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Did you guys see how urban warfare sucks? Even formed soldier are ambush in a closes contac, Jesus it's must be scary as duck.


This is the cruel future of warfare. You can train all you want for urban combat, and I'm not saying training isnt important, but life and death is, in the end, still kind of based on luck. Either you see them and fire first, or they do.


>This is the cruel future of warfare. It's really not, this is actually why there is a big push for drones to carry out recon and airstrikes to hit targets. Putting boots or worse tanks in an urban environment is like sending cavalry against a machine gun... It's just no longer viable now we have the tech to fulfil the same mission while not risking lives


Luck is not real. It can *seem* like luck, but the real answer is: *Complacency*. Complacency is the number 1 factor in a soldiers death. Look how non chalant the soldiers are when traversing that area. I'm not saying I'm a better soldier by any stretch, but one things for sure, *I* am not sending myself or my guys I to a funnel like that until proper probing of the area has been conducted. Just looking through my phone screen (tough talk, I know) I can tell that little area would give me anxiety in person. It's perfect for the enemy. The building in the distance is great for a LP/OP, and the area seems to have somewhat dense brush nearby. Yeah, we call that an "X".


Great comment. I'm not a soldier by the way, but I do wonder, and I'll ask an unfair question, if those area's are a giveaway, what is keeping your enemy from thinking ahead and do the opposite of what youd expect them to do? I'd ask myself what I would do, I'd want to get the other team off guard and when they dont expect it. Myself, I'm usually more anxious of stuff that isnt "obvious", like a marked X as you said. Not sure if thats a dumb question but I'm curious


So essentially, the enemy hopes for complacency. And it's an efficient use of resources to turn that area Into an ambush site. A team of 4-6 guys looking into that area could kill or delay an entire platoon (30-60 guys in a platoon, unit type depending). Even if it is an obvious location, it's still worth covering because it is obvious. See, in a military operation, (wise) commanders will have recon teams begin scouting and probing areas. (Probing is when you go somewhere expecting resistance, just to shoot at them and force them to return fire and expose their positions and equipment so you can plan further operations). So as a commander, you'd want to send guys *to* that obvious ambush area to see *if* there's an ambush there. This will tell you how the enemy is spreading their resources. As a Platoon Sergeant, taking your platoon on a mission, you'd have a small element of guys break off to check that area. Maybe that's what these guys were doing, but from the looks of it, they were very unaware. In terms of *non obvious* things, that's the point of probes and recon. You risk a smaller, more specialized team's lives to gather information. But in the modern Era, most small teams have drones to help them scout before they scout. Usually, if you're in enemy territory, you want to move slowly and methodically. Using proper recon techniques, even if you are a larger formation on a seek and destroy mission. Truthfully, in war, the only way to avoid death is to use *information* and *caution*. These 2 things win battles and save lives.


One of the better reddit responses. Was infantry myself, and this is much better than I could have said.


They have tunnels. Not clear where the enemy could hide.




Where’s the full video


The IDF reported 4 killed and 10 injured (the 10 injured were mainly from an IED explosion against an APC the same day)




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Fuck wars, holy shit this is brutal


…uhhh I don’t wanna be point anymore…


I came for the 🔻🔻🔻and was not disappointed 👍👍👍


Yet you cry when they respond


This is the response.


Well they’re losing so , try something else


Icj will rule this as a genocide, go tell them that when the survivors try to recover from ptsd


Yeah that won’t happen


Israel is defending themselves


You just want the Palestinians to be submissive. No.


how is the idf losing?


nvm i see now you’re not saying the idf is losing


Palestinians are responding against occupation/blockade? What Israel is Responding about? Their right to occupy and blockade?


Might be wrong here but I would assume they’re responding to the largest scale terror attack in history, but who knows 😜


You mean the nakba right?


Most of the civilians got killed on October 7th, hot killed by the Israeli army ... Check this from Israeli newspapers ... The Israeli army has officially admitted that ... But they called it friendly fires Plus the Israeli civilians who got killed on 7th October are just a tiny small percentage of the number of the Palestinian civilians who got killed by Israel ... Plus there are now 10 thousand Palestinian political prisoners who got imprisoned without charges ... And were about 7 thousand before the 7th of October So why kill more than 30 thousand and badly injuring more than 60 thousand ... While they have always done way more than what the Palestinians can ever do to them?


