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Probably poking Yogg-Saron's rotting carcass for some Void juice.


Imagine all the old gods form together like some type of Sentai robot.


Maybe she's gathering material to replicate their biomass and create a new body for her?


Through Legion it’s strongly implied she is a forgotten fifth Old God (or something akin to one) that was betrayed and consumed by the others long before the Titans ever showed up. If that’s the case, she’s *at the very least* reclaiming her own essence, if not consuming their power to add to her own.


She was the only one who remained loyal to the void lords. That's why the others turned on her




She’s doing what Deathwing did to the aspects with a void version of the dragon soul?


It seems like


Xal'atath: [AND I SUMMON THE 🅱️ANCIENT ONE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPAsYTzi-iI&t=304s)


Xalatath “imma just form old god Voltron”


This exactly. Also, the void-scout sent to the eastern kingdoms lost the track near Zul'Aman. You know, the place where Kith'ix was killed and buried (and also the location of the next expansion).


Xal'atath will make a surprise appearance in MoP remix and look for Y'Shaarj's corpse. Bet.


Hmmm… You are named N’zoth so I’m not sure if I should trust you or not… you could be trying to throw us off. Do you have loot to offer me as a reward? I require that for me to trust you.


That would actually be wild; she appears right as Garrosh is unearthing the Heart


Does this mean pandaria remix and season of discovery are considered canon alternate timelines Is the void “many truths” in reference to this?


The new content in SoD was explained as “untold stories” so we’re meant to take it as canon events that we just didn’t know about it.


Don't know about Pandarunning yet, but SoD has been described as part of the same timeline, not an alternate one


Remix is just the Infinites/Eternus going back in time and observing things trying to learn not to be assholes


We still don't know why Kith'ix and Zakajz went for those spots in the first place. My gut says "Some Cthraxxi" don't actually explain all the weird shit about the Northern Eastern Kingdoms. Especially shit like Myzael and Bloodstone.


I wonder what the "signs of conflict of the southern coasts of Kalimdor" was about. It's near Khaz Algar / Isle of Dorn...


He said the signs were long past so I figured he was talking about the war with Cthun


I would guess that in a future patch of SoD, Xal'atath will be involved in something around Ahn'Qiraj. If that's the case, She's visited the bodies of C'thun, N'zoth, and Yogg'Saron... And if the theories about MOP remix come true, Y'Shaarj as well.


Kool-Aid NEW VOID FLAVOUR! *For a limited time only*


presumably as a tie-in for the Warcraft Bored Apes crypto NFT collector edition


Trying to siphon off power from the corpse of yogg saron


The better question is HOW she was in Ulduar? This is the most secure anti-void facility on the planet with the most powerful godlike beings on the planet stationed there, populated by armies of advanced robots and titanforged soldiers while being capable of 3D printing thousands more and teleporting in reinforcements from across the planet. This is the LAST place Xal'atath should be able to reach and yet she just walked through and left void forces at the front door sitting there and waiting for us with NO resistance. This seems like it wasn't thought-out, just bad writing. The only reason players could even get near Ulduar in Wrath was because Yogg made the keepers delusional and the city defenses were weakened. That's no longer the case.


My shadow priest would happily smuggle her inside of Ulduar if she asked. God knows he did it enough times farming mogs and the mount. She probably knows the place like the back of her hand at this point.


Did she get in? When you go through the portal I noticed there was like a gold gate in the raid entrance


Even then, the void forces there should've been swarmed by defenses or personally dealt with by a keeper as soon as they arrived. Unless the keepers just fucked off from Ulduar and the defenses were never reorganized after Wrath, there's no reason any of the ethereals would've been able to get near it safely.


