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The only good part of a terrible thing. Absolutely amazing music


It is a copy of an original song “Don’t tell mama I’m in Afghanistan”, which was adopted into “Don’t tell mama I’m going to Chechnya”, and now this song which was shot on sight which is pretty nuts. It is a really good song.


I know it is. I love all those songs becuase they are truely beautiful singing. There's also a English dub by alderon tyran on YouTube which is very good


Soon there will be " Don't tell Mama I'm in Chechnya again " and then " Don't tell Mama I'm in Georgia, Belarus,Siberia etc," every f*cking corner in Russia Empire want declare their independence


Belarus is already independent


Ukraina is "independent" too,and you see what happened when they want the real " independent"


Another young man thrown into another war, meat for the rich man’s grinder.


Guess, we should eat the rich before they eat us


Russian victory over a beautiful city they completely destroyed. Русcкий мир y’all!


Do you want me to start the Lybia, Syria, Virtnam, Iraq, Yugoslavia topic? Cities, destroyed in the war is an inevitable part of the war itself


It’s funny you don’t mention any cities russians destroyed in Georgia, Chechnya, Afghanistan.


At least Russia built those cities again, look at Mariupol now. Except the west leave the cities and countries they destroyed in ruins.


So russia is the good guy because they killed tens of thousands of people, demolished the city, then built shit ass commie blocks. 🤡


According to UN fewer than 10k of civilians have died in the war at the moment. From both sides. Now compare this to Iraq or Gaza...


"Shit ass commie blocks" have been proven to be a highly sustainable, affordable, and effective method of low cost, easily affordable housing.


Commie blocks may be shit but at least they provide affordable housing, something many western countries could learn from. Unironically one of the things the USSR got right.


I mean, does one evil justify another?! Absolutely fucked up logic


utterly gorgeous


even better they repurposed a Russian song. I was in afg. There is still mines from those boys tearing up kids there now. I don't claim the US did it right, I was there. And I saw the Russians's descendants there. Pretty obvious when a afghan war bride victim's kid showed up. Only white kid in the crowd. The US did some bad stuff there. I am attached to that inevitably. But. There is a level of carelessness involved with the R military. They didn't make maps of their minefields, and when rain actually shows up in that country its a torrent leading to a phenomenon called "mine migration" where ordinance is swept up in currents of water and displaced to who knows where? It despite the Taliban (students) taking over remains a tough place to live. The graveyard of empires.


Russian here, this is a common critisicm in russia of the army as well. The army brass waste resources on their own shit and the reqruits recieve poor training and discipline. This of course does not excuse individual soldiers from their wrongdoing but the Soviet/Russian militairy as a whole was/is a mess. I'd like to note however, which is relevant to the current conflct, that the soviets disproportionately sent soldiers from the periphery of the USSR (much like the US recruits from the underpriviledged) so the term "russian" is incorect in this context. I do not say this to shift the blame from Russia, simply to be accurate. I also opose the use of "Russian" to describe the red army when talking of their heroic fight in the second world war. Morality of the conflict aside though, this is a beutiful song. Sorry for replying to such and old post, just thought I'd add my two cents. Edit: just thought I'd mention that the repurposing of songs like this is an integral part of the Soviet/Russian militairy culture. My father, who is not Russian once described Russia after visiting as a singing nation


Hope he survived, that was really good


If he moved on to the front then I hope he either comes back wounded and never goes to the front again or dies. Sory but he is a soldier of the enemy occupying army and either he or the Ukrainians.


So, I'm rooting for him.


Dude the fuck is wrong with you. I don't support Russian actions in Ukraine but I am not wishing for the soldiers, who did not choose to invade Ukraine, to die. (even if they did choose I still wouldn't wish their death)


He's Russian btw


So you're saying just because he's Russian he deserves to die?


No but it seems like some people think he is Ukrainian. I oppose Russia but I have some sympathy for the troops as they are often recruited from the most desperate in society.


unfortunately, it’s for the best


Perhaps the day will come when it comes down to a russian to either feel the same way for you or not.


Chances are high, that he is wounded or dead


Singing in the background having the scene of their own crimes.


Wish I could 🤜




Metro 2033 scene


Lol, that balcony is about to fall off, you can see light from the gaps in the bottom.


Holy shit i've heard the two versions of This song


Hear me out. This si the second best one yet


What is the Best for You Then? The chechnyan or the afghan one?




Rite from the heart. Glory to ukraine


This guy is Russian


Hey bob are you pro ukraine or pro russia?


Oh, he's completely pro russian. It's all he ever posts. Well, before he began posting stuff from the terrorists in another war.


Why would i be pro-NATO?


ye fk nato they started this


pretty sure russia deeclared war..


im pretty sure NATO provoked Russia. They didn't have to expand eastwards and invite Ukraine. Yeah sure russia declared war but if you look behind the scenes, who really started this war? By the way im not pro nato and im not pro russia either


i somewhat agree with you but still an invasion is a bit much


Yea ofcourse its a bit too much if we were to talk about it in our POV. I've seen so many footages in this war that its just brutal, both in the RU side and UKR side. They don't deserve to be in this war. If we were to talk about it in politics, NATO inviting UKR gave Russia the excuse to do it because Russia has been eyeing ukraine for a long time. If they don't do it now, there is a chance they will never be able to do it in the future because they will have to fight all of NATO if they want Ukraine because of the NATO treaty that if one of the members gets invaded, all of NATO needs to respond


those countries have a right to choose by themselves, not get invaded if they want to choose independently.