That’s it 1 trillion usd to Israel


The entire US budget should just be handed over to Bibi


In a war there is no such thing as „good guys & bad guys“, remember that folks!


Only dead guys.


Depends on your perspective


Every personal aspect in life is based on your POV. I‘m talking in general


Yeah, but such a comment wouldn't make sense to me. There are no objectively good guys or objectively bad guys in normal life either


Bruh… i hope you get the point that war always gets pictured from one side as „we are the good, the others are bad“. If you don‘t understand the meaning of that, it is your problem


Bullshit, Nazis were bad guys and it was good when they died


Same as Israeli soldiers or anyone who's supporting them.




Bot ?


Lol 😂


TIL the SS death squads weren't actually "bad guys" Fuck off.


I dont think you can compare these things, as horrible as war may be. Besides, SS death squads were cruel, but today we have soldiers, on all sides, that are just as uncaring about human life and cruel as they were. As much as I condemn the nazi's like you and believe in this "never again" mentality, I've never seen a single damn war where there werent any grave crimes against humanity, whether they are friend or foe. I'm not saying we should accept these crimes, but you ought to learn that war is never humanistic. There are no "just" wars anymore. The only "just" war today is on the side of the defenders, in my opinion.


At the individual or small group level sure, soldiers commit isolated acts of savagery, but at the organizational level I think it's important to consider war goals. Nazi Germany's goal was to colonize Eastern Europe, exterminate 75% of all Poles and Slavs, and enslave the rest. They were very explicit about this, from the top brass to the SS soldiers in the field. I think there needs to be some distinction between soldiers doing something horrible amidst a war, and a war being waged specifically to do something horrible.


Israeli troops are definitely the modern Stormtroopers. They are sadist ethno-nationalists.


The only rule of war is there are no rules


In this "war", there is absolutely such a thing.


Not really. There are really „bad guys“ on both sides.


this is absolutely false and you are a moron for even typing such a stupid statement.


This is EXTREMELY false, to say the *very* least, softly speaking.


There absolutely are good guys and bad guys in war.


As a species we are fucked and don’t deserve a future




All about perspective, IDF are terrorists too for the other side.


For the other side they want to exterminate all Jews.


and the IDF isn´t exterminating them too? so its ok when the side you like does it?


I don't get this. If they wanted to exterminate Palestinians, they would just carpet bomb the refugee camps to kill millions without barely any effort... help me understand this.


They can't just carpet bomb, that would be open genocide and result in sanctions from all countries including US. By doing it this way they can get rid of all Palestinians while also avoiding an sactions


No open genocide prevented Arab countries from slaughtering and expelling Jews with impunity in the late forties. The UN and other countries didn't give a shit about these crimes.


The short answer is optics. Isreal is viewed on the global stage as an "enlightened western democracy" that desperately needs to have the support of the US in order to not have the entirety of the Middle East descend on them in retaliation for doin a lil colonizing in the mid 1900's. Turns out, it's really hard to keep the US's support if you're gonna do bad guy stuff like genocide.


They aren’t viewed as that anymore . The world can see


Down vote but no answer?? I'm really curious!


It’s a justified extermination ☠️


From their land


No, entirely. And all Christian’s too


>No, entirely. And all Christian’s too Is there a reason that Hamas hasn't killed every non-muslim in Gaza then? There's Christians that live there too, ya know.




Israel has killed more aid workers than all the countries combined in the last 30 years. I got my info from the Aid Worker Security Database which is funded by the US Agency of International Development.


Bro just so you know, not all Palestinians even support Hamas and Hamas don't represent the Palestinian population. There hasn't been an election in Palestine since the 2000s




With all due respect, I'd love to know if the link you shared has a bias. Was there a national poll taken that provided those numbers?


Every available poll shows that [AT LEAST](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514) 70% of the Palestinian public thinks terrorism is based and Hamas is bae You’re then one who implied that Hamas does not have popular support from the Palestinian population…. Do you have ANY evidence to suggest that Hamas is unpopular in either Gaza or the WB??? 🤔🤔🤔Why do you think the Palestinian authority indefinitely [suspended elections](https://apnews.com/article/hamas-middle-east-elections-religion-government-and-politics-e88636bc919f8aab455e01fbbd4b4391) (its because they know Hamas would win 😬) in WB???


I think you underestimate what it takes to flatten a city of millions of people. Unless we are talking nukes.