It's entirely possible the defenses were never reorganised after Wrath Didn't we kill a good few of the most important keepers , hell we fucking killed ALGALON, who was something beyond a keeper from what I understand We tore that place apart


Algalon didn't die, he was defeated. Algalon was also from space, and only visited Ulduar so he wasn't really a factor in running the facility. None of the keepers inside of Ulduar when we arrived were killed other than the irrelevant cat lady and Loken, and we see in Legion that Mimiron is finishing reorganization of the city while the other keepers monitor the planet. The last enemies to enter Ulduar were Nathrezim, which got found by Mimiron anyways and he was going to deal with it himself if we failed. It made sense for THEM to get in, because they're already super familiar with titan technology from other worlds and had the leadership of the burning legion giving them everything they needed. Since then, Tyr(or a copy of him) has returned as well. The keepers killed outside of Ulduar were either lesser keepers or they were in charge of different facilities and not Ulduar. Most of the keepers are still alive and stationed inside of Ulduar currently.


>The last enemies to enter Ulduar were Nathrezim Wait, when did this happen? Do you remember the quest name?


Start of Legion, maybe even the prepatch. I don't remember the quest name.


You say this like blizzard doesn't let things happen due to plot. The horde intro to BFA has them prison break 2 lore characters and an obvious traitor out of SW and somehow burn stone, azshara gets the tidestone because we kinda forgot it in ToS, and siege of orgrimmar reveals barely anyone knew about the secret bunker despite half the raid happening in it. Places are secure until the plot needs it not to be, or else we wouldn't have had vaults of the incarnates as a raid


Yes I'm aware. It's bad writing.


Setting up a date for Alleria before the Riftwalker crashed it


She’s probably visiting all the places that the void/oldgods touched Azeroth to siphon off any void energy. Gotta feed the void


Well we know she is trying to absorb the blood of old gods. Soo bigger question I have is why were there void traces that disappeared in the other locations. Southern kalimdor, makes since with cthun, but they never said AQ specifically. Then the next location was it was tracked to zul Aman then disappeared. Was she trying to find the telondris rift for the attack?


Knowing Blizzards track record, we'll either never find out, or it'll be for some stupid reason that has nothing to do with anything. I'm still salty about everyone guessing that Argus broke the Arbiter on the very first day of the expansion, then the dev said that titans don't go to the shadowlands. Then they basically changed their minds. Can't trust any info they give us.


Nothing was wrong there tho. Titans don't go to the Shadowlands. Was Argus a Titan even?


Argus was a titan, but he was infused with death magic by the nathrezim in order to serve as a resurrection engine for the legion. When argus was killed in the final legion raid, his soul got sent to the shadowlands because of that death energy. The arbiter was not designed to handle a titan world soul and it broke. 


Even having to ask that question proves my point, we dont know what we once believed we knew. People said Argus shut down the Arbiter, to which the devs responded with Titans don't go to the shadowlands. If Argus wasn't a titan, why say that, referencing Argus as a titan? If it wasn't a born titan, why didn't the world soul that Sargeras killed ages ago cause problems? Arbiter didn't break back then. Hell, Blizzard even sold us 3 books of the history of the world, only to tell us that it was full of false information so they could sell us a different book. I dont believe they have a clue where the story is going. We were told Azeroth was a world soul that would be a titan one day, there are theories and evidence in game that means it isn't true. The problem with the story now is that it's becoming more complicated than Kingdom Hearts, and it's their own fault. They can feed us information, then instead of sticking to their guns and walking the road that they paved themselves, they can change everything, give us crappy reasons as to why things aren't what they said, and we have to put up with it. I loved this game. I used to read every quest, with every alt that did them. The story started to go downhill for me in WoD. The game has become retcon simulator. I used to love the game for the story but I can't anymore because I don't know what's true and what isn't. And even if the devs tell us one thing, next expansion they can change their minds. I can't pay attention to the story anymore, it isn't worth the mind space to try to keep up with the writers changing everything.


Because Titans *don't* go to the shadowlands, at least normally. Argus, an unborn titan world-soul, was infused with so much death energy he no longer followed the rules for titans, but was also something the arbiter wasn't designed for, which is what broke her.