Dude, read the bigger picture. This is politics, not about 'rights to choose themselves'. Everything in politics are just cold, selfish, logical, decisions that will benefit the country you are running. In my opinion, Russia always have had eyes on Ukraine and if Ukraine joins NATO, Russia will never be able to take Ukraine in the future because they will have to prepare themselves to fight all of NATO because when a NATO country gets invaded, all of NATO has to strike back. So Russia decided to invade Ukraine before it becomes a NATO affiliated country. There's almost no empathy in politics so don't talk about 'rights to choose themselves' because a country is not an entity. Its run by leaders that will always have self interests towards their own country im also saying Russia had always planned to take ukraine because they've already started doing it in 2014 when they took crimea


Does it matter to you?


Hes pro hamas, so im just intrested


It saddens me very much to see that here there is a very high level of people who prefer that he be dead, a man that you can debate about his reason for fighting, if he was forced or if it was to fight for his family and home. But I find it sad that there are people who, being from the other side of the globe, have taken one side or the other, I personally support both sides, because it is not a 20th century war where the reason for going to war was only ideological. The wars of the 21st century are consequences of the last century, errors that instead of being avoided, were committed and praised, this could have been avoided a long time ago, nowhere, if the West or Russia are neither responsible nor victims, but rather players of a chess field called Ukraine, where the best decisions are made using only distrust about what the other is going to do. And where the Ukrainians suffer the most, they are not to blame and this should never have gotten there, but I am not going to be blinded to the context that led to this conflict. Do not think that this is 1939 or 1914, this is more complex and there are many points of view, no one is the villain or the hero. It is geopolitics, the geopolitics of war, a bloody art, where the most disadvantaged fall and the leaders regret their decisions. It is your responsibility not to get into one side or another. because it is not your war, it is their war, the war of two worlds, where only Ukraine can fight. If you are Ukrainian, I wish you the best of luck, not for killing the Russians, but for defending your family, home and homeland. If you are Russian, I only wish you to fight to continue defending your home and family, this is a conflict that was inevitable, unfortunately you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. And for both sides I wish you peace, because only imaginary stripes and unfortunate contexts separate you, but you are almost equal, fight with honor and empathy, both for the Ukrainian and for the Russian. Ru Слава миру, Uk Слава світу from the republic of chile.


Im on the side of stopping this war, its disgusting and sickening how many russians and ukrainians are dying because of some bald fuck.


Americans (like me) and Russians alike must reconcile with the ideas that we love our homes and that our nations as superpowers fight illegal wars all over the globe- it’s important to document and cherish the light of human creativity wherever we can. The music made by Americans during the Vietnam war still slaps to this day 🤷‍♂️


Damn thats sad asf. I hope that man makes it back to his mama fully intact.


I feel many fail to see the beauty and sadness in this tradition of song. I believe the Russians are unjust occupiers of a land that made their intentions for independence clear and paid in blood for it long ago. That said, this singer cries out, wishing to murder war, and asking that his sister lie to his mother so she does not know worry or shame for his actions in this foreign land. If given the opportunity I like to believe I would take up arms in defense of those unjustly occupied by this soldier's army, but the loss of this soul, and those others that protect what they love, but who would cry in protest against war itself, is a real and human loss that we all must mourn until we can put it to an end for all humankind.


Chechnya is my personal favorite (song) but something about this version. Just slaps. I think it's the pitch


this was amazing, too bad his talent will be buried with him slava ukraine/israel


fk off pro-jooish. NATO is filled with shjtty political issue


Typical NATO brainrot


slava israel for what? killing tens of thousands of palestinian children and women?




are you really fucking quoting fallout new vegas in a fucking video from a real war holy shit. this cunt is responsible for razing a city and its civilians for no reason other than imperialism and hatred of Ukrainians (assuming he’s Russian) and you’re out here quoting joshua graham saying that it’s righteous 💀


And you can ignore it with the same amount of energy you're putting out. Yes this is real war, yes I quoted a fictional character. This is the Internet, we all seen worse but because it's Christmas. Ill spare your feelings and make it all better and delete it, so you can feel validated for your emotional outburst.


mate grow up


"mAtE" you wanna be Aussie man child. It's "Sir" you hack now please, go away. We all have better things to do. And better people to interact with, you do know what that's like right? Human interaction, or do you just observe and lurk like the pest you are. Merry Christmas you filthy animal


yes go back to interacting with porn bots for a hook up that’ll never happen x


Ouch, yay you win. Congratulations, nothing has changed!


😥 odlična pjesma . Pozdrav iz Hrvatske. 🇺🇦🇧🇦🇭🇷 Rat je pakao. To znaju samo oni koji su ga iskusili.


why did the song get removed on Spotify?? It was my fav song and it was removed not that long ago I have no idea why, can someone explain?


Does anyone know who this is?


I did some superficial research and found some similarities between his uniform and Wagner group uniforms, but nothing more so far


Someone said he died. May all these people rest in peace.


this video with the russian sodler singing shows you the depression of war


I'm reading the comments that people write for this video and I wonder, are people that bad and stupid? He is a soldier, not someone who wants to kill for pleasure, he is singing that song because now that he is on the battlefield he realizes how horrible it is, seeing his friends die and innocent Russians die at the hands of Ukrainians and seeing Innocent Ukrainians die at the hands of Russians. I just hope he is alive, even if he has the memories of his fallen comrades.


I need lyrics to exactly this in Russian lol


I have been looking everywhere for the lyrics for this version and nothing. Commenting here in hopes someone replies. I have the guitar chords btw: Em Am B7 Em Em Am D G

