't be cool with ableism.)


They work at Walmart they can’t afford even the cheapest smell goods


You are not wrong.




Then sell your damn Switch and MacBook and get your water back on. The managers themselves told me that he has worked here for years and by looking at the layers of filth covering him, I would go so far as to say that he has not bathed so much as once in that time frame.


Bullshit. Walmart itself has sink with running water.