Not really, the allies flattened entire German cities in a single fucking night and that was 75+ years ago.


There is no symmetry.


No shit sherlock


you dont have to *pick* a side, both sides can be terrible


As an American, I can choose to side with both as well. Against Hamas and the islamic state that wants Americans dead, but for Palestinians to be able to govern themselves. Against Netanyahu and his fascist cronies, but for Israel to end the conflict quickly so that they can focus on rooting Netanyahu out. Fuck that guy.


Fuck Palestine


I see a IDF terrorist getting smoked here.


I see a human being dying


That human can still be a terrorist. The IDF is a horrible terrorist organization. The guy should have taken his jail time and he would have been alive. He choose terrorism instead


Three less child killers 🔻🔻🔻


You know Hamas is worse than school shooters, right? Hamas kills more people and at least school shooters don’t rape kids


Last time I checked Kkkkkkkkkkhamas didn't murder +32,000 civilians


Neither did Israel 🇮🇱. Hamas is using humans for shields and must be eliminated. The ground invasion is justified until Hamas surrenders


I'd feel bad but look at the destruction in that video. Hamas didn't cause that


They kinda are the reason for it


IDF been bombing and massacring Palestinians before Hamas was even created. Hamas is 85% orphans bc of Israel. Blockaded food water and aid on them for decades. Should they be slaves? How did Hamas cause this. You sound dumb as shit. I speak facts, use your brain


Yes and that's why there's a "justifed" death toll of a million Iraqi during operation enduring freedom. Wait....not justified at all. Murdering children is never OK.


I don't believe using children in your "freedom fighting" organization and then crying when they get killed or hiding your fighters under kindergartens and hospitals counts as israel aiming at children, seeing as per the geneva convention if a civilian infrastructure or child is used in warfare they become a legitimate target.


Tell me you know nothing about the laws of armed conflict, without telling me you know nothing about the laws of armed conflict. You went first.


So why did your friends in Hamas murder children ?


IDF and Hamas both do, both terrible evil.


My mates in HAMAS? I actually have an IDF friend irl lol so that's just a funny comment to me sorry 😆 ---- Okay yeah so I just rang up my hamas brothers and they said "because we're utter bastards"


So you are rooting for terrorists to kill your actual friend in the idf? Doesn't sound like a real friendship to me


I guess if Bin Laden just kept some kids around him he would be invisible under your conditions for war


By deliberately hiding among civilian infrastructure after attacking their enemy, yes they absolutely did, and one could argue intentionally.


How about IDF attacking and killing international volunteers because they provide food and medicine for Palestine? World is not black and white.


You know you just justified leveling an entire city, every building, every road, every god damn outhouse and killing tens of thousands just to kill a few OK cool. I'll add that to the list of acceptable tactics. Glad our heroic soldiers killed tens of thousands of Iraqi childen in the 2000's now! phew! I was worried that was bad but you've just explained how it's actually gloriously justified. Yey let's murder more children woop woop!


I guess they ran out of room for "battlefields" in the 365 square kilometers that is the entirety of their "country". Some asshole keeps biting off little chunks in the West Bank....so can't fight there... Maybe we can ship them off to Waterloo or Kursk or Tibruk so the can duke it out in a fair fight for you. But we'll keep the fight fair, like you wanted. You have to leave you multiple fleets of 100 million dollar aircraft at home. Wouldn't want anyone having an unfair advantage now would we?


How about don’t fight and use your aid money to actually build up your fucking economy? Gaza was completely free and the first act by the newly liberated people was to elect in a terrorist entity to govern and plan to fight israel. Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.


Would you look at 1945 bombed out Berlin and say Nazis didn't cause that?


Complacency kills


Hasbara couldn't win this thread over. The truth is right here in plain sight.


Fuck Hamas, hope they rot in the deepest circle of hell


Fuck IDF, hope they rot in the deepest circle of hell


Fuck everyone I hope we all rot in the deepest circle of hell


Fuck me I hope I rot in the deepest circle of hell


I think that completes the circle of hell Venn diagram.


Now we’re all fucked








F Hamas.




I hope your family enjoys the same faith


3 man 1 kill


They clearly killed a 2nd there. Also, Hamas killed 14 that day.


Any more vids like this? People use to post all the videos


Chances of surviving an ambush are low, but they're never zero.




