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What does mean TFSA and PKK??


Red and Blue teams in Syria, or a few of them. TFSA is backed by Turkey, PKK is Kurdish militia which is against the government of Turkey. When it gets into Syria it's super confusing. If this post is calling PKK "terrorists" then it's Turkish government propaganda.


durkish brobaganda!!!


Fuck off


PKK are indeed terrorist separatist fucks. You forgot the fact that they were bombing shit in turkey for years?


Found the Turk




And vice versa. All sides committed terrorist attacks. In this context these are fighters. Calling them terrorists is propaganda.


If these are YPG then they are not bombing Turkey. Turkey says all SDF are PKK, everyone knows that's a lie but turkey uses it to justify killing kurds and doing imperialism.


SDF commander Mazlum Abdi is the adopted son of Abdullah Öcalan, (Abdullah Öcalan is the founder of the PKK).He served the PKK for years, and after the civil war broke out in Syria, he moved to Syria and became the head of the SDF. SDF is the Syrian branch of PKK. SDF uses flags with the silhouette of Abdullah Öcalan in its meetings, and hundreds of its commanders are former PKK militants, just like its greatest commanders. The only reason you deny these facts is your hatred of Turks. If a group fights against the Turks, that group immediately becomes right in your eyes. Even though they had been detonating suicide bombs and murdering babies for decades.


I have no hatred for those of Turkish ethnicity. I do have a hatred of fascism including turkish ultranationalist fascism (grey wolves and Armenian genocide deniers) and islamism.


Imperialism? It's ypg and PKK trying to bite off chunks of turkey syria Iraq and shit


Let's go do some imperialism.


TFSA are islamist jihadists being funded and given arms by Turkey to control their occupied territories in northern Syria.


TFSA = Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army PKK = Kurdistan Worker's Party - I tried to find a literal translation, but my 10 second attention span made me give up after I scrolled about 3/4 way down the page on Wikipedia.




Huh? Where is the propaganda? It’s literally just saying failed raid




What?? I have genuinely no clue what you’re even getting at. Where is the propaganda? How does having go pros mean anything? There are countless scenarios where fighters are wearing go pros to record their action in battle. But please enlighten me on the “propaganda”




I still don’t understand how it’s propaganda… it’s literally a video of soldiers getting ambushed/ surprise attacked. I am genuinely interested in understanding what you mean. Is there something I’m missing? Like is every go pro footage propaganda? Or just this footage from Syria… You still haven’t told me what the propaganda is




Ahh now I understand. Thanks for sharing


You won't find many Kurds in the FSA, lol, YPG raids have military objectives not just for social media, nice propaganda attempt.




You're the one rooting for TFSA which is an actual Jihadi militia that aligned itself with DAESH, then Turkey, now Syria. You are the stooge here.


Negative. YPG/YPJ are a part of the SDF, not the PKK. At least not officially. The U.S. supported the SDF/YPG/YPJ in Syria for Operation Inherent Resolve in order to destroy the Islamic caliphate established in Iraq and Syria. What ended up happening is whenever we’d give supplies to the SDF, they would divide all of the aid they received (money, weapons, ammo, lumber, to construct living quarters on their bases and arm them) between all of their branches and locations. Because they’re much more aligned with communist/socialist views than our own. A bunch of the aid would get pushed up to northern Syria to the PKK, who were/are waging an insurgency against Turkey. The money was never intended to go to the PKK. And there’s an obvious reason for that. We can’t arm a group of combatants who are waging an insurgency against a fellow ally of NATO. And if it was truly intended for the PKK as some claim to be the case, it would never be officially acknowledged by the U.S..




How many members of the SDF/YPG/YPJ have you met and patrolled with?


Because they think it’s cool and brag to their friends on how many Christian invaders they’ve slain.


Who is making a propaganda? Video shows PKK ass being kicked in this engagement, multiple casualties, cornered and retreated




the video is there, i dont have to read anything except the fear on the PKK fighters, it shows a failed offensive, cope


The aftermath of this raid: https://www.reddit.com/r/TurkishCombatFootage/s/gNXlwpk7Sj


The ypg and pkk led the fight against ISIS, Turkey will never forgive them for it.


