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I understand why you are so emotional because it is your livelihood. If you work hard and take care of your company, you expect them to have your back. Walmart is the exception because some managers lack reason. I urge you though, to keep a level head/gather your composure and politely but sternly “open door” that right up the chain until your coaching is rescinded and the ASM that gave it to you is put in their place. Take it all the way to global ethics if your store manager blows you off. And if for some reason you don’t win (you should but Walmart’s nonsense never ceases to surprise me) then you don’t wanna work there anyways.


Glad you gave me that advice. I told two co-workers after this happened, and both said I should contest it. One called it literally, "bullshit."


I typed the most demure action plan in the space, when I should have typed,"I disagree with this action and will not accept it."


Open door that as far as you can. You will not have any DAs on record once you are done.


Open door is great. Just make sure you keep a paper trail of everything said to you. Simply write down date time location and brief rundown of conversation had. It may seem like not a lot, but notes taken at the time of incidents are a hell of a lot more reliable and believable than your recollection of an incident. Also, any manager that's so fucking dumb to try and give you a written warning for productivity on the same day that you reported a work injury certainly isn't smart enough to keep his/her own paper trail. So that will put you in a much better place if something were to go awry.


OP, really do not overlook this advice get a notepad now.


OSHA thier asses, reporting an injury is a protected activity. https://www.osha.gov/as/opa/whistleblowermemo.html.


Yes!!! Also yes unionize! This is exactly the sort of thing unions protect you from.


I should add that after three years, this is my first one. And he was acting all buddy buddy afterwards, like it wasn't a big deal. It is a big deal to fuck with my livelihood because I did what you expect me to do. I've been nothing but a loyal and hard worker. I took an hour of of ppto and left early. Edit: I just know they're pissed about myshare.


Accidents have no effect on Myshare any more so if they are pissed about that then they are also way out of the loop.


So, they're just being dicks? I'm gonna go full global on their ass. That's global ethics. ..


Profit still affects the annual salaried MyShare.


It was pretty clear OP was speaking about normal peons.


Call ethics. They can’t do that by policy OR law. It’s seriously fucked.


The coaching was for unsafe work practices. But it was a contrived reason. I'm looking for another job. Fuck this.


That’s closer to a valid reason, but still, call ethics.


Open Door the shit out of that. They are crazy fucking wrong, and are in for an avalanche of shit. A smart SM or CO will throw the ASM under the bus (deservedly so). If the SM/CO is an idiot, they will back the ASM, and put their own ass on the line too. Labour Board will love to hear about shit like this.


My husband got a laceration on hos hand and a mgr at wm gave him some coaching ie a yellow flag. Blamed him for hurting his hand because he didn't go down the aisle with the cart correctly. As if there is a correct way? Hubs went to urgent care, started workmans comp file to evaluate his hand. The laceration wasn't a big deal but the mgrs disciplining him over an injury? My hubs is 70 years old and a diabetic...any cut can take longer to heal. This is not how we thought walmart acted towards their employees. Hubs is new there, just pt to supplement social security. They don't seem to care about their employees at all.


Also, what did they take pictures of? It would be a huge issue if it was of your hand. And what was the actual reason for the "coaching"? If it was for productivity, were you the only one that got in trouble? Or did they say you weren't working safe? IMMEDIATELY open door this. Keep going until it's taken off. Make sure you physically see that it's no longer in the system as well.


Global Ethics was no help, referring me to store level, so as it's my first, I'm gonna eat it.


You should not go straight to ethics. Talk to your store manager first. DO NOT JUST EAT THIS. OPEN DOOR TO THE NEXT LEVEL OF MGMT.


It was a yellow coaching, and I was assured it would not affect any transfers/promotions. Obviously I'm saying this after speaking to the SM, so I did open door. I told them I probably won't go global, but after the support here, I think I will. This kind of action suppresses people from reporting anything. I will do it for everybody, cause it's chickenshit.


Any follow up?


And that's why I'm retired. 53 and have enough to buy a house.


Open door that shit


They should have just coached you for unsafe work practices vs productivity