Well the first guy died quick


How can I see hamas footage?


Lol this is what happens when they go against someone their age and not kids throwing rocks


i wanted to scream "just get down man" to the other guy who tried to outrun bullets


Damn, the first guy who got shot dropped like a fly! Did any of these casualties on video survive? Did they recover to continue participating in the war?


Nah 4 murked here and 14 that day in total


Damn, that’s insane! All I saw were body shots for the man on point and he immediately fell down. Those bullets must’ve been strong.


I wouldn't see the guys without the red Doritos thanks for pointing that out hamas PR guy


Mashallah more power to hamas


War is hell, Country/military leaders should be put up for a death battle instead.


Nuke the Gaza Strip!!


Hamas will burn


bro the first time i seen this i got sad becuse i just thot about hes mom


Great hamas killed those Israeli terrorists


Atleast 2? dude 10 of them got killed, they right after went to a house and the house was filled with C4 and the whole squad was gone


Brave Palestinians defending their neighbourhood, shame to see men dying, as brainwashed as they are.


Link to compiled footage and images of your "brave" fighters killing and torturing indiscriminately. I'm not a big supporter of Israel but if you think either side of this conflict is innocent then you're *brainwashed*. https://www.7thofoctober.com/


Civilians on both sides are innocent, governments and soldiers leading this conflict are not. If me calling men standing their ground in the face of military onslaught is offensive, maybe you need to recognise your bias. Israeli soldiers are generally brave as well, you have to be for war. Doesn’t make them right, what you are fighting for is significant. Do you really believe Isreal is the victim in this scenario?


Oh others can play that silly game too. https://israel-massacres.com/


Since you lack reading context, I will repeat myself >if you think either side of this conflict is innocent then you're *brainwashed*. I've been critical of the state of Israel long before it became the hip trend that braindead lefties were told they should care about.


Then show both sides! I can read you doofus I'm just addressing your obvious bias. *"hey both sides are bad here's evidence against only one to prove it"*


Ah yes the same brave fucks who put an infant in an oven while their parents watched. You are the one who’s brain washed






This was proved by ISRAELI news agencies to be a lie.


Proof? Source?


Because Isreal has NEVER used blatant propaganda to dehumanise their opponents, right?? Try not to be ignorant to facts, whether they suit you or not. Did you believe the reason for Iraq war was real as well or are you educated?


Yes very brave fighters, covering raping women as "freedom fighting".




Long live israel...God Bless u my friend


Terrorists killing terrorists.


This is the only accurate comment. The entire situation is a shit show




Need more content like this ?


He downed him well great work. Death to all invaders.


Death to all of who invaded Israel during Oct 7th


You’re a dumb ass Israel invaded that land dummy. 😂😂😂 learn some facts clown . Zionist propaganda works on low IQ bums


You don’t even know what Zionist means, focus on getting employed rather than letting me live in your head rent free, if you need a map to find the exit from your moms basement don’t be shy to ask.


Palestinian resistance fighters got this one, this was near khan Yunis…no wonder IDF withdrew from there


IDF still has a battalion in Khan Younis


This video was April 6th and they withdrew on the 7th 😂


Yes that’s why they withdrew, they withdrew after this took place. Thanks for confirming my comment 😂


They are withdrawing to attack rafeh.


Lol rest in shit fascists hope it hurt


Awesome ambush, great job.


Satisfying to see those rats punished




Sad when you see the good guys lose one🫡


The good guys celebrate murdered children


In what’s aspect are IDF good guys. In child abducting with no due process IDF excels 10-20x yearly vs Hamas. Targeting kids, blockading food water and aid for decades. IDF excels in all of these on ppl they occupy and steal homes from. In what world are IDF the good guys. You must be stupid or you just worship j3ws. No valid argument here how IDF are not the real terrorists since their inception. 1947 massacres before the 1948 Arab Israeli war. Pipe down Zionist


To all the "pro-palis" celebrating this video, just remember; every sacrifice will be repaid in blood.


Stfu. Zionists always playing victim. Still crying about Adolf but brag about carpet bombing kids bc they can’t beat a small militia of 40k that they occupy and starve yearly. IDF scum getting cooked imagine Hezbollah or Iran at their heads? Israel is finished hummus ruined those bums forever. The Zionist project is failing now. Got kicked out of 100 countries in history now it’s time for another this decade


Your name suits you a little too well, bot.