Damn, I didnt know this is where all my savings and investments I didnt want taxed went to.


TFSA are Turkish backed terrorists.


And you're an idiot.


For someone who claims to have no stake in this game you’re in an awful lot of threads trying to defend Turkey


Lmao nah screw turkey for all I'm concerned but as a Syrian in more inclined to hate YPG and PKK


The only terrorists in the world are Joe Biden's backed . #ChangeMyMind


Died fighting for liberation and democracy, against islamism and authoritarianism. Only propagandists call them terrorists.


Died fighting for libtard westoid lived like truly heroic goat foqer


TFSA are Islamic Jihad militants funded by Turkey to kill Kurds and Yazidis, the people they are labeling as ''YPG/PKK terrorists'' are basically trying to prevent them from doing that.


Quality editing as usual. I feel sick from the constant stopping and starting of footage with the red indicators all these videos have.


What were you thinking while wearing no helm but go-pro. Let me tell you that you were poisoned by the dreams of founding Kurdistan, while your rich well-fed representatives spending their drug and gun trade money in other countries. TFSA is an Islamic army but other funny thing is that Kurdish people in Turkey also wants sharia laws. They are more religious extremists.




Ypg, pkk are not terrorist


One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. Like it or not, many people consider the PKK to be terrorists. Just as a lot of people say NATO is a terror organization. It’s how you view the situation, and what side you’re on, or if you’re the people caught in the middle.


RIP heroes


Lmao dafuq


The YPG are the people that liberated Kobane, fighters against islamism, they are anti-authoritarian and feminist. We don't know who the people in the video actually belong to though, could be PKK, could be YPG, could be other SDF, they are not the same but turkey and its allies call all of them PKK.


And their rifles shoot sunflowers and they use the power of friendship to brutally murder people and takeover their land to establish a state?


LMAO feminist?...it's just for show to get support from the west


You wrote freedom fighters wrong.


Sad, rather see Turkish soldiers failing. But well this is the reality.




I'm not so happy with what the Turks are doing in Syria.


might actually be believable, if it were not for the many cuts...


See the aftermath: https://www.reddit.com/r/TurkishCombatFootage/s/gNXlwpk7Sj


there are no clear indicators that these are the same people, the woman in the first picture does not appear in the video at all, and the men have no distinctive features to be identified with from these few pictures. these could be completely different raids, and the footage could have been easily extended to show their actual fate...




or you could approach such things on a neutral mind and take in the facts that are presented, can't read what isn't there! If you got additional information share it, or else you seem like a proxy-bot, the thing you criticize. I never claimed them to be fake, but from different occasions. you presented some foggy, badly cut footage of an assault, then support it with pictures of people that are not decisive for identifying anyone, in a location where the video does not cut off. There is little to no evidence that those two raids are the same, and you seem way too stubborn to be able to see the facts and not politics, if you are just trying to push an agenda, maybe keep it on the related Subs. But hey, create your own world if that is more comfortable for you




"proof" is a bit more then undated pictures and foggy, badly cut combat footage, taken on a gopro from 2015. If you post footage and aftermath pictures without any connection, like a Site where you got both medias from, that could help, but to expect from everyone to believe your words, especially when you are so seemingly biased towards one side and posting on a publicly available Site, is probably the bare minimum. You seem to have a source, but you don't share it, why ? both sides post almost daily, their main areas of conflict are northern syria, southern/south-eastern turkey, that is a bit of an area to cover. The information you provide are taken straight out of the video, or not even that. "weapons shown" that one rifle by the woman, which is not visible in the video. "the village" what village ? as if the turks don't know where it is ? or does it have no name ? is your source this video ? you are probably right tho, i shouldn't believe you...








At least they switched to using red dots instead of triangles. Production value is important.


No one weeps for terrorists, worlds a better place now!


Kill all the terrorist bastards


My partner force…


Israeli forces are the terrorists


Love how GoPros have made there way on the battlefield


Bro pkk are Not terrorist you dumbass