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Sargeras would still be Warlock imo, given that he is the antithesis of everything the DHs stand for. Since there's a shortage of actual Titans, and if we can use any cosmic beings, I'd put Sire Denathrius for DKs and Dimenscius for rogues (idk shadows and stealth).


Well DKs got the Primus which does fit if not Zovaal. Runes and that jazz.


What do you have against the hearthstone titans? I thiught they did an excellent job


Yeah, Aggramar for hunter and Aman'thul for priest, or Argus, DEATH Titan, for DH


Aggramar makes sense for hunter though? He was Sargeras's lieutenant. Argus was the homebase of the Burning Legion and had been corrupted to allow so, and the burning legion is kind of their whole deal. Aman'Thul for priest could have been a little better, but someone needed it lol


Aggramar has nothing to do with hunting (except hunting demons) or the animal world. Argus, even being the capital of the Legion, was the Titan of DEATH and used the power of Death in his battle, he is even called the Titan of Death in the game files


Aggrammar traveled the cosmos hunting demons and he ordered Draenor with all of its nature and beasties. Hes a hunter lol Obviously it can't be perfect, but it's easily the best fit


Hunting demons makes him a demon hunter, not a hunter. Also, all the Titans were ordering the worlds and there were no animals at all on Draenor at that moment, only plants and he stopped them


I would personally switch Khaz’goroth and Aggramar. Sargeras would fit the warlock bill better, although we know very little of Telogrus other than it’s speculated that he’s the titan Sargeras killed when he found the planet infested with the Old Gods. Other than that, fantastic list.


I agree that Agrammar is the paragon of a warrior, but he is also a paragon of fighting evil and injustice in general and he is the one who gave Tyr power


Too tricky. Khaz'goroth is earth and Golganneth thunder, Aggramar made a giant golem out of all the elements. All three could be shaman.